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Kyle Givens


Bold Points






I am a diligent, adaptable, dependable, intelligent, and passionate individual. I have a love and a talent for math and science. In college I plan to pursue a chemical engineering degree. After college I want to pursue a career in vaccines, pharmaceuticals, cancer research, or any related field. My goal in life is to use my skills to improve the health of others so that they can live out a long and happy life. Beyond my academic goals, I have a very strong Christian faith. It is something that truly drives my life. I would say that I have a relationship with God and my life is all the better for it. Through my faith, I strive to be a person of character and strong morals everyday. I treat every person with great respect regardless of their circumstances. I am slow to judgement and anger. I want my life to reflect that of someone who is others oriented. Whether it is my career, my family, my faith, or my activities, I do everything for the benefit of others.


Lincoln East High School

High School
2018 - 2022
  • GPA:


  • Desired degree level:

    Master's degree program

  • Majors of interest:

    • Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:

      I want to be a part of a team that makes a breakthrough in the research of any disease.



      2018 - 20213 years


      • Letter
      • Academic All-Conference Award
      • NCPA Academic All-State Award
      • Junior Sportsmanship Award
      • 2020 and 2021 Nebraska All State Tennis Team


      • Lincoln East Band

        Cadenza, Night at the Acropolis, Misc show choir competitions, Spring band concert
        2018 – Present
      • Lincoln Youth Symphony

        Lied Center performance
        2019 – Present

      Public services

      • Volunteering

        Berean Car Care MinistryMaintaining the workshop
        2021 – 2021
      • Volunteering

        Berean Vacation Bible SchoolGroup leader
        2021 – 2021
      • Volunteering

        Southwood Lutheran ChurchLandscaper
        2020 – 2021
      • Volunteering

        Food Bank of LincolnDistributing food
        2018 – 2018
      • Volunteering

        Lincoln East tennisDistributing food at a concession stand
        2018 – 2022
      • Volunteering

        Lincoln East BandWrapping gifts at a local mall
        2018 – 2019
      • Volunteering

        National Honor SocietyEvent clean-up staff
        2021 – 2021
      • Volunteering

