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Miley Utsch


Bold Points






"Teaching is more than imparting knowledge; it is inspiring change. Learning is more than absorbing facts; it is acquiring understanding."—William Arthur Ward. I am very young, but I already volunteer whenever I am able and babysit whenever I have free time. I am active in many different groups at church, where I lead camps and small groups, among other activities. One of my favorite activities each year is helping Educators Rising, a club at my high school, put on a prom at the nursing home. College is expensive but necessary to live my dream of becoming a teacher. Teachers are underpaid and undervalued in the country, so I want to graduate college with as little debt as possible. "Teaching: the only profession where you steal things from home and bring them to work." –Unknown.


Saint Cloud State University

Bachelor's degree program
2023 - 2029
  • Majors:
    • Special Education and Teaching
    • Education, General

Buffalo High School

High School
2022 - 2026


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Education, General
    • Psychology, General
    • Sociology
    • Special Education and Teaching
    • Student Counseling and Personnel Services
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:

      Elementary School Teacher

    • Babysitter

      2023 – Present2 years



    Junior Varsity
    2021 – 20221 year


    • Jewelry
      2022 – Present

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Educators Rising — member
      2022 – Present
    • Volunteering

      St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church - Teens For Christ — Member
      2022 – Present

    Future Interests



    Live From Snack Time Scholarship
    "A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops." –Henry B. Adams. Ever since I was young, everyone who knew me said I should become a teacher. My friend group often sees me as the 'mother' type. I am the type of person who always has anything that might be needed, is prepared for the worst, and always has time for anyone in need. Eventually, I realized my calling was as an elementary school teacher. I wanted to go into early education because I have always enjoyed younger ages and the connection I can make with them. Being around young children is more satisfying for me than with older children. Being around them makes me feel more energized and fulfilled. I am involved with community service in many different ways. My most significant time volunteering is with a Teens For Christ group, organizing events for middle and high school students. In this group, we learn how to communicate about important topics and how to be positive role models. We also teach younger kids that it's okay to be themselves. I joined this group because I struggled in middle school and wanted to help others the same way. This group has helped me with my struggles and helped to shape my future career plans. At my high school, I am part of Educators Rising. All the members in this group want to be teachers. We visit other schools and explore the different school environments. These field trips have expanded my understanding of diversity by exposing me to different races, ethnicities, and religions. Educators Rising has also been involved in other community service projects throughout the year.   The leadership skills I have developed through community service will be invaluable in my career. Each child has different academic, emotional, and social needs. I am looking forward to the challenge of helping each child become better than they are when they start the school year. My experiences now are helping me because I am learning to explain things in different ways to kids who learn differently. This helps ensure that every child in my classroom will have the best chance to learn and succeed. While the education system in America needs reform, I still want to make a positive impact. I want to help them learn and grow academically and mentally. I want to show them the world and the options they have. Children are our future and will be running the world soon enough. Even though teachers are underappreciated, we need someone to teach the kids now. Going to college is essential for me to achieve my dreams. My family's modest background makes it difficult to afford college without external help. With this scholarship, I will have made one step toward my goal of being able to afford college. Teachers in America are underpaid and overworked. This allowed me to focus on my studies rather than work multiple jobs. As a future elementary school teacher, I want to instill a love of learning in my students. This love can open students to more possibilities, enhance their creativity, and improve their problem-solving skills. My goal is to foster these values and watch my students take charge of their future.
    Chi Changemaker Scholarship
    "Children are likely to live up to what you believe of them." –Lady Bird Johnson. To survive high school as a teenage girl, I have to take my mental health seriously. The pressure of looking a certain way, being in the cool crowd, and getting perfect grades can quickly become overwhelming. I am fortunate to be surrounded by a community of friends and adults who care. Often, they recognize that I need a mental health break before I do. As the daughter of a millennial mother, I know that she keeps a close eye on me due to the struggles she faced as a teenager. I know food fuels my body, and my body can do extraordinary things. I know I don't have to be perfect to be loved. I know I am unique, and this should be celebrated. I know that other's opinions do not define my self-worth. Sometimes, I need to remind myself of these facts, but the foundation is there. These lessons that have been taught to me are ones that I plan on passing down to the next generation. Socially, I can help children by encouraging them to talk to their classmates and ensure everyone is included. As a teacher, I can help the children develop communication and team-building skills through projects. Emotionally, I can make sure that the children are okay. If they need someone to talk to, I can be a safe space they can always visit. I am there for the children, not just academically. I want to help children learn and grow academically and mentally. I want to show them the world and the options they have. Children are our future and will be adults running the world soon enough. I also want to teach kids it is okay to take action if you see something is wrong, but don't just stand there because that can make it worse by just watching it happen. Anyone can be the person that is needed to change the world. Change only happens one step at a time; anyone can take that first step. As a future elementary school teacher, I can get in at the ground level and help society in many ways. The most influential time in a child's life and academic career is when they are young and in elementary school. Socially, emotionally, and academically, teachers of young children have an essential job.
    Freddie L Brown Sr. Scholarship
    My mother likes to say that her job as a parent is to give me good stories to talk about in therapy as an adult. I have many stories where I may not have wanted to claim to be her daughter, even though I love her very much. The most recent embarrassing moment was when my mom went to get her first mammogram. She decided to make a TikTok about it, as she thinks she is TikTok famous. (She is not.) At the end of the video, she made 'boobie pancakes' for dinner. That whole process was fine, and I had no problems with it. This sort of activity is completely normal for peronsality, so I thought nothing of it. The next day at school, my friend and I were talking at lunch. I was telling her about how my mom did something embarrassing without saying what, and she goes, "Do you mean the boobie pancakes I saw on my FYP." Apparently, my mom showed up on her FYP and saw the video. She is now Tiktok famous, even if only among my friends.
    Wesley Beck Memorial Scholarship
    'If you're lucky enough to be different, never change.' - Taylor Swift. This country has a shortage of teachers, insufficient funding for budgets, and a scarcity of school supplies. One of the most significant difficulties in the classroom today is that too many students are assigned to each teacher. The variety and quantity of students would not be an issue if each student's brain worked the same way and absorbed all the new information using the same methods. Within one classroom, there will be gifted students, students with learning disabilities, students who do not have access to resources, and even students who fly just under the radar and get skipped over.  A significant obstacle with special needs children is that they are most often in mainstream classrooms with many other classmates who may have never been exposed to anyone who has special needs. However, this can be a huge blessing in disguise. All the children in the classroom will benefit from working together throughout the year. Empathy and the appreciation of individual uniqueness that the students learn will help create an inclusive environment that these children can carry on in their future. When a lesson plan calls for peer learning in the mixed-level classroom, the social support system will help to reinforce positive social dynamics. A pivotal point in helping special needs children is to keep communication open with their parents. Talking to the child's parents to see if there are programs for their children is an option if I cannot help them within the school. Being aware of community resources, not necessarily school resources, is an important tool for a teacher to have in their toolbag. Knowing and sharing the various programs, support groups, and other resources will help not only the children but their entire families. I am involved with community service in many different ways. My most significant time volunteering is with a Teens For Christ group, organizing events for middle and high school students. In this group, we learn how to communicate about important topics and how to be positive role models. We also teach younger kids that it's okay to be themselves. I joined this group because I struggled in middle school and wanted to help others the same way. This group has helped me with my struggles and helped to shape my future career plans. At my high school, I am part of Educators Rising. All the members in this group want to be teachers. We visit other schools and explore the different school environments. These field trips have expanded my understanding of diversity by exposing me to different races, ethnicities, and religions. Educators Rising has also been involved in other community service projects throughout the year. As a middle-class family in this economy, my family struggles like everyone else. So, going into college and filling out financial aid, we know we will not receive any help, even though we could use it very much. Financially, my family finds itself stuck in the middle. Too much income for financial aid and insufficient income make a dent in the rising costs of college. Every child is unique, with their own set of academic, emotional, and social needs. As a future educator, I am committed to the challenge of helping each child surpass where they started the school year, not just academically but socially and emotionally as well. The lessons these children learn will continue throughout their educational careers and adulthood. I cannot wait to make my mark on the next generation by helping students start their education with the best foundation.
    Mark Green Memorial Scholarship
    "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." ― Nelson Mandela. The most influential time in a child's life and academic career is when they are young and in elementary school. Socially, emotionally, and academically, the teachers of young children have an essential job. Being a teacher means I am helping the next generation with the basic things they need to succeed in the world. One of the groups I am involved in is called Educators Rising. All the members in this group want to be teachers. We go to other schools and see what different schools look like and how they work. We do this while we interact with children of different ages. The other schools also show us that different schools work in various ways. The biggest thing that I have learned through this experience is diversity. This group goes to many other areas where the populations are composed differently. The volunteering I do, the groups I am in, and all of the babysitting I do have shown me more how much help people need. The education system in America may need to be revised; however, I still want to help kids to the best of my ability. I want to help them learn and grow academically and mentally. I want to show them the world and the options they have. Children are our future and will be adults running the world soon enough. Even though teachers are underpaid and overworked, we need someone to teach the kids now. The change to the educational system won't happen overnight; however, the process can start now and evolve as we go. I also want to teach children that it is okay to take action if you see something is wrong and not just stand by passively. Anyone can be the person that is needed to change the world. Change only happens one step at a time; anyone can take that first step. As a future elementary school teacher, I can get in at the ground level and help society in many ways. By giving children the love of learning at an early age, they can be set up to have a positive and productive future. A love of learning can open a student to more possibilities, have more options open up for them in the future, and will be willing to try more things in life. A love of learning can also set up a child to help their problem-solving skills, expand their creativity, and create more social connections. I am looking forward to the challenge of helping each child become better than they are when they start the school year. Despite these obstacles, I know that becoming an elementary school teacher is what I was meant to become. I cannot wait to make my mark on the next generation by helping students start their education with the best foundation.
    Elevate Mental Health Awareness Scholarship
    'I cry a lot, but I am so productive, it's an art' - Taylor Swift, I Can Do It With A Broken Heart. It feels as if the world is out to get teenage girls. Everything in society is constructed to go against teenage girls and make life more difficult. Social media is often blamed for the decline of mental health in teenagers; however, this is not the whole story. Almost everyone I know, including myself, struggles with mental health, whether it be anxiety, depression, or even eating disorders. As a teenage girl, I have dealt with mental health struggles longer than I would care to admit, especially anxiety. Academics have a significant role in my mental health. As a typical teenager, my life revolves around high school. The pressure to excel academically is immense; even in elementary school, I understood that good grades were essential for college scholarships. These scholarships were important because college was overly expensive, and student loans could crush a person for many years after graduation. Much of this anxiety is self-inflicted, especially in my case. I have always known I was going to be an elementary school teacher. I cannot even remember even considering any other profession. However, this means that I will need to be able to pay for college. This means I am applying for every scholarship I can and saving money from all my jobs. This means getting good grades each trimester in high school so that I qualify for every scholarship available. This also means taking CIS (College in the Schools) classes so that I can start earning college credit for free while still in high school. This means I have the pressure of doing well on tests, homework, and writing papers. The pressure of getting a good grade on every test, piece of homework, or paper can be extreme. Often, it feels like just one wrong move will destroy my grades, preventing my dreams from coming true. I have learned to be open about my feelings and reach out when overwhelmed. I can ask teachers for extensions or extra help before school. I am also more open with my friends. Often, we vent to each other about what bothers us at that time. Even just telling others helps to relieve me of some anxiety. Being supported and being reminded that I am not alone can go a long way in the mental health battle that I face. To survive high school as a teenage girl, I have to take my mental health seriously. The pressure of looking a certain way, being in the cool crowd, and getting perfect grades can quickly become overwhelming. I am lucky to have my mental health not only be supported at home but also in my high school. My teachers create brain breaks, mental health days, and ways to ask for help anonymously. The hardest part can be asking for help. The support is there, and I am lucky to be surrounded by a community of friends and adults who care. Often, they recognize that I need a mental health break before I do. Looking towards my future after high school creates its own form of anxiety. As a future elementary school teacher, I can get in at the ground level and help society in many ways. By giving children the love of learning at an early age, they can be set up to have a positive and productive future. A love of learning can open a student to more possibilities, have more options open up for them in the future, and will be willing to try more things in life. A love of learning can also set up a child to help their problem-solving skills, expand their creativity, and create more social connections. This is how I want to make my impact on the world. Teachers in America are underpaid and overworked. I plan to go to college without having to work many hours so that I can spend all my focus on my classes. After graduating college, I plan to have as few student loans as possible. This way, I will not have to work two jobs to live. I will put all my concentration on the career that is my calling. My chosen path for the future is filled with many obstacles and little reward. However, I am so excited about the possibilities.
    Our Destiny Our Future Scholarship
    "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." ― Nelson Mandela. The most influential time in a child's life and academic career is when they are young and in elementary school. Socially, emotionally, and academically, the teachers of young children have an essential job. Being a teacher means I am helping the next generation with the basic things they need to succeed in the world. One of the groups I am involved in is called Educators Rising. All the members in this group want to be teachers. We go to other schools and see what different schools look like and how they work. We do this while we interact with children of different ages. The other schools also show us that different schools work in various ways. The biggest thing that I have learned through this experience is diversity. This group goes to many other areas where the populations are composed differently. The volunteering I do, the groups I am in, and all of the babysitting I do have shown me more how much help people need. The education system in America may need to be revised; however, I still want to help kids to the best of my ability. I want to help them learn and grow academically and mentally. I want to show them the world and the options they have. Children are our future and will be adults running the world soon enough. Even though teachers are underpaid and overworked, we need someone to teach the kids now. The change to the educational system won't happen overnight; however, the process can start now and evolve as we go. I also want to teach children that it is okay to take action if you see something is wrong and not just stand by passively. Anyone can be the person that is needed to change the world. Change only happens one step at a time; anyone can take that first step. As a future elementary school teacher, I can get in at the ground level and help society in many ways. By giving children the love of learning at an early age, they can be set up to have a positive and productive future. A love of learning can open a student to more possibilities, have more options open up for them in the future, and will be willing to try more things in life. A love of learning can also set up a child to help their problem-solving skills, expand their creativity, and create more social connections. I am looking forward to the challenge of helping each child become better than they are when they start the school year. Despite these obstacles, I know that becoming an elementary school teacher is what I was meant to become. I cannot wait to make my mark on the next generation by helping students start their education with the best foundation.
    A Man Helping Women Helping Women Scholarship
    "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." ― Nelson Mandela. The most influential time in a child's life and academic career is when they are young and in elementary school. Socially, emotionally, and academically, the teachers of young children have an essential job. Being a teacher means I am helping the next generation with the basic things they need to succeed in the world. One of the groups I am involved in is called Educators Rising. All the members in this group want to be teachers. We go to other schools and see what different schools look like and how they work. We do this while we interact with children of different ages. The other schools also show us that different schools work in various ways. The biggest thing that I have learned through this experience is diversity. This group goes to many other areas where the populations are composed differently. The volunteering I do, the groups I am in, and all of the babysitting I do have shown me more how much help people need. The education system in America may need to be revised; however, I still want to help kids to the best of my ability. I want to help them learn and grow academically and mentally. I want to show them the world and the options they have. Children are our future and will be adults running the world soon enough. Even though teachers are underpaid and overworked, we need someone to teach the kids now. The change to the educational system won't happen overnight; however, the process can start now and evolve as we go. I also want to teach children that it is okay to take action if you see something is wrong and not just stand by passively. Anyone can be the person that is needed to change the world. Change only happens one step at a time; anyone can take that first step. As a future elementary school teacher, I can get in at the ground level and help society in many ways. By giving children the love of learning at an early age, they can be set up to have a positive and productive future. A love of learning can open a student to more possibilities, have more options open up for them in the future, and will be willing to try more things in life. A love of learning can also set up a child to help their problem-solving skills, expand their creativity, and create more social connections. I am looking forward to the challenge of helping each child become better than they are when they start the school year. Despite these obstacles, I know that becoming an elementary school teacher is what I was meant to become. I cannot wait to make my mark on the next generation by helping students start their education with the best foundation.
    John Young 'Pursue Your Passion' Scholarship
    "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." ― Nelson Mandela. The most influential time in a child's life and academic career is when they are young and in elementary school. Socially, emotionally, and academically, the teachers of young children have an essential job. Being a teacher means I am helping the next generation with the basic things they need to succeed in the world. One of the groups I am involved in is called Educators Rising. All the members in this group want to be teachers. We go to other schools and see what different schools look like and how they work. We do this while we interact with children of different ages. The other schools also show us that different schools work in various ways. The biggest thing that I have learned through this experience is diversity. This group goes to many other areas where the populations are composed differently. The volunteering I do, the groups I am in, and all of the babysitting I do have shown me more how much help people need. The education system in America may need to be revised; however, I still want to help kids to the best of my ability. I want to help them learn and grow academically and mentally. I want to show them the world and the options they have. Children are our future and will be adults running the world soon enough. Even though teachers are underpaid and overworked, we need someone to teach the kids now. The change to the educational system won't happen overnight; however, the process can start now and evolve as we go. I also want to teach children that it is okay to take action if you see something is wrong and not just stand by passively. Anyone can be the person that is needed to change the world. Change only happens one step at a time; anyone can take that first step. As a future elementary school teacher, I can get in at the ground level and help society in many ways. By giving children the love of learning at an early age, they can be set up to have a positive and productive future. A love of learning can open a student to more possibilities, have more options open up for them in the future, and will be willing to try more things in life. A love of learning can also set up a child to help their problem-solving skills, expand their creativity, and create more social connections. I am looking forward to the challenge of helping each child become better than they are when they start the school year. Despite these obstacles, I know that becoming an elementary school teacher is what I was meant to become. I cannot wait to make my mark on the next generation by helping students start their education with the best foundation.
    Creative Expression Scholarship
    Sturz Legacy Scholarship
    "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." ― Nelson Mandela. The most influential time in a child's life and academic career is when they are young and in elementary school. Socially, emotionally, and academically, the teachers of young children have an essential job. Being a teacher means I am helping the next generation with the basic things they need to succeed in the world. One of the groups I am involved in is called Educators Rising. All the members in this group want to be teachers. We go to other schools and see what different schools look like and how they work. We do this while we interact with children of different ages. The other schools also show us that different schools work in various ways. The biggest thing that I have learned through this experience is diversity. This group goes to many other areas where the populations are composed differently. The volunteering I do, the groups I am in, and all of the babysitting I do have shown me more how much help people need. The education system in America may need to be revised; however, I still want to help kids to the best of my ability. I want to help them learn and grow academically and mentally. I want to show them the world and the options they have. Children are our future and will be adults running the world soon enough. Even though teachers are underpaid and overworked, we need someone to teach the kids now. The change to the educational system won't happen overnight; however, the process can start now and evolve as we go. I also want to teach children that it is okay to take action if you see something is wrong and not just stand by passively. Anyone can be the person that is needed to change the world. Change only happens one step at a time; anyone can take that first step. As a future elementary school teacher, I can get in at the ground level and help society in many ways. By giving children the love of learning at an early age, they can be set up to have a positive and productive future. A love of learning can open a student to more possibilities, have more options open up for them in the future, and will be willing to try more things in life. A love of learning can also set up a child to help their problem-solving skills, expand their creativity, and create more social connections. I am looking forward to the challenge of helping each child become better than they are when they start the school year. Despite these obstacles, I know that becoming an elementary school teacher is what I was meant to become. I cannot wait to make my mark on the next generation by helping students start their education with the best foundation.
    Elijah's Helping Hand Scholarship Award
    'I cry a lot but I am so productive, it's an art' - Taylor Swift, I Can Do It With A Broken Heart. It often feels as if the world is out to get teenage girls. Everything in society is constructed to go against teenage girls and complicate our lives. Social media is often blamed for the decline of mental health in teenagers; however, this is not the whole story. Almost everyone I know, myself included, struggles with mental health—be it anxiety, depression, or eating disorders. As a teenage girl, I have dealt with mental health struggles longer than I would care to admit, especially anxiety. Academics have a significant role in my mental health. As a typical teenager, my life revolves around high school. The pressure to excel academically is immense; even in elementary school, I understood that good grades were essential for college scholarships. These scholarships were important because college was overly expensive, and student loans could crush a person for many years after graduation. Much of this anxiety is self-inflicted. I have always known I wanted to be an elementary school teacher, which means that I will need to be able to go to college and pay for it. Therefore, I am applying for every scholarship I can and saving money from every job. Taking College in the Schools (CIS) classes to earn college credits while still in high school adds to the pressure, but this means I will graduate with free college credits and will ease the financial burden of a four-year degree. The pressure of getting a good grade on every test, piece of homework, or paper can be extreme. Often, it feels like just one wrong move will destroy my grades, preventing my dreams from coming true. To help with this anxiety, I have learned to be open about my feelings and reach out when overwhelmed. I can ask teachers for extensions or extra help before school. My friends and I often vent to each other about what bothers us at that time. Even just telling others helps to relieve me of some anxiety. Knowing I'm not alone can be incredibly reassuring. To survive high school as a teenage girl means making my mental health a priority. The pressure to conform to societal standards—looking a certain way, fitting in, and achieving perfect grades—can quickly become overwhelming. I am lucky to have my mental health supported at home and school. My teachers create brain breaks, mental health days, and ways to ask for help anonymously. The hardest part can be asking for help. I am lucky to be surrounded by a community of friends and adults who care. Often, they recognize that I need a mental health break before I do. Looking toward my future as an elementary school teacher brings its creates own anxiety. I hope to make a positive impact by instilling a love of learning in children and setting them up for success. A passion for learning can open doors and foster problem-solving skills, creativity, and social connections. Teachers in America are underpaid and overworked. I plan to go to college without working long hours, allowing me to focus on my classes. By having minimal student loans, I will not have to work two jobs to live after graduation. I will put all my concentration on the career that is my calling. My chosen path for the future is filled with many obstacles and little reward, but the possibilities of what may lay ahead still excite me.
    Ethel Hayes Destigmatization of Mental Health Scholarship
    'I cry a lot but I am so productive, it's an art' - Taylor Swift, I Can Do It With A Broken Heart. It often feels as if the world is out to get teenage girls. Everything in society is constructed to go against teenage girls and complicate our lives. Social media is often blamed for the decline of mental health in teenagers; however, this is not the whole story. Almost everyone I know, myself included, struggles with mental health—be it anxiety, depression, or eating disorders. As a teenage girl, I have dealt with mental health struggles longer than I would care to admit, especially anxiety. Academics have a significant role in my mental health. As a typical teenager, my life revolves around high school. The pressure to excel academically is immense; even in elementary school, I understood that good grades were essential for college scholarships. These scholarships were important because college was overly expensive, and student loans could crush a person for many years after graduation. Much of this anxiety is self-inflicted. I have always known I wanted to be an elementary school teacher, which means that I will need to be able to go to college and pay for it. Therefore, I am applying for every scholarship I can and saving money from every job. Taking College in the Schools (CIS) classes to earn college credits while still in high school adds to the pressure, but this means I will graduate with free college credits and will ease the financial burden of a four-year degree. The pressure of getting a good grade on every test, piece of homework, or paper can be extreme. Often, it feels like just one wrong move will destroy my grades, preventing my dreams from coming true. To help with this anxiety, I have learned to be open about my feelings and reach out when overwhelmed. I can ask teachers for extensions or extra help before school. My friends and I often vent to each other about what bothers us at that time. Even just telling others helps to relieve me of some anxiety. Knowing I'm not alone can be incredibly reassuring. To survive high school as a teenage girl means making my mental health a priority. The pressure to conform to societal standards—looking a certain way, fitting in, and achieving perfect grades—can quickly become overwhelming. I am lucky to have my mental health supported at home and school. My teachers create brain breaks, mental health days, and ways to ask for help anonymously. The hardest part can be asking for help. I am lucky to be surrounded by a community of friends and adults who care. Often, they recognize that I need a mental health break before I do. Looking toward my future as an elementary school teacher brings its creates own anxiety. I hope to make a positive impact by instilling a love of learning in children and setting them up for success. A passion for learning can open doors and foster problem-solving skills, creativity, and social connections. Teachers in America are underpaid and overworked. I plan to go to college without working long hours, allowing me to focus on my classes. By having minimal student loans, I will not have to work two jobs to live after graduation. I will put all my concentration on the career that is my calling. My chosen path for the future is filled with many obstacles and little reward, but the possibilities of what may lay ahead still excite me.
    Learner Math Lover Scholarship
    "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." ― Nelson Mandela. If it were not for math, we would still live like cavemen and cavewomen. Mathematics is what makes the world go round. Math and numbers are the basis of all science and engineering. If the world did not have math, we would not have any science, engineering, or medical advancements. The environment utilizes math without even trying. From flowers to weather to animals, patterns, formulas, and shapes can be translated into mathematics and applied elsewhere. With mathematics, we know how old dinosaurs are, how far away other galaxies are, or even how the sun and moon affect our environment. Other not-so-obvious aspects of life are affected and based on mathematics. We use math when we cook. Music is all about math and intervals. Reading temperatures and predicting weather are all based on mathematics. Society as we know it would only exist with mathematics, even at the most basic level. The various economies of the world are constructed on mathematics. Businesses use math to improve their business, pay their employees, and get paid by customers. My love of mathematics stems from it being the basis of the world around us and my mother majoring in math in college. My mother loves to tell math jokes and how she got 'bad grammar' written on some of her college homework. She shows off her math 'tricks'. Her love of math has influenced me, even when it embarrasses me. Her love of math had me going through school with a positive view of the subject, unlike many of my classmates who grew up with a negative view of math. As a future elementary school teacher, I can get in at the ground level and help children create a love for mathematics. By giving children the love of math at an early age, they can be set up to have a positive and productive future in math classrooms. A love of learning math can open a student to more possibilities, have more options open up for them in the future, and will be willing to try more things in life. A love of learning mathematics can also set up a child to help their problem-solving skills, expand their creativity for finding solutions, and help them in their day-to-day life when they are older.
    Lieba’s Legacy Scholarship
    "A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops." –Henry B. Adams. Helping young children get the education they deserve is the most crucial cause in the world. If a child has an education, they have the world at their fingertips. I have known since I was little that I wanted to be a teacher and help the next generation impact the world. I want to go into early education because I have always enjoyed younger ages and the connection I can make with them. I want to go into early education because I have always enjoyed younger ages and the connection I can make with them. Being around such optimism and wonder makes me feel more energized and fulfilled in my soul. Each child has different academic, emotional, and social needs. Those who are gifted might need more of a challenge or benefit from more help socially. Gifted children are often neglected, not always on purpose, in public schools as the children who are developmentally behind in school may need more attention. I can help meet gifted children's needs by ensuring they are still challenged in the classroom. That might mean giving them more complex things to work on or a different test that challenges them. Social development for gifted children can be complex. I can help children by encouraging them to talk to their classmates and ensure everyone is included. There are also ways to ensure they know manners and how jobs work by doing classroom jobs. This also helps the children work on communication and team-building skills with projects. Emotionally, I can make sure that the children are okay. If they need someone to talk to, it can be a safe space that they can always go to. As a teacher, I also want the children to know they are secure and that if they need anyone, I am there for them in all ways. If they need help with homework, I can help them anytime. They know there is no reason to worry; I can help them learn it if they do not understand it. A pivotal point in helping gifted children is to keep communication open with their parents. Talking to the child's parents to see if there are programs for gifted children is an option if I cannot help them within the school. Being aware of community resources, not necessarily school resources, is an important tool for a teacher to have in their toolbag. Knowing and sharing the various programs, support groups, and other resources for gifted children and their parents will help not only the gifted children but their entire families. The volunteering I do, the groups I am in, and all of the babysitting I do have shown me more how much help people need. The education system in America may need to be revised; however, I still want to help kids to the best of my ability. I want to help them learn and grow academically and mentally. I want to show them the world and the options they have. Children are our future and will be adults running the world soon enough. As a future elementary school teacher, I can get in at the ground level and help society in many ways. By giving children the love of learning at an early age, they can be set up to have a positive and productive future. A love of learning can open a student to more possibilities, have more options open up for them in the future, and will be willing to try more things in life. A love of learning can also set up a child to help their problem-solving skills, expand their creativity, and create more social connections. Despite the many obstacles in this career field, I know that becoming an elementary school teacher is what I was meant to become. I cannot wait to make my mark on the next generation by helping students start their education with the best foundation.
    Marie Humphries Memorial Scholarship
    "A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops." –Henry B. Adams. Volunteering, clubs, and babysitting have just shown me how much help people need. The education system in America may need to be revised; however, I still want to help children to the best of my ability. I want to help them learn and grow academically and mentally. I want to show them the world and the options they have. Children are our future and will be adults running the world soon enough. Even though teachers are underpaid and overworked, we need someone to teach the kids now. The change to the educational system won't happen overnight; however, the process can start now and evolve as we go. I also want to teach children it is okay to take action if you see something is wrong, but don't just stand there because that can make it worse by just watching it happen. Anyone can be the person who is needed to change the world. Change only happens one step at a time; anyone can take that first step. Many teachers have supported me in my academic career and helped me achieve my goals. One of my high school teachers, Mrs. Rosh, is helping me reach my goal of becoming a teacher. She is the adult supervisor for a school club called Educators Rising. This club aims to help future teachers gain the experience and skills they need to be ready when they become teachers. Educators Rising is my favorite club. One of the activities this group does is go to other schools and interact with children of all ages to see how the teachers handle the classrooms. By going to schools in areas that are more diverse than where I live, we can see how different schools work in various ways and how there is more than one correct way to do things. Exploring different age groups also helps to expose us to many different grade levels, allowing us to determine which grade we want to teach. We have also focused on the specialties such as Special Education, Music, and Physical Education. Mrs. Rosh has helped me by teaching me to be open to all the possibilities and not to be so stuck on one grade or subject. Mrs. Rosh also has shown me to be open to trying out special education or older kids. While she does this, she is also helping me with my goal of being an elementary school teacher by letting me try the grades I originally wanted to teach. Mrs. Rosh has never deterred me from any idea but has built me up and shown me many new things about education that I have not thought of before. By instilling in children a love of learning early on, I can help set them up for a positive and productive future. A love of learning can open a student to more possibilities, have more options open up for them in the future, and will be willing to try more things in life. A love of learning can also set up a child to help their problem-solving skills, expand their creativity, and create more social connections. Teachers know that the future of our nation is with these young children, so we have to do the best we can. As a future elementary school teacher, I am excited by the opportunity to shape young minds and help contribute to society in many ways. I would be overfilled with joy if I became a Mrs. Rosh to one of my future students.
    Learner Mental Health Empowerment for Health Students Scholarship
    'I cry a lot but I am so productive, it's an art' - Taylor Swift, I Can Do It With A Broken Heart. It often feels as if the world is out to get teenage girls. Everything in society is constructed to go against teenage girls and complicate our lives. Social media is often blamed for the decline of mental health in teenagers; however, this is not the whole story. Almost everyone I know, myself included, struggles with mental health—be it anxiety, depression, or eating disorders. As a teenage girl, I have dealt with mental health struggles longer than I would care to admit. To survive high school as a teenage girl, I have to take my mental health seriously. The pressure of looking a certain way, being in the cool crowd, and getting perfect grades can quickly become overwhelming. I am fortunate to be surrounded by a community of friends and adults who care. Often, they recognize that I need a mental health break before I do. As the daughter of a millennial mother, I know that she keeps a close eye on me due to the struggles she faced as a teenager. I know food fuels my body, and my body can do extraordinary things. I know I don't have to be perfect to be loved. I know I am unique, and this should be celebrated. I know that other's opinions do not define my self-worth. Sometimes, I need to remind myself of these facts, but the foundation is there. Not everyone has as good of a home life as I do, and I do not take this for granted. I try to support my friends and others I know to the best of my ability. I try to show through my actions that it is okay to ask for help, that supporting others who need a little extra support can be easy, and let them know that they are not alone. These lessons that have been taught to me are ones that I plan on passing down to the next generation. Socially, I can help children by encouraging them to talk to their classmates and ensure everyone is included. As a teacher, I can help the children develop communication and team-building skills through projects. Emotionally, I can make sure that the children are okay. If they need someone to talk to, I can be a safe space they can always visit. I am there for the children, not just academically. I want to help children learn and grow academically and mentally. I want to show them the world and the options they have. I also want to teach kids it is okay to take action if you see something is wrong, but don't just stand there because that can make it worse by just watching it happen. Anyone can be the person that is needed to change the world. Change only happens one step at a time; anyone can take that first step. As a future elementary school teacher, I can get in at the ground level and help society in many ways. By giving children the love of learning, students can be open to more possibilities, have more options open up for them in the future, and will be willing to try more things in life. A love of learning can also set up a child to help their problem-solving skills, expand their creativity, and create more social connections. This is how I want to make my impact on the world.
