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Best Colleges in Pennsylvania

Written by Jasmine Deonandan
Updated: May 7, 2024
10 min read
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Are you looking for the perfect college to match your academic goals and career aspirations? Well, look no further than Pennsylvania! The search for the best colleges in Pennsylvania can be both exciting and intimidating for potential students. This article presents a carefully selected list of institutions known for their academic excellence, active student life, and life-changing opportunities to help you find a personalized path to success!

With my experience in the world of higher education, I have conducted well-rounded research and have a deep understanding of what makes a strong college and university. As you embark on your college journey, I am here to help provide guidance on the many unique features of the best colleges and universities in Pennsylvania!

In this article, you will discover a wide range of educational options in Pennsylvania across different categories, such as public colleges, private institutions, and community colleges. The goal is not only to provide a list of the best colleges in Pennsylvania but also to give insights into the academic challenges and variety of programs, the atmosphere on campus and how students contribute to the community, and financial factors such as scholarships, grants, and other forms of aid.

By understanding these aspects, you can make well-informed choices about your future education while taking into account your own goals and preferences. Let’s start this journey together to uncover what sets apart truly outstanding colleges in Pennsylvania!

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best colleges in pennsylvania methodology

Methodology Behind Choosing the Best Colleges in Pennsylvania

Selecting the “best” college often goes beyond just looking at academic performance. It includes various factors like the reputation of the institution, quality of education, student life, and what happens for undergraduate students after graduation. This article aims to help you find the best universities among the top programs in Pennsylvania by taking a comprehensive approach that considers all of these different components.

Understanding What “Best” Means in Higher Education

When we talk about colleges ranking and being the “best,” it can be subjective because everyone has their own priorities and goals when it comes to education. Here are some common factors that contribute to a college’s reputation:

  1. Academic Rigor: Having challenging courses that prepare students for their future careers.
  2. Research Opportunities: Providing resources and support for students who want to do scholarly work.
  3. Faculty Excellence: Having access to knowledgeable and experienced professors.
  4. Campus Resources: Offering good facilities that enhance the learning experience.
  5. Student Satisfaction: Creating a supportive environment where students can grow personally.
  6. Career Readiness: Having strong networks and career services that help students find jobs after graduation.

Highlights of Pennsylvania’s Top Institutions

In the next sections, you’ll learn about colleges in Pennsylvania that stand out because of:

  1. Unique programs designed for different interests and industries.
  2. Locations that provide many professional opportunities and cultural experiences.
  3. Emphasizing innovation to develop future leaders in various fields.

Finding the Right College for You

It’s important for prospective undergraduate students and graduate students to think about what they want from their college experience. Some things to consider are:

  • Preferred campus size and location.
  • Specific academic or extracurricular interests.
  • Availability of financial aid and tuition costs.

The goal of this article is to help you find the best colleges in Pennsylvania that not only have strong educational programs but also align with your personal goals and values.

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Best Public Colleges in Pennsylvania

When considering the best public colleges in Pennsylvania, several institutions stand out due to their rigorous academic programs, dedicated faculty, and unique opportunities for student growth. Among these top colleges alone, the following have garnered recognition for their commitment to excellence.

University of Pittsburgh

This institution has a reputation for challenging its students with rigorous academic programs designed to prepare them for successful careers. The university’s emphasis on research and innovation, particularly in fields such as healthcare and engineering, sets it apart from other institutions. Coupled with a diverse community that fosters learning and collaboration, the University of Pittsburgh is a top choice for many students.

Pennsylvania State University - University Park

Consistently ranked among the top public colleges in Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania State University offers a wide range of academic programs and research opportunities. Its commitment to diversity and inclusivity contributes to a vibrant campus culture that enriches the overall learning experience. The University Park location also enriches student experiences off-campus.

Temple University

Located in Philadelphia, Temple University provides its students with access to countless opportunities beyond the classroom. Internships, networking events, and cultural experiences are abundant due to its prime location. This exposure not only enhances students’ education but also prepares them for life after graduation.

West Chester University of Pennsylvania

Recognized for its strong liberal arts and sciences programs and undergraduate enrollment, West Chester University is committed to providing an inclusive learning environment. Its supportive community encourages students from all backgrounds to pursue their academic goals confidently.

Each of these public colleges and universities offers a unique blend of rigor, diversity, support, and opportunity. Prospective students should carefully evaluate these factors in relation to their personal preferences and career goals when choosing a college or university in Pennsylvania.