        Arthritis FoundationRunner
        2016 – 2017
      • Volunteering

        2018 – Present
      • Volunteering

        Chapter 25Packing meals
        2019 – 2019

      Future Interests


      Sloane Stephens Doc & Glo Scholarship
      One of the simplest yet wisest tokens of wisdom I have heard is that "life is not fair". This may seem like a pessimistic comment from someone who had a bad week. I however, view it is a preparation for the obstacles that life will throw at you. I am only a senior in high school, however I have been thrown curve balls in the classroom as well as my extracurricular activities. These experiences have given me what I consider to be my most valuable strength, which is my adaptability. The elephant in the room of the 2020-2021 school year was of course COVID-19. At my high school, we adopted a hybrid learning system that involved both in person classes and online sessions. I enjoy people of all types, and like so many others, being cut off from half of the school's population was difficult. In addition, I was in the thick of my junior year college applications and AP classes. It would have been so easy to give up intellectually and socially. However, I decided I could complain about the situation and waste away an entire school year, or I could adapt and make the most of the situation. During my time in person, I took the opportunity to meet and talk to people I would not normally approach. While participating in online classes there was a handful of down time which I took advantage of to finish homework or study for tests. There was so much to be upset about when COVID-19 came into our lives, however I used it to foster new friendships and complete a very successful academic year. I value my adaptability because it helps me make the best of every situation in life. In addition, it makes me the kind of friend, employee, student, athlete, or son that people want in their life. Going back to what I stated earlier, I recognize that my life will be unfair at times. The world of STEM can often be frustrating, however I believe that my adaptability will help me overcome any obstacle that gets in the way of me and my goals. In addition, I think that being an adaptable employee opens many doors that otherwise would have remained hidden. Even now, I have a clear vision of what I want my path through life to look like. That being said, I recognize that the goals I want to achieve are not necessarily tied to that path. I think that being adaptable actually makes my goals that much more attainable which excites me for the future.
      Bold Goals Scholarship
      Over the next four years I am going to be working on obtaining a degree in chemical engineering. In addition, I hope to participate in any undergraduate research, internships, and projects available. These will all help give me the knowledge to reach my career goals. After my time in college, my goal is to work in research and development for the improvement of healthcare. This career could involve anything with pharmaceuticals, vaccines, cancer research, tissue engineering, virology, or epidemiology. These career paths combine my two passions for life: helping others and my fascination with the human body. In any of these careers, I do not care if my name is shown in big lights, I just want my work to make a difference. It is my dream to have my day to day work be research that improves the quality of life for others. Similar to most, I have known many people whose lives have been affected or ended by disease. Seeing good people with good lives cut short does not sit right with me. My dream is to give people freedom to live the life they want without any hindrances from their health.
      Bold Study Strategies Scholarship
      In my more rigorous classes the tests usually come every two or three weeks which I will refer to as "the test cycle". Before I even set foot in the classroom on day one of the test cycle (i.e. note days) I familiarize myself with the content the night before. This allows me to understand the teaching better and ask questions more proactively. Throughout the first week in the test cycle I read through the textbook and do any applicable practice problems to supplement the classroom learning. Approximately half way through the test cycle I make a set of flashcards (usually on Quizlet) which I then study the following nights. On the days leading up to the test I find a few practice tests on the internet with related content to complete. On the night before the test, contrary to most, I do not look at any material. I find that any studying I would do that night has already been done and tends to psyche me out. I believe in very proactive study habits and I avoid cramming material at all costs. These various strategies I have found to be very beneficial and have allowed me to achieve great success in the classroom.
      Bold Nature Matters Scholarship
      In my eyes, nature is the purest form of God's creation. It represents the raw beauty that exists in this world. But it also represents responsibility on our part to keep it that way. Whenever I have the privilege of traveling to a secluded nature scene I feel totally at peace. I get to appreciate the world in its truest form. Over the years I have traveled to places anywhere between Albuquerque and the east coast. I have seen the beautiful forest covered Appalachian mountains and the captivating sunrises over the Atlantic Ocean. I have been on top of the world in New Mexico on the Sandia Mountains. Whenever I visit a places like this I free myself from all distractions and appreciate the work of art made by God's hands. In addition, I also feel inspired to go into the world and do my part to help the environment. Day to day I like to reduce energy usage, recycle, purchase reusable products, and support clean energy in any way I can. To me, this is my way of giving back to nature for all the peace and awe it has given me.
      Bold Persistence Scholarship