    Kalia D. Davis Memorial Scholarship
    "A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops." –Henry B. Adams. College is one of the most significant financial decisions a person will make in their lifetime, and we make this decision at eighteen. However, college may only be for some, and only some jobs require a degree. However, going to college is essential for me to achieve my dreams. I come from a modest background, and my family's financial situation makes it challenging to afford college without external support. This scholarship would significantly alleviate the financial burden and allow me to focus on my studies and future career. The most influential time in a child's life and academic career is when they are young and in elementary school. Socially, emotionally, and academically, the teachers of young children have an essential job. I understand that being a teacher is a challenging job. It requires patience, dedication, and a genuine love for children and education. However, I am ready to take on these challenges because I believe in the rewards of seeing my students learn and grow. My volunteering, the groups, and all the babysitting have just shown me how much help people need. I have also gained insights into the current state of the education system in America. While it has its strengths, there is room for improvement. For instance, I have noticed a need for more personalized learning approaches and increased support for students with diverse learning needs. I want to help children learn and grow academically and mentally. Children are our future and will be adults running the world soon enough. In my free time, I babysit for many different families. I save almost everything that I earn to help pay for college. Because I am saving my money, I cannot buy the same 'latest and greatest' things that my classmates do. However, I believe in investing in my education and future career. Babysitting and filling out scholarship applications also take up much time, so I have learned to manage my time efficiently. I only have a little free time compared to others, but I prioritize my studies and volunteer work. I understand that the little sacrifices now can mean a world of difference later, and I am willing to make them to achieve my goals. With this scholarship, I will have taken a significant step toward my goal of being able to afford college. This financial support will allow me to start a career I enjoy with less financial burden. I plan to go to college without having to work many hours so that I can spend all my focus on my classes. After graduating college, I plan to have as few student loans as possible. This way, I will not have to work two jobs to live. I will put all my concentration on my career. This scholarship will not only benefit me but also contribute to the education sector by enabling me to focus on my studies and future career as an elementary school teacher. As a future elementary school teacher, I can get in at ground level and help society in many ways. A love of learning can open a student to more possibilities, have more options open up for them in the future, and will be willing to try more things in life. A love of learning can also set up a child to help their problem-solving skills, expand their creativity, and create more social connections. By instilling these values in my students, I can contribute to a more educated and prosperous society in the long run.
    Redefining Victory Scholarship
    College is one of the most significant financial decisions a person will make in their lifetime, and they make it at eighteen. However, going to college is essential for me to achieve my dreams. As a future elementary school teacher, I can be at the ground level and help society in many ways. By giving children the love of learning at an early age, they can be set to have a positive and productive future. A love of learning can open students up to more possibilities, give them more options in the future, and make them willing to try more things in life. A love of learning can also set up a child to help develop their problem-solving skills, expand their creativity, and create more social connections. In college, I will learn the academic side of teaching, such as how to put together a lesson plan, the developmental stages of children, and how to run a classroom. However, I will also learn and experience many other things. I will also develop skills that I will benefit from in different areas of my life. My public speaking will improve, I hope to learn a second language, and I will be met with more diversity than I had growing up. Not only will college help me achieve my career goals, but it will also give me many opportunities I would not have otherwise. I plan on doing a study abroad semester in France or Italy. I am also excited to have the chance to join many on-campus clubs. Attending college will allow me to try new experiences, meet new people, and explore my non-academic interests. As a general idea, I am successful when I have set a goal, given the goal all that I am capable of, and accomplished and hopefully exceeded my goal. My current goal is to have a plan and know what I want to do with my future. Overall, I have the long-term goal of going to college and getting a bachelor’s degree and then a master’s degree in elementary education. Along with that, my other long-term life goals are to build a career and to have a happy and healthy family. These lifelong goals, though, are built by having short-term goals on the way. My short-term goals will build on each other and lead me toward my end goal. I must go to college to become the best teacher I can be. This means that I will need to be able to pay for college, which means that I am applying for every scholarship I can and saving money from all my jobs. It means getting good grades each trimester in high school to qualify for scholarships. It also means taking CIS (College in the Schools) classes so that I can start earning college credits for free while still in high school. This means I have short-term goals almost every week of doing well on a test, turning in homework, or writing papers. There will be bumps in the road, unexpected turns, and times when I must ask for help. However, with friends and family by my side, I put in the total effort to achieve every goal. The journey may not take me where I thought it would go, and my goals could change along the way. But in the end, I had a successful life. My success will be in creating a happy life full of joy for me, and everyone around me. With this scholarship, I will have made one step toward my goal of being able to afford college. I can start a career I enjoy with less financial burden. Teachers in America are underpaid and overworked. I plan to go to college without having to work many hours so that I can spend all my focus on my classes. After graduating college, I plan to have as few student loans as possible. This way, I will not have to work two jobs to live. I will put all my concentration on the career that is my calling. Therefore, I can make others around me wiser, happier, and able to enjoy all around them. College is not needed for all career choices but is necessary for mine. College is the next step toward my career goals and expanding my life experiences. I am looking forward to the challenge of helping each child become better than they are when they start the school year. To be the best teacher I can be, I need to learn and experience how to help young children best academically, socially, and emotionally. I cannot wait to make my mark on the next generation by assisting students to get their education started with the best foundation.
    James T. Godwin Memorial Scholarship
    George Terpstra was a hero and inspiration to many, even though his autobiography would match that of many men of his generation. George was born in Ogilvie, MN, in 1921 and graduated from Ogilvie High School in 1939. During World War II, George served in the Army Air Forces. This was natural for him to do as he worked for several years for Boeing before entering the service. He was a part of the South Pacific Theater until the war's end. George did not like to talk about his time in the war, especially to us children. The stories we have heard about our great-grandpa are ones that have been passed down through his children. In his time in the Army Air Forces, George flew in over fifty-one combat missions before being rotated back to the United States. He was a flight engineer and a gunner on a B24 aircraft. During his fifty-one missions, his plane was shot down or crash-landed five times. He survived all of those missions and crashes without any significant physical trauma. However, his time served and lost friends made a considerable impression on his life, even in the end. George married my great-grandmother Frances after the war in 1947. They had three sons; my grandpa James was the oldest born in 1949. For his work and education after the war, George graduated from the University of Minnesota with a Bachelor's Degree in Mechanical Engineering. He worked for a bit at Honeywell and Washington Scientific before he worked for 20 years at Control Data and retired from there. Towards the end of his life, and for all the time that I knew him, my great-grandfather suffered from Alzheimer's. My family was lucky enough that he could spend most of that time living at one of his son's houses with his daughter-in-law as the primary caregiver. George loved the little children; interacting with them always made him smile. Even once his memory had faded and he could not tell which children he was related to, he would light up and become much more aware of his surroundings while interacting with children. When George was living with my great aunt and great uncle, he often spent time with young children. My great-aunt also watched her grandchildren during the day when their parents worked. This helped him keep his mind working at its total capacity longer than if he had been in a home. George loved to build model planes and ships when not spending time with his great-grandchildren. He loved creating something and could sit for hours making these models. The biggest thing that has stuck out to me about this was that his favorite model to make was a B24. Even as his memory was fading and he could not remember things from the past 20 years, he could remember the war and the plane he flew in. He knew all the details of the plane, where he sat, and the missions he was on. His time in the war was so impactful, for good and bad, that he remembered that plane even once all memories of the past 60 years of his life faded. My grandpa James still has that model in a spot of honor at his house. Great-grandpa George passed away in 2013 when I was almost six years old. I do not have any fresh memories of him in my head. However, I have many pictures of me and my family with him. His stories are also still being passed on, even to the great-grandchildren who never had the chance to meet him.
    Harriett Russell Carr Memorial Scholarship
    "No matter what happens in life, be good to people. Being good to people is a wonderful legacy to leave behind." - Taylor Swift. Community service is volunteering to help others in our community. It is a great way to give back to society and make a positive impact. I do many different things each year, such as volunteering and community service. Some are just one-day events; some groups meet weekly or seasonally. My most significant time volunteering is with a Teens For Christ group, organizing events for middle and high school students. In this group, we learn how to communicate about important topics and how to be positive role models. We also teach younger kids that it's okay to be themselves. I joined this group because, in middle school, I struggled a lot, and I wanted to help others in the same way. This group has helped me with my struggles and shaped my future career aspirations. I aspire to be an elementary school teacher, and this group has provided invaluable experience as a leader of younger children. It's not just about personal growth but also collective progress. Being involved in community service and giving back to the community is crucial because the people in our community have helped us in many ways. When people do community service, they give their time to help others, even strangers. This act of selflessness not only positively impacts someone else's life but also contributes to the overall well-being of our society. Community service is about the emotional and social skills it teaches and the practical skills it imparts. It helps teach critical social and emotional skills like empathy, compassion, and social responsibility, which are essential for personal growth. However, it also equips individuals with practical skills like time management and organizational skills, which are critical to a successful future in college and beyond. So, community service is not just about giving back but also about gaining valuable skills. I enjoy making tie blankets and donating them to the community food shelf around Christmas. Making blankets is fun and an excellent way to make a difference in someone's life. It takes little time or effort, especially when done with friends. However, the impact it can have on someone in need is immense. Even small acts, such as making blankets, can significantly impact someone else. We never know what someone else is going through. Community service with others is one of my favorite things. I like to find opportunities to help others while being with my friends. Volunteering with friends is always a highlight of my time. We get to hang out and have fun while helping others. It is always such a positive experience. This also allows some of my friends who are not as outgoing but want to help. If we volunteer as friends, more people will likely volunteer, and our impact will be more significant. Community service is a great way to give back to and positively impact our community. Not only do the people I help benefit from community service, but I also benefit. In all the different community service activities that I participated in, I have learned many different things. I have learned the importance of being there for others, I feel fulfilled by making a positive impact, and I have also learned how to be a helpful member of my community. It's important to help others, and knowing that I am making a difference feels good.
    Charles B. Brazelton Memorial Scholarship
    "A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops." –Henry B. Adams. Helping young children get the education they deserve is the most crucial cause in the world. If a child has an education, they have the world at their fingertips. I have known since I was little that I wanted to be a teacher and help the next generation impact the world. I want to go into early education because I have always enjoyed younger ages and the connection I can make with them. Working with the younger children makes me feel more energized and fulfilled. When I was younger, instead of playing with Barbies or other toys, my friends and I would play school with our dolls in a schoolhouse. This included making lesson plans to teach the dolls and each other. Whatever we had learned in school that day would become the lesson plan we taught our dolls. After school, while doing homework, I would help all of my friends understand the concepts they didn't understand that day. During Covid, most of my classmates would use FaceTime to work together. I usually had already completed my work, as my parents made us do school right after breakfast. So, while my class was on Facetime, I would help the rest of my classmates with their Latin and Mathematics. I have loved helping others learn for as long as I can remember. I have always liked the idea that I can make learning fun in a way that will help them understand and want to come to school every day. I am involved with community service in many different ways. My most significant time volunteering is with a Teens For Christ group, organizing events for middle and high school students. In this group, we learn how to communicate about important topics and how to be positive role models. We also teach younger kids that it's okay to be themselves. I joined this group because I struggled in middle school and wanted to help others the same way. This group has helped me with my struggles and shaped my future career plans. At my high school, I am part of Educators Rising. All the members in this group want to be teachers. We visit other schools and explore various school environments. These field trips have expanded my understanding of diversity by exposing me to different races, ethnicities, and religions. Educators Rising has also been involved in other community service projects throughout the year. My volunteering, the groups, and all the babysitting have just shown me how much help people need. The education system in America may need to be revised; however, I still want to help kids to the best of my ability. I want to help them learn and grow academically and mentally. I want to show them the world and the options they have. Children are our future and will be adults running the world soon enough. Even though teachers are underpaid and overworked, we need someone to teach the kids now. The change to the educational system won't happen overnight; however, the process can start now and evolve as we go. As a future elementary school teacher, I want to instill a love of learning in my students. This love can open students to more possibilities, enhance their creativity, and improve their problem-solving skills. By instilling these values in my students, I can contribute to a more educated and prosperous society in the long run. My goal is to foster these values and watch them grow alongside the children.
    Future Leaders Scholarship
    "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." ― Nelson Mandela. The most influential time in a child's life and academic career is when they are young and in elementary school. Socially, emotionally, and academically, the teachers of young children have an essential job. Being a teacher means I am helping the next generation with the basic things they need to succeed in the world. I am involved with community service in many different ways. My most significant time volunteering is with a Teens For Christ group, organizing events for middle and high school students. In this group, we learn how to communicate about important topics and how to be positive role models. We also teach younger kids that it's okay to be themselves. I joined this group because I struggled in middle school and wanted to help others the same way. This group has helped me with my struggles and shaped my future career plans. Volunteering has shown me how much I love to help others and has helped me in many ways. Through my volunteer work, I have improved my leadership skills. Public speaking, planning and preparing events for kids, and being a small group leader are just a few of my skills that continue to improve as I lead in my volunteer work. Having kids ask me questions and trying to get the kids involved with each activity keeps me on my toes. As I grow and improve, my leadership skills will help the kids and, in the future, help me become an even better teacher. Each child has different needs academically, emotionally, and socially. When I become a teacher, I am looking forward to the challenge of helping each child become better than they are when they start the school year. Some children might have a bad home life and need more support in school as they will not receive any support outside of school. My experiences now are helping me because I am learning to explain things in different ways to kids who learn differently. This has taught me to be patient so that kids can learn at various places. I have always loved to teach and help kids. Being a part of helping them become better at skills and improve is amazing. I never realized how hard a leader could be until I became one. When I was one of the kids and a part of the group, we had fun, but I didn't realize how much effort being a leader was. Another challenge I have realized as a leader is that we must follow a schedule. Sometimes, the kids want to avoid following the schedule or need help listening. So, as the leader, I use creative ways to get from area to area while keeping it fun and getting to the new location on time. Through this, I have learned time management and how important it is to have something to watch the time with. While the education system in America needs reform, I still want to make a positive impact. I want to help them learn and grow academically and mentally. I want to show them the world and the options they have. Teachers know that the future of our nation is with these young children, so we have to do the best we can. As a future elementary school teacher, I am excited by the opportunity to shape young minds and help contribute in the best way I know how.
    Dream Valley Landscaping 2025 Scholarship
    "Intelligence plus character-that is the goal of true education. ― Martin Luther King Jr. My dream has always been to work with young children, especially in early education. I have always wanted to go into early education because I have always enjoyed younger ages and the connection I can make with them. Being around young children is more fulfilling for me than with older children. Anytime I am around young children, I am more energized and fulfilled. I volunteer over 100 hours a year with many different groups and babysit for many families in my community to save for college. However, my favorite experience is with Teens for Christ at church, where we organize events for middle and high school students. We help students learn about the church and life lessons. This group has taught me confidence and leadership skills and improved my public speaking. My experiences now are helping me to become a better teacher in the future, which will help ensure that every child in my classroom has the best chance to learn and succeed. Going to college is essential to achieve my dream of becoming a teacher. I will learn how to put together a comprehensive and engaging lesson plan, the developmental stages of children, and how to effectively manage a diverse classroom. With this scholarship, I will have made one significant step toward my goal of being able to afford college. This financial support will allow me to focus entirely on my studies without the need to work many hours. As a result, I can start a career I enjoy with less financial burden. After graduating college, I plan to have as few student loans as possible. This way, I will not have to work two jobs to live. I will put all my concentration on the career that is my calling. College is expensive but necessary to live my dream of becoming a teacher. Teachers are underpaid and undervalued in the country, so I want to graduate college with as little debt as possible. My most memorable failure was when I tried to get tickets to Taylor Swift's Eras Tour. I thought I found someone willing to sell me their tickets and rushed to make the decision, and in doing so, I fell for a scam, lost money, and did not get tickets. I learned the valuable life lessons that I should do all of my research and always pay attention to red flags. Making fully informed decisions will give me confidence; others will see my decisions as more credible, and I will have less chance of regretting my choices. My greatest strength is my emotional intelligence. I am known for being loyal to my friends, always having time to lend an ear, and being there when anyone needs extra support. These qualities help me to build solid relationships and respond with compassion and empathy. Young children run on emotions and have not learned to self-regulate their feelings. Therefore, managing and understanding others' emotions is an essential part of being an elementary school teacher. In conclusion, my love for working with young children and my volunteer work has helped shape my goal of becoming an elementary school teacher. This scholarship will allow me to focus on my education for my future career without the added burden of student loans. College is the next step toward my career goals and expanding my life experiences. By investing in my education now, I will be ready to positively impact the next generation by helping them grow, learn, and succeed.
    Jennifer and Rob Tower Memorial Scholarship
    "No matter what happens in life, be good to people. Being good to people is a wonderful legacy to leave behind." - Taylor Swift. Community service is volunteering to help others in our community. It is a great way to give back to society and make a positive impact. I do many different things each year, such as volunteering and community service. Some are just one-day events; some groups meet weekly or seasonally. My most significant time volunteering is with a Teens For Christ group, organizing events for middle and high school students. In this group, we learn how to communicate about important topics and how to be positive role models. We also teach younger kids that it's okay to be themselves. I joined this group because, in middle school, I struggled a lot, and I wanted to help others in the same way. This group has helped me with my struggles and shaped my future career aspirations. I aspire to be an elementary school teacher, and this group has provided invaluable experience as a leader of younger children. It's not just about personal growth but also collective progress. Being involved in community service and giving back to the community is crucial because the people in our community have helped us in many ways. When people do community service, they give their time to help others, even strangers. This act of selflessness not only positively impacts someone else's life but also contributes to the overall well-being of our society. Community service is about the emotional and social skills it teaches and the practical skills it imparts. It helps teach critical social and emotional skills like empathy, compassion, and social responsibility, which are essential for personal growth. However, it also equips individuals with practical skills like time management and organizational skills, which are critical to a successful future in college and beyond. So, community service is not just about giving back but also about gaining valuable skills. I enjoy making tie blankets and donating them to the community food shelf around Christmas. Making blankets is fun and an excellent way to make a difference in someone's life. It takes little time or effort, especially when done with friends. However, the impact it can have on someone in need is immense. Even small acts, such as making blankets, can significantly impact someone else. We never know what someone else is going through. Community service with others is one of my favorite things. I like to find opportunities to help others while being with my friends. Volunteering with friends is always a highlight of my time. We get to hang out and have fun while helping others. It is always such a positive experience. This also allows some of my friends who are not as outgoing but want to help. If we volunteer as friends, more people will likely volunteer, and our impact will be more significant. Community service is a great way to give back to and positively impact our community. Not only do the people I help benefit from community service, but I also benefit. In all the different community service activities that I participated in, I have learned many different things. I have learned the importance of being there for others, I feel fulfilled by making a positive impact, and I have also learned how to be a helpful member of my community. It's important to help others, and knowing that I am making a difference feels good.
    RonranGlee Literary Scholarship
    "With this he raised his head upon his elbow, and spoke, saying: `Hear me, friends; a dream from the gods came to me in my sleep. Lo, we have come very far from the ships, and I would that there were one to bear word to Agamemnon, son of Atreus, shepherd of the host, in the hope that he might bid more men to come from the ships.' "So he spoke, and Thoas, son of Andraemon, sprang up quickly, and from him flung his purple cloak, and set out to run to the ships. Then in his garment I gladly lay, and golden-throned Dawn appeared. Would that I were young as then, and my strength as firm; then would one of the swineherds in the farmstead give me a cloak both from kindness and from respect for a brave warrior. But as it is they scorn me, since I have foul raiment about me." To him then, swineherd Eumaeus, didst thou make answer, and say: "Old man, the tale thou hast told is a good one, nor hast thou thus far spoken aught amiss or unprofitably. Wherefore thou shalt lack neither clothing nor aught else that a sore-tried suppliant should receive, when he meets one—for this night at least; but in the morning thou shalt shake about thee those rags of thine. For not many cloaks are here or changes of tunics to put on, but each man has one alone. But when the dear son of Odysseus comes, he will himself give thee a cloak and a tunic as raiment, and will send thee whithersoever thy heart and spirit bid thee go." So saying, he sprang up and placed a bed for Odysseus near the fire, and cast upon it skins of sheep and goats. here Odysseus lay down, and the swineherd threw over him a great thick cloak, which he kept at hand for a change of clothing whenever a terrible storm should arise. So there Odysseus slept, and beside him slept the young men. But the swineherd liked not a bed in that place, that he should lay him down away from the boars; so he made ready to go outside. And Odysseus was glad that he took such care of his master's substance while he was afar. First Eumaeus flung his sharp sword over his strong shoulders, and then put about him a cloak, very thick, to keep off the wind; and he picked up the fleece of a large, well-fatted goat, took a sharp javelin to ward off dogs and men, and went forth to lie down to sleep where the white-tusked boars slept beneath a hollow rock, in a place sheltered from the North Wind. Homer. The Odyssey. Edited by S. A. G. Johnston, Oxford University Press, 2008. Loyalty and respect are the central themes of The Odyssey. These themes are highlighted through the unwavering loyalty of his wife, son, and servants while Odysseus is absent. However, Odysseus is gone for twenty years and only learns of this loyalty once he returns. During those twenty years, the central theme of loyalty is also shown through the soldiers' loyalty to Odysseus and his command. Loyalty among soldiers is still very prevalent today—their loyalty to each other and the country they serve. This loyalty is a timeless theme that can occur in any century and any society. Unfortunately, from Ancient Greece to the 20th century, soldiers' loyalty was not always reciprocated by those they had dedicated their lives to. This quote from the Odyssey shows a little bit of this complex dynamic. However, the swineherd proves his loyalty by treating the disguised Odysseus as if he were any other person, not as a beggar. However, the swineherd's loyalty is in the minority compared to the loyalty of all the suitors that Penelope and her son have to deal with. The suitors display their loyalty, which is conditional for as long as it benefits them. Everyone should respect veterans regardless of the century. They fought for this country and volunteered to defend us. They put their lives in danger to keep us safe. They will offer to help anyone, anywhere. Veterans have volunteered and risked their lives so that we do not have to worry about being attacked by other countries because they are trained to defend and protect us. Armed forces personnel will not simply respond to conflicts; they will also be some of the first to respond to natural disasters, including hurricanes, earthquakes, avalanches, and storm surges. They will go where no others can to help and save citizens. Everyone always talks about current military service members. However, it is still essential to remember the service members who have completed their service to the country. They may very well have been physically injured during their service. For others, they may have come home safe and sound. In truth, many veterans will come back with mental injuries, including PTSD, depression, or anxiety. They deserve our support and the resources necessary for healing. They have risked their lives for us; the least we can do is help them after they are done with their service. However, unfortunately, not every military veteran gets the assistance they require. Veterans should be honored for their past service. However, even though their service is over, they still serve an essential role. Veterans also lead by example. They show us how to work very hard in the worst conditions, never give up, and, most importantly, how to have a phenomenal work ethic. They are involved in their local communities, trying to improve them for everyone's benefit. Veterans' values and work ethic will stay with them for the rest of their lives, and veterans will continue to impact the lives of those around them even past their death. Veterans also exemplify hard work and resilience. They navigate challenges that most civilians cannot imagine, instilling values of dedication and perseverance in their communities long after their service ends. Their influence persists, shaping the lives of those around them. The theme of loyalty in ancient literature is prevalent in many texts, as is disguising oneself to see what a person truly thinks. This even happens in the Bible when Jesus disguises himself as a beggar. The Odyessy is one of the most famous pieces of ancient literature that students across the globe study to explore the themes of loyalty and respect. Over 2,500 years after the Odyessy was written, veterans are still trying to earn the same loyalty and respect active soldiers obtain. The fact that The Odyssey is still relevant today helps to highlight the need for society to honor and support those who have served.
    Ella's Gift
    'I cry a lot, but I am so productive, it's an art' - Taylor Swift, I Can Do It With A Broken Heart. It feels as if the world is out to get teenage girls. Everything in society is constructed to go against teenage girls and make life more difficult. Social media is often blamed for the decline of mental health in teenagers; however, this is not the whole story. Almost everyone I know, including myself, struggles with mental health, whether it be anxiety, depression, or even eating disorders. As a teenage girl, I have dealt with mental health struggles longer than I would care to admit, especially anxiety. Academics have a significant role in my mental health. As a typical teenager, my life revolves around high school. The pressure to excel academically is immense; even in elementary school, I understood that good grades were essential for college scholarships. These scholarships were important because college was overly expensive, and student loans could crush a person for many years after graduation. Much of this anxiety is self-inflicted, especially in my case. I have always known I was going to be an elementary school teacher. I cannot even remember even considering any other profession. However, this means that I will need to be able to pay for college. This means I am applying for every scholarship I can and saving money from all my jobs. This means getting good grades each trimester in high school so that I qualify for every scholarship available. This also means taking CIS (College in the Schools) classes so that I can start earning college credit for free while still in high school. This means I have the pressure of doing well on tests, homework, and writing papers. The pressure of getting a good grade on every test, piece of homework, or paper can be extreme. Often, it feels like just one wrong move will destroy my grades, preventing my dreams from coming true. I have learned to be open about my feelings and reach out when overwhelmed. I can ask teachers for extensions or extra help before school. I am also more open with my friends. Often, we vent to each other about what bothers us at that time. Even just telling others helps to relieve me of some anxiety. Being supported and being reminded that I am not alone can go a long way in the mental health battle that I face. To survive high school as a teenage girl, I have to take my mental health seriously. The pressure of looking a certain way, being in the cool crowd, and getting perfect grades can quickly become overwhelming. I am lucky to have my mental health not only be supported at home but also in my high school. My teachers create brain breaks, mental health days, and ways to ask for help anonymously. The hardest part can be asking for help. The support is there, and I am lucky to be surrounded by a community of friends and adults who care. Often, they recognize that I need a mental health break before I do. Looking towards my future after high school creates its own form of anxiety. As a future elementary school teacher, I can get in at the ground level and help society in many ways. By giving children the love of learning at an early age, they can be set up to have a positive and productive future. A love of learning can open a student to more possibilities, have more options open up for them in the future, and will be willing to try more things in life. A love of learning can also set up a child to help their problem-solving skills, expand their creativity, and create more social connections. This is how I want to make my impact on the world. Teachers in America are underpaid and overworked. I plan to go to college without having to work many hours so that I can spend all my focus on my classes. After graduating college, I plan to have as few student loans as possible. This way, I will not have to work two jobs to live. I will put all my concentration on the career that is my calling. My chosen path for the future is filled with many obstacles and little reward. However, I am so excited about the possibilities.
    Second Chance Scholarship
    "A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops." –Henry B. Adams. Ever since I was young, everyone who knew me said I should become a teacher. My friend group often sees me as the 'mother' type. I am the type of person who always has anything that might be needed, is prepared for the worst, and always has time for anyone in need. Eventually, I realized my calling was as an elementary school teacher. I wanted to go into early education because I have always enjoyed younger ages and the connection I can make with them. Being around young children is more satisfying for me than with older children. Being around them makes me feel more energized and fulfilled. I am involved with community service in many different ways. My most significant time volunteering is with a Teens For Christ group, organizing events for middle and high school students. In this group, we learn how to communicate about important topics and how to be positive role models. We also teach younger kids that it's okay to be themselves. I joined this group because I struggled in middle school and wanted to help others the same way. This group has helped me with my struggles and shaped my future career plans. At my high school, I am part of Educators Rising. All the members in this group want to be teachers. We visit other schools and explore various school environments. These field trips have expanded my understanding of diversity by exposing me to different races, ethnicities, and religions. Educators Rising has also been involved in other community service projects throughout the year.   The leadership skills I have developed through community service will be invaluable in my career. Each child has different academic, emotional, and social needs. I am looking forward to the challenge of helping each child become better than they are when they start the school year. My experiences now are helping me because I am learning to explain things in different ways to kids who learn differently. This helps ensure that every child in my classroom will have the best chance to learn and succeed. While the education system in America needs reform, I still want to make a positive impact. I want to help them learn and grow academically and mentally. I want to show them the world and the options they have. Children are our future and will be running the world soon enough. Even though teachers are underappreciated, we need someone to teach the kids now. Going to college is essential for me to achieve my dreams. My family's modest background makes it difficult to afford college without external help. With this scholarship, I will have made one step toward my goal of being able to afford college. Teachers in America are underpaid and overworked. Allowing me to focus on my studies rather than working multiple jobs. As a future elementary school teacher, I want to instill a love of learning in my students. This love can open students to more possibilities, enhance their creativity, and improve their problem-solving skills. By instilling these values in my students, I can contribute to a more educated and prosperous society in the long run. My goal is to foster these values and watch them grow alongside the children.
    TEAM ROX Scholarship
    "A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops." –Henry B. Adams. Ever since I was young, everyone who knew me said I should become a teacher. My friend group often sees me as the 'mother' type. I am the type of person who always has anything that might be needed, is prepared for the worst, and always has time for anyone in need. Eventually, I realized my calling was as an elementary school teacher. I want to go into early education because I have always enjoyed younger ages and the connection I can make with them. Being around such optimism and wonder makes me feel more energized and fulfilled in my soul. I am involved with community service in many different ways. My most significant time volunteering is with a Teens For Christ group, organizing events for middle and high school students. In this group, we learn how to communicate about important topics and how to be positive role models. We also teach younger kids that it's okay to be themselves. I joined this group because I struggled in middle school and wanted to help others the same way. This group has helped me with my struggles and shaped my future career plans. At my high school, I am part of Educators Rising. All the members in this group want to be teachers. We visit other schools and explore various school environments. These field trips have expanded my understanding of diversity by exposing me to different races, ethnicities, and religions. Educators Rising has also been involved in other community service projects throughout the year. The leadership skills I have developed through community service will be invaluable in my career. Each child has different academic, emotional, and social needs. I am looking forward to the challenge of helping each child become better than they are when they start the school year. My experiences now are helping me because I am learning to explain things in different ways to kids who learn differently. This helps ensure that every child in my classroom will have the best chance to learn and succeed. While the education system in America needs reform, I still want to make a positive impact. I want to help them learn and grow academically and mentally. I want to show them the world and the options they have. Children are our future and will be running the world soon enough. Even though teachers are underappreciated, we need someone to teach the kids now. As a future elementary school teacher, I can get in at the ground level and help these children and my community in many ways. By instilling in children a love of learning early on, I can help set them up for a positive and productive future. A love of learning can open a student to more possibilities, have more options open up for them in the future, and will be willing to try more things in life. A love of learning can also set up a child to help their problem-solving skills, expand their creativity, and create more social connections. Teachers know that the future of our nation is with these young children, so we have to do the best we can. As a future elementary school teacher, I am excited by the opportunity to shape young minds and help contribute in the best way I know how.
    ADHDAdvisor's Mental Health Advocate Scholarship for Health Students
    "Children are likely to live up to what you believe of them." –Lady Bird Johnson. To survive high school as a teenage girl, I have to take my mental health seriously. The pressure of looking a certain way, being in the cool crowd, and getting perfect grades can quickly become overwhelming. I am fortunate to be surrounded by a community of friends and adults who care. Often, they recognize that I need a mental health break before I do. As the daughter of a millennial mother, I know that she keeps a close eye on me due to the struggles she faced as a teenager. I know food fuels my body, and my body can do extraordinary things. I know I don't have to be perfect to be loved. I know I am unique, and this should be celebrated. I know that other's opinions do not define my self-worth. Sometimes, I need to remind myself of these facts, but the foundation is there. These lessons that have been taught to me are ones that I plan on passing down to the next generation. Socially, I can help children by encouraging them to talk to their classmates and ensure everyone is included. As a teacher, I can help the children develop communication and team-building skills through projects. Emotionally, I can make sure that the children are okay. If they need someone to talk to, I can be a safe space they can always visit. I am there for the children, not just academically. I want to help children learn and grow academically and mentally. I want to show them the world and the options they have. Children are our future and will be adults running the world soon enough. I also want to teach kids it is okay to take action if you see something is wrong, but don't just stand there because that can make it worse by just watching it happen. Anyone can be the person that is needed to change the world. Change only happens one step at a time; anyone can take that first step. As a future elementary school teacher, I can get in at the ground level and help society in many ways. The most influential time in a child's life and academic career is when they are young and in elementary school. Socially, emotionally, and academically, teachers of young children have an essential job.
