Donor Profile: The Padriac Routa Memorial Foundation
Scholarships, grants, and award winners for The Padriac Routa Memorial Foundation's causes.
The Padriac Routa Memorial Foundation
The Padriac Routa Memorial Foundation is dedicated to empowering the next generation of creative leaders and entrepreneurs. Our mission is to provide scholarships and resources to young adults pursuing careers in the arts and entrepreneurship, honoring the legacy of Padriac Routa's own commitment to innovation and artistic expression.
Donor since Sep, 2023
Letters from winners
1Quinn McGonigle
Thank you so much for selecting me for this scholarship! As I get closer to graduation, I have been narrowing down the list of schools that I have been admitted to and knowing that I have this additional funding available for me is such a relief! You have given me the opportunity to prioritize the best educational opportunity for me over finances. My top three schools that I am deciding between are the College of Wooster, Ohio University, and Sarah Lawrence College. It is my spring break and we will tour Sarah Lawrence later this week (and see a little bit of New York City while we are there). Again, thank you so much.