Bill E. Wood Memorial Scholarship Fund

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Organized by
The Wood Family
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0 scholarships funded
Contribute to Fund:

100% tax-deductibleNo fees

100% goes to scholarship recipients

Our goal

Our mission is to honor the legacy of Bill E. Wood, a Korean War era U.S. Navy veteran and devoted Apostolic preacher, whose life was dedicated to service and faith. Through the Bill E. Wood Memorial Scholarship, we aim to perpetuate his spirit of selflessness and commitment by providing educational opportunities to deserving students who embody these values.

About Scholarship Funds

Zero Fees

No fees. 100% of contributions go
to deserving scholarship recipients

100% Tax-Deductible

All contributions to your fund are
100% tax-deductible

100% Protected

Your donation is safely protected
by the Foundation’s
501(c)(3) grant-awarding rules.

Contribute now

100% Tax-Deductible. $0 Fees.