    Elizabeth Schalk Memorial Scholarship
    'I cry a lot but I am so productive, it's an art' - Taylor Swift, I Can Do It With A Broken Heart. It often feels as if the world is out to get teenage girls. Everything in society is constructed to go against teenage girls and complicate our lives. Social media is often blamed for the decline of mental health in teenagers; however, this is not the whole story. Almost everyone I know, myself included, struggles with mental health—be it anxiety, depression, or eating disorders. As a teenage girl, I have dealt with mental health struggles longer than I would care to admit, especially anxiety. Academics have a significant role in my mental health. As a typical teenager, my life revolves around high school. The pressure to excel academically is immense; even in elementary school, I understood that good grades were essential for college scholarships. These scholarships were important because college was overly expensive, and student loans could crush a person for many years after graduation. Much of this anxiety is self-inflicted. I have always known I wanted to be an elementary school teacher, which means that I will need to be able to go to college and pay for it. Therefore, I am applying for every scholarship I can and saving money from every job. Taking College in the Schools (CIS) classes to earn college credits while still in high school adds to the pressure, but this means I will graduate with free college credits and will ease the financial burden of a four-year degree. The pressure of getting a good grade on every test, piece of homework, or paper can be extreme. Often, it feels like just one wrong move will destroy my grades, preventing my dreams from coming true. To help with this anxiety, I have learned to be open about my feelings and reach out when overwhelmed. I can ask teachers for extensions or extra help before school. My friends and I often vent to each other about what bothers us at that time. Even just telling others helps to relieve me of some anxiety. Knowing I'm not alone can be incredibly reassuring. To survive high school as a teenage girl means making my mental health a priority. The pressure to conform to societal standards—looking a certain way, fitting in, and achieving perfect grades—can quickly become overwhelming. I am lucky to have my mental health supported at home and school. My teachers create brain breaks, mental health days, and ways to ask for help anonymously. The hardest part can be asking for help. I am lucky to be surrounded by a community of friends and adults who care. Often, they recognize that I need a mental health break before I do. Looking toward my future as an elementary school teacher brings its creates own anxiety. I hope to make a positive impact by instilling a love of learning in children and setting them up for success. A passion for learning can open doors and foster problem-solving skills, creativity, and social connections. Teachers in America are underpaid and overworked. I plan to go to college without working long hours, allowing me to focus on my classes. By having minimal student loans, I will not have to work two jobs to live after graduation. I will put all my concentration on the career that is my calling. My chosen path for the future is filled with many obstacles and little reward, but the possibilities of what may lay ahead still excite me.
    Online ADHD Diagnosis Mental Health Scholarship for Women
    'I cry a lot but I am so productive, it's an art' - Taylor Swift, I Can Do It With A Broken Heart. It often feels as if the world is out to get teenage girls. Everything in society is constructed to go against teenage girls and complicate our lives. Social media is often blamed for the decline of mental health in teenagers; however, this is not the whole story. Almost everyone I know, myself included, struggles with mental health—be it anxiety, depression, or eating disorders. As a teenage girl, I have dealt with mental health struggles longer than I would care to admit, especially anxiety. Academics have a significant role in my mental health. As a typical teenager, my life revolves around high school. The pressure to excel academically is immense; even in elementary school, I understood that good grades were essential for college scholarships. These scholarships were important because college was overly expensive, and student loans could crush a person for many years after graduation. Much of this anxiety is self-inflicted. I have always known I wanted to be an elementary school teacher, which means that I will need to be able to go to college and pay for it. Therefore, I am applying for every scholarship I can and saving money from every job. Taking College in the Schools (CIS) classes to earn college credits while still in high school adds to the pressure, but this means I will graduate with free college credits and will ease the financial burden of a four-year degree. The pressure of getting a good grade on every test, piece of homework, or paper can be extreme. Often, it feels like just one wrong move will destroy my grades, preventing my dreams from coming true. To help with this anxiety, I have learned to be open about my feelings and reach out when overwhelmed. I can ask teachers for extensions or extra help before school. My friends and I often vent to each other about what bothers us at that time. Even just telling others helps to relieve me of some anxiety. Knowing I'm not alone can be incredibly reassuring. To survive high school as a teenage girl means making my mental health a priority. The pressure to conform to societal standards—looking a certain way, fitting in, and achieving perfect grades—can quickly become overwhelming. I am lucky to have my mental health supported at home and school. My teachers create brain breaks, mental health days, and ways to ask for help anonymously. The hardest part can be asking for help. I am lucky to be surrounded by a community of friends and adults who care. Often, they recognize that I need a mental health break before I do. Looking toward my future as an elementary school teacher brings its creates own anxiety. I hope to make a positive impact by instilling a love of learning in children and setting them up for success. A passion for learning can open doors and foster problem-solving skills, creativity, and social connections. Teachers in America are underpaid and overworked. I plan to go to college without working long hours, allowing me to focus on my classes. By having minimal student loans, I will not have to work two jobs to live after graduation. I will put all my concentration on the career that is my calling. My chosen path for the future is filled with many obstacles and little reward, but the possibilities of what may lay ahead still excite me.
    Mental Health Profession Scholarship
    "Being fearless isn't being 100 percent not fearful; it's being terrified, but you jump anyway." - Taylor Swift. As a teenage girl, I have dealt with mental health struggles longer than I would care to admit. My experience with anxiety could be considered different from many others. My mother has been diagnosed with severe social anxiety. This has always been an open conversation in my household. As a family, we talk openly about her struggles and how she feels about certain situations. Best of all, though, we also talk about what she does to overcome some of her social anxiety, when we should push past the social anxiety, and where to draw the line. As I have become older, this has helped me with my social anxiety. The stigma is not present. I feel comfortable going to someone if I need help. I have the tools available if I have the courage to use them. This is highly required as the career I want to become an elementary school teacher; I need to be able to interact with adults and children daily, and only sometimes people that I will know and be comfortable with. Many of my extracurriculars also deal with being social. On the outside, these activities come easily to me, but it is a struggle on the inside. However, doing these activities, especially on repetition, will help me become a better teacher. I am a part of a group in high school called Educators Rising. We go to other schools and see what different schools look like and how they work. We do this while interacting with children of various ages and meeting teachers who may have different styles of teaching to which I am accustomed. I am also in a group called TFC, Teens for Christ. This group comprises high school students, and we help middle school students learn about the church and life lessons in general. Along with leading small groups, members also help prepare for all the events. This group has helped me get more hands-on experience as a leader and adapt to different groups of children. In college, I will learn the academic part of putting together a lesson plan, the developmental stages of children, and how to run a classroom. However, I will also learn and experience many other things. My public speaking will improve, I hope to learn a second language, and I will be met with more diversity than I had growing up. Not only will college help me achieve my career goals, but it will also give me many opportunities I would not have otherwise. I may have to push my boundaries, but I am ready for these new experiences. I plan on doing a study abroad semester in France or Italy. The study abroad experience has many benefits for those who can have it. I am also excited to have the chance to join many on-campus clubs. Attending college will allow me to try new experiences, meet new people, and explore my non-academic interests. College is the next step toward my career goals and expanding my life experiences. I am looking forward to the challenge of helping each child become better than they are when they start the school year. To become a teacher, I need to go to college. To be my best teacher, I need to learn and experience how to help young children best academically, socially, and emotionally. I cannot wait to make my mark on the next generation by assisting students to get their education started with the best foundation.
    John Young 'Pursue Your Passion' Scholarship
    "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." ― Nelson Mandela. The most influential time in a child's life and academic career is when they are young and in elementary school. Socially, emotionally, and academically, the teachers of young children have an essential job. Being a teacher means I am helping the next generation with the basic things they need to succeed in the world. One of the groups I am involved in is called Educators Rising. All the members in this group want to be teachers. We go to other schools and see what different schools look like and how they work. We do this while we interact with children of different ages. The other schools also show us that different schools work in various ways. The biggest thing that I have learned through this experience is diversity. This group goes to many other areas where the populations are composed differently. The volunteering I do, the groups I am in, and all of the babysitting I do have shown me more how much help people need. The education system in America may need to be revised; however, I still want to help kids to the best of my ability. I want to help them learn and grow academically and mentally. I want to show them the world and the options they have. Children are our future and will be adults running the world soon enough. Even though teachers are underpaid and overworked, we need someone to teach the kids now. The change to the educational system won't happen overnight; however, the process can start now and evolve as we go. I also want to teach children that it is okay to take action if you see something is wrong and not just stand by passively. Anyone can be the person that is needed to change the world. Change only happens one step at a time; anyone can take that first step. As a future elementary school teacher, I can get in at the ground level and help society in many ways. By giving children the love of learning at an early age, they can be set up to have a positive and productive future. A love of learning can open a student to more possibilities, have more options open up for them in the future, and will be willing to try more things in life. A love of learning can also set up a child to help their problem-solving skills, expand their creativity, and create more social connections. I am looking forward to the challenge of helping each child become better than they are when they start the school year. Despite these obstacles, I know that becoming an elementary school teacher is what I was meant to become. I cannot wait to make my mark on the next generation by helping students start their education with the best foundation.
    Eco-Warrior Scholarship
    "Teaching is more than imparting knowledge; it is inspiring change. Learning is more than absorbing facts; it is acquiring understanding."—William Arthur Ward. Living sustainably and making conscious choices to better the environment while reducing our carbon footprint is increasingly common, especially among families with millennial parents. There are many simple steps that people can start with, including me. The most fundamental principle is "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle." This concept is often associated only with waste management, but it applies to much more—like upcycling clothes and using stainless steel water bottles instead of single-use plastics. My family has embraced these practices, and I was raised to believe that all families did the same. As I became more aware of the environment, climate change, and carbon footprints, a few other intentional choices set me apart from my classmates. The largest was my position in the fast fashion industry. While I'm not perfect, I prioritize purchasing clothing from companies that are ethical and sustainable. Most of my friends buy cheap clothes from popular fast fashion websites, filling their closets with the latest trends. In contrast, I am more careful about where I get my clothes, and therefore, my options of styles are more limited and usually more expensive. However, one advantage is that my clothes tend to be of much higher quality. One unique way I reduce my carbon footprint is by buying my books. I read a lot of books, a lot. I read on my Kindle and phone, but I prefer to have an actual book in my hand. However, books have a significant carbon footprint, especially if only read once. To help offset this, I love to go hunting through garage sales and used book sales at libraries to find my next book. Not only does this help to save money, but it also gives the book a second life. After I finish a book, I then continue the book's life by giving it to someone I think would enjoy it; if I don't keep it for myself because I love it so much, I will reread it. Reducing our carbon footprint becomes increasingly important every day. It is disheartening that large companies are often the most significant contributors to the decline of the environment. Companies could make the most significant impact with the smallest decisions. While our individual actions are valuable, they can't match the scale of change that companies who make environmentally conscious decisions can make. Ultimately, reducing carbon footprint is essential for everyone as it affects us all. We can create a healthier, more sustainable planet with each action we take. By reducing our carbon footprints, we will be making sure that resources are available for future generations. We can also improve air and water quality, which will benefit the health of humans, animals, and plants. Most importantly, reducing carbon footprints will help mitigate the climate change that is happening every day. Right now, we need to do everything we can to slow it down; maybe one day, we will be able to turn it around. I can change my carbon footprint quietly and make an impact. However, if I can be an example and teach others how to do the same, we can make an exponentially more significant impact on the world. I do not have to preach to others the importance of reducing carbon footprints. I can show by example to inspire others to rethink their habits and consider the environmental effects of their choices. Encouraging others to take action together can build a more sustainable world for future generations.
    Career Test for Future Lawyers Scholarship
    "A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops." –Henry B. Adams. Ever since I was young, everyone who knew me said I should become a teacher. My friend group often sees me as the 'mother' type. I am the type of person who always has anything that might be needed, is prepared for the worst, and always has time for anyone in need. Eventually, I realized my calling was as an elementary school teacher. I want to go into early education because I have always enjoyed younger ages and the connection I can make with them. Being around such optimism and wonder makes me feel more energized and fulfilled in my soul. I am involved with community service in many different ways. My most significant time volunteering is with a Teens For Christ group, organizing events for middle and high school students. In this group, we learn how to communicate about important topics and how to be positive role models. We also teach younger kids that it's okay to be themselves. I joined this group because I struggled in middle school and wanted to help others the same way. This group has helped me with my struggles and shaped my future career plans. At my high school, I am part of Educators Rising. All the members in this group want to be teachers. We visit other schools and explore various school environments. These field trips have expanded my understanding of diversity by exposing me to different races, ethnicities, and religions. Educators Rising has also been involved in other community service projects throughout the year. The leadership skills I have developed through community service will be invaluable in my career. Each child has different academic, emotional, and social needs. I am looking forward to the challenge of helping each child become better than they are when they start the school year. My experiences now are helping me because I am learning to explain things in different ways to kids who learn differently. This helps ensure that every child in my classroom will have the best chance to learn and succeed. While the education system in America needs reform, I still want to make a positive impact. I want to help them learn and grow academically and mentally. I want to show them the world and the options they have. Children are our future and will be running the world soon enough. Even though teachers are underappreciated, we need someone to teach the kids now. As a future elementary school teacher, I can get in at the ground level and help these children and my community in many ways. By instilling in children a love of learning early on, I can help set them up for a positive and productive future. A love of learning can open a student to more possibilities, have more options open up for them in the future, and will be willing to try more things in life. A love of learning can also set up a child to help their problem-solving skills, expand their creativity, and create more social connections. Teachers know that the future of our nation is with these young children, so we have to do the best we can. As a future elementary school teacher, I am excited by the opportunity to shape young minds and help contribute in the best way I know how.
    Ken Larson Memorial Scholarship
    "A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops." –Henry B. Adams. Ever since I was young, everyone who knew me said I should become a teacher. My friend group often sees me as the 'mother' type. I am the type of person who always has anything that might be needed, is prepared for the worst, and always has time for anyone in need. Eventually, I realized my calling was as an elementary school teacher. I wanted to go into early education because I have always enjoyed younger ages and the connection I can make with them. Being around young children is more satisfying for me than with older children. Being around them makes me feel more energized and fulfilled. I am involved with community service in many different ways. My most significant time volunteering is with a Teens For Christ group, organizing events for middle and high school students. In this group, we learn how to communicate about important topics and how to be positive role models. We also teach younger kids that it's okay to be themselves. I joined this group because I struggled in middle school and wanted to help others the same way. This group has helped me with my struggles and shaped my future career plans. At my high school, I am part of Educators Rising. All the members in this group want to be teachers. We visit other schools and explore various school environments. These field trips have expanded my understanding of diversity by exposing me to different races, ethnicities, and religions. Educators Rising has also been involved in other community service projects throughout the year.   The leadership skills I have developed through community service will be invaluable in my career. Each child has different academic, emotional, and social needs. I am looking forward to the challenge of helping each child become better than they are when they start the school year. My experiences now are helping me because I am learning to explain things in different ways to kids who learn differently. This helps ensure that every child in my classroom will have the best chance to learn and succeed. While the education system in America needs reform, I still want to make a positive impact. I want to help them learn and grow academically and mentally. I want to show them the world and the options they have. Children are our future and will be running the world soon enough. Even though teachers are underappreciated, we need someone to teach the kids now. Going to college is essential for me to achieve my dreams. My family's modest background makes it difficult to afford college without external help. With this scholarship, I will have made one step toward my goal of being able to afford college. Teachers in America are underpaid and overworked. Allowing me to focus on my studies rather than working multiple jobs. As a future elementary school teacher, I want to instill a love of learning in my students. This love can open students to more possibilities, enhance their creativity, and improve their problem-solving skills. By instilling these values in my students, I can contribute to a more educated and prosperous society in the long run. My goal is to foster these values and watch them grow alongside the children.
    One Chance Scholarship
    "A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops." –Henry B. Adams. Ever since I was young, everyone who knew me said I should become a teacher. My friend group often sees me as the 'mother' type. I am the type of person who always has anything that might be needed, is prepared for the worst, and always has time for anyone in need. Eventually, I realized my calling was as an elementary school teacher. I wanted to go into early education because I have always enjoyed younger ages and the connection I can make with them. Being around young children is more satisfying for me than with older children. Being around them makes me feel more energized and fulfilled. I am involved with community service in many different ways. My most significant time volunteering is with a Teens For Christ group, organizing events for middle and high school students. In this group, we learn how to communicate about important topics and how to be positive role models. We also teach younger kids that it's okay to be themselves. I joined this group because I struggled in middle school and wanted to help others the same way. This group has helped me with my struggles and shaped my future career plans. At my high school, I am part of Educators Rising. All the members in this group want to be teachers. We visit other schools and explore various school environments. These field trips have expanded my understanding of diversity by exposing me to different races, ethnicities, and religions. Educators Rising has also been involved in other community service projects throughout the year.   The leadership skills I have developed through community service will be invaluable in my career. Each child has different academic, emotional, and social needs. I am looking forward to the challenge of helping each child become better than they are when they start the school year. My experiences now are helping me because I am learning to explain things in different ways to kids who learn differently. This helps ensure that every child in my classroom will have the best chance to learn and succeed. While the education system in America needs reform, I still want to make a positive impact. I want to help them learn and grow academically and mentally. I want to show them the world and the options they have. Children are our future and will be running the world soon enough. Even though teachers are underappreciated, we need someone to teach the kids now. Going to college is essential for me to achieve my dreams. My family's modest background makes it difficult to afford college without external help. With this scholarship, I will have made one step toward my goal of being able to afford college. Teachers in America are underpaid and overworked. Allowing me to focus on my studies rather than working multiple jobs. As a future elementary school teacher, I want to instill a love of learning in my students. This love can open students to more possibilities, enhance their creativity, and improve their problem-solving skills. By instilling these values in my students, I can contribute to a more educated and prosperous society in the long run. My goal is to foster these values and watch them grow alongside the children.
    Michael Rudometkin Memorial Scholarship
    "No matter what happens in life, be good to people. Being good to people is a wonderful legacy to leave behind." - Taylor Swift. Community service is volunteering to help others in our community. It is a great way to give back to society and make a positive impact. I do many different things each year, such as volunteering and community service. Some are just one-day events; some groups meet weekly or seasonally. My most significant time volunteering is with a Teens For Christ group, organizing events for middle and high school students. In this group, we learn how to communicate about important topics and how to be positive role models. We also teach younger kids that it's okay to be themselves. I joined this group because, in middle school, I struggled a lot, and I wanted to help others in the same way. This group has helped me with my struggles and shaped my future career aspirations. I aspire to be an elementary school teacher, and this group has provided invaluable experience as a leader of younger children. It's not just about personal growth but also collective progress. Being involved in community service and giving back to the community is crucial because the people in our community have helped us in many ways. When people do community service, they give their time to help others, even strangers. This act of selflessness not only positively impacts someone else's life but also contributes to the overall well-being of our society. Community service is about the emotional and social skills it teaches and the practical skills it imparts. It helps teach critical social and emotional skills like empathy, compassion, and social responsibility, which are essential for personal growth. However, it also equips individuals with practical skills like time management and organizational skills, which are critical to a successful future in college and beyond. So, community service is not just about giving back but also about gaining valuable skills. I enjoy making tie blankets and donating them to the community food shelf around Christmas. Making blankets is fun and an excellent way to make a difference in someone's life. It takes little time or effort, especially when done with friends. However, the impact it can have on someone in need is immense. Even small acts, such as making blankets, can significantly impact someone else. We never know what someone else is going through. Community service with others is one of my favorite things. I like to find opportunities to help others while being with my friends. Volunteering with friends is always a highlight of my time. We get to hang out and have fun while helping others. It is always such a positive experience. This also allows some of my friends who are not as outgoing but want to help. If we volunteer as friends, more people will likely volunteer, and our impact will be more significant. Community service is a great way to give back to and positively impact our community. Not only do the people I help benefit from community service, but I also benefit. In all the different community service activities that I participated in, I have learned many different things. I have learned the importance of being there for others, I feel fulfilled by making a positive impact, and I have also learned how to be a helpful member of my community. It's important to help others, and knowing that I am making a difference feels good.
    John Young 'Pursue Your Passion' Scholarship
    My dream has always been to have a job with young children. I did not know how or what exactly, but I knew I was meant to work with young children. I have always enjoyed hanging out with little children, which was greatly influenced in part by my being the oldest cousin. My friend group often sees me as the 'mother' type. I am the type of person who always has anything that might be needed, is prepared for the worst, and always has time for anyone in need. Ever since I was young, everyone who knew me said I should become a teacher. I have had friends who wanted to do many different things and were constantly changing what they wanted to do as a job when they were older. I always thought this was weird because I wanted to work with young children. After researching and volunteering, I am confident that my career should be as an elementary school teacher. I wanted to go into early education because I have always enjoyed younger children and the connections I can make with them. Being around young children is more satisfying for me than with older children. Anytime I am around young children, I am more energized and fulfilled. The most influential time in a child's life and academic career is when they are young and in elementary school. Socially, emotionally, and academically, teachers of young children have an essential job. Being a teacher means I am helping the next generation with the basic things they need to succeed in the world and in life, making sure they all know how to read, write, and count money—things they would use in everyday life. The education system in America is terrible compared to other developed nations. More teachers, money for budgets, or supplies are needed. The curriculum and how subjects are taught are also significant problems in America. As an elementary school teacher, I can get in at the ground level and help society in many ways. By giving children the love of learning at an early age, they can be set up to have a positive and productive future. A love of learning can open a student to more possibilities, have more options open up for them in the future, and will be willing to try more things in life. A love of learning can also set up a child to help their problem-solving skills, expand their creativity, and create more social connections. Each child has different academic, emotional, and social needs. I am looking forward to the challenge of helping each child become better than they are when they start the school year. Despite these obstacles, I know that becoming an elementary school teacher is what I was meant to become. I cannot wait to make my mark on the next generation by helping students start their education with the best foundation.
    Harvest Achievement Scholarship
    "I love having a goal, feeling like I'm on a mission. I love trying to beat what I've done so far." - Taylor Swift. From a young age, my friends and I turned everyday tasks into competitions, from being the first in the lunch line to who could color inside the lines the best. We turned every task into a competition. As we grew older, this competitive spirit evolved into a competition to see who could achieve the better grades. This friendly, competitive spirit motivated us to work harder and push ourselves to be our best. Once my friends and I reached high school, we were no longer always in the same classes, so it was a bit harder to be competitive, but we found ways. We were still able to maintain our accountability by supporting each other. We set reminders for quizzes and tests and kept each other on track with our study schedules. Even with our competitive spirit, it is easy to become unmotivated; this is when our working together made a difference. Sometimes, we would put something simple up for grabs to motivate us all further, like a candy bar or bragging rights. This would help push us and keep us going, especially towards the end of the year when it would get chaotic and overwhelming. These study techniques made it easy to catch up, ease some anxiety, and get through testing together. To manage the advanced work of high school and college-level classes while trying to outsmart my friends, I had to develop effective time management skills and find study methods that worked best for me. While some of my friends used flashcards or wrote notes, I discovered that being quizzed verbally and participating in study groups were more effective study methods for my learning style. Some other ways we like to study are to create our own quizzes or Kahoot games as a fun way to mix things up and keep our studying habits engaging. Even when we did not have classes in common, my friends and I could still study and push each other, use the techniques we learned from each other, apply them on our own, or teach others to use them and help our other struggling classmates. We always tried to keep each other accountable. Before any quiz was announced, we would study the material or text each other to remind us when the quiz or test would be so that we knew to research and push ourselves a little harder. Working together helped us stay accountable and not only helped me achieve my success but also helped all of us in our group find success. We learned from each other, shared techniques, and supported our classmates. My friends have helped me achieve academic success in high school, but they also helped prepare me for the future in college by learning at an early age what study techniques work best for me. The best lesson was that success is not just about personal achievements but also about uplifting those around you and working together towards common goals.
    Norton Scholarship
    If five religious people of the same go into a room to discuss what the true meaning of God's word is, they will leave that room with six answers. Everyone has their interpretation of what they think their Truth should be. Even with the Bible in black and white print, there are still variations in how people interpret the language, so it can be hard to discern the true meaning of God's Truth. The Bible has been translated between languages numerous times, which can add to an even more varied understanding of God's Truth. We will never know how much information has been lost over the centuries or how years of translations might have twisted a scripture's current wording away from God's original intent. For Christians, the Bible is not just any book; it is the primary source of Scriptural Truth, believed to be inspired by the Holy Spirit. This divine influence is not just a theoretical concept but a practical and empowering force that guides Christians to live by God's will. The verses of 2 Timothy 3:16-17 proclaim 'All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.' The scripture from 2 Peter 1:20-21 also supports this idea by stating, 'Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet's own interpretation of things. For prophecy never had its origin in the human will, but prophets, though human, spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.' God's Truth, as revealed through scripture, is not a fleeting concept but an absolute and eternal reality. It remains unaltered, providing a firm foundation for moral, spiritual, and theological principles. This unchanging nature is a source of comfort and stability for believers, assuring them of the unwavering nature of their faith. Verses such as John 14:6 ('I am the way, the truth, and the life') and Psalm 119:160 ('All your words are true; all your righteous laws are eternal') underscore this eternal and unchanging aspect of God's Truth. This was an essential foundation for the disciples of Jesus and for Jesus himself: Matthew 24:35, 'Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.' A person's Truth is not as absolute as God's or Scriptural Truth because their family, culture, peers, and many other factors heavily influence it. These numerous outside influences make a person's Truth appear imperfect and flawed. Proverbs 14:12 ('There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end, it leads to death') shows that God's Truth is considered the true goal, and a human's judgment is not always correct. Isaiah 5:21 supports this with, 'Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes and clever in their own sight.' The challenge of being human lies in the integration of these diverse ideas. It's a deeply personal struggle to be a person of faith, to follow the teachings of the Bible, to interpret the scriptures correctly, and then to apply it to one's life. How a person lives their Truth and tries to live God's Truth can be very personal. It may involve prayer, meditation, church services, or seeking counsel from others. For a Christian, the Bible is at the heart of a person's Truth and God's Truth. That is where it begins and ends. As humans, we can only do our best, but that is what makes us human.
    Barbara Cain Literary Scholarship
    "I wouldn't be a songwriter if it wasn't for books that I loved as a kid. I think that when you can escape into a book, it trains your imagination to think big and to think that more can exist than what you see." ― Taylor Swift.  It's not about what you read but the act of reading itself. Every type of literature has something to offer. The books and lessons that have stuck with me and that I still remember to this day are from the books that I am interested in and actively seek out. I enjoyed some books in school, but as with most people, I found my favorite books outside the classroom. I read a lot in my spare time; my favorite genre is romance novels. From the outside, most people would assume that a person could not learn much from those books and that they are just 'brain rot.' But this could not be further from the truth. Are these books always the most realistic? No. Should we be trying to emulate these types of relationships in real life? No. However, readers can still learn much from this genre when they approach fiction with realistic expectations. I love the romance genre for many reasons. I love connecting with many different types of characters and seeing them fall in love. There is so much diversity in the characters, relationships, friendships, and romances. I also love romcom books with all the hijinks that these characters can find themselves in. I love seeing the wide range of characters and situations the characters get into, and in the end, they all get their 'Happily Ever After.' Along with the variety of characters and storylines within one genre, I have also learned apparent things from the subgenres. I have learned the rules of many different sports, historical events, and business operations and traveled to places I can only imagine. But there is so much more that I have taken away from reading these books, such as hope, resilience, the importance of setting boundaries, and how to think outside the box. However, beyond that, there is so much more that I, and many others, have gained from reading these books. Reading about other people and their relationships has shown me how important having good communication skills is and even how to improve them. With this, if there is a misunderstanding or a problem with communication, I have learned several ways how to effectively work through the misunderstandings and express feelings and thoughts more clearly. Some of the best books in the romance genre I have read don't just have a romantic storyline but also a rich storyline about the friendships that the main characters have. Strong communication skills are necessary for success in any relationship. The books I have read have not directly influenced my goals; however, they will help me reach my goals and reach them to a greater depth than I could without the lessons I have learned from these books. I have always wanted to work with young children and be an elementary school teacher. Dealing with a classroom of children will involve a variety of personalities, relationships, and communication styles. Learning to deal with this and think creatively and fast on my feet will significantly benefit my teaching a classroom of young children. By applying what I have learned from my favorite books, I am confident that I will bring a deeper understanding and a creative approach to teaching, positively impacting the lives of the children I will one day educate.
    Team USA Fan Scholarship
    "My biggest flaw is not being able to function without a nap." - Simone Biles. Simone Biles may be one of the most relatable Olympians in this year's Olympics, especially for a teenage girl. Simone has been my favorite athlete since she took the stage in the 2016 Rio Olympics. Her floor routines have always been captivating, taking things to new heights. Literally. This year alone, she jumped twelve feet high in the Olympic trials, even though she is only 4'8". Simone Biles could jump over Shaq if she wanted, as he is a measly 7'1" tall. Not many people can say that. Simone Biles is the most decorated gymnast of all time. Simone has eleven Olympic medals, including seven gold, two silver, and two bronze. The Paris 2024 Olympics were Simone's third Olympics. At the 2024 Olympics, Simone was the oldest gymnast on the team, 27 years old. Many said she was too old and should not try attending the Olympics this year. This fact just made me want to cheer her on even more. She won four medals at this year's Olympics. That should show everyone who was hating on her. Not only is Simone the most elite person in gymnastics, but she is also an elite role model for women of all ages and colors. Simone grew up in foster care, adopted by her grandparents, and dealt with abuse. She has faced hardships that no one should endure, but many do. What Simone had done, though, is spoken up. She has given a voice to those who did not have one before. Simone Biles is constantly using her voice and her platform to speak up about women's rights, the importance of mental health, and standing up against the haters. Simone Biles consistently pushes the boundaries in gymnastics. Five gymnastics moves are named after her in the vault, beam, and floor exercises. She submitted one for the uneven bars for the 2024 Olympics but chose not to try that move in this competition. So, she is still going; the number of moves named after her will likely increase. I love cheering on Simone in competitions because I know that while she is there to compete, she is also there to have fun. My favorite part of this Olympics, and possibly any Olympics, is when the camera caught Simone Biles and Jordan Chiles standing at the side of the arena of perhaps the biggest competition of their lives, and they started dancing. At first, no one can tell why, but then the camera pans over, and Snoop Dogg is dancing in the stands. Most of the world knows that at the last minute, she had to pull out of the vault in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics for her mental health. At the time, this was unheard of as a reason for pulling out of an event. So her dancing and having fun under all this immense pressure is so satisfying to see. And to top it all off, Simone won gold for vault this year. Simone Biles is not just an extraordinary gymnast; she embodies resilience, happiness, and advocacy. Her achievements in the gym are exceptional, but her courage and relatability outside of the gym make her an actual role model. Cheering for Simone Biles is about celebrating her victories and appreciating the strength and spirit she brings to every part of her life. As someone who looks up to her for her perseverance and passion, I find her an inspiring figure who motivates me to strive for excellence and stay true to myself.
    Live Music Lover Scholarship
    "So, make the friendship bracelets, take the moment and taste it." - Taylor Swift, 'You're On Your Own, Kid' My costume was set. Tickets were secured. The countdown was on. When I discovered that Taylor Swift's Eras tour was coming to my area in June 2023, I knew I had to try and go. Who knew that just getting tickets would be an adventure in itself? I was extremely lucky. Thanks to my mother, I survived the 'Great War,' the Ticketmaster battle to get tickets. In the end, we got second-row seats for face value! From the time the tickets were purchased until hours before the concert, I made friendship bracelets to hand out and thought about how to create the perfect look. On the day of the concert, I could hardly contain my excitement from the moment I woke up. We arrived at the stadium around noon. My mother and I did our research and watched social media. We knew we wanted to get there early to be in front of the lines, enter the stadium, and be first for the merch lines. We ended up being first in line outside the stadium, and therefore, we were under a tent, so we were saved from the scorching sun in the 90-degree weather. Before the stadium concert, all the fans were trading bracelets and making new friends. That's when I realized this is not just a huge fan base but also a family. Everyone was so welcoming to everyone else. Everyone was so happy to be at the concert after surviving the 'Great War.' Everyone was complementing each other's costumes, taking pictures of each other, and handing out bracelets. It was such a positive environment. Once we were able to enter the stadium, it was a mad rush to get our merch. Once that was secured, we were able to take a breath and take in the atmosphere. We spent the rest of the time walking around, trading bracelets, meeting new people, and seeing other people's amazing costumes. Once Lady Gaga's 'Applause' first lines started to play, we all knew it was time for the show to start, and Taylor was minutes away. I had been watching the Eras Tour through grainy live streams for past concerts, so I knew what I was in for. Over 3 hours of singing, dancing, and my favorite songs. My favorite part that I had been anticipating was when Taylor would say, 'Welcome to the acoustic section!" This section of the show is where Taylor would do two surprise songs that she had not performed on tour until that point. It was exciting to wait and see and guess which songs we would get. I was so lucky that one of my favorite songs, 'Paper Rings,' was chosen along with 'If This Was a Movie.' For the entire concert, I was on my feet singing each song. After Taylor had her last bow and disappeared, I just sat there and took it all in. Then I grabbed the ziplock bag I had brought because I came prepared and raced around to collect as much confetti as possible to bring home as a souvenir. I lost my voice, and my feet were numb, but it was all worth it. I would do it again in a heartbeat. A Taylor Swift concert is more than just an experience for a few hours while she is performing. It is an experience that lasts all day and night. As a first concert, the Eras Tour is pretty epic; another artist's tour won't be able to top that experience.