Best Private Colleges in Pennsylvania

When looking for a college experience that combines excellent academics with a diverse and inclusive community, Pennsylvania’s private colleges are hard to beat. These schools not only provide a welcoming environment for students from all backgrounds but also have faculty members who are dedicated to helping their students succeed.

Thomas Jefferson University

For those interested in healthcare education, Thomas Jefferson University stands out as a pioneer with comprehensive health sciences programs spanning medicine, nursing, and pharmacy, among others. Thomas Jefferson University combined with Philadelphia University in 2017 in order to better prepare students for their future professions. Students benefit from both a trans-disciplinary approach and accelerated career tracks at Thomas Jefferson University.

Swarthmore College

Located in the serene and picturesque suburbs of Pennsylvania, Swarthmore College offers a unique academic setting that fosters a deep connection between students, their studies, and their environment. At this private institution, class sizes are intentionally kept small, allowing for intense interaction between students and faculty members and facilitating an immersive learning experience. The college’s curriculum is rooted in liberal arts, emphasizing critical thinking, creativity, and broad-based knowledge.

Carnegie Mellon University (CMU)

At Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), students are provided with the opportunity to delve into rigorous academics and contribute to innovative research in a range of disciplines. Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) is a private institution home to one of the most respected computer science programs in the world, renowned for its cutting-edge curriculum and pioneering research.

Drexel University

Known for its co-op program, Drexel stands out for its approach to combining classroom learning with real-world work experience. This private institution offers opportunities for students to benefit from professional development and networking even before graduation.

University of Pennsylvania (UPenn)

One of the Ivy League schools, UPenn is recognized worldwide for its strong programs across various disciplines, including business, engineering, medicine, and arts and sciences. Students at UPenn benefit from a vibrant campus life, student-to-faculty ratio, and numerous resources.

Villanova University

Villanova offers a broad range of undergraduate programs along with a strong focus on service and community engagement. It prides itself on its commitment to intellectual growth, social justice, and personal integrity.

These private colleges in Pennsylvania provide students with a diverse range of options to pursue their academic and personal goals. Whether it’s through the student-faculty ratio, rigorous academics, real-world experience, or a strong sense of community within the student body, these institutions offer a unique college experience that can help students thrive in their future endeavors.

community colleges for students in pennsylvania

Best Community Colleges in Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania Highlands Community College

Pennsylvania Highlands Community College stands out for its commitment to affordability and a broad selection of associate degree and certificate programs. Tailored to students embarking on their higher education journey, the college offers an accessible starting point without the burden of excessive debt.

Community College of Philadelphia

Community College of Philadelphia boasts robust ties with local businesses and industries, translating into a wealth of internship and job placement opportunities for its students. This symbiotic relationship between academia and commerce equips learners with practical skills and real-world experiences, crucial for today’s competitive job market.

Harrisburg Area Community College (HACC)

Harrisburg Area Community College (HACC), a beacon for career-focused education, offers comprehensive programs designed to streamline students’ transition into the workforce or further study at four-year institutions. HACC’s emphasis on pragmatic learning paths ensures that students are well-prepared for the next step in their academic or professional pursuits.

These institutions exemplify the best community colleges in Pennsylvania, each with dedicated faculty, affordable tuition fees, a diverse student body, and robust student support systems. They represent gateways to opportunity, where ambition meets means, allowing students from various backgrounds to sculpt their futures through education.

Understanding College Education in Pennsylvania

The Pennsylvania higher education system has a variety of institutions, each with its own strengths. Students in Pennsylvania and beyond have many college options available to them, ranging from large research universities to small, private liberal arts colleges.

Academic Programs

Here are some of the key academic programs offered by colleges and public universities in Pennsylvania:


Schools like the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania have earned global recognition for their comprehensive curriculum, shaping future leaders.


Institutions such as Carnegie Mellon University are known for their innovative graduate programs in fields like robotics, computer science, and artificial intelligence.

Liberal Arts

Bryn Mawr College, Bucknell University, and Haverford College provide private liberal arts college education, which is an effective tool in securing professional positions in a variety of fields. Students benefit from studying in majors ranging from sociology and criminal justice to economics and political science.

Creative Arts

Colleges, including the Curtis Institute of Music and Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, provide specialized training for artists and musicians, nurturing creative talent.

Research Opportunities

Institutions across Pennsylvania offer numerous opportunities for research, allowing students to explore new frontiers. Whether it’s conducting groundbreaking medical studies at the University of Pittsburgh or investigating environmental issues at Penn State, students are encouraged to make significant contributions to their fields through research.

