Fútbol is Life Scholarship Fund

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Organized by
Basterra Family
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Raised of $10,000 goal
1 scholarship funded
Contribute to Fund:

100% tax-deductibleNo fees

100% goes to scholarship recipients



    Wiso Basterra


    JL Garcia


    Alberto Laureano


    Juan Bustamante


    Felipe Veracoechea


Our story

Sports play a critical role in the lives of many young people, fostering essential character traits such as teamwork, leadership, discipline, and accountability. These values are an integral part to personal and professional success, especially for students facing adversity who must overcome obstacles to achieve their goals. We believe that students can navigate life's challenges confidently and gracefully by harnessing the lessons learned from soccer, including resilience, problem-solving, and collaboration. This scholarship seeks to celebrate and reward exceptional Hispanic students who exhibit outstanding academic performance and actively participate in a competitive soccer team. Through it, we aspire to help equip young men and women with the tools they need to thrive on and off the field.

Our goal

I created the "Fútbol is Life" Scholarship to help Hispanic, soccer-playing students pay for their college tuition. My family and I will be funding the first 2 $1000 scholarships, but our intention is to reach out to friends and family for additional support in order to be able to award either larger scholarships, or more scholarships.
Scholarships made possible by your generosity

Comments from contributors 6

Wiso Basterra9 months ago

Awesome initiative, meaningful "fair play".

Juan Bustamante10 months ago

Felicidades, Alonso! Te felicito por tu admirable esfuerzo en esta labor de becas. Tu dedicación para ayudar a promover un estilo de vida más saludable a través del deporte, mientras simultáneamente brindas apoyo a otros jóvenes en su camino educativo, es verdaderamente inspirador. Te deseo todo el éxito en esta noble tarea y confío en que tu compromiso seguirá siendo una fuente de inspiración para muchos. Sigue adelante con tu increíble labor! Saludos, Juanchi Bustamante

Eduardo Carrillo10 months ago

Sigue Adelante, Alonso! No te detengas!

Kate Wooten10 months ago

So proud to see young men like this!

Maria Tapias10 months ago

Alo. I've watched you grow up to become the type of human being I would vote for as a leader. The world needs more compassionate, brilliant people like you. Your dedication to making a difference is inspiring. As you embark on your college journey, remember that your impact on one person, one life, has no bounds.

About Bold.org Scholarship Funds

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No fees. 100% of contributions go
to deserving scholarship recipients

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100% tax-deductible

100% Protected

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by the Bold.org Foundation’s
501(c)(3) grant-awarding rules.

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100% Tax-Deductible. $0 Fees.