Donor Profile: Sarah Michel
Scholarships, grants, and award winners for Sarah's causes.
Sarah Michel
Donor since Oct, 2022
Total Donations
Letters from winners
1Taylor Robison
Thank you so much for this scholarship. Words cannot express how I feel at this moment. I am ecstatic and so grateful that there is someone out there who sees and believes in not only my abilities, but the greater ability of what those pursuing behavioral studies can achieve. I look forward to my higher education and the changes I can make on the world throughout college and beyond in my career, but I truly wouldn't be able to follow my passion of psychology and social sciences without the help of donors like you. You are creating future scientists, educators, and change-makers. I cannot thank you enough for your loyalty and support to the people in this field, of which I care so much about. Once again, (and I frankly cannot say this enough) thank you!
1PSIVision: Youths Pursuing Behavioral Studies Scholarship
Awarded$5001 Winners1 FinalistThis scholarship has been awarded!
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