      During middle school I was becoming quite skilled at tennis and at the French horn. In fact, I was at the top of my class at both activities in my school. This was quickly shut down when I sustained an injury to my clavicle. As a result of the injury I was forced into a year of physical therapy and no tennis. The road to recovery was long, painful, and hard. However, every time I thought about quitting, I reminded myself of the skill I once had in tennis. Through months of physical therapy followed by private lessons I came out faster, stronger, and more skilled at tennis than I ever was before. Around the time that I regained my tennis ability I had braces put on my teeth just like every other middle schooler. While this may seem like nothing, braces are detrimental to one's ability to play a brass instrument. The years following my braces being put on, playing the French horn was more difficult and painful than ever before. Similar to tennis it was disappointing to see something go downhill, that I was once so talented at. However, through my patience and persistence I made it to the other side. Once I had my braces taken off, I was better at French horn than I ever was. The years with my braces allowed me to gain technical skills that were far beyond my original skill level. Through these two hardships, I have learned valuable lessons. I have learned that persistence truly makes or breaks anyone's ability to overcome an obstacle. It is for this reason that any obstacle I now come across is met with an undying persistence.
      Youssef University’s College Life Scholarship
      If I had one thousand dollars right now, I would do what many wise financial advisors suggest. That is, to give ten percent, save or invest ten percent, and spend eighty percent of the total sum. I believe in giving back to the community, especially through local churches. If I had one thousand dollars, I would donate one hundred of those dollars to my church. Through local organizations, my church provides funds for anything from food insecurity to global mission. I think this is an amazing gift to be able to provide for others. For my other ten percent I would set up a Roth IRA account. People financially struggling in retirement is a growing problem in America. I believe starting to save and invest early is the key to overcoming this obstacle. For the final sum of eight hundred dollars, I would spend it on a laptop computer for college. I am going into the field of chemical engineering which requires a lot of three dimensional analysis, coding software, and simulations that require a higher level laptop. In essence, if I were given one thousand dollars right now I would give some to others, purchase for the present, and plan for the future.
      Bold Meaning of Life Scholarship
      For me the meaning of life has never been about myself. I have lived all of my high school years being others focused. This stems from what I deem to be the most important part about my life: my Christian faith. To me, Christianity is more than something I participate in on Sunday morning. Having faith and a relationship with God is something I live out everyday and provides a very clear meaning of life for me. When I feel strong in my faith, I feel the call to help others, which is what gives my life meaning. Helping others to me is not a check box to be addressed once a day. It is a constant mindset of compassion for others. This mindset involves extending empathy, grace, and care to everyone, regardless of who it is or what they have done. Through this mindset I have seen the wonders it has done for other people and my own personal mission. Achieving my meaning of life has allowed me to become a light for struggling people and has given me motivation in my faith.
      Bold Selfless Acts Scholarship
      Throughout middle school I was not the most popular kid. Being in band and playing tennis was for some reason the perfect target for kids to pick on me. I always laughed it off, thinking it would go away. But looking back on it, I was just scared to do something about it. It is for this reason that I strive to be selfless to everyone I meet. For me, this is including others, standing up for those who don't have a voice, and encouraging others. During my time in high school I have held a few leadership positions in tennis and in band. It was my job to make these activities feel like home for other people. I have learned that acting selflessly does not have to be the traditional idea of standing up for others. While this is important, I have found that providing care and encouraging others are selfless acts that have as big of an impact. Thinking back to middle school, I remember what it was like to be on the outside. As a result, whenever I see someone who is struggling, I do my utmost to provide selfless care.
      New Year, New Opportunity Scholarship
      If I were to describe myself in one word I would say I am personable. Everyone I meet I seamlessly establish a connection with. I try my best to make an impact on everyone and make them feel is if they are loved. My whole life has been about lifting others up. I learned a long time ago that a life about yourself is empty. On the other hand, living everyday being others focused is extremely fulfilling. All of my professional and personal goals are centered around my drive to help others and my compassion for connection.
      Bold Music Scholarship
      The song that continues to inspire me everyday is "Battle Belongs" by Phil Wickham. This song is about giving your troubles to God and abiding in his love and peace. This song has two lyrics that have impacted me greatly in my life: "Oh God, the battle belongs to you" and "When all I see is the ashes, you see the beauty". Not only are these beautifully poetic, they remind me of who God is. In my life, He has seen great things where I see nothing. This song reminds me to never try to go through life alone. It inspires me to live each day with a fire to know God's plan for me. I do not know what it is, but this song always seems to find me when I am in a valley. It lifts me up and tells me to keep going and trust in God. Whether it is triumph or failure this song inspires me to give my battles to the Lord. "So when I fight, I'll fight on my knees With my hands lifted high Oh God, the battle belongs to You"
      Bold Happiness Scholarship
      Ever since a young age I have had a love for sports and music. I started playing tennis at the age of ten. I began playing piano at the age of eight, as well as French horn and trumpet not long after that. Tennis is something I have always loved because it is such an individual sport. Whether you win or lose, it is all on you. The hard work, success, and sometimes defeat is all determined by yourself, which is an idea that I truly love. I cherish the concept that an achievement, memory, or lesson, belongs to me. In a similar way, music has always been something I have clung to individually. I certainly love playing in band and orchestra, however nothing compares to the music I create in an empty house. Playing my instruments allows me to calm down and refocus. Both tennis and band have been crucial for who I am as a person. They have given me friends, a community, life skills, and connections. Partaking in these activities and the community that comes from them is what truly makes me happy.