If covering college costs creates a challenge for you, there are many useful scholarships in Pennsylvania you can apply to this year. 

choosing the right college with the right classroom atmosphere

Finding Your Fit: Choosing the Right College in Pennsylvania

Selecting a college is a significant decision that impacts one’s future profoundly; hence, understanding the notion of college fit is essential. This concept involves more than academic prestige—it’s about finding a place where you’ll thrive personally and professionally.

Consider these elements when determining your college fit:

1. Campus Culture

Does the university foster a sense of community that resonates with your values? Campus culture includes the social atmosphere, diversity, student activities, and the general vibe on campus.

2. Academic Environment

Are the programs offered in alignment with your career aspirations? Evaluate if the institution encourages academic rigor that matches your learning style and offers support systems like tutoring or mentoring.

3. Extracurricular Opportunities

Look for schools that provide outlets for interests beyond academics. Clubs, sports, arts, and volunteer organizations can enrich your college experience and help build a well-rounded resume.

4. Location

The geographical setting can influence your college experience. Proximity to urban centers, availability of internships and academic opportunities, and even climate are practical considerations that can affect daily life and post-graduation opportunities.

Resources for College Exploration and Financial Aid in Pennsylvania

Before we start talking about each college, it’s important to know where to find information about colleges and financial aid in Pennsylvania.

Scholarship Opportunities on

Exploring scholarship opportunities is an important part of preparing for college. If you’re interested in attending colleges in Pennsylvania, is a great place to start. Here’s why:

  • It’s free: You can create a profile on for free.
  • Easy applications: makes it simple to apply for scholarships, fellowships, or grants.
  • Exclusive awards: They have a wide range of scholarships specifically for Pennsylvania students.

Here at Bold, we have a multitude of both need-based and merit-based scholarships for students. 

Financial Aid Options from PHEAA

Scholarships are just one type of financial aid available to students. The Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency (PHEAA) offers additional resources to help students with their financial needs. Here are some options they provide:

  1. Grants: Money that doesn’t need to be repaid.
  2. Loans: Borrowed money that must be repaid with interest.
  3. Work-study programs: Part-time jobs for students with financial need.

PHEAA’s financial aid programs are open to eligible students. If you’re looking for financial assistance, it’s worth exploring these opportunities.

With all these resources, you have everything you need to start your journey of finding the best colleges in Pennsylvania!

college in pennsylvania

Frequently Asked Questions About Colleges in Pennsylvania

How do I apply to colleges in Pennsylvania as an out-of-state student?

As an out-of-state student, the application process is quite similar to that for in-state students. Most colleges in Pennsylvania use the Common Application or their own online application system. You will need to submit high school transcripts, letters of recommendation, and standardized test scores. Some institutions may require additional essays or interviews.

How can I find information about the admission process for colleges in Pennsylvania?

Information about the admission process can be found on each college’s website. Additionally, you might want to reach out directly to the admissions office for any specific inquiries. Websites like College Board also offer comprehensive information about colleges across the U.S., including those in Pennsylvania. These resources can offer insight into residential life, average acceptance rate, test optional admissions, and average tuition.

Are there any specialized programs or majors that certain Pennsylvania colleges are known for?

Indeed, several other colleges and universities in Pennsylvania offer specialized programs and majors. For instance, Carnegie Mellon University is renowned for its computer science and engineering doctoral programs. The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania is an accredited institution globally recognized for its business program. Meanwhile, liberal arts colleges like Swarthmore offer strong humanities and social science programs.

If you are looking to finance your higher education in the state of Pennsylvania or elsewhere, be sure to utilize the scholarship search tool to find resources that work for you!

Jasmine Deonandan
Content Writer

About Jasmine

Jasmine is a dynamic writer and researcher with experience in college essay and personal statement writing, standardized testing (SAT), and building resumes for college applications. Her diverse skill set and dedication to helping students succeed make her an invaluable resource for those navigating the college admissions process.

Jasmine is currently a student at New York University majoring in Politics and Online/Print Journalism. She has been honored with the NYU Expository Writing Program Josh Goldfaden award for her efforts in fostering a positive community of peer writers. 

She is also a contributing writer for the New York University Paper, Washington Square News and specializes in "The Science of Reading" as a tutor educator as well.

Jasmine is no longer with the Writing Team, but we continue to value and appreciate her contributions.

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