    NYT Connections Fan Scholarship
    Group 1: Taylor Swift has been an actress in Hannah Montana Giver New Girl Lorax Group 2: Taylor Swift is associated with Banana Grey's Anatomy Nashville Cats Group 3: Items that represent a Taylor Swift album Snake Forest Cardigan Beach Group 4: Places Taylor Swift has written a song about High School Christmas Tree Farm Holiday House Cornelia Street "Anything you put your mind to and add your imagination into can make your life a lot better and a lot more fun.' - Taylor Swift. As soon as I saw the scholarship prompt, I knew what I wanted to do. I wanted to do an overall theme of Taylor Swift with smaller subcategories that would fall under her world. Taylor Swift is a great inspiration to me and many others around the world: her music, her lyrics, and her as an individual. I have been following her music for as long as I can remember, as her career is older than I am. Connections at the heart is a game for people to have fun. I had a blast coming up with categories and the groups of words to go with each. Taylor Swift is known for her Easter Eggs and wordplay, so I tried to think like Taylor and come up with categories with words that could cross if you didn't know the common theme. However, keywords such as Cornelia Street, Holiday House, and cardigan will set off any Swifties' senses tingling and get their brain connecting ideas and sorting out the puzzle. In the end, I could have probably made a book of puzzles all related to Taylor Swift. With how her career is going, I will be adding to that book for a long time to come. And I look forward to it.
    Bob Deats Memorial Scholarship for Education
    "A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops." –Henry B. Adams. My volunteering, clubs, and babysitting have just shown me how much help people need. The education system in America may need to be revised; however, I still want to help children to the best of my ability. I want to help them learn and grow academically and mentally. I want to show them the world and the options they have. Children are our future and will be adults running the world soon enough. Even though teachers are underpaid and overworked, we need someone to teach the kids now. The change to the educational system won't happen overnight; however, the process can start now and evolve as we go. I also want to teach children it is okay to take action if you see something is wrong, but don't just stand there because that can make it worse by just watching it happen. Anyone can be the person who is needed to change the world. Change only happens one step at a time; anyone can take that first step. Many teachers have supported me in my academic career and helped me achieve my goals. One of my high school teachers, Mrs. Rosh, is helping me reach my goal of becoming a teacher. She is the adult supervisor for a school club called Educators Rising. This club aims to help future teachers gain the experience and skills they need to be ready when they become teachers. Educators Rising is my favorite club. One of the activities this group does is go to other schools and interact with children of all ages to see how the teachers handle the classrooms. By going to schools in areas that are more diverse than where I live, we can see how different schools work in various ways and how there is more than one correct way to do things. Exploring different age groups also helps to expose us to many different grade levels, allowing us to determine which grade we want to teach. We have also focused on the specialties such as Special Education, Music, and Physical Education. Mrs. Rosh has helped me by teaching me to be open to all the possibilities and not to be so stuck on one grade or subject. Mrs. Rosh also has shown me to be open to trying out special education or older kids. While she does this, she is also helping me with my goal of being an elementary school teacher by letting me try the grades I originally wanted to teach. Mrs. Rosh has never deterred me from any idea but has built me up and shown me many new things about education that I have not thought of before. By instilling in children a love of learning early on, I can help set them up for a positive and productive future. A love of learning can open a student to more possibilities, have more options open up for them in the future, and will be willing to try more things in life. A love of learning can also set up a child to help their problem-solving skills, expand their creativity, and create more social connections. Teachers know that the future of our nation is with these young children, so we have to do the best we can. As a future elementary school teacher, I am excited by the opportunity to shape young minds and help contribute to society in many ways. I would be overfilled with joy if I became a Mrs. Rosh to one of my future students.
    John Young 'Pursue Your Passion' Scholarship
    "A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops." –Henry B. Adams. Socially, emotionally, and academically, the teachers of young children have an essential job. Being an elementary school teacher means I am helping the next generation with the foundation they need to succeed in the world. Educators Rising is my favorite club. One of the activities this group does is go to other schools and interact with children of all ages to see how the teachers handle the classrooms. By going to schools in areas that are more diverse than where I live, we can see how different schools work in various ways and how there is more than one correct way to do things. My other group, Teens for Christ, takes up most of my non-academic time. This group comprises high school students, and we help middle school students learn about the church and life in general. I just completed my second year as a small group leader. My role in this group allows me to help plan events and lead the middle school children in large and small groups. My volunteering, the groups I am a part of, and all the babysitting I do have just shown me how much help people need. The education system in America may need to be revised; however, I still want to help children to the best of my ability. I want to help them learn and grow academically and mentally. I want to show them the world and the options they have. Children are our future and will be adults running the world soon enough. Even though teachers are underpaid and overworked, we need someone to teach the kids now. The change to the educational system won't happen overnight; however, the process can start now and evolve as we go. I also want to teach children it is okay to take action if you see something is wrong, but don't just stand there because that can make it worse by just watching it happen. Anyone can be the person who is needed to change the world. Change only happens one step at a time; anyone can take that first step. By instilling in children a love of learning early on, I can help set them up for a positive and productive future. A love of learning can open a student to more possibilities, have more options open up for them in the future, and will be willing to try more things in life. A love of learning can also set up a child to help their problem-solving skills, expand their creativity, and create more social connections. Teachers know that the future of our nation is with these young children, so we have to do the best we can. As a future elementary school teacher, I am excited by the opportunity to shape young minds and help contribute to society in many ways.
    Combined Worlds Scholarship
    "Unique and different is the new generation of beautiful. You don't have to be like everyone else." - Taylor Swift. Educators Rising is my favorite club I participate in. One of the activities that this group does is go to other schools and interact with children of all ages to see how the teachers handle the classrooms. By going to schools in areas that are more diverse than where I live, we can see how different schools work in various ways and how there is more than one correct way to do things. The biggest thing that I have learned through this experience is diversity. This group goes to many other places where the populations are composed differently. Even by traveling as little as an hour away, I have experienced significant changes in diversity. It has opened my eyes to what is around me and what I could experience if I can travel even further abroad. College is one of the most significant financial decisions a person will make. It may only be for some, and only some jobs require a college degree. However, a person learns more at college than just from books. Going to college is essential to achieve my dream of becoming a teacher. In college, I will learn the academic part of how to put together a lesson plan, the developmental stages of children, and how to run a classroom. I will also learn and experience many other things. I will also develop skills that I will benefit from in different areas of my life. My public speaking will improve, I hope to learn a second language, and I will face more diversity than I had growing up. Not only will college help me achieve my career goals, but it will also open doors to a world of unique opportunities. I am eager to participate in a study abroad semester, envisioning myself in the vibrant cultures of France or Italy. The study abroad experience is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that can broaden horizons and foster personal growth. College will be a place for learning and a hub of new experiences, meeting friends outside my comfort zone, and exploring my non-academic interests. Traveling for short periods of time is a great experience and can broaden a person's perspective. However, what I am most looking forward to is studying abroad. I am so excited to be fully immersed in a new culture. There is nothing like spending months in a completely foreign place to give me a love of a new community, a new perspective of the world, and a love of new experiences and people. Traveling and studying abroad will help develop communication skills, adaptability, and empathy, which help create some of the best teachers. There is so much more out there in the world for me to experience that will make me a better person and a better teacher. Every new place I go will add a new layer to helping me become a more well-rounded teacher.
    Denise K. Emberton Memorial Scholarship
    'If you're lucky enough to be different, never change.' - Taylor Swift. This country has a shortage of teachers, insufficient funding for budgets, and a scarcity of school supplies. One of the most significant difficulties in the classroom today is that too many students are assigned to each teacher. The variety and quantity of students would be fine if each student's brain worked the same way and absorbed all the new information using the same methods. Within one classroom, there will be gifted students, students with learning disabilities, students who do not have access to resources, and even students who fly just under the radar and get skipped over.  Every child is unique, with their own set of academic, emotional, and social needs. As a future educator, I am committed to the challenge of helping each child surpass where they started the school year, not just academically but socially and emotionally as well. This might involve providing more stimulating tasks for autistic children, alternative ways of learning different lesson plans, or additional social and emotional support. For some children, school might be their only source of support due to challenging home environments. Recognizing and addressing these diverse needs is fundamental to our role as educators.  It is essential that all children know that just because some people are different, it doesn't mean that one person is better than another. As educators, we should teach them there are strengths that come with differences and how to make the best of what each individual has. Teaching kids early can help them learn how to communicate with others, play, and understand the world now and in the future. A significant obstacle with autistic children low on the spectrum is that they are most often in mainstream classrooms with many other classmates who may have never been exposed to anyone who is autistic. However, this can be a huge blessing in disguise. All the children in the classroom will benefit from working together throughout the year. Empathy and the appreciation of individual uniqueness that the students learn will help create an inclusive environment that these children can carry on in their future. When a lesson plan calls for peer learning in the mixed-level classroom, the social support system will help to reinforce positive social dynamics. I will enter the workforce with a unique perspective for teaching autistic children. As a part of Generation Z, the label of someone being autistic was not as large of a social stigma as it had previously been in other generations. Along with this, my mother had a late diagnosis of autism when she turned 40, and I was in my early teen years. Autism has always been an open discussion around me. I have been able to appreciate how different brains work and how that can be beneficial to everyone around them. The most influential time in a child's life and academic career is when they are young and in elementary school. The lessons these children learn will continue throughout their educational careers and adulthood. Socially, emotionally, and academically, teachers of young children have an essential job. Becoming an elementary school teacher is what I was meant to become. I cannot wait to make my mark on the next generation by helping students start their education with the best foundation.
    Elevate Mental Health Awareness Scholarship
    'I cry a lot but I am so productive, it's an art' - Taylor Swift, I Can Do It With A Broken Heart. It feels as if the world is out to get teenage girls. Everything in society is constructed to go against teenage girls and make life more difficult. Social media is often blamed for the decline of mental health in teenagers; however, this is not the whole story. Almost everyone I know, including myself, struggles with mental health, whether it be anxiety, depression, or even eating disorders. As a teenage girl, I have dealt with mental health struggles longer than I would care to admit. My experience with anxiety could be considered different from many others. My mother suffers from extreme anxiety, and this has always been an open conversation in my household. Academics significantly affect my mental health. As a typical teenager, my life revolves around high school. Most of my days are spent going to school or working on schoolwork. My generation is putting more and more pressure on academic performance. Even before high school, we must have good grades for college scholarships. I was aware at a young age that college is overly expensive and that student loans can crush a person for many years after graduation. Much of this anxiety is self-inflicted, especially in my case. I have always known I was going to be an elementary school teacher. I cannot even remember even considering any other profession. However, this means that I will need to be able to pay for college. This means I am applying for every scholarship I can and saving money from all my jobs. This means getting good grades each trimester in high school so that I qualify for every scholarship available. This also means taking CIS (College in the Schools) classes so that I can start earning college credit for free while still in high school. This means I have the pressure of doing well on tests, homework, and writing papers. The pressure of getting a good grade on every test, piece of homework, or paper can be extreme. Often, it feels like just one wrong move will destroy my grades, preventing my dreams from coming true. I have learned to be open about my feelings and reach out when overwhelmed. I can ask teachers for extensions or extra help before school. I am also more open with my friends. Often, we vent to each other about what bothers us at that time. Even just telling others helps to relieve me of some anxiety. Being supported and being reminded that I am not alone can go a long way in the mental health battle that I face. To survive high school as a teenage girl, I have to take my mental health seriously. The pressure of looking a certain way, being in the cool crowd, and getting perfect grades can quickly become overwhelming. I am lucky to have my mental health not only be supported at home but also in my high school. My teachers create brain breaks, mental health days, and ways to ask for help anonymously. The hardest part can be asking for help. The support is there, and I am lucky to be surrounded by a community of friends and adults who care. Often, they recognize that I need a mental health break before I do. Looking towards my future after high school creates its own form of anxiety. As a future elementary school teacher, I can get in at the ground level and help society in many ways. By giving children the love of learning at an early age, they can be set up to have a positive and productive future. A love of learning can open a student to more possibilities, have more options open up for them in the future, and will be willing to try more things in life. A love of learning can also set up a child to help their problem-solving skills, expand their creativity, and create more social connections. This is how I want to make my impact on the world. Teachers in America are underpaid and overworked. I plan to go to college without having to work many hours so that I can spend all my focus on my classes. After graduating college, I plan to have as few student loans as possible. This way, I will not have to work two jobs to live. I will put all my concentration on the career that is my calling. My chosen path for the future is filled with many obstacles and little reward. However, I am so excited about the possibilities. As the daughter of a millennial mother, I know that she keeps a close eye on me due to the struggles she faced as a teenager. I know food fuels my body, and my body can do extraordinary things. I know I don't have to be perfect to be loved. I know I am unique, and this should be celebrated. I know that my self-worth is not defined by other's opinions. I have the foundation I need to face mental health struggles. Sometimes, I need to remind myself of this fact.
    Elevate Women in Technology Scholarship
    "A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops." –Henry B. Adams. This country has a shortage of teachers, insufficient funding for budgets, and a scarcity of school supplies. Curriculum development goes under a microscope for every lesson. However, we are on the precipice of a new world with Artificial Intelligence. Every day leaps and bounds are being made to advance what AI can accomplish. The field of education has many different ways in which AI can and will be used in the future.  One of the most significant difficulties in the classroom today is that too many students are assigned to each teacher. The variety and quantity of students would be fine if each student's brain worked the same way and absorbed all the new information using the same methods. Within one classroom, there will be gifted students, students with learning disabilities, students who do not have access to resources, and even students who fly just under the radar and get skipped over. Artificial Intelligence will be able to make one of the most significant impacts on education once the transformative technology of AI tutors and virtual assistants is created, perfected, and accessible to mainstream America. If teachers access AI tutors and virtual assistants, their workload will decrease significantly. Curriculums could be tailored to meet each student's needs, providing the student with personalized feedback on their work. AI tutors could explain and answer questions in multiple ways, ensuring learning and understanding for each student. Additionally, AI assistants would assist students in navigating the lesson plans and learning activities, guiding them through projects and assignments. By freeing up the teacher's time and attention, AI virtual assistants would support educators in focusing on the students who require the most attention. Therefore, even if a student can only sometimes receive individual attention from the teacher, the AI tutor will be available to help bridge the gaps in learning. I want to help find the best way to help all children reach their full potential. Education in America needs an overhaul. Many things need to be fixed. However, the teachers always try to help all children to the best of their ability. Teachers know that the future of our nation is with these young children, so we have to do the best we can.
    Priscilla Shireen Luke Scholarship
    "A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops." –Henry B. Adams. The most influential time in a child's life and academic career is when they are young and in elementary school. Socially, emotionally, and academically, the teachers of young children have an essential job. Being a teacher means I am helping the next generation with the basic things they need to succeed in the world. I am part of a high school group called Educators Rising. All the members in this group want to be teachers. We go to other schools and see what different schools look like and how they work. We do this while we interact with children of various ages. The other schools also show us that different schools work in different ways. The biggest thing that I have learned through this experience is diversity. This group goes to many other areas where the populations are composed differently. I am also in a group called TFC, Teens for Christ. This group comprises high school students, and we help middle school students learn about the church and life. I just completed my first year as a small group leader. I also helped plan all of the events that we organized. This group has helped me get more hands-on experience as a leader and adapt to different groups of kids. My volunteering, the groups I am a part of, and all the babysitting have just shown me how much help people need. The education system in America may need to be revised; however, I still want to help kids to the best of my ability. I want to help them learn and grow academically and mentally. I want to show them the world and the options they have. Children are our future and will be adults running the world soon enough. Even though teachers are underpaid and overworked, we need someone to teach the kids now. The change to the educational system won't happen overnight; however, the process can start now and evolve as we go. I also want to teach kids it is okay to take action if you see something is wrong, but don't just stand there because that can make it worse by just watching it happen. Anyone can be the person that is needed to change the world. Change only happens one step at a time; anyone can take that first step. As a future elementary school teacher, I am humbled by the opportunity to shape young minds and contribute to society in many ways. By instilling in children a love of learning early on, I can help set them up for a positive and productive future. A love of learning can open a student to more possibilities, have more options open up for them in the future, and will be willing to try more things in life. A love of learning can also set up a child to help their problem-solving skills, expand their creativity, and create more social connections.
    Arthur and Elana Panos Scholarship
    The most influential time in a child's life and academic career is when they are young and in elementary school. Socially, emotionally, and academically, the teachers of young children have an essential job. Being a teacher means I am helping the next generation with the basic things they need to succeed in the world. My mother loves to tell the story of my parents choosing the city they would move to before she had any children, and the reason was for the children they did not have yet. They did this because they wanted us to be baptized in a specific church so I could go to their private school to give us the best start. I am so thankful for this. The teachers at my Catholic school have made such a difference in my life. They have shown me how to live my faith and have my dream career. My classmates from this school are still some of my closest friends, and I am still involved in many different groups at my church. One of those groups is TFC, Teens for Christ. This group comprises high school students, and we help middle school students learn about the church and life. I am in my second year as a small group leader. I helped plan all of the events that we organized. This group has helped me get more hands-on experience as a leader and adapt to different groups of kids. The education system in America may need to be revised; however, I still want to help kids to the best of my ability. I want to help them learn and grow academically and spiritually. I want to show them the world and the options they have. I also want to teach kids it is okay to take action if you see something is wrong, but don't just stand there because that can make it worse by just watching it happen. Change only happens one step at a time; anyone can take that first step. As a future elementary school teacher, I can get in at the ground level and help society in many ways. By giving children the love of learning at an early age, they can be set up to have a positive and productive future. A love of learning can open a student to more possibilities, have more options open up for them in the future, and will be willing to try more things in life. A love of learning can also set up a child to help their problem-solving skills, expand their creativity, and create more social connections. Each child has different academic, emotional, and social needs. I am looking forward to helping each child become better than they are when they start the school year. I cannot wait to make my mark on the next generation by assisting students in starting their education with the best foundation. I want to show children the world and the options they have. Children are our future and will be running the world soon enough.
    Social Anxiety Step Forward Scholarship
    "Being fearless isn't being 100 percent not fearful; it's being terrified, but you jump anyway." - Taylor Swift. As a teenage girl, I have dealt with mental health struggles longer than I would care to admit. My experience with anxiety could be considered different from many others. My mother has been diagnosed with severe social anxiety. This has always been an open conversation in my household. As a family, we talk openly about her struggles and how she feels about certain situations. Best of all, though, we also talk about what she does to overcome some of her social anxiety, when we should push past the social anxiety, and where to draw the line. As I have become older, this has helped me with my social anxiety. The stigma is not present. I feel comfortable going to someone if I need help. I have the tools available if I have the courage to use them. This is highly required as the career I want to become an elementary school teacher; I need to be able to interact with adults and children daily, and only sometimes people that I will know and be comfortable with. Many of my extracurriculars also deal with being social. On the outside, these activities come easily to me, but it is a struggle on the inside. However, doing these activities, especially on repetition, will help me become a better teacher. I am a part of a group in high school called Educators Rising. We go to other schools and see what different schools look like and how they work. We do this while interacting with children of various ages and meeting teachers who may have different styles of teaching to which I am accustomed. I am also in a group called TFC, Teens for Christ. This group comprises high school students, and we help middle school students learn about the church and life lessons in general. Along with leading small groups, members also help prepare for all the events. This group has helped me get more hands-on experience as a leader and adapt to different groups of children. In college, I will learn the academic part of putting together a lesson plan, the developmental stages of children, and how to run a classroom. However, I will also learn and experience many other things. My public speaking will improve, I hope to learn a second language, and I will be met with more diversity than I had growing up. Not only will college help me achieve my career goals, but it will also give me many opportunities I would not have otherwise. I may have to push my boundaries, but I am ready for these new experiences. I plan on doing a study abroad semester in France or Italy. The study abroad experience has many benefits for those who can have it. I am also excited to have the chance to join many on-campus clubs. Attending college will allow me to try new experiences, meet new people, and explore my non-academic interests. College is the next step toward my career goals and expanding my life experiences. I am looking forward to the challenge of helping each child become better than they are when they start the school year. To become a teacher, I need to go to college. To be my best teacher, I need to learn and experience how to help young children best academically, socially, and emotionally. I cannot wait to make my mark on the next generation by assisting students to get their education started with the best foundation.
    Jonas Griffith Scholarship
    "Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today." –Malcolm X. Elementary school is the most influential time in a child's life and academic career. Socially, emotionally, and academically, the teachers of young children have an essential job. Even though teachers are underpaid and overworked, we need someone to teach the kids now. My volunteering, the groups, and all the babysitting have just shown me how much help people need. The education system in America may need to be revised; however, I still want to help kids to the best of my ability. I want to help them learn and grow academically and mentally. I want to show them the world and the options they have. Children are our future and will be adults running the world soon enough. I want to teach kids it is okay to take action if you see something is wrong, but don't just stand there because that can make it worse by just watching it happen. Anyone can be the person that is needed to change the world. Change only happens one step at a time; anyone can take that first step. I am part of a high school group called Educators Rising. All the members in this group want to be teachers. We go to other schools and see what different schools look like and how they work. We do this while we interact with children of various ages. The other schools also show us that different schools work in different ways. The biggest thing that I have learned through this experience is diversity. This group goes to many other areas where the populations are composed differently. I am also in a group called TFC, Teens for Christ. This group comprises high school students, and we help middle school students learn life lessons. This group has helped me get more hands-on experience as a leader and adapt to different groups of kids. Through the experiences I have already had as a leader and teacher, I have formed some ideas about the future of education. In the future, I would like school to be shorter. Many kids zone out when teachers and classes drag on. Some teachers find random things to fill the day until the bell rings. The school day is 8 hours long, with most kids having homework on top of that. Many homeschoolers only take 4 hours daily to do their work. Therefore, there should be a way for kids not to be at school 8 hours a day. Kids should also be able to work and excel at their own pace. Some kids learn quickly and naturally absorb information quicker than others. At the same time, some kids take longer to learn. The kids that excel and learn quicker shouldn't be held back and bored just because they aren't old enough to go to the next grade and are just waiting for enough time to pass to advance. Teachers and schools could also find ways to help kids learn what they are interested in and ways they are interested in. When kids want to learn, they pay attention and listen to what teachers say. Students who don't find the class interesting will not pay attention or learn anything. Some kids learn visually; they can be shown once and absorb that knowledge immediately. At the same time, some students learn with hands-on work and need labs or other activities to interact with. There are different ways kids learn, and there should be ways to make it possible for them to learn how they learn best. Each child has different needs academically, emotionally, and socially. I am looking forward to the challenge of helping each child become better than they are when they start the school year. Those who are gifted might need more of a challenge or benefit from more help socially. Some children might have a bad home life and need more support in school as they will not receive any support outside of school. As an elementary school teacher, I can get in at the ground level and help children in many ways. By giving children the love of learning at an early age, they can be set up to have a positive and productive future. A love of learning can open a student to more possibilities, have more options open up for them in the future, and will be willing to try more things in life. A love of learning can also set up a child to help their problem-solving skills, expand their creativity, and create more social connections. The education system in America needs a lot of work. We need more teachers, money for budgets, and supplies. Despite these obstacles, becoming a primary school teacher is my calling. I want to help find the best way to help every child reach their full potential.
    Henry Respert Alzheimer's and Dementia Awareness Scholarship
    'What if I forget you? Would you ever forget me?' - Young Dory, Finding Dory George Terpstra was a hero and inspiration to many, even though his autobiography would match that of many men of his generation. George was born in Ogilvie, MN, in 1921 and graduated from Ogilvie High School in 1939. During World War II, George served in the Army Air Forces. This was natural for him to do as he had worked for several years for Boeing before entering the service. He was a part of the South Pacific Theater until the war's end. George did not like to talk about his time in the war, especially to us children. The stories we have heard about our great-grandpa are just ones that have been passed down through his children. In his time in the Army Air Forces, George flew in over fifty-one combat missions before being rotated back to the United States. He was a flight engineer and a gunner on a B24 aircraft. During his fifty-one missions, his plane was shot down or crash-landed five times. He survived all of those missions and crashes without any significant physical trauma. However, his time served and lost friends made a considerable impression on his life, even in the end. George married my great-grandmother Frances after the war in 1947. They had three sons; my grandpa James was the oldest born in 1949. For his work and education after the war, George graduated from the University of Minnesota with a Bachelor's Degree in Mechanical Engineering. He worked for a bit at Honeywell and Washington Scientific before he worked for 20 years at Control Data and retired from there. Towards the end of his life, and for all the time that I knew him, my great-grandfather suffered from Alzheimer's. My family was lucky enough that he could spend most of that time living at one of his son's houses with his daughter-in-law as the primary caregiver. George loved the little children; interacting with them always made him smile. Even once his memory had faded and he could not tell which children he was related to, he would light up and become much more aware of his surroundings while interacting with children. When George was living with my great aunt and great uncle, he often spent time with young children. My great-aunt also watched her grandchildren during the day when their parents worked. This helped him keep his mind working at its total capacity longer than if he had been in a home. George loved to build model planes and ships when not spending time with his great-grandchildren. He loved creating something and could sit for hours making these models. The biggest thing that has stuck out to me about this was that his favorite model to make was a B24. Even as his memory was fading and he could not remember things from the past 20 years, he could remember the war and the plane he flew in. He knew all the details of the plane, where he sat, and the missions he was on. His time in the war was so impactful, for good and bad, that he remembered that plane even once all memories of the past 60 years of his life faded. My grandpa James still has that model in a spot of honor at his house. Alzheimer's is a cruel teacher. The lessons we learn as bystanders are some of the best life lessons a person can learn. However, this is at a cost to everyone this disease touches. Even though my great-grandpa has passed, the lessons we have learned from him have stayed. In the end, we find out what truly matters. What matters is not the daily chores. What matters is not the religious rules that have been ingrained. What matters is not how a person looks to others. Love remains even when memories have been snatched by Alzheimer's. Love is what an Alzheimer's patient can feel, even if they do not remember who is giving them that love. Everyone possesses greater strength than ever previously thought. Bystanders of this disease must become more resilient and grow past their previous boundaries. Stepping out of the comfort zone is very challenging for many individuals. Once the comfort zone is broken, we know that we can break it again when needed. We have the strength to get through those challenges. Everyone is continuously changing and growing as an individual. Understanding that challenges can be overcome will impact all aspects of a person's life. The lesson that everyone who is touched by Alzheimer's should take away is that Alzheimer's can also bring joy. Someone who is diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease may not have to suffer through having a loved one pass. They will no longer have the anxiety of how to pay bills, what is going to happen tomorrow, or even worry about choices they made in the past that they now regret. Alzheimer's brings a burden to the afflicted and their families. There are positives, however, and they should be celebrated. Great-grandpa George passed away in 2013 when I was almost six years old. I do not have any fresh memories of him in my head. However, I have many pictures of me and my family with him. His stories are also still being passed on, even to the great-grandchildren who never had the chance to meet him.
    Student Life Photography Scholarship
    Snap EmpowHER Scholarship
    "A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops." –Henry B. Adams The most influential time in a child's life and academic career is when they are young and in elementary school. Socially, emotionally, and academically, the teachers of young children have an essential job. Being a teacher means I am helping the next generation with the basic things they need to succeed in the world. I am part of a high school group called Educators Rising. All the members in this group want to be teachers. We go to other schools and see what different schools look like and how they work. We do this while we interact with children of various ages. The other schools also show us that different schools work in different ways. The biggest thing that I have learned through this experience is diversity. This group goes to many other areas where the populations are composed differently. I am also in a group called TFC, Teens for Christ. This group comprises high school students, and we help middle school students learn about the church and life. I just completed my first year as a small group leader. I also helped plan all of the events that we organized. This group has helped me get more hands-on experience as a leader and adapt to different groups of kids. My volunteering, the groups I am a part of, and all the babysitting have just shown me how much help people need. The education system in America may need to be revised; however, I still want to help kids to the best of my ability. I want to help them learn and grow academically and mentally. I want to show them the world and the options they have. Children are our future and will be adults running the world soon enough. Even though teachers are underpaid and overworked, we need someone to teach the kids now. The change to the educational system won't happen overnight; however, the process can start now and evolve as we go. I also want to teach kids it is okay to take action if you see something is wrong, but don't just stand there because that can make it worse by just watching it happen. Anyone can be the person that is needed to change the world. Change only happens one step at a time; anyone can take that first step. As a future elementary school teacher, I can get in at the ground level and help society in many ways. By giving children the love of learning at an early age, they can be set up to have a positive and productive future. A love of learning can open a student to more possibilities, have more options open up for them in the future, and will be willing to try more things in life. A love of learning can also set up a child to help their problem-solving skills, expand their creativity, and create more social connections.
    Future Leaders Scholarship
    My dream has always been to have a job with young children. I did not know how or what exactly, but I knew I needed to work with young children, even since I was one myself. After research and volunteering, my career should be primary teaching. The most influential time in a child's life and academic career is when they are young and in elementary school. I have always loved to teach and help kids. Being a part of helping them become better at skills and improve is amazing. I never realized how hard a leader could be until I became one. When I was one of the kids and a part of the group, we had fun, but I didn't realize how much effort being a leader was. Volunteering has shown me how much I love to help others and has helped me in many ways. Through my volunteer work, I have improved my leadership skills. Public speaking, planning and preparing events for kids, and being a small group leader are just a few of my skills that continue to improve as I lead in my volunteer work. Having kids ask me questions and trying to get the kids involved with each activity keeps me on my toes. As I grow and improve, my leadership skills will help the kids and, in the future, help me become an even better teacher. Each child has different needs academically, emotionally, and socially. When I become a teacher, I am looking forward to the challenge of helping each child become better than they are when they start the school year. Some children might have a bad home life and need more support in school as they will not receive any support outside of school. My experiences now are helping me because I am learning to explain things in different ways to kids who learn differently. This has taught me to be patient so that kids can learn at various places. Leading has also taught me how to have more empathy for others. Each child is different; you never know what they are going through or how they feel at a particular moment. If the child is having a good or bad day, you don't understand why they are having that bad day or what is happening in their life. This can also change by the minute. Another challenge I have realized as a leader is that we must follow a schedule. Sometimes, the kids want to avoid following the schedule or need help listening. So, as the leader, I use creative ways to get from area to area while keeping it fun and getting to the new location on time. Through this, I have learned time management and how important it is to have something to watch the time with. I am looking forward to the challenge of helping each child become better than they are when they start the school year. Becoming an elementary school teacher is what I was meant to be. I cannot wait to make my mark on the next generation by helping students get their education started with the best foundation.
    Building a Better World Scholarship
    The most influential time in a child's life and academic career is when they are young and in elementary school. Socially, emotionally, and academically, the teachers of young children have an essential job. Being a teacher means I am helping the next generation with the basic things they need to succeed in the world. My mother loves to tell the story of my parents choosing the city they would move to before she had any children, and the reason was for the children they did not have yet. They did this because they wanted us to be baptized in a specific church so I could go to their private school to give us the best start. I am so thankful for this. The teachers at my Catholic school have made such a difference in my life. They have shown me how to live my faith and have my dream career. My classmates from this school are still some of my closest friends, and I am still involved in many different groups at my church. One of those groups is TFC, Teens for Christ. This group comprises high school students, and we help middle school students learn about the church and life. I am in my second year as a small group leader. I helped plan all of the events that we organized. This group has helped me get more hands-on experience as a leader and adapt to different groups of kids. The education system in America may need to be revised; however, I still want to help kids to the best of my ability. I want to help them learn and grow academically and spiritually. I want to show them the world and the options they have. I also want to teach kids it is okay to take action if you see something is wrong, but don't just stand there because that can make it worse by just watching it happen. Change only happens one step at a time; anyone can take that first step. As a future elementary school teacher, I can get in at the ground level and help society in many ways. By giving children the love of learning at an early age, they can be set up to have a positive and productive future. A love of learning can open a student to more possibilities, have more options open up for them in the future, and will be willing to try more things in life. A love of learning can also set up a child to help their problem-solving skills, expand their creativity, and create more social connections. Each child has different academic, emotional, and social needs. I am looking forward to helping each child become better than they are when they start the school year. I cannot wait to make my mark on the next generation by assisting students in starting their education with the best foundation. I want to show children the world and the options they have. Children are our future and will be running the world soon enough.