      Bold Wisdom Scholarship
      My experiences in school, leadership positions, church, and my activities can be summed up with one precept: your life is more than you. Personally I consider myself to be a strong Christian. The whole essence of my faith is being others focused. Compassion drives my motivation for everything I do. I have come to the realization that living selflessly is where true happiness stems. But beyond the impact I can have on others, I believe that God has a plan for everyone. We may not see it, we may not believe it, and we may be a part of it without a clue. Through my experiences in and out of the church I have noticed time and time again that life that is only about yourself is empty. Even setting aside all religion, as a human race we need others to survive. But imagine how much more we would thrive if everyone was about something other than themselves. I have seen the success and benefit a life focused on others provides. It is not only beneficial to a community, but soothing to the soul. Living life about others is vital to the improvement of our broken world.
      Bold Legacy Scholarship
      If I were to sum up my ideal legacy I would say that I want people to remember me as being focused on others. On a professional level, I want to develop cutting edge pharmaceuticals and vaccines. I believe that life that is cut short or damaged by disease is a terrible loss. On the other hand, life that is long and full of opportunity is an amazing gift. It is one I hope to provide through my career in vaccines and pharmaceutical science. I do not care if my name is up in lights or captured in a headline. I simply want my work to make a difference in the lives of others. Similarly on a personal level, I want my life to be less about the improvement of myself, but rather the impact I can have on others. In a few of my leadership positions in high school, I received a small taste of the positive impact I can have on others. Through these experiences, I have been inspired to help and lead everyone I meet. To me, legacy is what people think about you long after you have left the earth. When I think about this, I want people to think of me as someone who devoted his life to others.
      Bold Know Yourself Scholarship
      Over the years I have found that contrary to what I may think, I am a very personable individual. In general, I would say I am an introvert which is why I have had the running notion that I do not connect well with others. However, through my own self confidence and validation from my peers I have come to realize that this simply is not true. While still maintaining my own individuality, I have a great talent for reflecting people's personalities and being someone that they enjoy talking to. This has served me greatly in my life at school, work, and my activities. Being a personable individual has allowed me to make life long connections. In addition, this strength has allowed me to receive many opportunities that likely would not be available to someone more reserved. One of my ongoing goals is to impact everyone I meet in a positive way. I have found that establishing the connections necessary to do so comes quite naturally with my personability. Through learning this strength, it has not only benefited me, but also those around me.
      Bold Helping Others Scholarship
      If I have learned one thing throughout my life, it is the power of presence. What I mean by that is simply being there far surpasses any grand action of lending a helping hand. I have seen this hold true time and time again. For example, I visit my grandparents a few times a week at their long term care facility. I do not bring any gifts, nor do I stay for hours on end, but I can tell that making time for them makes them feel loved. By simply talking about my day, I provide them with some much needed joy. In a similar way I have found that when a friend or family member is struggling, they do not need a psychological evaluation. Rather, they want someone there to listen and show they care. Despite having a busy schedule, I still make intentional time for all of the important people in my life. Giving this time is my favorite way to help others.
      Bold Talent Scholarship
      My three main talents are playing tennis, French horn, and the piano. I have been doing all three of these since elementary school. First of all I have found if you don't love something then you will never be great at it. Everything takes some level of commitment and if there's no interest in the activity, the motivation will quickly wane. For French horn and piano I have been taking private lessons since I started. This is really the key to becoming proficient at an activity. One on one time with an experienced adult allows one to make leaps and bounds in anything. To supplement the private lessons I practice both French horn and piano once a day for around twenty minutes a piece. It does not take hours upon hours of rigorous practice to be skilled. A simple consistent schedule benefits just the same. Finally, in order to master an art there needs to be a performance aspect as well. I have been involved in many different bands and ensembles over the years, including playing music at my church. All of these methods of practice have allowed me to become talented at the French horn and piano. In fact this past year I was first chair French horn in the Nebraska All State Band. Similar to music, I take tennis private lessons once a week as well as participating in hitting sessions with friends two or three times a week. This combined with the experience high school tennis provides allowed me to become proficient in tennis as well. My junior year I placed second in the Nebraska high school state tennis tournament and first place my senior year. An argument can be made for my natural talent in these areas but I owe it all to my practice.
      Charles R. Ullman & Associates Educational Support Scholarship
