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Meredith Traugott


Bold Points






I have many passions and dreams. I am an avid reader, and I love writing. I plan to follow a pre-veterinary track in college, hoping to provide affordable care for our beloved pets without the fear of financial issues. I also love being out in nature, going on adventures, listening to or creating music, and being creative.


Warren Wilson College

Bachelor's degree program
2022 - 2026
  • Majors:
    • Agriculture/Veterinary Preparatory Programs
  • Minors:
    • Chemistry
  • GPA:


  • Desired degree level:

    Doctoral degree program (PhD, MD, JD, etc.)

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Agricultural/Animal/Plant/Veterinary Science and Related Fields, Other
  • Planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:

      Company Founder


      • Mooresville High School Pride In Motion Marching Band

        Performance Art
        Ring 2018, Reimagine 2019, What Goes Up 2021
        2018 – Present

      Public services

      • Volunteering

        Refuge ChurchI acted as an instructor and caregiver for the children on Sunday mornings.
        2020 – Present

      Future Interests





      Share Your Poetry Scholarship
      She is light Dancing across a page As time ticks by She is the sun A burning flame of passion Scorching to the touch She is fresh air On a crisp autumn morning That makes you feel new She is music A beautiful symphony In time with my soul She is art A masterpiece With a hidden meaning She is a puzzle So complex that only few can decipher What she might do next She is the ocean Constantly moving Never the same She is the moon Only a few would dare To try and touch it She is waves Dancing to a rhythm Only she can hear She is free Like a bird soaring in the sky Drinking in the song of nature She is a mystery That only few would be willing to go on the adventure that is knowing her She is you And she is a beautiful work of art If only you take the time to appreciate it
      Boatswain’s Mate Third Class Antonie Bernard Thomas Memorial Scholarship
      In my everyday routine, I consistently demonstrate strong leadership and communication skills through my ability to effectively manage my time and responsibilities. I understand the importance of being able to clearly convey my expectations and ideas to those around me, and actively listen to the thoughts and concerns of others. I also make it a priority to regularly check in with my team and colleagues in order to foster a positive and productive work environment. I also display resilience in my everyday routine by approaching challenges and obstacles with a proactive attitude. I do not let setbacks discourage me, and instead choose to persevere through difficulties in order to reach my goals. This determination allows me to inspire and motivate those around me to do the same. Selflessness is another trait that I strive to exhibit in my everyday routine. I understand that my actions and decisions have an impact on those around me, and I am always willing to put the needs of the team above my own. This includes being willing to go above and beyond to help others and contribute to the success of the group. Focus and determination are also key aspects of my everyday routine. I prioritize tasks and stay organized in order to effectively manage my time and reach my goals. I hold myself to high standards and am always willing to put in the extra effort to succeed. In addition to these traits, I also possess a strong work ethic and am committed to consistently performing to the best of my ability. I understand that hard work and dedication are key to success, and I am always willing to put in the time and effort to achieve my goals. Moving forward, my goals include pursuing a degree in veterinary medicine and becoming a successful veterinarian. I am inspired to pursue this career path due to my love for animals and desire to make a positive impact in their lives. With the hope of one day opening my own clinic so that I can truly have the greatest impact. To me, leadership means inspiring and guiding others towards a shared vision or goal. It involves being a positive role model, being open to feedback and new ideas, and being able to adapt and make difficult decisions when necessary. As a leader, I strive to embody these qualities and create a positive and inclusive environment for those around me.
      Walking In Authority International Ministry Scholarship
      Volunteering at my church has had a tremendously positive impact on my community. As a member of the church, I have always been committed to serving others and making a difference in the world. However, it wasn't until I started volunteering at my church that I truly saw the impact of my actions on the people around me. One of the ways in which volunteering at my church has had a positive impact on my community is by providing much-needed assistance to those in need. Our church has a strong outreach program that provides food, clothing, and other necessities to those who are struggling. By volunteering my time and resources to this program, I have been able to make a difference in the lives of countless individuals and families who are struggling to make ends meet. In addition to providing assistance to those in need, volunteering at my church has also helped to build a sense of community and belonging among the members. When people come together to work towards a common goal, it creates a sense of connection and camaraderie that can be difficult to find in today's world. By volunteering at my church, I have had the opportunity to get to know and build relationships with people of all different ages and backgrounds, and this has helped to create a strong and supportive community within the church. Finally, volunteering at my church has also had a positive impact on my own personal growth and development. By serving others and working to make a difference in the world, I have learned valuable skills such as leadership, teamwork, and problem-solving. These skills have not only helped me to be a more effective volunteer, but they have also translated into other areas of my life, such as my future career goals, schooling and personal relationships. In conclusion, volunteering at my church has had a profound and positive impact on my community. By providing assistance to those in need, building a sense of community and belonging, and promoting personal growth and development, I have been able to make a positive difference in the world around me. It has helped me to feel more connected to others, to learn new skills, and to make a difference in the lives of others. I am grateful for the opportunity to give back to my community in this way, and I look forward to continuing to volunteer and make a positive impact in the future.
      Dr. Howard Hochman Zoological Scholarship