    Ginny Biada Memorial Scholarship
    ach day, my mother asks about my day and what happened. Her attention is undivided, her interest genuine, as she seeks to understand the thoughts that occupy our minds. As the daughter of a millennial, I know she keeps a close eye on me due to the struggles she faced as a teenager. I know food fuels my body, and my body can do extraordinary things. I know I don't have to be perfect to be loved. I am unique, and this should be celebrated. I know other's opinions do not define my self-worth. These lessons that have been taught are ones that I plan on passing down to the next generation. I have a career goal of becoming an elementary teacher. Therefore, even before I have my children, I can pass down the life lessons my mother has given me to the next generation. My mother has also shown me that it is okay to go against the grain if you believe in something. She is very outspoken about her beliefs and social justice. My mother loves to write on posters and tape them to our garage with her latest quote she wants others to think about. Usually, these are about how everyone deserves equal rights. I have noticed among my friends that this is unique, not just in the fact that she does this, but that we have family discussions about these subjects where my parents treat me as an adult and help educate me and hear what I say. My mother shows me that making a difference does not have to be a large action. I know that those signs have prompted many conversations around the neighborhood. Making our family a priority is very important to my mother. Once she is done with work, she is done with work. Her focus is on us, how to improve our current lives, and how to look towards the future. My mother is known to stand outside the school auditorium for more than an hour before the doors open just so that she can get a front-row seat. She has done this for every performance since I started preschool. Even before Covid, my mother worked her work schedule so my sister and I could be in any after-school activity or sport we wanted. She was there to be our chauffeur and our cheerleader. If we showed any interest in any subject, my mother ensured we had the capability and means to explore our passions. My mother loves to tell the story of my parents choosing the city they would move to before she had any children, and the reason was for the children they did not have yet. They did this because they wanted us to be baptized in a specific church so I could go to their private school to give us the best start. I am so thankful for this. Those classmates are still some of my closest, and I am still involved in many different groups at my church. Deep in my soul, I know I am meant to be an elementary school teacher. This is a profession. As a person, I also have a strong calling to be a mother. In today's society, this is not always considered positive due to mothers being disadvantaged in the workplace and looked down upon in society. My mother has shown me that a person should be proud to be a mother, and you can still have a job and be a successful mother and make my family the priority.
    RonranGlee Literary Scholarship
    "So he spoke, and Thoas, son of Andraemon, sprang up quickly, and from him flung his purple cloak, and set out to run to the ships. Then in his garment I gladly lay, and golden-throned Dawn appeared. Would that I were young as then, and my strength as firm; then would one of the swineherds in the farmstead give me a cloak both from kindness and from respect for a brave warrior. But as it is they scorn me, since I have foul raiment about me." To him then, swineherd Eumaeus, didst thou make answer, and say: "Old man, the tale thou hast told is a good one, nor hast thou thus far spoken aught amiss or unprofitably. Wherefore thou shalt lack neither clothing nor aught else that a sore-tried suppliant should receive, when he meets one—for this night at least; but in the morning thou shalt shake about thee those rags of thine. For not many cloaks are here or changes of tunics to put on, but each man has one alone. But when the dear son of Odysseus comes, he will himself give thee a cloak and a tunic as raiment, and will send thee whithersoever thy heart and spirit bid thee go." So saying, he sprang up and placed a bed for Odysseus near the fire, and cast upon it skins of sheep and goats. There Odysseus lay down, and the swineherd threw over him a great thick cloak, which he kept at hand for a change of clothing whenever a terrible storm should arise. So there Odysseus slept, and beside him slept the young men. But the swineherd liked not a bed in that place, that he should lay him down away from the boars; so he made ready to go outside. And Odysseus was glad that he took such care of his master's substance while he was afar. Homer. The Odyssey. London: New York: W. Heinemann; G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1919. Loyalty and respect are some of the main themes in The Odyssey. This is showcased through the loyalty of his wife, his son, and his former slaves, among many other characters. However, Odysseus is gone for twenty years and only knows of this loyalty once he returns. During those twenty years, the central theme of loyalty is shown through the loyalty of the soldiers to Odysseus and also of the loyalty to Odysseus under his command. Loyalty among soldiers is still very prevalent today—their loyalty to each other and the country they serve. Unfortunately, from Ancient Greece to the 20th century, soldiers' loyalty was not always reciprocated by those they had dedicated their lives to. This quote from the Odyssey shows just a little bit of this dichotomy. However, the swineherd proves his loyalty by treating the disguised Odysseus as if he were any other person, not as a beggar. However, the swineherd's loyalty is in the minority, especially compared to the loyalty of all the suitors that Penelope and her son have to deal with. The suitors display that loyalty is only as long as it benefits oneself. Everyone should respect veterans regardless of the century because they fought for this country and volunteered to defend us. They put their lives in danger to keep us safe. They will offer to help anyone, anywhere. Veterans have volunteered and risked their lives so that we do not have to worry about being attacked by other countries because they are trained to defend and protect us. Everyone always talks about current military service members. However, it is still essential to remember the service members who have completed their service to the country. They may very well have been physically injured during their service. For others, they may have come home safe and sound. In truth, many veterans will come back with mental injuries, including PTSD, depression, or anxiety. Veterans must receive the help and support they need. They have risked their lives for us; the least we can do is help them after they are done with their service. However, unfortunately, not every military veteran gets the assistance they require. Armed forces personnel will not simply respond to conflicts; they will also be some of the first to respond to natural disasters, including hurricanes, earthquakes, avalanches, and storm surges. They will go where no others can to help and save citizens. Veterans also lead by example. They show us how to work very hard in the worst conditions, never give up, and, most importantly, how to have a phenomenal work ethic. Veterans should be honored for their past service. However, even though their service is over, they still serve an essential role. Many are involved in their local communities, trying to improve them for everyone's benefit. Veterans' values and work ethic will stay with them for the rest of their lives, and veterans will continue to impact the lives of those around them even past their death. The theme of loyalty in ancient literature is common in many texts, as is disguising oneself to see what a person truly thinks. This even happens in the Bible when Jesus disguises himself as a beggar. The Odyessy is one of the most famous pieces of ancient literature that students across the globe study. More than 2500 years after the Odyessy was written, veterans are still trying to earn the same loyalty and respect active soldiers obtain.
    Veerakasturi and Venkateswarlu Ganapaneni Memorial Scholarship
    College is one of the most significant financial decisions a person will make in their lifetime, and we make this decision at eighteen. However, college may only be for some, and only some jobs require a degree. However, going to college is essential for me to achieve my dreams. I come from a modest background, and my family's financial situation makes it challenging to afford college without external support. This scholarship would significantly alleviate the financial burden and allow me to focus on my studies and future career. The most influential time in a child's life and academic career is when they are young and in elementary school. Socially, emotionally, and academically, the teachers of young children have an essential job. I understand that being a teacher is a challenging job. It requires patience, dedication, and a genuine love for children and education. However, I am ready to take on these challenges because I believe in the rewards of seeing my students learn and grow. My volunteering, the groups, and all the babysitting have just shown me how much help people need. I have also gained insights into the current state of the education system in America. While it has its strengths, there is room for improvement. For instance, I have noticed a need for more personalized learning approaches and increased support for students with diverse learning needs. I want to help children learn and grow academically and mentally. Children are our future and will be adults running the world soon enough. In my free time, I babysit for many different families. I save almost everything that I earn to help pay for college. Because I am saving my money, I cannot buy the same 'latest and greatest' things that my classmates do. However, I believe in investing in my education and future career. Babysitting and filling out scholarship applications also take up much time, so I have learned to manage my time efficiently. I only have a little free time compared to others, but I prioritize my studies and volunteer work. I understand that the little sacrifices now can mean a world of difference later, and I am willing to make them to achieve my goals. With this scholarship, I will have taken a significant step toward my goal of being able to afford college. This financial support will allow me to start a career I enjoy with less financial burden. I plan to go to college without having to work many hours so that I can spend all my focus on my classes. After graduating college, I plan to have as few student loans as possible. This way, I will not have to work two jobs to live. I will put all my concentration on the career that is my calling. This scholarship will not only benefit me but also contribute to the education sector by enabling me to focus on my studies and future career as an elementary school teacher. As a future elementary school teacher, I can get in at the ground level and help society in many ways. A love of learning can open a student to more possibilities, have more options open up for them in the future, and will be willing to try more things in life. A love of learning can also set up a child to help their problem-solving skills, expand their creativity, and create more social connections. By instilling these values in my students, I can contribute to a more educated and prosperous society in the long run.
    Friends of Ohm Labs Scholarship
    College is one of the most significant financial decisions a person will make in their lifetime, and we make this decision at eighteen. However, college may only be for some, and only some jobs require a degree. However, going to college is essential for me to achieve my dreams. I come from a modest background, and my family's financial situation makes it challenging for me to afford college without external support. This scholarship would significantly alleviate the financial burden and allow me to focus on my studies and future career. The most influential time in a child's life and academic career is when they are young and in elementary school. Socially, emotionally, and academically, the teachers of young children have an essential job. I understand that being a teacher is a challenging job. It requires patience, dedication, and a genuine love for children and education. However, I am ready to take on these challenges because I believe in the rewards of seeing my students learn and grow. My volunteering, the groups, and all the babysitting have just shown me how much help people need. I have also gained insights into the current state of the education system in America. While it has its strengths, there is room for improvement. For instance, I have noticed a need for more personalized learning approaches and increased support for students with diverse learning needs. I want to help children learn and grow academically and mentally. Children are our future and will be adults running the world soon enough. In my free time, I babysit for many different families. I save almost everything that I earn to help pay for college. Because I am saving my money, I cannot buy the same 'latest and greatest' things that my classmates do. However, I believe in the value of investing in my education and future career. Babysitting and filling out scholarship applications also take up much time, so I have learned to manage my time efficiently. I only have a little free time compared to others, but I prioritize my studies and volunteer work. I understand that the little sacrifices now can mean a world of difference later, and I am willing to make them to achieve my goals. With this scholarship, I will have taken a significant step toward my goal of being able to afford college. This financial support will allow me to start a career I enjoy with less financial burden. I plan to go to college without having to work many hours so that I can spend all my focus on my classes. After graduating college, I plan to have as few student loans as possible. This way, I will not have to work two jobs to live. I will put all my concentration on the career that is my calling. This scholarship will not only benefit me but also contribute to the education sector by enabling me to focus on my studies and future career as an elementary school teacher. As a future elementary school teacher, I can get in at the ground level and help society in many ways. A love of learning can open a student to more possibilities, have more options open up for them in the future, and will be willing to try more things in life. A love of learning can also set up a child to help their problem-solving skills, expand their creativity, and create more social connections. By instilling these values in my students, I can contribute to a more educated and prosperous society in the long run.
    Janean D. Watkins Overcoming Adversity Scholarship
    Since I was four years old, I have attended the same small private school. When I started high school, I had to transition from this small private school to a large public high school, as the private school was only for grades up to the eighth grade. This change in my life had many different challenges that were very overwhelming to me in the beginning. I had to learn how to adapt, embrace change, and become self-reliant to transition from a small private school to a large public school. From four to fourteen, I went to a private Catholic school where my entire grade had 18 children. Everybody knew everyone else. The middle school teachers knew the names of the preschool children. I had the same classmates year after year. Even though we would change classrooms for the different classes in middle school, all the classrooms were in the same hallway. The teachers knew my family, where I might struggle, and where I excelled—academically, socially, and emotionally. The year I started ninth grade at the local high school, my class was around 425 students. I did not know any of the teachers and rarely knew any of my classmates. I had been used to the same students in each class, regardless of the subject. I had to learn to adapt very quickly if I wanted to succeed in high school. In the beginning, I was very overwhelmed and felt lost. I was so far out of my comfort zone because nothing was familiar, and I was unknown to everyone else. Along with the new people, I had to adjust to being in a much larger building and changing classrooms within this new building. I had to learn to be more independent as I no longer had such a strong bond with my classmates and teachers. This was a substantial change for me as I had had such an extensive support system in my previous school. I knew I had to speak up for myself if I had questions. I also learned to keep my schedule, track my assignments, and manage my time outside school. Along with all of these challenges that the transition brought, it had the chance for many new opportunities. I had to step out of my comfort zone to do these opportunities, but in the end, they also helped me to overcome many of my challenges. I joined the volleyball team, where I met some of my classmates before the school year started. I did not know them very well, but at least there was a friendly face in some classes. I also joined Educators Rising, where I met people with the same college and career goals. I now have close friends from these groups. I have also gotten to know some teachers better as I find classes I enjoy and interact with them more. Transitioning from a small private school to a large public school for the ninth grade was a significant milestone in my life. Many new challenges initially put me out of my comfort zone. These new challenges helped me develop my adaptation skills, embrace change, and become more self-reliant. By the end of my first year in high school, I had become more confident, open to new experiences, and not as scared of any challenges in my academic career. Challenges are a way for me to step out of my comfort zone, step up, and become a better person.
    ADHDAdvisor's Mental Health Advocate Scholarship for Health Students
    To survive high school as a teenage girl, I have to take my mental health seriously. The pressure of looking a certain way, being in the cool crowd, and getting perfect grades can quickly become overwhelming. I am fortunate to be surrounded by a community of friends and adults who care. Often, they recognize that I need a mental health break before I do. As the daughter of a millennial mother, I know that she keeps a close eye on me due to the struggles she faced as a teenager. I know food fuels my body, and my body can do extraordinary things. I know I don't have to be perfect to be loved. I know I am unique, and this should be celebrated. I know that other's opinions do not define my self-worth. Sometimes, I need to remind myself of these facts, but the foundation is there. These lessons that have been taught to me are ones that I plan on passing down to the next generation. Socially, I can help children by encouraging them to talk to their classmates and ensure everyone is included. As a teacher, I can help the children develop communication and team-building skills through projects. Emotionally, I can make sure that the children are okay. If they need someone to talk to, I can be a safe space they can always visit. I am there for the children, not just academically. I want to help children learn and grow academically and mentally. I want to show them the world and the options they have. Children are our future and will be adults running the world soon enough. I also want to teach kids it is okay to take action if you see something is wrong, but don't just stand there because that can make it worse by just watching it happen. Anyone can be the person that is needed to change the world. Change only happens one step at a time; anyone can take that first step. As a future elementary school teacher, I can get in at the ground level and help society in many ways. The most influential time in a child's life and academic career is when they are young and in elementary school. Socially, emotionally, and academically, teachers of young children have an essential job.
    Servant Ships Scholarship
    My costume was set, tickets were secured, and the countdown was on. I survived the 'Great War,' the Ticketmaster battle, to get tickets. In the end, I was able to get second-row seats. (Thank you, Mother!) While preparing to get tickets and waiting for the tour date, I wanted to know more about Taylor Swift. I had only listened to her music. So, I watched her documentaries and other interviews to get to know her better and see what I could learn from Taylor. There had to be a reason so many people liked her, even if they didn't like her music. I wanted to know why. So I binged her documentaries 'Miss Americana,' 'Long Pond Studio Sessions,' and 'Reputation Stadium Tour.' In these documentaries, Taylor Swift shows us that we need to stay true to ourselves and that it is okay to change who we are and evolve. For example, she went from country to pop to folk music and back again. Her music grows with her as a person. We do not have to stay inside the box we are placed in. As we grow older, we can change, but we must change for ourselves and not for others. In these films, Taylor Swift shows the behind-the-scenes of her life. While doing this, she also inspires her fans. Taylor Swift also shows her fans how to reach for goals. From Taylor, I have taken away many life lessons. To achieve your dream, sometimes we must make choices and sacrifices to make it the farthest possible. You can't listen to haters and have to believe in yourself if you want to achieve something. You must also work hard and show people you are different if you want to achieve something. Taylor Swift also shows everyone that even once dreams are achieved, people still have to work hard and try their best. If you don't, you might lose it. Ever since I was young, everyone who knew me said I should become a teacher. To become a teacher, I need to go to college. Even after I graduate, I will have continuing education for my whole career. I am ready for the hard work because it will pay off. The most influential time in a child's life and academic career is when they are young and in elementary school. As an elementary school teacher, I can get in at the ground level and help society in many ways. By giving children the love of learning at an early age, they can be set up to have a positive and productive future. A love of learning can open a student to more possibilities, have more options open up for them in the future, and will be willing to try more things in life. Children are our future and will be adults running the world soon enough. Even though teachers are underpaid and overworked, we need someone to teach the kids now. The change to the educational system won't happen overnight; however, the process can start now and evolve as we go. Many of the themes that Taylor Swift portrays in her music and films are also themes that I want to portray as an elementary school teacher. I also want to teach kids it is okay to take action if you see something is wrong; don't just stand there because that can make it worse by just watching it happen. Anyone can be the person that is needed to change the world. Change only happens one step at a time; anyone can take that first step.
    Sandy Jenkins Excellence in Early Childhood Education Scholarship
    Helping young children get the education they deserve is the most crucial cause in the world. If a child has an education, they have the world at their fingertips. I have known since I was little that I wanted to be a teacher and help the next generation impact the world. Instead of playing with Barbies or other toys, my friends and I would play school with our dolls in a school house. This included making lesson plans to teach the dolls and each other. Whatever we had learned in school that day would become the lesson plan we taught our dolls. After school, while doing homework, I would help all of my friends understand the concepts they didn't understand that day. During Covid, most of my classmates would use FaceTime to work together. I usually had already completed my work, as my parents made us do school right away in the morning. So, while my class was on Facetime, I would help the rest of my classmates with their Latin and Mathematics. I have loved helping others learn for as long as I can remember. I have always liked the idea that I can make learning fun in a way that will help them understand and want to come to school every day. I am a part of a group in high school called Educators Rising. All the members in this group want to be teachers. We go to other schools and see what different schools look like and how they work. We do this while interacting with children of various ages. This helps us to learn what age we would like to teach. The biggest thing that I have learned through this experience is diversity. I come from a predominantly Caucasian and Christian area; however, this group is going to many different places where the populations are composed of various races, ethnicities, and religions. Throughout the year, Educators Rising has also been doing service projects to help our community and make it better. I am also in a group called TFC, Teens for Christ. This group comprises high school students, and we help middle school students learn about the church and life lessons in general. I have been in this group for two years and plan on continuing through high school. Along with leading, members also help to prepare for all of the events that are put on. This group has helped me get more hands-on experience as a leader and adapt to different groups of children. The education system in America may need to be revised; however, I still want to help children to the best of my ability. Even though teachers are underpaid and overworked, we need someone to teach the children now. The change to the educational system won't happen overnight; however, the process can start now and will evolve as time goes on. I want to teach children that they should take action if they see something is wrong. Not to stand on the side, but to say that having apathy can be just as harmful. Any one person can be the person that is needed to change the world. Change only happens one step at a time; anyone can take that first step. My volunteering, the groups I am in, and the babysitting have shown me how much help children need. I want to help them learn and grow not just academically but also mentally, socially, and emotionally. I want to show children the world and the options they have. Children are our future and will soon be adults running the world.
    Ethel Hayes Destigmatization of Mental Health Scholarship
    It feels as if the world is out to get teenage girls. Everything in society is constructed to go against teenage girls and make life more difficult. Social media is often blamed for the decline of mental health in teenagers; however, this is not the whole story. Almost everyone I know, including myself, struggles with mental health, whether it be anxiety, depression, or even eating disorders. As a teenage girl, I have dealt with mental health struggles longer than I would care to admit. My experience with anxiety could be considered different from many others. My mother suffers from extreme anxiety, and this has always been an open conversation in my household. Academics significantly affect my mental health. As a typical teenager, my life revolves around high school. Most of my days are spent going to school or working on schoolwork. My generation is putting more and more pressure on academic performance. Even before we enter high school, we have to have good grades to get college scholarships. I was aware at a young age that college is overly expensive and that student loans can crush a person for many years after graduation. Much of this anxiety is self-inflicted, especially in my case. I have always known I was going to be an elementary school teacher. I cannot even remember even considering any other profession. However, this means that I will need to be able to pay for college. This means I am applying for every scholarship I can and saving money from all my jobs. This means getting good grades each trimester in high school so that I qualify for every scholarship available. This also means taking CIS (College in the Schools) classes so that I can start earning college credit for free while still in high school. This means I have the pressure of doing well on tests, homework, and writing papers. The pressure of getting a good grade on every test, piece of homework, or paper can be extreme. Often, it feels like just one wrong move will destroy my grades, preventing my dreams from coming true. I have learned to be open about my feelings and reach out when overwhelmed. I can ask teachers for extensions or extra help before school. I am also more open with my friends. Often, we vent to each other about what bothers us at that time. Even just telling others helps to relieve me of some anxiety. Being supported and being reminded that I am not alone can go a long way in the mental health battle that I face. To survive high school as a teenage girl, I have to take my mental health seriously. The pressure of looking a certain way, being in the cool crowd, and getting perfect grades can quickly become overwhelming. I am lucky to have my mental health not only be supported at home but also in my high school. My teachers create brain breaks, mental health days, and ways to ask for help anonymously. The hardest part can be asking for help. The support is there, and I am lucky to be surrounded by a community of friends and adults who care. Often, they recognize that I need a mental health break before I do. Looking towards my future after high school creates its own form of anxiety. As a future elementary school teacher, I can get in at the ground level and help society in many ways. By giving children the love of learning at an early age, they can be set up to have a positive and productive future. A love of learning can open a student to more possibilities, have more options open up for them in the future, and will be willing to try more things in life. A love of learning can also set up a child to help their problem-solving skills, expand their creativity, and create more social connections. This is how I want to make my impact on the world. Teachers in America are underpaid and overworked. I plan to go to college without having to work many hours so that I can spend all my focus on my classes. After graduating college, I plan to have as few student loans as possible. This way, I will not have to work two jobs to live. I will put all my concentration on the career that is my calling. My chosen path for the future is filled with many obstacles and little reward. However, I am so excited about the possibilities. As the daughter of a millennial mother, I know that she keeps a close eye on me due to the struggles she faced as a teenager. I know food fuels my body, and my body can do extraordinary things. I know I don't have to be perfect to be loved. I know I am unique, and this should be celebrated. I know that my self-worth is not defined by other's opinions. I have the foundation I need to face mental health struggles. Sometimes, I need to remind myself of this fact.
    TEAM ROX Scholarship
    Helping young children get the education they deserve is the most crucial cause in the world. If a child has an education, they have the world at their fingertips. I have known since I was little that I wanted to be a teacher and help the next generation impact the world. Instead of playing with Barbies or other toys, my friends and I would play school with our dolls in a school house. This included making lesson plans to teach the dolls and each other. Whatever we had learned in school that day would become the lesson plan we taught our dolls. After school, while doing homework, I would help all of my friends understand the concepts they didn't understand that day. During Covid, most of my classmates would use FaceTime to work together. I usually had already completed my work, as my parents made us do school right away in the morning. So, while my class was on Facetime, I would help the rest of my classmates with their Latin and Mathematics. I have loved helping others learn for as long as I can remember. I have always liked the idea that I can make learning fun in a way that will help them understand and want to come to school every day. I am a part of a group in high school called Educators Rising. All the members in this group want to be teachers. We go to other schools and see what different schools look like and how they work. We do this while interacting with children of various ages. This helps us to learn what age we would like to teach. The biggest thing that I have learned through this experience is diversity. I come from a predominantly Caucasian and Christian area; however, this group is going to many different places where the populations are composed of various races, ethnicities, and religions. Throughout the year, Educators Rising has also been doing service projects to help our community and make it better. I am also in a group called TFC, Teens for Christ. This group comprises high school students, and we help middle school students learn about the church and life lessons in general. I have been in this group for two years and plan on continuing through high school. Along with leading, members also help to prepare for all of the events that are put on. This group has helped me get more hands-on experience as a leader and adapt to different groups of children. The education system in America may need to be revised; however, I still want to help children to the best of my ability. Even though teachers are underpaid and overworked, we need someone to teach the children now. The change to the educational system won't happen overnight; however, the process can start now and will evolve as time goes on. I want to teach children that they should take action if they see something is wrong. Not to stand on the side, but to say that having apathy can be just as harmful. Any one person can be the person that is needed to change the world. Change only happens one step at a time; anyone can take that first step. My volunteering, the groups I am in, and the babysitting have shown me more how much help children need. I want to help them learn and grow not just academically but also mentally, socially, and emotionally. I want to show children the world and the options they have. Children are our future and will soon be adults running the world.
    Sacha Curry Warrior Scholarship
    Helping young children get the education they deserve is the most crucial cause in the world. If a child has an education, they have the world at their fingertips. I have known since I was little that I wanted to be a teacher and help the next generation impact the world. Instead of playing with Barbies or other toys, my friends and I would play school with our dolls in a school house. This included making lesson plans to teach the dolls and each other. Whatever we had learned in school that day would become the lesson plan we taught our dolls. After school, while doing homework, I would help all of my friends understand the concepts they didn't understand that day. During Covid, most of my classmates would use FaceTime to work together. I usually had already completed my work, as my parents made us do school right away in the morning. So, while my class was on Facetime, I would help the rest of my classmates with their Latin and Mathematics. I have loved helping others learn for as long as I can remember. I have always liked the idea that I can make learning fun in a way that will help them understand and want to come to school every day. I am a part of a group in high school called Educators Rising. All the members in this group want to be teachers. We go to other schools and see what different schools look like and how they work. We do this while interacting with children of various ages. This helps us to learn what age we would like to teach. The biggest thing that I have learned through this experience is diversity. I come from a predominantly Caucasian and Christian area; however, this group is going to many different places where the populations are composed of various races, ethnicities, and religions. Throughout the year, Educators Rising has also been doing service projects to help our community and make it better. I am also in a group called TFC, Teens for Christ. This group comprises high school students, and we help middle school students learn about the church and life lessons in general. I have been in this group for two years and plan on continuing through high school. Along with leading, members also help to prepare for all of the events that are put on. This group has helped me get more hands-on experience as a leader and adapt to different groups of children. The education system in America may need to be revised; however, I still want to help children to the best of my ability. Even though teachers are underpaid and overworked, we need someone to teach the children now. The change to the educational system won't happen overnight; however, the process can start now and will evolve as time goes on. I want to teach children that they should take action if they see something is wrong. Not to stand on the side, but to say that having apathy can be just as harmful. Any one person can be the person that is needed to change the world. Change only happens one step at a time; anyone can take that first step. My volunteering, the groups I am in, and the babysitting have shown me more how much help children need. I want to help them learn and grow not just academically but also mentally, socially, and emotionally. I want to show children the world and the options they have. Children are our future and will soon be adults running the world.
    Boun Om Sengsourichanh Legacy Scholarship
    The most influential time in a child's life and academic career is when they are young and in elementary school. Socially, emotionally, and academically, the teachers of young children have an essential job. Being a teacher means I am helping the next generation with the basic things they need to succeed in the world. One of the groups I am involved in is called Educators Rising. All the members in this group want to be teachers. We go to other schools and see what different schools look like and how they work. We do this while we interact with children of different ages. The other schools also show us that different schools work in various ways. The biggest thing that I have learned through this experience is diversity. This group goes to many other areas where the populations are composed differently. The volunteering I do, the groups I am in, and all of the babysitting I do have shown me more how much help people need. The education system in America may need to be revised; however, I still want to help kids to the best of my ability. I want to help them learn and grow academically and mentally. I want to show them the world and the options they have. Children are our future and will be adults running the world soon enough. Even though teachers are underpaid and overworked, we need someone to teach the kids now. The change to the educational system won't happen overnight; however, the process can start now and evolve as we go. I also want to teach children that it is okay to take action if you see something is wrong and not just stand by passively. Anyone can be the person that is needed to change the world. Change only happens one step at a time; anyone can take that first step. As a future elementary school teacher, I can get in at the ground level and help society in many ways. By giving children the love of learning at an early age, they can be set up to have a positive and productive future. A love of learning can open a student to more possibilities, have more options open up for them in the future, and will be willing to try more things in life. A love of learning can also set up a child to help their problem-solving skills, expand their creativity, and create more social connections. I am looking forward to the challenge of helping each child become better than they are when they start the school year. Despite these obstacles, I know that becoming an elementary school teacher is what I was meant to become. I cannot wait to make my mark on the next generation by helping students start their education with the best foundation.
    Zamora Borose Goodwill Scholarship
    The most influential time in a child's life and academic career is when they are young and in elementary school. Socially, emotionally, and academically, the teachers of young children have an essential job. Being a teacher means I am helping the next generation with the basic things they need to succeed in the world. One of the groups I am involved in is called Educators Rising. All the members in this group want to be teachers. We go to other schools and see what different schools look like and how they work. We do this while we interact with children of different ages. The other schools also show us that different schools work in various ways. The biggest thing that I have learned through this experience is diversity. This group goes to many other areas where the populations are composed differently. The volunteering I do, the groups I am in, and all of the babysitting I do have shown me more how much help people need. The education system in America may need to be revised; however, I still want to help kids to the best of my ability. I want to help them learn and grow academically and mentally. I want to show them the world and the options they have. Children are our future and will be adults running the world soon enough. Even though teachers are underpaid and overworked, we need someone to teach the kids now. The change to the educational system won't happen overnight; however, the process can start now and evolve as we go. I also want to teach children that it is okay to take action if you see something is wrong and not just stand by passively. Anyone can be the person that is needed to change the world. Change only happens one step at a time; anyone can take that first step. As a future elementary school teacher, I can get in at the ground level and help society in many ways. By giving children the love of learning at an early age, they can be set up to have a positive and productive future. A love of learning can open a student to more possibilities, have more options open up for them in the future, and will be willing to try more things in life. A love of learning can also set up a child to help their problem-solving skills, expand their creativity, and create more social connections. I am looking forward to the challenge of helping each child become better than they are when they start the school year. Despite these obstacles, I know that becoming an elementary school teacher is what I was meant to become. I cannot wait to make my mark on the next generation by helping students start their education with the best foundation.
    Donna M. Umstead Memorial Work Ethic Scholarship
    The most influential time in a child's life and academic career is when they are young and in elementary school. Socially, emotionally, and academically, the teachers of young children have an essential job. Being a teacher means I am helping the next generation with the basic things they need to succeed in the world. My volunteering, the groups, and all the babysitting have just shown me how much help people need. The education system in America may need to be revised; however, I still want to help kids to the best of my ability. I want to help them learn and grow academically and mentally. I want to show them the world and the options they have. Children are our future and will be adults running the world soon enough. Even though teachers are underpaid and overworked, we need someone to teach the kids now. The change to the educational system won't happen overnight; however, the process can start now and evolve as we go. In my free time, I babysit for many different families. I save almost everything that I earn to help pay for college. Because I am saving my money, I cannot buy the same 'latest and greatest' things that my classmates do. Babysitting and filling out scholarship applications also take up much time, so I do not have as much free time as others. However, I know that the little sacrifices now can mean a world of difference later. With this scholarship, I will have made one step toward my goal of being able to afford college. I can start a career I enjoy with less financial burden. Teachers in America are underpaid and overworked. I plan to go to college without having to work many hours so that I can spend all my focus on my classes. After graduating college, I plan to have as few student loans as possible. This way, I will not have to work two jobs to live. I will put all my concentration on the career that is my calling. Therefore, I can make others around me wiser, happier, and able to enjoy all around them. As a future elementary school teacher, I can get in at the ground level and help society in many ways. By giving children the love of learning at an early age, they can be set up to have a positive and productive future. A love of learning can open a student to more possibilities, have more options open up for them in the future, and will be willing to try more things in life. A love of learning can also set up a child to help their problem-solving skills, expand their creativity, and create more social connections.
    Career Test Scholarship