      Everyone has heard the cliché of the rock and ripple effect, but it is so true when it comes to community service. When people go out into the community and provide acts of service it inspires others to do the same. What those other people then experience is not coincidentally similar to what we experience. It is no secret that service gives us great perspective and personal growth. This encourages us to participate in more and more community service. But beyond what it does for us, service makes other people feel cared for. It makes other people feel as though they matter. At the end of the day, we can do all we can to better ourselves in a variety of ways. But eventually we will realize that that is only half the battle. Giving back through community service is vital to complimenting good character. This is a lesson I learned in a very powerful way. As a typical high schooler most of my summers were short, busy, and fun. However, every time school rolled around I was left asking myself, "What did I accomplish over the summer? What was the point?" Before the 2020-2021 school year was over, I decided I wanted to make a difference. Not too long after, a friend of mine presented an opportunity to do just that. Our church youth group was going on a mission trip to Albuquerque, New Mexico during the last week of summer. As soon as I heard about this trip, I was all in. I was ready to do something meaningful. During our time in New Mexico, we provided a variety of services throughout the community. We went out to low-income churches and performed physical and promotional jobs to help them get back on their feet. For example, we painted various parts of the facilities, did yardwork, and constructed signs for the appearance and promotion of the churches. We also had the opportunity to go to the local Pueblan reservation. While there, we helped them create adobe bricks to repair their houses which had been devasted by weather and lack of resources. Towards the end of the week, we traveled to a farm that provides support for mentally disabled children. During our time there we performed day-to-day chores alongside the children. The benefit we provided the folks in Albuquerque was expressed with their utmost gratitude. The Pueblans baked every one of us an entire loaf of Pueblan bread. Bread may not seem like much, but in their culture it is nothing short of gold. On our last day in New Mexico, we received a call from one of the churches we helped out earlier in the week. At that church we had noticed many of their tools and machines were not functioning well. In an extension of God's love, we went out and purchased a mower and other tools so they would have the means to improve their church in the future. The call we received was from the pastor of the church in utter tears, expressing his eternal thankfulness for our actions. I still remember listening to that conversation with chills running down my body in awe of the impact we had. That week in Albuquerque allowed me to become fully alive. It opened my eyes to what giving a little bit of love and service does. The mission trip continues to inspire me to be a caring person to everyone I meet. It also motivated me to get involved in my local community with the elderly, food organizations, car services, landscaping, and many other opportunities. It has made me want to serve those wherever God calls me. My current plan is to pursue an undergraduate degree in chemical engineering. After my time in college, I plan to use any research, internships, and experience I have received to pursue the career of my dreams. My future career could involve anything with cancer research, pharmaceuticals, tissue engineering, or epidemiology. Life that is cut short or damaged by disease is a terrible loss. On the other hand, life that is long and full of opportunity is an amazing gift. That potential gift is one I hope to provide to my community, through my future career.
      Bold Perseverance Scholarship
      During middle school I was becoming quite skilled at tennis and at the French horn. In fact I was at the top of my class at both activities in my school. This was quickly shut down when I sustained an injury to my clavicle. As a result of the injury I was forced into a year of physical therapy and no tennis. The road to recovery was long, painful, and hard. However, every time I thought about quitting, I reminded myself of the skill I once had in tennis. Through months of physical therapy followed by private lessons I came out faster, stronger, and more skilled at tennis than I ever was before. Around the time that I regained my tennis ability, I had braces put on my teeth just like every other middle schooler. While this may seem like nothing, braces are detrimental to one's ability to play a brass instrument. The years following my braces being put on, playing the French horn was more difficult and painful than ever before. Similar to tennis it was disappointing to see something decline that I was once so talented at. However, through my patience and perseverance I made it to the other side. Once I had my braces taken off, I was better at French horn than I ever was. The years with my braces allowed me to gain technical skills that were far beyond my original skill level. Through these two hardships, I have learned valuable lessons. I have learned that perseverance truly makes or breaks anyone's ability to overcome an obstacle. It is for this reason that any obstacle I now come across is met with an undying perseverance.
      Bold Joy Scholarship
      To me, joy is a true reflection of character. The level of joy someone has in their life can explain a lot about who they are. First of all, I believe that joy is different than happiness. Being happy comes as a consequence of one's life circumstances. On the other hand, I believe that joy is something we can all choose each and every day. We can let a Monday morning drag us down, or we can choose joy and see what comes of the day. Although being joyful is a choice, I have found that joy largely stems from being others focused. The more and more one tries to fill their life up with unsustainable pleasures, the harder it is to find joy. On the contrary, I have found that when life becomes about loving and serving others, joy seems to find its way into one's heart a lot easier. I seek out joy by lifting others up in my school and activities. Of course it is rewarding to succeed in my endeavors, but it quickly becomes lonely if caring for others becomes an afterthought. Let me be clear, finding joy is not the purpose of caring for others. Rather, joy is a byproduct of the joy you give to others which is a wonderful cycle to take part in.
      Bold Loving Others Scholarship
      If I have learned one thing throughout my life, it is the power of presence. What I mean by that is simply being there far surpasses any grand action to display love. I have seen this hold true time and time again. For example, I visit my grandparents a few times a week at their long term care facility. I do not bring any gifts, nor do I stay for hours on end, but I can tell that making time for them makes them feel loved. By simply talking about my day, I provide them with some much needed joy. In a similar way I have found that when a friend or family member is struggling, they do not need a psychological evaluation. Rather, they want someone there to listen and show they care. Despite having a busy schedule, I still make intentional time for all of the important people in my life. It is through this intentional that I show them how much they are loved.