      I have always had a passion for animals. From the time I was a young child, I have loved learning about different species and have always been drawn to animals of all shapes and sizes. This passion has only grown as I have gotten older, and I have come to realize that I want to dedicate my career to helping animals in any way that I can. One way I plan to make an impact is by becoming a veterinarian. I have always been fascinated by the medical profession, and the opportunity to combine this with my love for animals is something that truly excites me. I know that becoming a veterinarian will be a long and challenging journey, but I am determined to see it through to the end. As a veterinarian, I believe that I will be able to make a significant impact on the lives of animals and their owners. Whether it is providing medical care to sick or injured animals, giving advice to pet owners on how to best care for their beloved companions, or simply being there to offer comfort and support, I know that I will be able to make a difference in the lives of both animals and people. To make this dream a reality, I am currently majoring in biology on a pre-veterinary track. This major will provide me with a strong foundation in the scientific principles and concepts that are essential for success in the field of veterinary medicine. I am also taking a number of courses that are specifically geared towards preparing me for veterinary school, such as anatomy, physiology, and animal behavior. In the future, I hope to be able to open my own clinic where I can provide high-quality medical care to animals in need. I envision a place where pets can receive the same level of care and attention that they would receive at a human hospital, and where owners can feel confident that their beloved companions are in good hands. I am confident that with hard work, dedication, and a little bit of luck, I will be able to make my dream of becoming a veterinarian and opening my own clinic a reality. It will not be easy, but I am willing to put in the effort and take on the challenges that come my way in order to make a positive impact on the lives of animals.
      Bold Turnaround Story Scholarship
      One turnaround story from my life is this. For the majority of my life, I have suffered from severe mental illness. Last September, I fell into an extremely dark place and finally recognized that I needed help. I found the courage to reach out and began my healing journey through therapy. Since then, I have been able to get the necessary medication I needed. I battled through my trauma and current life struggles, and I am proud to say that though my healing journey is far from over, I am now in a better place mentally than I have ever been before. When I started my journey, I was a closed-off and isolated person. I didn't trust anyone, and I didn't believe in myself. Now, I am confident in my identity. I have stepped out of my shell. And I have been able to impact the lives of those around me because of it. If you were to have asked me last year if I thought I would be here right now, I would have said no. But look at me now. Asking for help is never easy, but it is necessary. You are not weak for reaching out. You are strong because you recognize that you cannot do this on your own. We are stronger together, and now I truly understand just how true that statement is.
      Bold Happiness Scholarship
      There is a bountiful list of things that make me happy. Words are one of them. Not only do I love crafting and forming pictures, but I love reading and disappearing between the pages of books. I love nature and animals. I love plants and nurturing them to grow. I love the stars, the moon, space, how even from a distance, they tell a story and shape aspects of our world. I love creating art and music, how I can disappear and express myself in many different ways. I love listening to music and getting lost in the endless dance of expression. I love the mountains. I love rivers and the continuous songs of the world. I love Jesus, the relationship I have with Him that has kept me fighting. I love fashion and the aspect of creating another way of expression for myself. I love my friends and relationships. The connections with others. All these things make me happy and hold a special place in my heart. I guarantee that I missed some things in this endless list of what makes me happy and makes me who I am.
      Bold Great Books Scholarship
      I cannot pick a favorite book because of the unending options, but I have a favorite series. The Throne of Glass series is by far my favorite and will continue to be so for a while. Everything about these books captivates my soul. Through the perfect romance, the battles, overcoming trauma, teaching you the importance of friendship, and learning how to climb out of that darkness. I have read this series multiple times, and it never ends to help me with something I am going through. Teaching me the importance of fighting and never giving up. That pain makes you stronger and feeling such things are not a weakness. That hope is more powerful than any weapon, and relationships help to keep us strong. Following the story of Aelin, as she deals with her trauma, past, present, and future, and finally steps into her true identity. Through battling lies, the deaths of loved ones, harmful attacks of others, and her mind, she always comes out on top in the end. She has inspired me to fight as she has. That there is a better future, a better world that is indeed worth fighting for. "We do not look back, Chaol. It helps no one and nothing to look back. We can only go on." ‘What if we go one only to find a horrible end waiting for us?’ "Then it is not the end" — Sarah J. Maas. Many quotes have struck me, and this one is no exception. Reminding myself to keep going is a difficult battle I face, that though it is hard right now, it is not the end and that things will get better. I only have to keep fighting and believing that it will one day come true.
      Bold Books Scholarship
      Having to pick a favorite book off of my shelves is a difficult task indeed. I have read many stories and traveled to many places, all from the comfort of my imagination. The connections and life lessons I have learned are never-ending. Folding the scraps of knowledge between the pages of my soul, I create the book of who I am, discovering new identities every day. But, to pick one, I will have to choose the Shatter Me series. Not just a single book, but a collection that will always hold a special place in my heart. Following the journey of a girl named Juliette, as she escapes captivity, battles through her trauma, learns to love herself, and then changes the world for the better. So many quotes connected with what I was dealing with at the time I first opened these books. This series helped me escape that darkness by following the knowledge she, too, was learning. I will now share one quote I love from this series. “I spent my life folded between the pages of books. In the absence of human relationships I formed bonds with paper characters. I lived love and loss through stories threaded in history; I experienced adolescence by association. My world is one interwoven web of words, stringing limb to limb, bone to sinew, thoughts and images all together. I am a being comprised of letters, a character created by sentences, a figment of imagination formed through fiction.” ― Tahereh Mafi, Shatter Me. Words will always be a part of me, a way to express the things I cannot voice aloud. They help me discover, uncover, and form the very fragments of my being, and I will never once take for granted the stories that I continue to lose and find myself within.