    The most influential time in a child's life and academic career is when they are young and in elementary school. Socially, emotionally, and academically, the teachers of young children have an essential job. Being a teacher means I am helping the next generation with the basic things they need to succeed in the world. One of the groups I am involved in is called Educators Rising. All the members in this group want to be teachers. We go to other schools and see what different schools look like and how they work. We do this while we interact with children of different ages. The other schools also show us that different schools work in various ways. The biggest thing that I have learned through this experience is diversity. This group goes to many other areas where the populations are composed differently. The volunteering I do, the groups I am in, and all of the babysitting I do have shown me more how much help people need. The education system in America may need to be revised; however, I still want to help kids to the best of my ability. I want to help them learn and grow academically and mentally. I want to show them the world and the options they have. Children are our future and will be adults running the world soon enough. Even though teachers are underpaid and overworked, we need someone to teach the kids now. The change to the educational system won't happen overnight; however, the process can start now and evolve as we go. I also want to teach children that it is okay to take action if you see something is wrong and not just stand by passively. Anyone can be the person that is needed to change the world. Change only happens one step at a time; anyone can take that first step. As a future elementary school teacher, I can get in at the ground level and help society in many ways. By giving children the love of learning at an early age, they can be set up to have a positive and productive future. A love of learning can open a student to more possibilities, have more options open up for them in the future, and will be willing to try more things in life. A love of learning can also set up a child to help their problem-solving skills, expand their creativity, and create more social connections. I am looking forward to the challenge of helping each child become better than they are when they start the school year. Despite these obstacles, I know that becoming an elementary school teacher is what I was meant to become. I cannot wait to make my mark on the next generation by helping students start their education with the best foundation.
    Kerry Kennedy Life Is Good Scholarship
    The most influential time in a child's life and academic career is when they are young and in elementary school. Socially, emotionally, and academically, the teachers of young children have an essential job. Being a teacher means I am helping the next generation with the basic things they need to succeed in the world. My volunteering, the groups, and all the babysitting I do have just shown me how much help people need. The education system in America may need to be revised; however, I still want to help kids to the best of my ability. I want to help them learn and grow academically and mentally. I want to show them the world and the options they have. Children are our future and will be adults running the world soon enough. Even though teachers are underpaid and overworked, we need someone to teach the kids now. The change to the educational system won't happen overnight; however, the process can start now and evolve as we go. In my free time, I babysit for many different families. I save almost everything that I earn to help pay for college. Because I am saving my money, I cannot buy the same 'latest and greatest' things that my classmates do. Babysitting and filling out scholarship applications also take up much time, so I do not have as much free time as others. However, I know that the little sacrifices now can mean a world of difference later. With this scholarship, I will have made one step toward my goal of being able to afford college. I can start a career I enjoy with less financial burden. Teachers in America are underpaid and overworked. I plan to go to college without having to work many hours so that I can spend all my focus on my classes. After graduating college, I plan to have as few student loans as possible. This way, I will not have to work two jobs to live. I will put all my concentration on the career that is my calling. Therefore, I can make others around me wiser, happier, and able to enjoy all around them. As a future elementary school teacher, I can get in at the ground level and help society in many ways. By giving children the love of learning at an early age, they can be set up to have a positive and productive future. A love of learning can open a student to more possibilities, have more options open up for them in the future, and will be willing to try more things in life. A love of learning can also set up a child to help their problem-solving skills, expand their creativity, and create more social connections.
    Elevate Mental Health Awareness Scholarship
    It feels as if the world is out to get teenage girls. Everything in society is constructed to go against teenage girls and make life more difficult. Social media is often blamed for the decline of mental health in teenagers; however, this is not the whole story. Almost everyone I know, including myself, struggles with mental health, whether it be anxiety, depression, or even eating disorders. As a teenage girl, I have dealt with mental health struggles longer than I would care to admit. My experience with anxiety could be considered different from many others. My mother suffers from extreme anxiety, and this has always been an open conversation in my household. Academics significantly affect my mental health. As a typical teenager, my life revolves around high school. Most of my days are spent going to school or working on schoolwork. My generation is putting more and more pressure on academic performance. Even before we enter high school, we have to have good grades so that we can get scholarships for college. I was aware at a young age that college is overly expensive and that student loans can crush a person for many years after graduation. Much of this anxiety is self-inflicted, especially in my case. I have always known I was going to be an elementary school teacher. I cannot even remember even considering any other profession. However, this means that I will need to be able to pay for college. This means I am applying for every scholarship I can and saving money from all my jobs. This means getting good grades each trimester in high school so that I qualify for every scholarship available. This also means taking CIS (College in the Schools) classes so that I can start earning college credit for free while still in high school. This means I have the pressure of doing well on tests, homework, and writing papers. The pressure of getting a good grade on every test, piece of homework, or paper can be extreme. Often, it feels like just one wrong move will destroy my grades, preventing my dreams from coming true. I have had to learn to be open about my feelings and reach out when I feel overwhelmed. I can ask teachers for extensions or extra help before school. I am also more open with my friends. Often, we vent to each other about what bothers us at that time. Even just telling others helps to relieve me of some anxiety. Being supported and being reminded that I am not alone can go a long way in the mental health battle that I face. To survive high school as a teenage girl, I have to take my mental health seriously. The pressure of looking a certain way, being in the cool crowd, and getting perfect grades can quickly become overwhelming. I am lucky to have my mental health not only be supported at home but also in my high school. My teachers create brain breaks, mental health days, and ways to ask for help anonymously. The hardest part can be asking for help. The support is there, and I am lucky to be surrounded by a community of friends and adults who care. Often, they recognize that I need a mental health break before I do. Looking towards my future after high school creates its own form of anxiety. As a future elementary school teacher, I can get in at the ground level and help society in many ways. By giving children the love of learning at an early age, they can be set up to have a positive and productive future. A love of learning can open a student to more possibilities, have more options open up for them in the future, and will be willing to try more things in life. A love of learning can also set up a child to help their problem-solving skills, expand their creativity, and create more social connections. This is how I want to make my impact on the world. Teachers in America are underpaid and overworked. I plan to go to college without having to work many hours so that I can spend all my focus on my classes. After graduating college, I plan to have as few student loans as possible. This way, I will not have to work two jobs to live. I will put all my concentration on the career that is my calling. My chosen path for the future is filled with many obstacles and little reward. However, I am so excited about the possibilities. As the daughter of a millennial mother, I know that she keeps a close eye on me due to the struggles she faced as a teenager. I know food fuels my body, and my body can do extraordinary things. I know I don't have to be perfect to be loved. I know I am unique, and this should be celebrated. I know that my self-worth is not defined by other's opinions. I have the foundation I need to face mental health struggles. Sometimes, I need to remind myself of this fact.
    Mental Health Scholarship for Women
    It feels as if the world is out to get teenage girls. Everything in society is built to go against us and make life more difficult. Social media is often blamed for the decline of mental health in teenagers; however, this is not the full story. Almost everyone I know, including myself, struggles with mental health whether it be anxiety, depression, or even eating disorders. My mental health is affected greatly by academics. As a normal teenager, my life revolves around high school. Most of my days are spent going to school or working on schoolwork. My generation is putting more and more pressure on academic performance. Even before we enter high school we have to have good grades so that we can get into a good college with scholarships. Much of this anxiety is self-inflicted, especially in my case. I have always known that I was meant to be an elementary school teacher. I cannot even remember even considering any other profession. However, this means that I will need to be able to pay for college. This means that I am applying for every scholarship I can and saving money from all my jobs. This means getting good grades each trimester in high school so that I qualify for every scholarship available. This also means taking CIS (College in the Schools) classes so that I can start earning college credit for free while still in high school. This means that I have the pressure of doing well on tests, homework, and writing papers. The pressure of getting a good grade on every test, piece of homework, or paper can be extreme. It often feels like just one wrong move and my grades will be destroyed and my dreams will not come true. I have had to learn to be open about my feelings and to reach out when I start to feel overwhelmed. I can ask teachers for extensions or extra help before school. I am also more open with my friends. Often we will vent to each other about what is bothering us at that time. Even just telling others helps to relieve me of some anxiety. Being supported and being reminded that I am not alone can go a long way in the mental health battle that I face. To survive high school as a teenage girl I have to take my mental health seriously. The pressure of looking a certain way, being in the cool crowd, and getting perfect grades can become overwhelming very easily. I am lucky to have my mental health not only be supported at home but also in my high school. My teachers create brain breaks, mental health days, and ways to anonymously ask for help. The hardest part can be asking for help. The support is there, and I am lucky enough to be surrounded by a community of friends and adults who care. Often they recognize that I need a mental health break before I do. As the daughter of a millennial mother, I know that she keeps a close eye on me due to the struggles she faced as a teenager. I know food fuels my body and my body can do extraordinary things. I know I don't have to be perfect to be loved. I know I am unique and this should be celebrated. I know that my self-worth is not defined by other's opinions. Sometimes I may need to remind myself, but the foundation is there.
    Jeannine Schroeder Women in Public Service Memorial Scholarship
    Helping young children get the education they deserve is the most important cause in the world. If a child has an education, they have the world at their fingertips. I have known since I was little I wanted to be a teacher and to help the next generation make an impact on the world. Instead of playing with Barbies or other toys, my friends and I would play school with our dolls in a school house. This included making lesson plans to teach the dolls and each other. Whatever we had learned in school that day would become the lesson plan we taught our dolls. After school, while doing homework, I would help all of my friends understand the concepts they didn't understand that day. During Covid, most of my classmates would Facetime to work together. I usually had already completed my work, as my parents made us do school right away in the morning. While my class was on Facetime I would help my classmates with their Latin and Mathematics. I have always liked the idea that I can make learning fun in a way that will help others understand and want to come to school every day to learn more. I am a part of a group in high school called Educators Rising. All the members in this group want to be teachers. We go to other schools and look at what some different schools look like and how they work. We do this while interacting with children of different ages. This helps us to learn what age we would like to teach. The biggest thing that I have learned through this experience is diversity. I come from a predominantly Caucasian and Christian area; however, this group is going to many different areas where the populations are composed of different races, ethnicities, and religions. Throughout the year, Educators Rising is also doing service projects to help our community and help make our community better. I am also in a group called TFC, Teens for Christ. This group is made up of high school students where we help middle school students learn all about the church and life lessons in general. I have been in this group for two years and plan on continuing through high school. Along with leading, members also help to plan all of the events that are put on. This group has helped me to get more hands-on experience being a leader and adapting to different groups of children. The education system in America may not be sound; however, I still want to help children to the best of my ability. Even though teachers are underpaid and overworked, we need someone to teach the children now. The change to the educational system won't happen overnight; however, the process can start now and will evolve as time goes on. I want to teach children that they should take action if they see something is wrong. Not to just stand on the side, that having apathy can be just as harmful. Any one person can be the person that is needed to change the world. Change only happens one step at a time, and anyone can take that first step. The volunteering I do, the groups I am in, and the babysitting I do; have shown me more how much help children need. I want to help them learn and grow not just academically; but also mentally, socially, and emotionally. I want to show children the world and the options they have. Children are our future and will be adults running the world soon enough.
    Jeanne Kramme Fouke Scholarship for Future Teachers
    The most influential time in a child’s life and academic career is when they are young and in elementary school. Socially, emotionally, and academically the teachers of young children have a very important job. Being a teacher means I am helping the next generation with the basic things they need to succeed in the world. One of the groups I am involved in is called Educators Rising. All the members in this group want to be teachers. We go to other schools and look at what different schools look like and how they work. We do this while we interact with children of different ages. The other schools also show us that different schools work in different ways. The biggest thing that I have learned through this experience is diversity. This group is going to many different areas where the populations are composed differently. The volunteering I do, the groups I am in, and all of the babysitting I do; it has just shown me more how much help people need. The education system in America may not be sound; however, I still want to help kids to the best of my ability. I want to help them learn and grow not just academically, but also mentally. I want to show them the world and the options they have. Children are our future and will be adults running the world soon enough. Even though teachers are underpaid and overworked, we need someone to teach the kids now. The change to the educational system won't happen overnight; however, the process can start now and evolve as we go. I also want to teach children that it is ok to take action if you see something is wrong, don't just stand by passively. Anyone can be the person that is needed to change the world. Change only happens one step at a time, and anyone can take that first step. As a future elementary school teacher, I have the chance to get in at the ground level and help society in many different ways. By giving children the love of learning at an early age, they can be set up to have a positive and productive future. A love of learning can open a student to more possibilities, have more options open up for them in the future, and will be willing to try more things in life. A love of learning can also set up a child to help their problem-solving skills, expand their creativity, and create more social connections. I am looking forward to the challenge of helping out each child become better than they are when they start the school year. Even with all of these obstacles, I know that becoming an elementary school teacher is what I was meant to become. I cannot wait to make my mark on the next generation by helping students get their education started with the best foundation.
    John Young 'Pursue Your Passion' Scholarship
    The most influential time in a child’s life and academic career is when they are young and in elementary school. Socially, emotionally, and academically the teachers of young children have a very important job. Being a teacher means I am helping the next generation with the basic things they need to succeed in the world. One of the groups I am involved in is called Educators Rising. All the members in this group want to be teachers. We go to other schools and look at what different schools look like and how they work. We do this while we interact with children of different ages. The other schools also show us that different schools work in different ways. The biggest thing that I have learned through this experience is diversity. This group is going to many different areas where the populations are composed differently. The volunteering I do, the groups I am in, and all of the babysitting I do; it has just shown me more how much help people need. The education system in America may not be sound; however, I still want to help kids to the best of my ability. I want to help them learn and grow not just academically, but also mentally. I want to show them the world and the options they have. Children are our future and will be adults running the world soon enough. Even though teachers are underpaid and overworked, we need someone to teach the kids now. The change to the educational system won't happen overnight; however, the process can start now and evolve as we go. I also want to teach children that it is ok to take action if you see something is wrong, don't just stand by passively. Anyone can be the person that is needed to change the world. Change only happens one step at a time, and anyone can take that first step. As a future elementary school teacher, I have the chance to get in at the ground level and help society in many different ways. By giving children the love of learning at an early age, they can be set up to have a positive and productive future. A love of learning can open a student to more possibilities, have more options open up for them in the future, and will be willing to try more things in life. A love of learning can also set up a child to help their problem-solving skills, expand their creativity, and create more social connections. I am looking forward to the challenge of helping out each child become better than they are when they start the school year. Even with all of these obstacles, I know that becoming an elementary school teacher is what I was meant to become. I cannot wait to make my mark on the next generation by helping students get their education started with the best foundation.
    Marjorie Moriole Early Childhood Education Scholarship
    The most influential time in a child’s life and academic career is when they are young and in elementary school. Socially, emotionally, and academically the teachers of young children have a very important job. Being a teacher means I am helping the next generation with the basic things they need to succeed in the world. I am a part of a group in high school called Educators Rising. All the members in this group want to be teachers. We go to other schools and look at what different schools look like and how they work. We do this while we interact with children of different ages. The other schools also show us that different schools work in different ways. The biggest thing that I have learned through this experience is diversity. This group is going to many different areas where the populations are composed differently. I am also in a group called TFC, Teens for Christ. This group is made up of high school students and we help middle school students learn all about the church and life. I just completed my first year of being a small group leader. I also helped to plan all of the events that we put on. This group has helped me to get more hands-on experience being a leader and adapting to different groups of kids. The volunteering I do, the groups I am in, and all of the babysitting I do; it has just shown me more how much help people need. The education system in America may not be sound; however, I still want to help kids to the best of my ability. I want to help them learn and grow not just academically, but also mentally. I want to show them the world and the options they have. Children are our future and will be adults running the world soon enough. Even though teachers are underpaid and overworked, we need someone to teach the kids now. The change to the educational system won't happen overnight; however, the process can start now and evolve as we go. I also want to teach kids it is ok to take action if you see something is wrong, don't just stand there because that can make it worse by just watching it happen. Anyone can be the person that is needed to change the world. Change only happens one step at a time, and anyone can take that first step. As a future elementary school teacher, I have the chance to get in at the ground level and help society in many different ways. By giving children the love of learning at an early age, they can be set up to have a positive and productive future. A love of learning can open a student to more possibilities, have more options open up for them in the future, and will be willing to try more things in life. A love of learning can also set up a child to help their problem-solving skills, expand their creativity, and create more social connections. Each child has different needs academically, emotionally, and socially. I am looking forward to the challenge of helping out each child become better than they are when they start the school year. Even with all of these obstacles, I know that becoming an elementary school teacher is what I was meant to become. I cannot wait to make my mark on the next generation by helping students get their education started with the best foundation.
    Bookshelf to Big Screen Scholarship
    In my tenth-grade English class part of the curriculum was to read Shakespeare’s play 'Romeo and Juliet.' This is an age-old tradition that has happened in high school literature classes worldwide probably since Shakespeare wrote the play. When I told my mother what we were doing in class she went on to tell her own stories about how she had to memorize over 40 lines of the play and then recite them in front of the class. She also asked what movie we would watch after having read the play. My mother then told me that the year before she had to read the play, a movie based on the play came out and it had the cutest boy in it. She had even gone to see the movie in the movie theaters because it was that good. My mother hoped I had that version and not the 1960s movie that students had to watch before the 1996 movie came out. In class we read the play, I did all the papers, and answered all the questions. I did fine on all of my work, but it wasn’t the easiest thing to read through the play. Shakespeare wrote his play in verse, in Old English, and with metaphors. This made it very difficult to try and wade through the play to get to the real meanings of what Shakespeare was trying to portray. Then it came time for movie day and we started to watch the 1996 movie ‘Romeo + Juliet.’ The one with the cute boy named Leonardo DiCaprio that my mother said that she had the biggest crush on when the movie came out. I had been expecting a boring movie that I wouldn’t understand and that would be hard to pay attention to. That was the furthest thing from the truth. What was amazing about this movie is that it took Shakespeare’s words and used them in a setting that could be today’s modern world. Instead of feuding families, there were feuding mafia empires. Instead of swords and daggers, there were guns. The setting of the play was in Verona, Italy whereas the movie was set in Verona Beach, USA. What was the same? The dialogue (mostly). This is my favorite book-to-movie adaptation because it helped me to understand Shakespeare and many of the points of ‘Romeo and Juliet’ that I had not picked up on while reading the play. The movie does not follow the play exactly as there are several minor changes, such as when Juliet wakes up just before Romeo dies and they share one last kiss. However important themes such as violence, passion, and destiny are still brought to the forefront. Not only did I enjoy the movie but it helped me to understand Shakespeare. The movie is played in classrooms all over and helped not just me, but thousands if not millions of other students bridge the gap between the 17th-century world that Shakespeare wrote into today's culture and society. ‘Romeo + Juliet’ was mandatory to watch in English class. However, it is a movie that I would also watch in my own free time. I even believe that my family has a VHS of this movie somewhere in our house.
    Met Gala Masterpiece Scholarship
    The Met Gala is the most exclusive themed dress-up party of the year. One of the most unique things about the Met Gala is that it is a charity event. It is also invite-only and a ticket can range from thousands of dollars to millions. This event is so exclusive so there is a policy that social media should not be made during the event. This is why the red carpet leading into the Met Gala is almost more important than the ball itself. Invitations are sought after, but if obtained that is only the first step in making an appearance at the Met Gala. About a year before the event itself a theme is announced. Then the planning of costumes commences. What a person wears on the red carpet will be criticized down the thread color by those in the fashion industry and pop culture. It could even make or break a career. Some years like 2001 have more classic looks with the theme of ‘Jacqueline Kennedy: The White House Years.' Then other years like 2019 with its theme ‘Camp: Notes on Fashion’ are very avant-garde and the fashion leans more towards costumes and not gowns. As with many other teenagers, my idol and favorite person in pop culture is Taylor Swift. At the Met Gala, she can be very versatile, on trend with the theme, and classy. Her gowns each year are some of my favorites from all events and all celebrities. From her outfits at the various Met Galas, I have discovered that my favorite year is 2010 with the theme ‘American Woman: Fashioning A National Identity.’ Taylor Swift was only twenty when she walked the red carpet at that event. Her gown was very elegant and understated yet also refined. Along with her classy white gown, Taylor Swift wore something that has become her signature style that millions across the globe associate with her name. Bright red lipstick. That night Taylor was not the only one to wear a more understated gown. There were body-hugging gowns, poufy princess gowns, and neutral colors. However, it was the Met Gala. There had to be some flair. There was a lot of jewelry, sequins, beads, and metallic-looking fabrics. The theme was explored through romantic, glamorous, and sometimes adventurous looks. Taylor went from more classic looks at the early Met Galas to a more fashion-forward outfit in 2016 when she was a co-chair for the ‘Manus x Machina’ theme. Through her fashion and actions, Taylor Swift shows us that we need to stay true to ourselves and it is okay to change who you are and evolve as a person. We do not have to stay inside the box we are placed in. As we grow older we can change, but we should change for ourselves and not for others. There are many flops on the red carpet as well. This year I chose Katy Perry to have the least-liked outfit. This for me was because it does not go with the theme, to my eyes at least. The Met Gala of 2010 had the theme of “American Woman: Fashioning a National Identity.’ That year was about red, white, and blue to a lot of people. However, it was also about females and the power that they have. I am in love with Taylor Swift’s outfit that year, and I believe that to this day Taylor Swift shows all of those qualities and is also an inspiration to millions.
    Learner Math Lover Scholarship
    If it was not for math we would all still be living like cavemen and cavewomen. Mathematics is what makes the world go round. The basis of all science and engineering is math and numbers. If the world did not have math, we would not have any science, engineering, or medical advancements. The environment utilizes math without even trying. From flowers to weather to animals, there are patterns, formulas, and shapes that can be translated into mathematics and applied elsewhere. Without mathematics; we would not know how old dinosaurs are, how far away other galaxies are, or even how the sun and moon affect our environment. Other not-so-obvious aspects of life are affected and based on mathematics. We use math when we cook. Music is all about math and intervals. Reading temperatures and predicting weather are all based on mathematics. Society as we know it would not exist without mathematics, even at the most basic level. The various economies of the world are constructed on mathematics. Businesses use math to improve their business, pay their employees, and get paid by customers. My love of mathematics not only stems from it being the basis of the world around us, but my mother majored in math in college. My mother loves to tell math jokes and how she got ‘bad grammar’ written on some of her college homework. She shows off her math ‘tricks’. I have grown up with her and her love of math influencing me, even when it embarrasses me. Her love of math had me going through school with a positive view of the subject, unlike many of my classmates who grew up with a negative view of math. As a future elementary school teacher, I have the chance to get in at the ground level and help children create a love for mathematics. By giving children the love of math at an early age, they can be set up to have a positive and productive future in math classrooms. A love of learning math can open a student to more possibilities, have more options open up for them in the future, and will be willing to try more things in life. A love of learning mathematics can also set up a child to help their problem-solving skills, expand their creativity for finding solutions, and help them in their day-to-day life when they are older.
    Disney Channel Rewind Scholarship
    I am named because of Disney, and it wasn't after any princesses or classic characters. My mother is obsessed with the Disney Channel. She loves High School Musical, Camp Rock, and most importantly Hannah Montana. When my mother was pregnant with me she had severe morning sickness. So she would be in bed a lot watching television. My dad would often join her to keep her company. One day she was watching Hannah Montana and my dad joined her. He was the one who brought up the idea that Miley was an awesome name and that they should use it as a baby name. One of the greatest things to come out of the Disney Channel is their crossover episodes. Those episodes were so much fun to watch. My favorite was 'Wizards On Deck with Hannah Montana'. One crossover that never happened was Wizards of Waverly Place and Suite Life of Zack and Cody. The episode could be called 'Alex's Wild Adventure'. I think what would bring the two shows together would be some mischief Alex caused. From other episodes, we know they exist in the same universe, and even both are in New York City. Then Zack and Cody find the Russo family and Harper. The Russos explain how they are lost and Zack and Cody invite the Russos to their hotel where the Russos then meet London and Bailey. In the episode, something could go wrong with the hotel because of Max, Zack, and Cody, while Justin helps Mr. Moseby. Mr. Moseby then thanks Justin and his family by letting them stay there. Then Alex and Harper meet Bailey while trying to solve the problem that the boys created and trying to get back home. Bailey offers to help after she walks in on Alex trying to use a new spell, much to her father's dismay. While trying to solve the problem, Alex encounters London Tipton, and the two bond over how they both look selfish to everyone else but once you get to know them, they can be kind and have the best intentions. But because they look out for themselves, Alex is apprehensive of London and ends up fighting with her while Harper and Bailey try to break it up. While all of this is going on, Max is starting to bond with Zack and Cody over getting in trouble and not always being the smartest. How they cause chaos while Justin and Mr. Mosby try to solve the problems the boys create. Eventually, they get the boys to not cause trouble by going to the restaurant where they have to wait for a reservation. All of this is happening while the parents are relaxing in the room and talking about the chaos their kids cause. To end the episode Alex, Harper, and Bailey figure out how to get home using a different spell that should bring them back to the Subway sandwich shop. I was raised on the Disney Channel. To me and my family Disney is not just entertainment. It is memories that span my whole life. It is something that we all enjoy, and I cannot wait to carry on some of these traditions and create memories with my own family in the future.
    Andrea Tyrah DeBruhl Memorial Scholarship for Future Teachers
    The education system in America is terrible compared to other developed nations. There are not enough teachers, money for budgets, or supplies. One of the most neglected subjects that is pushed to the side is playground safety. It is not always the teacher’s fault that they do not have training; they only have so much time and so many resources. However, playground safety is essential for children to be happy, healthy, and safe while at school. I have wanted to be an elementary school teacher for as long as I can remember. Being a teacher means I am helping the next generation with the basic things they need to succeed in the world, which includes being able to play safely. Young children often have endless energy. One way that I plan on making learning interesting is by having a lot of hands-on work. For example, if the class is in a math lesson then I could use games to make it fun. Playing hopscotch or sticks as a part of the lesson will get the children’s bodies moving and minds working. In the state I live in, Minnesota there is a certified course that anyone can take. It is called the Certified Playground Safety Inspector Course. This is a hands-on course and not just a virtual video to watch. However, if we make this course, or one like it, mandatory that would broaden the reach of the program. Teachers are already short on time. To have teachers take this course the school system needs to make it sound appealing. Money, paid time off, and extra resources for their classrooms could all be used as motivators. If the course was going to each school, then it would reach so many more people. Teachers have in-service days. The administration could make this course a part of it. Opening up the class to those in the community would be even more amazing, as many schools have parents as the playground monitors. The best way to get a playground safety course to the most people would be to make it a part of the college curriculum. A requirement to get an education degree. There are many different certifications that students already have to get before they can become teachers. Make a playground safety certification one of those. If I could do so, those ideas are where I would start. Of course, we know that teachers have very little power in the school. However, there are things that I can do as an individual that can make a big difference. I believe that the best way, with the least amount of resources, would be to have more volunteers on the playground. Even if they do not have official training, the more eyes that are on the children will help accidents be prevented. In elementary school, children have gym classes. I believe that it would help lower the number of accidents if at the beginning of each school year, the gym teacher would do even just one day, if not a week, on playground safety. If young children are given guidelines, then they are more likely to listen and follow. College is the next step toward my career goals and expanding my life experiences. I am looking forward to the challenge of helping each child become their best selves. To be the best teacher I can be, I need to learn and experience how to best help young children academically, socially, and emotionally. Elementary education does not end in the classroom; this also entails making sure that my students are safe on the playground.
    William A. Stuart Dream Scholarship
    The most influential time in a child’s life and academic career is when they are young and in elementary school. Socially, emotionally, and academically the teachers of young children have a very important job. Being a teacher means I am helping the next generation with the basic things they need to succeed in the world. The volunteering I do, the groups I am in, and all of the babysitting I do; it has just shown me more how much help people need. The education system in America may not be sound; however, I still want to help kids to the best of my ability. I want to help them learn and grow not just academically, but also mentally. I want to show them the world and the options they have. Children are our future and will be adults running the world soon enough. Even though teachers are underpaid and overworked, we need someone to teach the kids now. The change to the educational system won't happen overnight; however, the process can start now and evolve as we go. Currently in my free time I babysit for many different families. I save almost everything that I earn in order to help pay for college. I am unable to buy the same ‘latest and greatest’ things that my classmates do because I am saving my money. Babysitting and filling out scholarship applications also takes up a lot of time so I do not have as much free time as others. However I know that the little sacrifices now can mean a world of difference later. With this scholarship, I will have made one step toward my goal of being able to afford college. I will be able to start a career I truly enjoy with less of a financial burden. Teachers in America are underpaid and overworked. I hope to go to college without having to work many hours so that I can spend all my focus on my classes. After graduating college, I hope to have as few student loans as possible. This way I will not have to work two jobs in order just to live. I will be able to put all my concentration on the career that is my calling. Therefore, I can make others around me wiser, happier, and able to enjoy all that is around them. As a future elementary school teacher, I have the chance to get in at the ground level and help society in many different ways. By giving children the love of learning at an early age, they can be set up to have a positive and productive future. A love of learning can open a student to more possibilities, have more options open up for them in the future, and will be willing to try more things in life. A love of learning can also set up a child to help their problem-solving skills, expand their creativity, and create more social connections.
    Selma Luna Memorial Scholarship
    I am only sixteen years old, but I have wanted to be an elementary school teacher as long as I can remember. As a future elementary school teacher, I have the chance to get in at the ground level and help society in many different ways. By giving children the love of learning at an early age, they can be set up to have a positive and productive future. A love of learning can open a student to more possibilities, have more options open up for them in the future, and will be willing to try more things in life. A love of learning can also set up a child to help their problem-solving skills, expand their creativity, and create more social connections. One of the ways I plan to make learning interesting and fun is by incorporating pop culture into the lesson plans. For example, I love Taylor Swift. Even if someone is not a huge fan of her music, they know of it. I have seen many teachers on social media incorporate Taylor Swift into their classrooms. Learning songs are created to the melody of a well-known pop song, spelling lists include words from songs, and song lyrics are studied in English class. I have seen how their students are then interested in class and more invested in the lessons. Young children often have endless energy. I plan to use games and hands-on activities to get the kids involved with not just their minds but their entire bodies. For example, if it is a science lesson with leaves then the class could go outside to collect leaves and draw them. Another strategy I plan on utilizing is to incorporate subjects that are already interesting to the kids into the lessons. For example, if the class is interested in outer space then we could use that in science or make outer space a theme for worksheets and activities even for subjects that do not directly relate to outer space. I want to help find the best way to help all children reach their full potential. Education in America needs an overhaul. Many things need to be fixed. However, the teachers are always trying to help all children to the best of their ability. Teachers know that the future of our nation is with these young children so we have to do the best we can.
    Kerry Kennedy Life Is Good Scholarship
    The most influential time in a child’s life and academic career is when they are young and in elementary school. Socially, emotionally, and academically the teachers of young children have a very important job. Being a teacher means I am helping the next generation with the basic things they need to succeed in the world. The volunteering I do, the groups I am in, and all of the babysitting I do; it has just shown me more how much help people need. The education system in America may not be sound; however, I still want to help kids to the best of my ability. I want to help them learn and grow not just academically, but also mentally. I want to show them the world and the options they have. Children are our future and will be adults running the world soon enough. Even though teachers are underpaid and overworked, we need someone to teach the kids now. The change to the educational system won't happen overnight; however, the process can start now and evolve as we go. Currently in my free time I babysit for many different families. I save almost everything that I earn in order to help pay for college. I am unable to buy the same ‘latest and greatest’ things that my classmates do because I am saving my money. Babysitting and filling out scholarship applications also takes up a lot of time so I do not have as much free time as others. However I know that the little sacrifices now can mean a world of difference later. With this scholarship, I will have made one step toward my goal of being able to afford college. I will be able to start a career I truly enjoy with less of a financial burden. Teachers in America are underpaid and overworked. I hope to go to college without having to work many hours so that I can spend all my focus on my classes. After graduating college, I hope to have as few student loans as possible. This way I will not have to work two jobs in order just to live. I will be able to put all my concentration on the career that is my calling. Therefore, I can make others around me wiser, happier, and able to enjoy all that is around them. As a future elementary school teacher, I have the chance to get in at the ground level and help society in many different ways. By giving children the love of learning at an early age, they can be set up to have a positive and productive future. A love of learning can open a student to more possibilities, have more options open up for them in the future, and will be willing to try more things in life. A love of learning can also set up a child to help their problem-solving skills, expand their creativity, and create more social connections.
    Redefining Victory Scholarship
