For DonorsFor Applicants

Clarice Kanouse Memorial Scholarship Fund

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Organized by
Trista Budzynski
Fund cover image
Raised of $4,000 goal
1 scholarship funded
Contribute to Fund:

100% tax-deductibleNo fees

100% goes to scholarship recipients



    Lashawnda Davis


    Kate Wilczek


    Emily Dongvillo


    Rebecca Lemon


    Dan Reinoehl


Our story

Clarice Kanouse was a low-income single mother who pursued a degree in nursing from West Shore Community College, in West Michigan. Her perseverance, resiliency, and community support allowed her to finish college and provide economic security for her children. She lived her life to the fullest, while always focusing on making those around her feel loved and cared for. Strangers were always invited to her table, and no one left her house hungry or without a hug. She epitomized a sense of community and resiliency, while keeping life full of humor and happiness, even in the midst of hardships. As a nurse, she cared for her patients with kindness and love, building friendships and treating each person as if they were the most important person in the world.

Our goal

To fund the Clarice Kanouse Memorial Scholarship and allow for the scholarship to provide as much financial support to as many students as possible. The Clarice Kanouse Memorial Scholarship will be awarded to a low-income student from Michigan pursuing their nursing degree. First-generation students and/or students who have overcome adversity will be preferred. Would like to achieve at minimum $2,000 annually, to sustain the Clarice Kanouse Memorial Scholarship.
Scholarships made possible by your generosity

Comments from contributors 12

Lashawnda Davis5 days ago

Your mom was a special person with a kind heart. I see know why you are the way you are. So sorry for your loss. But this is such an amazing way to celebrate her memory.

Kate Wilczek6 days ago

The world needs more nurses and I’m proud to contribute to this worthy foundation.

Rebecca Lemon6 days ago

Thank you for sharing the new recipients of the scholarship - your mom's legacy lives on through you and now them as well!

Dan Reinoehl6 days ago

Clare was such an important person to me in my youth. We worked together in a local restaurant for years. She taught me how to cook. I still use these skills today. She also was a loyal friend, always a big smile and hug when we would see each other out and about. I am proud to sponsor this scholarship fund in memory of a great, hard working, loving and supportive friend.

Karen Riffle10 months ago

Loved Claire. She was a great neighbor.

About Scholarship Funds

Zero Fees

No fees. 100% of contributions go
to deserving scholarship recipients

100% Tax-Deductible

All contributions to your fund are
100% tax-deductible

100% Protected

Your donation is safely protected
by the Foundation’s
501(c)(3) grant-awarding rules.

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100% Tax-Deductible. $0 Fees.