Donor Profile: Joran Family
Scholarships, grants, and award winners for Joran Family's causes.
Joran Family
Donor since Sep, 2022
22David Joran
David Joran
Hadassa Kamensky
R Yaish
A David Joran
Total Donations
Letters from winners
6Tehilla Katz
Dear Joran family, I just wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for this amazing opportunity. I feel so honored to have been selected. Lieba sounds like the most unbelievable person, and I will strive to emulate her sweet and beautiful character. May you go from strength to strength. Thank you for believing in me.
Ashton Hawk
Dear Joran Family, I would like to sincerely thank you for considering my scholarship application and for awarding me with a Finalist position. As a future educator and a gifted child myself, this scholarship meant so much to me personally. I am grateful to have been honored with a finalist position. I hope to continue my education through funding from scholarships such as this one and to one day make a difference in the lives of students just like Lieba. Thank you again for your consideration. Very Respectfully,
Wyatt Johnson
Thank you so much Joran Family, for your consideration. This means so much to me. I come from a low-income region in my state, so it is sometimes intimidating to think about how I will reach my goals. But thanks to you, I can focus on learning as much as possible, and eventually create as much good in the world as possible.
Chloe Divers
Thank you so much for choosing me as a finalist for your scholarship. It's a great honor and I appreciate your time spent reading my application essay. I feel passionately about the cause of supporting gifted children, and am glad that people of these same values can be supported in their education.
Miley Utsch
I am writing to express my heartfelt appreciation for selecting me as a finalist for the Lieba's Legacy Scholarship. Being named a finalist for this scholarship has filled me with an immense sense of pride and accomplishment. This recognition not only validates my hard work and dedication but also reinforces my commitment to pursuing my academic and career goals. I would like to extend my deepest appreciation to the entire scholarship committee for their careful consideration of my application. I would like to express my gratitude to the generous donors who have made this scholarship possible. Your commitment to supporting students in their educational journeys is truly inspiring. If given the chance, I hope to pay it forward one day and help other deserving students achieve their dreams, just as you have done for me. Once again, thank you for considering me as a finalist for the Lieba's Legacy Scholarship. I am excited and honored to have made it this far in the selection process. Thank you for your time, consideration, and continued support.
Emily Uhlhorn
Thank you for considering me as a finalist of your scholarship. Many people overlook the gifted children of the school system. Even though we succeed in school, we are still children. It means so much to me that our struggles are being highlighted to the world. I want to made sure that the next generation doesn't have to go through the hardship that I had to go through. In doing this, these children will become well adjusted adults who can use their talents to make the world a better place in their chosen fields.