    College is one of the biggest financial decisions a person will make in their lifetime. And they make it at the age of eighteen. College may not be for everyone. Not every job needs to have a college degree. Going to college is no longer the benchmark of success. However, going to college is essential for me to achieve my dreams. As a future elementary school teacher, I have the chance to be at the ground level and help society in many different ways. By giving children the love of learning at an early age, they can be set to have a positive and productive future. In college, I will learn the academic side of teaching such as how to put together a lesson plan, the developmental stages of children, and how to run a classroom. However, I will also learn and experience many other things. I will also develop skills that I will benefit from in other areas of my life. Not only will college help me achieve my career goals, but it will give me so many opportunities that I would not get otherwise. I plan on doing a study abroad semester, probably in France or Italy. A study abroad program has so many benefits for those who are able to have that experience. I am also excited to have the chance to join many on-campus clubs. Going to college will give me a chance to try new experiences, meet new people, and explore my non-academic interests. As a general idea, I will say that I am successful when I have set a goal, given the goal all that I am capable of, and accomplished and hopefully exceeded my goal. A large goal I have now is for me to be able to say I have a plan and know what I want to do with my future. Overall, I have the long-term goal of going to college and getting a bachelor’s degree and then a master’s degree in elementary education. Along with that, my other long-term life goals are to build a career and to have a happy and healthy family. These lifelong goals though are built by having short-term goals on the way. My short-term goals will build on each other and hopefully lead me toward my end goal. To become the best teacher I can be, I will need to go to college. This means that I will need to be able to pay for college, which means that I am applying for every scholarship I can and saving money from all my jobs. It means getting good grades each trimester in high school so that I qualify for all the scholarships that I can. It also means taking CIS (College in the Schools) classes so that I can start earning college credit for free while still in high school. This then means that I have short-term goals almost every week of doing well on a test, turning in homework, or writing papers. There will be bumps in the road, there will unexpected turns, and times when I will have to ask for help along the way. However, with friends and family by my side I will, no matter the outcome, be able to say that I gave my full effort to every goal. The journey may not take me where I thought it would go. My goals could change along the way. But in the end, I just want to be able to say that I had a successful life. My success will be in creating a happy life, full of joy for me and everyone in my life. With this scholarship, I will have made one step toward my goal of being able to afford college. I will be able to start a career I truly enjoy with less of a financial burden. Teachers in America are underpaid and overworked. I hope to go to college without having to work many hours so that I can spend all my focus on my classes. After graduating college, I hope to have as few student loans as possible. This way I will not have to work two jobs in order just to live. I will be able to put all my concentration on the career that is my calling. Therefore, I can make others around me wiser, happier, and able to enjoy all that is around them. College is not needed for all career choices; however, it is necessary for mine. College is the next step toward my career goals and expanding my life experiences. To become a teacher, I need a college degree. I cannot wait to make my mark on the next generation by helping students get their education started with the best foundation.
    Hermit Tarot Scholarship
    When looking up the tarot cards and their meanings, I thought I had found the perfect card for me without even reading the description. The Hermit. I was like ‘Yep, this is it. This is me.’ However, I know a little bit about the tarot deck as one of my mom’s favorite book series deals with tarot cards (The Elemental Magic series by Chandelle LaVaun). Therefore, I know that the name on the card doesn't always match up with the obvious interpretation of the name. The Hermit does apply to me, but it isn’t my main personality trait and I don’t gravitate towards it very much. The search was on to find right the card for me. Once I got over the fact that I needed to ignore the name of the card and look at the meaning of each card, the Hierophant jumped out at me. I dream about becoming an elementary education teacher. This has been my goal for longer than I can remember. The Hierophant connects in many ways to the career of a teacher. The Hierophant is a teacher; mostly in structured environments but also in general guidance. Where elementary school teachers teach the main subjects but also guide the children on social and emotional skills. In many depictions of the Hierophant, they are often holding keys. Most interpretations say this is because the keys symbolize access to knowledge. Elementary school teachers are the key figures in children’s lives as they provide the foundation of educational subjects. Elementary school teachers also are opening the doors to learning for young students. As an elementary school teacher, I have the chance to get in at the ground level and help society in many different ways. By giving children the foundation of the love of learning at an early age, they can be set up to have a positive and productive future. A love of learning can open a student to more possibilities, have more options open up for them in the future, and will be willing to try more things in life. A love of learning can also set up a child to help their problem-solving skills, expand their creativity, and create more social connections. The most influential time in a child’s life and academic career is when they are young and in elementary school. Socially, emotionally, and academically teachers of young children have a very important job. Being a teacher means I am helping the next generation with the basic things they need to succeed in the world and succeed in life. By making sure they all know how to read, write, and basic social skills that they will use in everyday life. A teacher could relate to many of the different tarot cards. However, the Hierophant is the overall teacher and leader. Usually, this is meant spiritually or mystically. An elementary school teacher's role is more practical and literal in its form of teaching. The parallels between the two are very strong and that is the biggest reason why the Hierophant is my favorite tarot card. It embodies who I am now, and also who I want to be in the future.
    Elevate Women in Technology Scholarship
    My dream has always been to have a job working with young children. The most influential time in a child’s life and academic career is when they are young and in elementary school. Socially, emotionally, and academically teachers of young children have a very important job. New technologies are developing every day. Most of the time the younger generations adapt to the latest technology that comes out. One of the latest technologies to develop is artificial intelligence. With ChatGPT everyone now has access at some level to artificial intelligence. Many uses for it will be able to better the world, including with education. AI can educate the teacher and the student. AI can help a teacher figure out a way to personalize or change their curriculum for each different student or class. AI could help a teacher find many ways to create a lesson plan that has many different approaches that they never had thought of. AI also can make the school subject the student is learning about more interesting by incorporating the specific interests of the student. AI might be able to do this in ways a human might not of. This could help a student pay attention more and give them the desire to learn the subject in class. AI can also help grade and analyze work quickly so you have more time but also so they might be able to spot a mistake that you would not have been able to. It would take out grading bias so that all papers are graded the same way and you don't need to worry about being biased even on essays. A teacher might not be considered to be at the forefront of STEM. However, they will utilize STEM in their classroom every day. Many schools now focus their curriculum on STEM and make it their priority. Teachers will be at the ground level of the next generation of students who could make STEM their career. It is especially important to encourage little girls when they are young to explore their love of STEM so that more women pursue a career in STEM. Being a teacher means I am helping the next generation with basic things they need to succeed in the future. There are many more ways that AI could help the education field, and we have only just started to discover its abilities.
    Our Destiny Our Future Scholarship
    My dream has always been to have a job with young children. I did not know how or what exactly, but I knew that I was meant to work with young children. I have always enjoyed hanging out with little children. This was greatly influenced in part since I am the oldest cousin. In my friend group, I am often seen as the 'mother' type of person. I am the type of person who always had anything that might be needed, was prepared for the worst, and always had time for anyone in need. Ever since I was young just about everyone who knew me said that I should become a teacher. I have had friends who wanted to do many different things and were always changing what they wanted to do as a job when they were older. I always thought that this was weird because I had always wanted to work with young children. After research and volunteering, I have discovered that my career should be as an elementary school teacher. I wanted to go into early education because I have always enjoyed younger ages and the connection I can make with them. Being around young children is more satisfying for me than with older children. Anytime I am around young children, I am more energized and fulfilled. The most influential time in a child’s life and academic career is when they are young and in elementary school. Socially, emotionally, and academically teachers of young children have a very important job. Being a teacher means I am helping the next generation with basic things they need to succeed in the world and just succeed in life making sure they all know how to read, write, and basics like counting money things they would use in everyday life. The education system in America is terrible compared to other developed nations. There are not enough teachers, money for budgets or supplies. The curriculum and how subjects are taught are also a large problem in America. As an elementary school teacher, I have the chance to get in at the ground level and help society in many different ways. By giving children the love of learning at an early age, they can be set up to have a positive and productive future. A love of learning can open a student to more possibilities, have more options open up for them in the future, and will be willing to try more things in life. A love of learning can also set up a child to help their problem-solving skills, expand their creativity, and create more social connections. Each child has different needs academically, emotionally, and socially. I am looking forward to the challenge of helping each child become better than they are when they start the school year. Even with all of these obstacles, I know that becoming an elementary school teacher is what I was meant to become. I cannot wait to make my mark on the next generation by helping students get their education started with the best foundation.
    Book Lovers Scholarship
    Hands down, the whole Harry Potter series was amazing and is my favorite. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone is the book that started it all. It launched the whole Harry Potter magical universe. This groundbreaking book includes multiple different aspects from different genres of books. There is fantasy and non-fiction with unicorns and magic. There is danger and mystery with Voldemort. Friendship and bonding with the friendship of Hermione, Ron, and Harry Potter. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone should be the one book that everyone tries because there is something for everyone to like and identify with. And once the magical world of Harry Potter is open, the enjoyment is endless. For myself, this book series was the first one that got me interested in reading outside of school assignments. Before I discovered the Harry Potter series I did not read for fun. However, my parents are millennials and are obsessed with Harry Potter so I grew up hearing about this magical world, but not understanding its depths. Then in elementary school, I had to choose a book for free reading time so I chose the first Harry Potter book. This opened up the fantasy genre of books for me. Fantasy books are still my favorite to read with my current favorite series being the Vampire Diaries. For Christmas, I got my very own full Harry Potter series of books, along with the Vampire Diaries books. I even had to get a new bookshelf as my first one is full.
    'Once Upon a Time in Hollywood' Insight Scholarship
    Whenever I hear the phrase 'Once upon a time,' I think of fairy tales. Specifically, the stories read to little children by their parents at bedtime. When I was younger I would use my imagination to make up stories where most of the stories started with the phrase 'Once upon a time.' That phrase gives me the feeling of nostalgia for my childhood and reminds me that with my imagination I can go to the limits. In my stories, anything could happen. When I hear the phrase 'Once upon a time in Hollywood,' I think of magic and childhood and that everything is bigger than life. I think of princesses and Tinkerbell. I think of pirates and rockstars. For Hollywood specifically, the phrase reminds me of the movies, the music, and the magic within the movies that made a person think they could be a princess or a pirate. In Hollywood, anything can happen, and not just in films. We grow up with stories of how our favorite singer or actor was plucked from obscurity and is now a household name. Anything is possible for the average person in Hollywood; we can reach for the stars and become famous. I think of actors, models, and singers living in Hollywood in their grand houses and living the dream life. When I was younger, I thought that I could achieve anything as long as I put in hard enough work. When I hear 'Once upon a time in Hollywood,' it also reminds me of all the movie nights or memories with my friends. We would create different stories together or create a whole different world where we could be anything, do anything, and be anywhere. When my friends and I were younger, we would imagine being fairies, teachers, moms, princesses, and so on. Anything the mind could imagine. Sometimes my friends and I would create completely fictional things that only made sense to us. The only thing that mattered to us was that we could be anything and do anything. The only thing we had to worry about was what were we going to do when we had to stop playing to eat dinner. 'Once upon a time in Hollywood' reminds me of when my friends and I didn't need to worry about homework, chores, or anything that could worry us. All that mattered was what our characters were going to do next in our story.
    1989 (Taylor's Version) Fan Scholarship
    While it might sound crazy, this year has reminded me a lot of the song Wonderland (Taylor’s version)) by Taylor Swift on her 1989 album. I was lucky enough to be able to go to the Eras Tour this past summer. I met so many amazing people and just had the time of my life. This reminded me of the lyric ‘We found Wonderland, you and I got lost in it And we pretended it could last forever We found Wonderland, you and I got lost in it And life was never worse, but never better.‘ This lyric is special to me because while I was at the Eras tour it was like a fever dream. It felt like I had been transported into a whole different universe where nothing could go wrong. Then later that year Taylor Swift released her albums ‘Speak Now (Taylor’s Version) and ‘1989 (Taylor’s Version). My friends and I would have a party for each release. We would freak out over lyric changes in her voice, and the vault songs, we would dance, and go crazy figuring out what different lyrics could mean. This way we were able to experience the album together. These parties helped to bring us closer to each other. This reminded me of the lyric ‘And we both went mad’ from the song Wonderland. Anytime we would listen to the song we would compare it to the original version. We were able to experience the difference in Taylor’s voice and how much she has grown during the years. This had us thinking about how we have also grown up. This was also my sophomore year of high school, which reminds me so much of the lyrics in Wonderland; ‘All alone, or so it seemed but there were strangers watchin’ and whispers turned to talkin’ and talking to turned to screams.’ This reminds me so much about how rumors spread. Even if the rumors are not true. The lyrics are also meaningful because of how intricate friendships are at school, where you don’t always know who your true friends are. As a teenager, Taylor Swift has many songs on many of her albums that are relatable to. The songs that mean the most can change depending on my mood, the day, or who I am with. However, 1989(Taylor's Version) is my favorite album, with the song 'Wonderwall' being the theme song of 2023.
    David Hinsdale Memorial Scholarship
    The most influential time in a child’s life and academic career is when they are young and in elementary school. Socially, emotionally, and academically the teachers of young children have a very important job. Being a teacher means I am helping the next generation with the basic things they need to succeed in the world. I am a part of a group in high school called Educators Rising. All the members in this group want to be teachers. We go to other schools and look at what different schools look like and how they work. We do this while we interact with children of different ages. The other schools also show us that different schools work in different ways. The biggest thing that I have learned through this experience is diversity. This group is going to many different areas where the populations are composed differently. I am also in a group called TFC, Teens for Christ. This group is made up of high school students and we help middle school students learn all about the church and life. I just completed my first year of being a small group leader. I also helped to plan all of the events that we put on. This group has helped me to get more hands-on experience being a leader and adapting to different groups of kids. The volunteering I do, the groups I am in, and all of the babysitting I do; it has just shown me more how much help people need. The education system in America may not be sound; however, I still want to help kids to the best of my ability. I want to help them learn and grow not just academically, but also mentally. I want to show them the world and the options they have. Children are our future and will be adults running the world soon enough. Even though teachers are underpaid and overworked, we need someone to teach the kids now. The change to the educational system won't happen overnight; however, the process can start now and evolve as we go. I also want to teach kids it is ok to take action if you see something is wrong, don't just stand there because that can make it worse by just watching it happen. Anyone can be the person that is needed to change the world. Change only happens one step at a time, and anyone can take that first step. As a future elementary school teacher, I have the chance to get in at the ground level and help society in many different ways. By giving children the love of learning at an early age, they can be set up to have a positive and productive future. A love of learning can open a student to more possibilities, have more options open up for them in the future, and will be willing to try more things in life. A love of learning can also set up a child to help their problem-solving skills, expand their creativity, and create more social connections. Each child has different needs academically, emotionally, and socially. I am looking forward to the challenge of helping out each child become better than they are when they start the school year. Even with all of these obstacles, I know that becoming an elementary school teacher is what I was meant to become. I cannot wait to make my mark on the next generation by helping students get their education started with the best foundation.
    Jeanie A. Memorial Scholarship
    Ever since I was four years old I had gone to the same small private school. In ninth grade I had to transition from this small school to the large public high school as the private school was only for up through eighth grade. This change in my life had many different challenges that were very overwhelming to me in the beginning. To make the transition from a small private school to a large public school I had to learn how to adapt, embrace change, and become more self-reliant. My entire grade, at the most, had 18 children in it. Everybody knew everyone else. The middle school teachers knew the names of the preschool children. I had the same classmates year after year except when new classmates would start. Even though in middle school we would change classrooms for the different classes, all the classrooms were in the same hallway. The teachers knew my family, knew where I might struggle, and knew where I excelled. Not just academically, but socially and emotionally as well. I started ninth grade at the local high school. My class size is around 425 students. I did not know any of the teachers and rarely knew any of my classmates. Where I had been used to the same students in each of my classes, regardless of what class I was in. I had to learn to adapt very quickly if I wanted to succeed in high school. In the beginning, I was very overwhelmed and felt lost. I was so far out of my comfort zone where nothing was familiar and I was unknown to everyone else. Along with the new people, I had to adjust to being in a bigger building and having to change classrooms in this new building. I had to learn to be more independent as I no longer had such a strong bond with my classmates and teachers. I learned that I had to speak up for myself if I had a question. I learned how to keep my schedule, keep track of my assignments, and how to manage my time outside of school. Along with all of these challenges that the transition brought, it also brought a lot of new opportunities. I had to step out of my comfort zone to do these opportunities, but in the end, they also helped me to overcome many of my challenges. I joined the volleyball team where I was able to meet some of my classmates before the school year started. I did not know them very well, but at least there was a friendly face in some classes. I also joined Educators Rising where I got to meet people who also had the same college and career goals as I did. I now have some very close friends from each of these groups and was able to get to know some of the teachers better as well. Transitioning from a small private school to a large public school for the ninth grade was a large milestone in my life. In the beginning, many challenges put me out of my comfort zone. This new point in my life helped me to develop my adaptation skills, learn to embrace change and become more self-reliant. By the end of my first year in high school, I have become more confident, open to new experiences, and not as scared of any challenges still to come in my academic career. Challenges are just a way for me to step out of my comfort zone and to step up and become a better person.
    Curtis Holloway Memorial Scholarship
    My dream has always been to have a job with young children. I did not know how or what exactly, but I knew that I was meant to work with young children. I have been working toward this goal for as long as I can remember. Getting good grades, scholarship applications for college, community service, and taking many babysitting jobs are just a few things that I have done. As a future elementary school teacher, I will have the chance to get in at the ground level and help in many different ways. By giving children the love of learning at an early age, they can be set up to have a positive and productive future. A love of learning can open a student to more possibilities, have more options open up for them in the future, and will be willing to try more things in life. A love of learning can also set up a child to help their problem-solving skills, expand their creativity, and create more social connections. I am lucky enough that I have had many teachers in my academic career support and help me towards my goals. One of my teachers at high school, Mrs. Rosh, is helping me reach my goal of becoming a teacher. The main class Mrs. Rosh teaches is CIS Intro to Education. In this class, she teaches what it is like to be a teacher and then helps us get an internship in one of the schools in our district. I have not had Mrs. Rosh as a teacher in any of my classes, yet, but she runs a club at our school called 'Educators Rising.' The goal of this club is to help future teachers have all the experience and skills they will need to be ready when they become teachers. Mrs. Rosh and Educators Rising do many different activities to help us prepare to become teachers. We have gone on field trips to different schools to see how there are many different types of learning environments. This helps us to figure out what type of school environment we would like to explore. In these field trips, we get to help out in different classrooms throughout the day. This helps to expose us to many different grade levels which helps us figure out which type of grade we would like to teach. We have also focused on the specialties such as Special Education, Music, and Physical Education. Mrs. Rosh has helped me by teaching me to be open to all the possibilities, and not to be so stuck on one grade or subject. Mrs. Rosh also has shown me to be open to trying out special education or older kids. While she does this she also is helping me with my goal of being an elementary school teacher by letting me try the grades I wanted to teach originally. Mrs. Rosh has never deterred me from any idea, has built me up, and shown me many new things about education that I have not thought of before. Teachers can change the future, as they are teaching the next generation. Whatever happens to children when they are young, will affect them when they are older. By giving children the best foundation we can give them, we are giving society a strong foundation to flourish. I am just lucky enough to have many great teachers over the years. Mrs. Rosh has left a mark on me, and I just hope that I can be as good of a teacher as she is.
    Elevate Women in Technology Scholarship
    My dream has always been to have a job working with young children. The most influential time in a child’s life and academic career is when they are young and in elementary school. Socially, emotionally, and academically teachers of young children have a very important job. New technologies are developing every day. Most of the time the younger generations adapt to the latest technology that comes out. One of the latest technologies to develop is artificial intelligence. With ChatGPT everyone now has access at some level to artificial intelligence. Many uses for it will be able to better the world, including with education. AI can educate the teacher and the student. AI can help a teacher figure out a way to personalize or change their curriculum for each different student or class. AI could help a teacher find many ways to create a lesson plan that has many different approaches that they never had thought of. AI also can make the school subject the student is learning about more interesting by incorporating the specific interests of the student. AI might be able to do this in ways a human might not of. This could help a student pay attention more and give them the desire to learn the subject in class. AI can also help grade and analyze work quickly so you have more time but also so they might be able to spot a mistake that you would not have been able to. It would take out grading bias so that all papers are graded the same way and you don't need to worry about being biased even on essays. Being a teacher means I am helping the next generation with basic things they need to succeed in the future. There are many more ways that AI could help the education field, and we have only just started to discover its abilities.
    Harriett Russell Carr Memorial Scholarship
    Community service is when we volunteer our time to help other people in our community. It is a great way to give back to society and make a positive impact. I do many different things each year volunteering and community service. Some events are just one-day events and one group even meets weekly all school year long. The largest amount of time I spend volunteering is with a group called Teens For Christ, where we organize events for middle and high school students. In this group learn how to communicate about important topics, and how to be a positive role model, and we teach younger kids that it's okay to be themselves. I joined this group because in middle school I struggled a lot, and I wanted to help others in the same way. This group has also helped me with thinking of a future career. I want to be an elementary school teacher. This group helps to give me more experience as a leader of younger children. I think it's really important to be involved in community service and to give back to the community because the people in our community have helped us in many ways. When a person does community service, they are giving their time to help others, even if they are strangers. It makes a person feel really good to know that they are making a positive impact on someone else's life. Community service also helps teach important social and emotional skills like empathy, compassion, and social responsibility. These are important and they will a person to better themselves. On top of the emotional skills that are learned through volunteering, practical skills are also learned. Time management and organizational skills are key to a successful future in college and beyond. To make the most of the time I have, these skills were learned quickly. One thing I enjoy doing is making tie blankets and donating them to the community food shelf around Christmas time. Making blankets is not only fun but is also an excellent way to make a difference in someone's life. It doesn't take a lot of time or effort, especially when done with friends. However, the impact it can have on someone who is in need is immense. Even small acts, such as making blankets, can make a large impact on someone else. We never know what someone else is going through. Community service with others is one of my favorite things. I like to try and find opportunities to help others while being with my friends. Volunteering with friends is always a highlight of my time. We get to hang out and have fun while helping others. It is always such a positive experience. This also helps some of my friends who are not as outgoing but want to help. If we volunteer as a group of friends more people are likely to volunteer and then our impact will be greater. In summary, community service is a great way to give back to our community and make a positive impact. Not only do the people I help benefit from community service, but I benefit as well. In all the different community service activities that I participated in, I have learned many different things. I have learned the importance of being there for others, I feel fulfilled in my heart by making a positive impact, and I have also learned how to be a helpful member of my community. It's important to help others, and it feels really good to know that I am making a difference.
    Windward Spirit Scholarship
    The song ‘We Didn’t Start the Fire”, both versions, tells everyone that history is always moving and changing. The state of the country/world is not the fault of those who are currently living this timeline. Even though all generations have contributed to ‘the fire’, there is a difference in how the generations approach the fixing of problems in society today. Previous generations, especially the Boomers, have played the blame game. They seem to blame everyone else but then don’t fix anything. The Boomers tend to focus on what is wrong and place the blame. Even on top of that, the Boomers tend to be more self-centric. They are passing legislation that benefits them, without the thought about those that will follow behind. Millennials and Gen Z see the world that they are living in, all the problems in society, the corruption in business and government, and the climate crisis. Both of those generations know we cannot change anything about it right away, but if we worked together we could slowly try to make it better. More than ever before we see two different generations working together to make the world a better place. Millennials got the ball rolling with all of the activism and social issues that they have taken on. They have made mental health a priority. Millennials are also reinventing what a family is defined as. They have done all of this while just starting to enter government positions and work from the inside on all of these issues. Gen Z has taken when Millenials have started and expanded the progress and continued the fight. We see that the economy is going downhill at an exponential rate while prices are going up with inflation. We know this and are accepting the fact that this is happening because we can’t do much about these things, for now. This is a reason so many Gen Z are excited to vote. They have seen how if Millenials come together to vote, they can make a difference. By voting Gen Z knows they will have a say on who runs the government and that will have an impact on their lives. There are many things this generation, Gen Z, realizes early on and accepts because there is nothing we can do about it now. Through social media and the internet, we are more aware of social, environmental, and political issues at a younger age than anyone before us. Instead of blaming those before us, Gen Z is ready to take charge and change things for the better. Think about the good of society as a whole instead of seeing benefits only for themselves.
    Zendaya Superfan Scholarship
    Zendaya has been a part of pop culture since I was three years old. I have loved the many facets of her work ever since then. Zendaya has been one of the main celebrity role models that I have looked up to as I was growing up. Zendaya is an amazing person. The things I like most about Zendaya are her acting career and her activism. With her acting, it is because she pursued something she loved from such a young age. I have seen her in things ranging from Shake It Up to Spiderman to Euphoria. Over the years Zendaya has learned from experience and has grown to become an amazing actor through facial expressions and body language. Her acting skills have also grown with the way she delivers lines and says things to certain people in certain ways you know exactly what she means. As for Zendaya's activism, her doing these activities means that she stands up for what she thinks is right. Since Zendaya is a celebrity this is a risky thing because she knows she could lose fans or get a lot of public criticism. During the Black Lives Matter Zendaya was inspirational. She was not staying at home doing nothing. Zendaya was out doing what she cared about. This cause was very personal to her and she showed this by going to protests and marching with everybody Zendaya knew how important this cause was to her and many others, and by lending her support as a public figure she was able to spread the message far and wide and inspire others. I still follow Zendaya and her acting career to this day. Due to social media and the Internet, I can follow her activism as well. Zendaya is a role model not just in how to have and grow in a career that you love, but also how to speak up. Silence is complicity and Zendaya shows that speaking up is important and necessary.
    Netflix and Scholarships!
    I was born in the streaming generation. My parents like to tell the story of how when I saw regular television for the first time I complained to them about the commercials. I had never seen commercials before! I do not know how to watch a show only one episode at a time. I am all about binge-watching my favorite shows over and over again. One of my favorites to binge-watch over and over again on Netflix is Supergirl. Supergirl is an amazing show to binge-watch. There are six seasons of Supergirl where they are fighting monsters while the characters are also dealing with real-world problems. As the characters go through the seasons they have dealt with different mental health issues in various storylines. The characters have also dealt with problems such as how technology is affecting the world and people in different ways. Social issues such as racial differences or LGBTQ+ are dealt with many times. We see the characters and how they handle all these issues, and also how secrets can harm people's lives. As a viewer, one thing I love is that we do not just see one side of an issue. We can see both sides and how others feel. We can see why certain things are wrong and what happens in the real world because of these problems. One of the storylines that I enjoy the most happens in the first season. The viewer gets to see how in the beginning Kara, aka Supergirl, relied on her sister heavily. However, Kara was able to grow as she met new people and became friends with them. We also see her become more confident in herself and in trusting others. Kara evolves as a person and as a superhero. There are also strong underlying statements such as how blood is not always family. Kara is not the only character who grows with each season. I enjoy all the secondary characters and their stories as well. We see characters like Alex find who they want in life and start a family. Lena realizes she is not just her last name and also starts to trust people like Kara. Supergirl is just one of the shows that I have watched multiple times, even though there are multiple seasons. One of the best things about Netflix is that it has shows that are over. When this show first aired I was eight years old and not interested in television like this. Netflix makes it easy for me to find shows that I enjoy now, even if they are not currently on television. I just hope that Netflix never takes Supergirl away from me.
    “The Office” Obsessed! Fan Scholarship
    The Office The US version of The Office ran from 2005 to 2013. I was 6 years old when the show ended, definitely not their target demographic. Streaming services have made this show a classic and a favorite with the ability to binge. One of the reasons it is so extremely popular even after it has ended is because people can relate to so many of their characters. I find that I relate the most to the character Erin Hannon. I can find bits and pieces of each character to relate to, but Erin is the character that I see myself the most in. From the age of four to fourteen, I went to a private Catholic school where my entire grade, at the most, had 18 children in it. Everybody knew everyone else. The middle school teachers knew the names of the preschool children. I had the same classmates year after year except when new classmates would start. Even though in middle school we would change classrooms for the different classes, all the classrooms were in the same hallway. When I started ninth grade at the local high school, my class size was around 425 students. I did not know any of the teachers and rarely knew any of my classmates. I had been used to the same students in each of my classes, regardless of what class I was in. That experience is what connects me most to Erin Hannon. I went into high school very sheltered with my eyes wide open. Erin's character can be described in a few words; naive/innocent, optimistic, and quirky. The character often has situations with others where she has no idea what is going on and is like a fish out of water. Starting high school felt exactly like that with also the large desire to fit in and be accepted. I feel that Erin's character is like this as well. Everyone wants to be accepted where they are. Even after that experience, I can see myself quite a bit in Erin. She is a character who is very sweet and will often go out of her way for people she likes. Some people feel that she is getting steamrolled over. However, when it matters, she will be very assertive. Erin will stand up for herself or others that need it. The last things that drew me to Erin as a character were her childlike optimism and her love of pop culture. I am a huge Swiftie. I can pull random facts about Taylor Swift out of nowhere. Erin also has a deep love of music artists such as Lady Gaga and Katy Perry. And do I even need to mention the love of themed parties? I had an outfit for the Eras Tour and will find any excuse to come up with a crazy costume.
    Harry Potter and the Sorting Hat Scholarship
    It came to no one’s surprise when I was sorted into the Hufflepuff house when I took the Pottermore quiz. I am a child of millennial parents, so I was raised on Harry Potter. I have taken the official quiz many times over the years growing up and each time I am a Hufflepuff. Hufflepuffs are known for their hard work, loyalty, patience, and adaptability. These four characteristics describe me at my core. For years I have known that I want to be an elementary school teacher, especially the younger grades. Teaching is one of the hardest professions out there today. To teach younger children I will have to have a lot of patience and work hard. Many people assume that the Hufflepuff House does not have as strong wizards as the others as it accepts everyone. This is not the case; they are just not boastful about their accomplishments. This described me very well. I do not like being in the spotlight, even if it is for a large accomplishment. The desire to become a teacher fits this characteristic of Hufflepuffs. Teachers are molding the young minds of our future. Most teachers I know would rather fade into the background and have their students shine. Being inclusive is also very important to me. Out of all the houses that Hogwarts has the Hufflepuffs are the most inclusive. Everyone is accepted in Hufflepuff. Everyone is valued and equal. Inclusivity is necessary as a teacher. Each child who walks into my classroom will be different, and I will embrace them all. Collaboration and adaptability are imperative when becoming a teacher. Cedric Diggory showed this before his very untimely death. Working with other teachers, sharing lesson plans, and then also knowing when to throw out the lesson plans if necessary are all a part of a teacher’s job. Even my namesake is a Hufflepuff. I was named after Miley Cyrus, literally. One day day when my mom was pregnant with me she was watching Hannah Montana, in its first season. My dad watched a bit with her and then said ‘Miley is a good name’. That was that. My parents didn’t even realize until I was two that Miley is the same letters as Emily (my mother’s name) just rearranged. Technically Miley Cyrus could fit into any of the houses at various points in her life. I believe that her loyalty, hard work, adaptability, and her strong sense of justice are at Miley’s core. Being a Hufflepuff is not just a label. It is who I am now, and who I also want to be when I am older. There will be challenges ahead in the future where having Hufflepuff traits will be what gets me through. I look forward to becoming a teacher and helping each child that comes into my classroom. I may be biased, but I think that Hufflepuffs makes the best teachers.
    Once Upon a #BookTok Scholarship
    #Booktok has forever made an impact on the world. It has changed the way that books are sold and marketed. #Booktok also has helped to rejuvenate the book-selling world. Physical bookstores have been struggling for many years since most people can get books cheaper in a digital format. It is also easy to read books digitally since they can be read right on a phone. Bookstores now even advertise to the general public using #Booktok. Barnes and Noble have a prominent display in every store with at least one table marked as ‘#Booktok’. My local small bookstore also has its section just for these books. I know quite a bit about #Booktok since my mother is a very big reader and involved in #Booktok. She even helped to teach an author to use Tiktok. That author then had a book that was several years old and all of a sudden jumped to the top of the Amazon best sellers list. That author has now had one movie made from her book and is about to make a second. Even if one video goes viral on #Booktok, it can change the author’s career forever. I remember one video where an old man was doing a signing in the book store but no one was asking for his signature. So a stranger made a post about it and the person got his autograph and shared the book. Now that author is a best-selling author and so many more people now know his work. I am very particular about the kinds of books that I read. So while many books have made an impact on #Booktok there are only a few that I have read. "Red, White & Royal Blue" by Casey McQuiston is probably the most well-known book that I have read because of #Booktok. I love that on #Booktok there are videos of other readers saying what they liked and disliked about the book. This way I can follow and watch videos of people who have similar tastes as I do. It can be hard for a book to be described in one paragraph on the back of the book or an online summary. By watching videos I can learn more about the book and if I would truly enjoy it. "Red, White & Royal Blue" by Casey McQuiston had a large. This book is an LGBTQIA+ love story. It has gained mainstream attention and is very popular among my age group. It has been made into a movie and is said to be one of the better book-to-movie adaptations. This book has helped LGBTQIA+ stories have more representation in mainstream society where it has helped to have more inclusivity and representation in books and movies. Most importantly, and I love the book the most, is that "Red, White & Royal Blue" by Casey McQuiston has helped many teenagers become more comfortable with themselves. This book has brought on conversations for friends and family. This book has helped those who feel alone and different, not so alone and different. There is a place for everyone. x Forever 21 Scholarship + Giveaway
    DRIVE an IMPACT Today Scholarship
    Ever since I was four years old I had gone to the same small private school. In ninth grade I had to transition from this small school to the large public high school. This change in my life had many different challenges that were very overwhelming to me in the beginning. To make the transition from a small school to a large school I had to learn how to adapt, embrace change, and become more self-reliant. From the age of four to fourteen, I went to a private Catholic school where my entire grade, at the most, had 18 children in it. Everybody knew everyone else. The middle school teachers knew the names of the preschool children. I had the same classmates year after year except when new classmates would start. Even though in middle school we would change classrooms for the different classes, all the classrooms were in the same hallway. The teachers knew my family, knew where I might struggle, and knew where I excelled. Not just academically, but socially and emotionally as well. I started ninth grade at the local high school. My class size is around 425 students. I did not know any of the teachers and rarely knew any of my classmates. Where I had been used to the same students in each of my classes, regardless of what class I was in. I had to learn to adapt very quickly if I wanted to succeed in high school. In the beginning, I was very overwhelmed and felt lost. I was so far out of my comfort zone where nothing was familiar and I was unknown to everyone else. Along with the new people, I had to adjust to being in a bigger building and having to change classrooms in this new building. I had to learn to be more independent as I no longer had such a strong bond with my classmates and teachers. I learned that I had to speak up for myself if I had a question. I learned how to keep my schedule, keep track of my assignments, and how to manage my time outside of school. Along with all of these challenges that the transition brought, it also brought a lot of new opportunities. I had to step out of my comfort zone to do these opportunities, but in the end, they also helped me to overcome many of my challenges. I joined the volleyball team where I was able to meet some of my classmates before the school year started. I did not know them very well, but at least there was a friendly face in some classes. I also joined Educators Rising where I got to meet people who also had the same college and career goals as I did. I now have some very close friends from each of these groups and was able to get to know some of the teachers better as well. Transitioning from a small private school to a large public school for the ninth grade was a large milestone in my life. In the beginning, many challenges put me out of my comfort zone. This new point in my life helped me to develop my adaptation skills, learn to embrace change and become more self-reliant. By the end of my first year in high school, I have become more confident, open to new experiences, and not as scared of any challenges still to come in my academic career. Challenges are just a way for me to step out of my comfort zone and to step up and become a better person.
    Dounya Discala Scholarship
    Ever since I was four years old I have gone to the same small private school. In 9th grade I had to transition from this small school to the large public high school. This change in my life had many different challenges that were very overwhelming to me in the beginning. To make the transition from a small private school to a large public school I had to learn how to adapt, embrace change, and become more self-reliant. From the age of four to fourteen, I went to a private Catholic school where my entire grade, at the most, had 18 children in it. Everybody knew everyone else. The middle school teachers knew the names of the preschool children. I had the same classmates year after year except when new classmates would start. Even though in middle school when we would change classes, all the classrooms were in the same hallway. The teachers knew my family, knew where I might struggle, and knew where I excelled. Not just academically, but socially and emotionally as well. The year I started ninth grade, it was at the local high school. My class size is around 425 students. I did not know any of the teachers and rarely knew any of my classmates. I had to learn to adapt very quickly if I wanted to succeed in high school. In the beginning, I was very overwhelmed and felt lost. I was so far out of my comfort zone where nothing was familiar and I was unknown to everyone else. Along with the new people, I had to adjust to being in a bigger building and having to change classrooms in this new building. I had to learn to be more independent as I no longer had such a strong bond with my classmates and teachers. I learned that I had to speak up for myself if I had a question. I learned how to keep my schedule, keep track of my assignments, and how to manage my time outside of school. Along with all of these challenges that the transition brought, it also brought a lot of new opportunities. I had to step out of my comfort zone to do these opportunities, but in the end, they also helped me to overcome many of my challenges. I joined the volleyball team where I was able to meet some of my classmates before the school year started. I did not know them very well, but at least there was a friendly face in some classes. I also joined Educators Rising where I got to meet people who also had the same college and career goals as I did. I now have some very close friends from each of these groups and was able to get to know some of the teachers better as well. Transitioning from a small private school to a large public school for the ninth grade was a large milestone in my life. In the beginning, many challenges put me out of my comfort zone. This new point in my life helped me to develop my adaptation skills, learn to embrace change and become more self-reliant. By the end of my first year in high school, I had become more confident, open to new experiences, and not as scared of any challenges still to come in my academic career. Challenges are just a way for me to step out of my comfort zone and to step up and become a better person.
    Servant Ships Scholarship
    My costume was set, tickets were secured, and the countdown was on. I survived the ‘Great War’ that was the Ticketmaster battle to get tickets. In the end, I was able to get second-row seats. (Thank you Mother!) While preparing to get tickets and while waiting for the tour date I wanted to know more about Taylor Swift because I hadn't paid attention to her life very much. I had only listened to her music. So I watched her documentaries and other interviews to get to know her better and see what I could learn from her. There had to be a reason so many people, even if they didn't like her music, liked her. I wanted to know why. So I binged her documentaries 'Miss Americana', 'Long Pond Studio Sessions', and 'Reputation Stadium Tour'. Taylor Swift shows us that we need to stay true to ourselves and it is okay to change who you are and evolve as a person. For example, she went from country music to pop music. Her music grows with her as a person. We do not have to stay inside the box we are placed in. As we grow older you can change, but to change for yourself and not for others. In these movies, Taylor Swift shows the behind-the-scenes of her life, but she also inspires her fans. Taylor Swift also shows her fans how to reach for goals. To achieve your dream, sometimes we have to make choices and sacrifices to make it the farthest possible. You can’t listen to haters and have to believe in yourself if you want to achieve something. You also have to put in a lot of hard work more than most people and show people you are different if you want to achieve something. Taylor Swift also shows everyone that even once dreams are achieved, a person still has to work hard and try their best. If you don't, you might lose it. Ever since I was young just about everyone who knew me said that I should become a teacher. To become a teacher I need to go to college. Even after I graduate I know I will have continuing education for the whole length of my career. I am ready for the hard work because I know that it will pay off. The most influential time in a child’s life and academic career is when they are young and in elementary school. As an elementary school teacher, I have the chance to get in at the ground level and help society in many different ways. By giving children the love of learning at an early age, they can be set up to have a positive and productive future. A love of learning can open a student to more possibilities, have more options open up for them in the future, and will be willing to try more things in life. Children are our future and will be adults running the world soon enough. Even though teachers are underpaid and overworked, we need someone to teach the kids now. The change to the educational system won't happen overnight; however, the process can start now and evolve as we go. I also want to teach kids it is okay to take action if you see something is wrong, don't just stand there because that can make it worse by just watching it happen. Anyone can be the person that is needed to change the world. Change only happens one step at a time, and anyone can take that first step.
    "The Summer I Turned Pretty" Fan Scholarship
    I am on Team Jeremiah. He has treated her right from the beginning Jeremiah has always looked at her like she was the whole world. Jeremiah immediately embraced Belly when they first arrived at the summer house. When he spun her around, making her smile and giggle, it was a moment that showed how he felt. Jeremiah is very good with people, and he is quite focused on Belly once he discovers his attraction to her. When Jeremiah set off the firework just as Belly and Conrad were about to kiss. That was a cute moment that showed his jealousy a bit. When Belly and Jeremiah stay up all night to help Conrad study for a test, this moment shows how good of a person Jeremiah is. There are complicated feelings all around, but he still helps Conrad. Jeremiah is not perfect, but out of the two options he is the best. One of the moments that shows he is not quite grown up is when Belly paints a picture of their future together. Belly wants Jeremiah to paint it with her but he withdraws because it's too painful. Belly has supposedly been in love with Conrad forever. In actuality, Belly just has Conrad up on a pedestal. If a person is really in love, they can see their faults. Conrad just rubs me the wrong way. Conrad in season one was rude and brooding at first. One thing that bugged me was when Conrad forgot her birthday. He did not get Belly a present. Jeremiah did remember and gave her a gift. Conrad claimed he had forgotten her birthday. He said that was the reason he did not get her a gift, even though he had remembered her birthday in past years. And with all teenagers now having phones and calendars, there is no excuse for forgetting a birthday. Conrad cannot just be straight about his feelings no matter the situation. It will be interesting to see if the television show ends the same way as the books or if they make the ending with a twist and go with the other boy. However, both boys need to mature a bit. Belly as well. Then again, they are teenagers so we can't expect them to always think rationally. With the boys, there is also the influence around them of toxic masculinity that they need to overcome to be the best partners to someone. All three of them would be much better off if they were better communicators. They all could use many sessions with a therapist!
    Fall Favs: A Starbucks Stan Scholarship
    I have very strong feelings about coffee, whether it is hot or cold. I have a very strong dislike of coffee. The smell. The taste. Just everything. Even if something is just coffee flavored; I taste the coffee and it makes me not like the item. Therefore, my favorite fall-inspired drink is pumpkin hot chocolate. It has the smell and vibe of fall, but it is not coffee. It is also an ordinary drink for just any time of the year. Coffee shops only sell it for a few weeks a year. I love hot chocolate and how when the fall is colder you can walk around and hold it in your hands. One of my favorite things about the fall season is the feeling of the warmth radiating off the drink and warming your cold hands. Another favorite thing is how you can sit in the coffee shop looking out the windows with the warmth of the cute cafe and drink while people-watching. With the leaves changing colors and people taking their last chances to walk outside before it gets too cold or snows. I live in Minnesota where we get the perfect fall days. Even if we get too few of them and it goes too quickly to winter. My favorite kind of days are days when it is nice outside and you can just wear a warm hoodie and be warm enough. That is a perfect day to get a drink and go to an apple orchard. I live in a small town where we do all the typical fall harvest/apple orchard things that people see in movies. It is a tradition with my family. We go every year to a local apple orchard to pick apples, taste yummy treats, and have a hot drink. Even at apple orchards, I would take a hot chocolate drink, even better if it is a pumpkin hot chocolate, over an apple cider drink. Fall in Minnesota often turns into early winter; we often only have less than a month of really good fall weather. I especially love a pumpkin hot chocolate drink if it snows early. I still want to try and hold onto the fall. I can get the vibe and taste of fall because of the pumpkin in the hot chocolate. A hot chocolate drink also gives off winter vibes. It is almost like it mentally prepares me for the cold winter and all of the snow that is coming my way since I live in Minnesota.
    Barbie Dream House Scholarship
    “I’ve been my mom’s kitchen helper since I was a little kid.” – Taylor Swift I have always thought of what I would want my dream house to look like, and what I dream about most is the kitchen. I picture myself having many children, and the kitchen is the center of the house and home. I love to make treats right now for my friends and family and that will only continue more when I have my own home. So I have lots of ideas for what the kitchen will look like. The kitchen would have two ovens and lots of counter space so I have room to bake to my heart's content. There will also be a lot of drawer space so I can keep everything organized. Everything will have its spot and place in my kitchen. I would have one of the microwave drawers so it is not in the open. The pantry would walk in so you have plenty of room for snacks and ingredients. In the pantry, there would also be a door that leads directly to the garage so you don't need to carry bags as far. Most of all though it would be large and open with a large center counter island that everyone can gather around. For the rest of the house, I think I would like it located in a small town with a big backyard for kids and animals to run around in. Ideally, I would have a five-bedroom house so each kid gets a room. With that, also a playroom or an area where they can all hang out or do as they wish away from a parent's prying eyes. But also still close enough for a parent to keep an eye on everything. In the living room, there would be a big sectional so when I host there is room for everyone to sit. I also want an overall open floor plan so that if you are in the kitchen cooking you can still see your kids or guests and still be involved in the conversation. There are many other small details that I have ideas for in my dream house, but that would be a thesis paper and not a short essay. I have seen so many Tiktoks and even more Pinterest boards with ideas that I want to incorporate. However, the most important thing in my dream house is my family and how the dream house will be a dream home with all of us able to gather and spend time together.
    Eras Tour Farewell Fan Scholarship
    My costume is set, tickets are secured, and the countdown is on. Taylor Swift’s Eras tour is coming to my area in June and it will be the highlight of the year for me. I have survived the ‘Great War’ that was the Ticketmaster battle to get tickets. In the end, I was able to get second-row seats. Ever since then, I have been making friendship bracelets to hand out at the concert, along with creating the perfect look to wear to the ‘Concert of the Century.’ While preparing to get tickets and while waiting for our tour date I wanted to know more about Taylor Swift because I hadn't paid attention to her life very much. I had only listened to her music. So I watched her documentaries and other interviews to get to know her better and see what I could learn from her. There had to be a reason so many people, even if they didn't like her music, liked her. I wanted to know why. Taylor Swift shows us that we need to stay true to ourselves and it is ok to change who you are and evolve as a person. For example, she went from country music to pop music. Her music grows with her as a person. We do not have to stay inside the box we are placed in. As we grow older you can change, but to change for yourself and not for others. Taylor Swift also shows her fans how to reach for goals. To achieve your dream, sometimes we have to make choices and sacrifices to make it the farthest possible. You can’t listen to haters and have to believe in yourself if you want to achieve something. You also have to put in a lot of hard work more than most people and show people you are different if you want to achieve something. Taylor Swift also shows everyone that even once dreams are achieved, a person still has to work hard and try their best. If you don't, you might lose it. Before the concert at the stadium, all of the fans were trading bracelets before Taylor came on. That's when I realized this is not just a huge fan base but also a family. Everyone was so welcoming to everyone else. We were all just happy to be there after surviving the 'Great War' for tickets. Everyone was complementing each other's costumes, taking pictures of each other, and handing out bracelets. My concert is now over. However, the Eras tour will continue for more than a year and will go down as one of the greatest tours in history. The night I went to the Eras tour will go down as a core memory. A night I will never forget and will always cherish.
    Strong Leaders of Tomorrow Scholarship
    My dream has always been to have a job with young children. I did not know how or what exactly, but I knew that I needed to work with young children, even since I was one myself. After research and volunteering, I have discovered that my career should be as a primary teacher. The most influential time in a child’s life and academic career is when they are young and in elementary school. I have always loved to teach and help kids. Being a part of helping them become better at skills and improve is amazing. I never did realize how hard being a leader could be until I became one. When I was one of the kids and a part of the group we had fun but I didn't realize how much effort being a leader was. Volunteering has shown me how I love to help others and it has also helped me in many ways. I have improved my leadership skills through my volunteer work. Public speaking, planning and preparing events for kids, and being a small group leader are just a few of my skills that continue to improve as I lead in my volunteer work. Having kids ask me questions and trying to get the kids involved with each activity keeps me on my toes. My leadership skills growing and improving doesn't only help the kids, but also in the future will help me be an even better teacher. Each child has different needs academically, emotionally, and socially. When I become a teacher, I am looking forward to the challenge of helping out each child become better than they are when they start the school year. Some children might have a bad home life and will need more support in school as they will not receive any support outside of school. My experiences now are helping me because I am learning to explain things in different ways to kids that learn differently. All of this has taught me to be patient for kids to learn at different paces. Leading has also taught me how to have more empathy for others. Each child is different; you never know what they are going through or how they are feeling at a certain moment. If the child is having a good or bad day you don't know why they are having that bad day or what is happening in their life. This can also change by the minute. Another challenge that I have realized by being a leader is that when there is a schedule that we have to follow. Sometimes the kids don't want to follow the schedule or have trouble listening. So as the leader, I use creative ways to get from area to area while still keeping it fun and getting to the new location on time. So through this, I have learned time management and how important it is to have something to watch the time with. I am looking forward to the challenge of helping each child become better than they are when they start the school year. I know that becoming an elementary school teacher is what I was meant to be. I cannot wait to make my mark on the next generation by helping students get their education started with the best foundation.
    Disney Super Fan Scholarship
    I am named because of Disney, and it wasn't after any princesses or classic characters. My mother is obsessed with Disney, the Disney Channel classics. She loves High School Musical, Camp Rock, and most importantly Hannah Montana. When my mother was pregnant with me she had severe morning sickness. So she would be in bed a lot watching television. My dad would often join her to keep her company. One day she was watching Hannah Montana and my dad joined her. He was the one who brought up the idea that Miley was an awesome name and that they should use it as a baby name. So I was raised on the Disney Channel. I love how there's stuff on Disney for people of all ages. There are shows like Bluey and Mickey Mouse for young kids but then as kids get older there are shows like Liv and Maddie and Jessie. Once a kid is a teen there are shows like Wizards of Waverly Place or Hannah Montana. These television shows help show how kids can accomplish their dreams even if they are different. One example I love is how the movie Lemonade Mouth shows how getting to know people who may not be exactly like you can be one of the best things you ever do. You just have to push past your fear and go for it. For teens and adults that love action, there is the Marvel collection with action suited for adults and teens. And no matter the age of someone there are now more inclusive shows that Disney uses to help represent everybody. I love how they also keep older shows still on their platform like Boy Meets World for the older generation to still enjoy and for the newer generation to see. Even though those shows might not get as many people watching them, Disney keeps the shows on their channel for the people who enjoy them. For my family, this is important and meaningful to us because we can all watch these shows together. Especially with my mother, it is a subject that we have bonded over and created memories together over. We have had family road trips watching and listening to High School Musical. My mother and I have watched Boy Meets World together and when the spinoff Girl Meets World came out we watched that together. I grew up knowing all the songs to Camp Rock and this year my mother and I are hoping to go see the Jonas Brothers in concert. To me and my family Disney is not just entertainment. It is memories that span my whole life. It is something that we all enjoy, and I cannot wait to carry on some of these traditions and create memories with my own family in the future.
    Michael Rudometkin Memorial Scholarship
    Community service is when we volunteer our time to help other people in our community. It is a great way to give back to society and make a positive impact. I do many different things each year volunteering and community service. Some events are just one-day events and one group even meets weekly all school year long. The largest amount of time I spend volunteering is with a group called Teens For Christ, where we organize events for middle and high school students. In this group learn how to communicate about important topics, and how to be a positive role model, and we teach younger kids that it's okay to be themselves. I joined this group because in middle school I struggled a lot, and I wanted to help others in the same way. This group has also helped me with thinking of a future career. I want to be an elementary school teacher. This group helps to give me more experience as a leader of younger children. I think it's really important to be involved in community service and to give back to the community because the people in our community have helped us in many ways. When a person does community service, they are giving their time to help others, even if they are strangers. It makes a person feel really good to know that they are making a positive impact on someone else's life. Community service also helps teach important social and emotional skills like empathy, compassion, and social responsibility. These are important and they will a person to better themselves. On top of the emotional skills that are learned through volunteering, practical skills are also learned. Time management and organizational skills are key to a successful future in college and beyond. To make the most of the time I have, these skills were learned quickly. One thing I enjoy doing is making tie blankets and donating them to the community food shelf around Christmas time. Making blankets is not only fun but is also an excellent way to make a difference in someone's life. It doesn't take a lot of time or effort, especially when done with friends. However, the impact it can have on someone who is in need is immense. Even small acts, such as making blankets, can make a large impact on someone else. We never know what someone else is going through. Community service with others is one of my favorite things. I like to try and find opportunities to help others while being with my friends. Volunteering with friends is always a highlight of my time. We get to hang out and have fun while helping others. It is always such a positive experience. This also helps some of my friends who are not as outgoing but want to help. If we volunteer as a group of friends more people are likely to volunteer and then our impact will be greater. In summary, community service is a great way to give back to our community and make a positive impact. Not only do the people I help benefit from community service, but I benefit as well. In all the different community service activities that I participate in, I have learned many different things. I have learned the importance of being there for others, I feel fulfilled in my heart by making a positive impact, and I have also learned how to be a helpful member of my community. It's important to help others, and it feels really good to know that I am making a difference.
    Taylor Swift ‘1989’ Fan Scholarship
    My costume is set, tickets are secured, and the countdown is on. Taylor Swift’s Eras tour is coming to my area in June and it will be the highlight of the year for me. I have survived the ‘Great War’ that was the Ticketmaster battle to get tickets. In the end, I was able to get second-row seats. Ever since then, I have been making friendship bracelets to hand out at the concert, along with creating the perfect look to wear to the ‘Concert of the Century.’ Before this essay was on my radar, I already had my outfit picked out for the concert. Many people are dressing as their favorite ‘era’ of music from Taylor Swift’s discography. Immediately I knew that my outfit would be inspired by her album ‘1989’. And I have not looked back since. Even though I enjoy a lot of the songs from Taylor Swift's 1989 album, ‘All You Had to Do Was Stay’ is without question one of my favorites. I adore how it tells the tale of a boy who relentlessly tries to get back together with this girl and win her trust. However, he ultimately keeps abandoning her because he is unreliable. She continues to long for his return, though. The girl eventually concludes that his departure would be best for her, even as he continues in his efforts to win her back. The amusing thing about this song is that Taylor Swift never explicitly names which of her ex-boyfriends it was that inspired one of her dreams to write this song. I like that because that means you can interpret and relate to it in your own way, whether it is with a friend or partner. Taylor Swift’s music in general is like this. Where Taylor Swift tells a personal story with her song lyrics, but yet anyone can take those same lyrics and apply them to their life. One of the greatest things about Taylor Swift and her lyrics, especially this song, is that they can apply to romantic relationships and friendships. I am only fifteen years old and not even allowed to date yet. If my parents have anything to say about this, it will be decades before romantic relationships are even a thought in my mind. However, friendships and those types of relationships are very important to me. ‘All You Had to Do Was Stay’ is a song that speaks to me now, and will also speak to me in the future. Algebra Scholarship
    If it was not for math we would all still be living like cavemen and cavewomen. Mathematics is what makes the world go round. The basis of all science and engineering is math and numbers. If the world did not have math, we would not have any science, engineering, or medical advancements. The environment utilizes math without even trying. From flowers to weather to animals; there are patterns, formulas, and shapes that can be translated into mathematics and applied elsewhere. Without mathematics; we would not know how old dinosaurs are, how far away other galaxies are, or even how the sun and moon affect our environment. Society as we know it would not exist without mathematics, even at the most basic level. The various economies of the world are based on math. Businesses use math to improve their business, pay their employees, and get paid by customers. Some of the not-so-obvious aspects of life would also be affected. We use math when we cook. Music is all about math and intervals. Reading temperatures and predicting weather are all based on mathematics. I have always gravitated towards mathematics ever since I was young. I think a large part of that is because I was naturally better at math than other subjects. It came easily to me. As much as I love a challenge, I think that being naturally inclined toward math helped me enjoy that subject more. I also have always appreciated mathematics for there is a definite answer and logic can be applied to all of the problems. There are no open-ended questions but definite answers for the most part; at least in the mathematics that I have learned so far in my schooling. In my studies so far I have discovered that I prefer algebra over geometry. This is mostly because the ideas build on top of each other and a lot of the concepts just evolve. Whereas in geometry, there are many different shapes, theorems, and rules that students have to memorize. Memorization is one thing that I struggle with; therefore geometry is harder for me to learn. Whereas in algebra we are solving for x and y; a few rules can apply to many different problems. I always have enjoyed things that I can apply to real-life situations. I have been babysitting for as long as I can remember. Therefore I have had to learn how to handle money. Learning about earning, saving, and spending money is very interesting to me. I can budget but also apply something I have learned in the real world.
    Book Lovers Scholarship
    Hands down, the whole Harry Potter series was amazing and is my favorite. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone is the book that started it all. It launched the whole Harry Potter magical universe. This groundbreaking book includes multiple different aspects from different genres of books. There is fantasy and non-fiction with unicorns and magic. There is danger and mystery with Voldemort. Friendship and bonding with the friendship of Hermione, Ron, and Harry Potter. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone should be the one book that everyone tries because there is something for everyone to like and identify with. And once the magical world of Harry Potter is open, the enjoyment is endless. For myself, this book series was the first one that got me interested in reading outside of school assignments. Before I discovered the Harry Potter series I did not read for fun. However, my parents are millennials and are obsessed with Harry Potter so I grew up hearing about this magical world, but not understanding its depths. Then in elementary school, I had to choose a book for free reading time so I chose the first Harry Potter book. This opened up the fantasy genre of books for me. Fantasy books are still my favorite to read with my current favorite series being the Vampire Diaries. For Christmas, I got my very own full Harry Potter series of books, along with the Vampire Diaries books. I even had to get a new bookshelf as my first one is full.
    Learner Math Lover Scholarship
    I have always gravitated towards mathematics ever since I was young. I think a large part of that is because I was naturally better at math than other subjects. It came easily to me. As much as I love a challenge, I think that being naturally inclined toward math helped me enjoy that subject more. I also have always appreciated mathematics for there is a definite answer and logic can be applied to all of the problems. There are no open-ended questions but definite answers for the most part; at least in the mathematics that I have learned so far in my schooling. In my studies so far I have discovered that I prefer algebra over geometry. This is mostly because the ideas build on top of each other and a lot of the concepts just evolve. Whereas in geometry, there are many different shapes, theorems, and rules that students have to memorize. Memorization is one thing that I struggle with; therefore geometry is harder for me to learn. Whereas in algebra we are solving for x and y; a few rules can apply to many different problems. I always have enjoyed things that I can apply to real-life situations. I have been babysitting for as long as I can remember. Therefore I have had to learn how to handle money. Learning about earning, saving, and spending money is very interesting to me. I can budget but also apply something I have learned in the real world.
    Financial Literacy Importance Scholarship
    One of my goals in life is to create generational wealth for when I have children. I will be able to accomplish this by working hard so I can have a property and other assets to pass down. I would also like to have funds for each of my kids in a Roth IRA so that not only can my children use it but then hopefully they can also add to the assets and then pass it down to their children and more generations to come. Having a house would also be a large asset to pass on to my children. Depending on how many children I have, possibly the house could go to one child while one gets the Roth IRA. One of the easiest ways in today’s society to create generational wealth is to pay for your child’s college education. Colleges and universities are too expensive and the costs are not being held in check. Many people are pressured to go to college even if they can’t afford it. Students are in debt for years after graduation, some with hundreds of thousands of loans that they are unable to pay off. My parents have already stated that they will help me with my college costs as much as possible. However, like most people in America they cannot pay for the entire cost out of pocket. If a person can graduate debt free, they are able to start their adult life in a career that they enjoy, while still being able to save for the future. Building Generational wealth can be difficult because that means you have to be financially stable enough to put money away and not touch it so there it is for the children. My goal is to have a good job and be financially stable before I have children so I don’t need to worry about that. I already save at least half of what I make with my babysitting jobs. I put it into a special account that is just for college expenses. As I get older I expect that I will set even more aside. The earlier a person can start saving for their expenses, the earlier they can stop worrying about their future and they can start thinking about creating generational wealth. I do not touch my savings at all. I only have a small amount on my debit card that I have for expenses when I go out with friends. I limit myself and carefully decide when I spend my money.
    @GrowingWithGabby National Scholarship Month TikTok Scholarship
    @Carle100 National Scholarship Month Scholarship
    Act Locally Scholarship
    I believe that we are coming to a crisis in this country with the education system. My goal is to become and elementary teacher so that I can help children get the right start in school. I have always loved babysitting and playing with children. It would be amazing to become a teacher and have my job be something that I enjoy. I already volunteer at my old elementary school when I can to help out the preschool and kindergarten classes. I also help out at their school activities in the small children’s area. I have found that if someone enjoys school, they will do better with their grades. The student is happy to go to class and learn. Everything should be done that is possible to keep that joy of learning alive. Once that is gone, it is so hard to get back. I hope to get bachelor’s degree in elementary education and then get a job working at an elementary school. My goal is to graduate debt free, as teachers get paid very little. Then I will be able to enjoy my job, and not worry about paying back college loans.
    @normandiealise National Scholarship Month TikTok Scholarship
    V.C. Willis Foundation Scholarship
    My dream has always been to have a job with young children. I did not know how or what exactly, but I knew that I needed to work with young children, even since I was one myself. After research and volunteering, I have discovered that my career should be as a primary teacher. The most influential time in a child’s life and academic career is when they are young and in elementary school. Socially, emotionally, and academically teachers of young children have a very important job. Socially I can help children by encouraging them to talk to their classmates and make sure everyone is included. There are also ways to make sure they know manners, and how jobs work by doing classroom jobs. This also helps the children work on communication and team-building skills with projects. Emotionally, I can make sure that the children are ok. If they need someone to talk to can be a safe space that they can always go to. As a teacher I also want the children to know they are safe and that if they need anyone I am there for them, in all ways. If they need help with homework I can help them anytime. They know there is no reason to worry, I can help them learn it if they do not understand it. Each child has different needs academically, emotionally, and socially. I am looking forward to the challenge of helping out each child become better than they are when they start the school year. Those that are gifted might need more of a challenge, or they might benefit from more help socially. Some children might have a bad home life and will need more support in school as they will not receive any support outside of school. Gifted children are often neglected in public schools as the children who are behind in school may need more attention. I can help meet the needs of gifted children by making sure they are still challenged in the classroom. That might mean giving them harder things to work on or a different test that challenges them. A key point to helping gifted children is to keep communication open with their parents. Talking to the child’s parents to see if there are programs for gifted children is an option if I cannot help him or her within the school. Social development for gifted children can be difficult. As a teacher, I will do my best to help them connect with others that are also gifted. This way they feel as if they are not alone and have someone their age to relate to. The education system in America is terrible compared to other developed nations. There are not enough teachers, money for budgets, or supplies. Not to mention the curriculum and how subjects are taught. Even with all of these obstacles, I know that becoming a primary school teacher is my calling.
    Lieba’s Legacy Scholarship
    My dream has always been to have a job with young children. I did not know how or what exactly, but I knew that I needed to work with young children, even since I was one myself. After research and volunteering, I have discovered that my career should be as a primary teacher. The most influential time in a child’s life and academic career is when they are young and in elementary school. Socially, emotionally, and academically teachers of young children have a very important job. Socially I can help children by encouraging them to talk to their classmates and make sure everyone is included. There are also ways to make sure they know manners, and how jobs work by doing classroom jobs. This also helps the children work on communication and team-building skills with projects. Emotionally, I can make sure that the children are ok. If they need someone to talk to can be a safe space that they can always go to. As a teacher I also want the children to know they are safe and that if they need anyone I am there for them, in all ways. If they need help with homework I can help them anytime. They know there is no reason to worry, I can help them learn it if they do not understand it. Each child has different needs academically, emotionally, and socially. I am looking forward to the challenge of helping out each child become better than they are when they start the school year. Those that are gifted might need more of a challenge, or they might benefit from more help socially. Some children might have a bad home life and will need more support in school as they will not receive any support outside of school. Gifted children are often neglected in public schools as the children who are behind in school may need more attention. I can help meet the needs of gifted children by making sure they are still challenged in the classroom. That might mean giving them harder things to work on or a different test that challenges them. A key point to helping gifted children is to keep communication open with their parents. Talking to the child’s parents to see if there are programs for gifted children is an option if I cannot help him or her within the school. Social development for gifted children can be difficult. As a teacher, I will do my best to help them connect with others that are also gifted. This way they feel as if they are not alone and have someone their age to relate to. The education system in America is terrible compared to other developed nations. There are not enough teachers, money for budgets, or supplies. Not to mention the curriculum and how subjects are taught. Even with all of these obstacles, I know that becoming a primary school teacher is my calling.
    Future Is Female Inc. Scholarship
    Feminism is when you stand up to others because you believe women deserve the same rights as men. The disadvantages of women are often not obvious and not easily seen. However, feminism is important and needed all around the world. Women’s rights can cover many different issues in society. Men get paid more to do the same job as women. Expecting women to go through more hoops to get the same thing that men just get handed. Women have to prove that they are good enough over and over again. Even though many changes have been made for the better over the previous generations, feminism is still needed today. Women are some of the most successful leaders in government and business; however, they make up the minority of those positions. The difference is not even slight; it is by a large margin. Feminine products are still a luxury to many around the world. Girls are trained at an early age about safety in public. Many boys don’t even think about safety issues and it is not a concern or even a passing thought for them. Women have to be constantly vigilant and never let down their guard. A person that I have always looked up to is Taylor Swift. She may not be an obvious choice as a feminist role model, but Taylor is a positive influence, especially for my generation. Taylor Swift has impacted me in many ways. She has taught me that it is alright to make mistakes and that no one is perfect. Taylor Swift has shown that if a person truly wants to do something then they should work hard and go for it. Taylor Swift has led by example to show girls like me that even if you are a feminist, a girl can still like boys and positively talk about them. She writes songs about men and love stories, but she also writes songs about women's empowerment. One of my favorite songs is a good example of this. In the ‘Bad Blood’ music video Taylor Swift only had women in the video and behind the scenes. Taylor Swift has taught me that you don’t need to be famous to make a change. A person can make changes in small ways; a person just has to try. She made it in an industry that at the time was mainly men. She said you just have to try as hard as the men if you want something. She has given many speeches at awards that inspire young women. For these reasons and more, Taylor Swift is an inspiration to me.
    @normandiealise #GenWealth Scholarship
    Honestly, before this essay, I did not know what generational wealth was. I had to look up the definition and ask my parents to help explain what it was in order for me to complete this essay. The definition of generational wealth is defined as financial assets passed down from one generation of the family to the next. One of my goals in life is to create generational wealth for when I have children. I will be able to accomplish this by working hard so I can have property and other assets to pass down. I would also like to have funds for each of my kids in a Roth IRA so that not only can my children use it but then hopefully they can also add to the assets and then pass it down to their children and more generations to come. Having a house would also be a large asset to pass on to my children. Depending on how many children I have, possibly the house could go to one child while one gets the Roth IRA. One of the easiest ways in today’s society to create generational wealth is to pay for your child’s college education. Colleges and universities are too expensive and the costs are not being held in check. Many people are pressured to go to college even if they can’t afford it. Students are in debt for years after graduation, some with hundreds of thousands of loans that they are unable to pay off. My parents have already stated that they will help me with my college costs as much as possible. However, like most people in America they cannot pay for the entire cost out of pocket. If a person has the ability to graduate debt free, they are able to start their adult life in a career that they enjoy, while still being able to save for the future. Building Generational wealth can be difficult because that means you have to be financially stable enough to put money away and not touch it so there it is for the children. My goal is to have a good job and be financially stable before I have children so I don’t need to worry about that. I already save at least half of what I make with my babysitting jobs. I put it into a special account that is just for college expenses. As I get older I expect that I will set even more aside. The earlier a person can start saving for their expenses, the earlier they can stop worrying about their future and they can start thinking about creating generational wealth.