      Bold Motivation Scholarship
      There is one word for my daily motivation: God. Before I became a Christian, I was subject to the ups and downs that life threw at me. My motivation came and went like clockwork. Looking back on it, I do not even know how I mustered the strength to do anything without God in my life. My faith has allowed me to see the bigger picture. I now understand that not everyday is going to be a wild adventure. That being said, I have found the beauty in the little things. Beyond finding the simple pleasures in and out of my faith, Christianity has given me the drive to do something that is sustainably meaningful. Almost everyday as I get out of bed I utter, "God, let me be useful to You today". This is a reminder of my motivation for life. I do not mean to go out and force my religion onto people, but rather I simply want to be a light to everyone in my community. I have numerous goals and aspirations but I have realized those are not enough to keep me fired up day after day. What motivates me on a daily basis is being a part of something greater than myself.
      Bold Best Skills Scholarship
      Despite being an introvert, I believe my best skill is my personability and connection with others. I have been told that while still maintaining by true self, I reflect people's personalities. As a result, this makes me very easy to talk to. In general, I consider myself someone who is very approachable. I feel totally comfortable finding anyone on the street and partaking in a legitimate conversation with them. Just recently, many opportunities have arisen that have allowed me to become even more personable to people. One such example is my tennis coaching job at the local tennis center. What better way is there to improve one's social skills than with children? This job has allowed me to become empathetic and be the kind of leader and coach that I would want. On the other end of the spectrum is my interactions with the older generations. I interact with the elderly at my private landscaping job as well as at my grandparent's long term care facility. This has allowed me to grow and have intentional conversations as an adult would. Through being a student, coach, and landscaper, I continue to improve my life long skill of connection.
      Bold Books Scholarship
      Through my journey with my Christian faith I have always pondered the typical questions that are difficult to answer. They are the questions that seem to make the idea of a good and gracious God absurd...especially in this world. As I was wrestling with these thoughts, I came across the book "I've Seen the End of You" by W. Lee Warren, M.D. This book was about Dr. Warren's own struggle with his faith. Dr. Warren was a medic in Iraq and currently is a neurosurgeon. In the book he frequently mentions the terminal case of glioblastoma. Day to day he struggled believing in God's promises because he witnessed so much pain. As a Christian, it is hard to fathom the idea of terrible things happening to seemingly good people. What I loved about this book was Dr. Warren did not present the reader with one simple answer, nor did he write a subjective sermon for us to read. Rather, he provided us with powerful stories of patients he cared for over the years. What was so inspiring about this book, was not that it had a feel-good ending. In fact, all of his patients but one ended up passing away to glioblastoma. This book was so inspiring because it showed me that quality of life is not measured by duration, and God's goodness is not measured by our quality of life. This is helpful to both Christian and non-Christian. Life is much more than the traditionalists want us to believe. Through reading this book it has inspired me to live each day as if it was my last. This book restored my faith in God and my passion for life.
      Lo Easton's “Wrong Answers Only” Scholarship
      1. I deserve this scholarship because I have zero passion for life and no drive to help others or myself. I quite frankly want to provide no benefit to society and therefore deserve this scholarship. 2. My academic goals are to get through my first year of college then drop out. This will allow me to pursue a career of sitting at home and being a movie critic which truly excites me. 3. A time I’ve overcome an obstacle was when I didn’t have the energy to get off the couch and get a cheese stick from the fridge. I eventually mustered up the strength, only to find all of the cheese sticks in the fridge were out of date. Traumatized, I went to the store and purchased more and overcame my great life obstacle. Algebra Scholarship
      Since early middle school I have noticed I have a great talent for math. Never in my life has a subject been so enjoyable and come so easily to me. As a result, throughout high school I have taken as much high level math as I have been able to. In addition to me simply enjoying the material, I am going to major in chemical engineering in college. It doesn't take a genius to know that engineering without an understanding of math just does not work. I once used to believe that math was nothing more than a requirement by the public school system. I have never been more wrong. Through my study of the subject, I have found that math has an infinite number of applications to the real world. It was when I stumbled upon this realization, that I discovered my love for math. In every level of math there are real world comparisons to be made. I think this is what draws me to math so tightly. Whenever I had completed a new geometry concept, I began to see the concept in the world around me. After completing calculus one and two I have such a deeper understanding of data sets and graphs. Beyond what math can show us about the real world, another thing I love about math is the concept of a correct answer. Whether we can find it or not, math is all about finding the best (or only) answer to a problem. Take the traveling salesperson problem for example. Mathematicians have created formulas and used computers to try to solve this problem for years, but to no avail. Some may see this as pointless and disappointing, but I see it as a prime example of the good we humans can do in the world. Since there is little room for interpretation and opinions in math, we simply forgo them. This allows us to step up and work on the next best thing for our society. Even if someone is not pursuing a career heavily reliant on mathematics I still believe it is vital for anyone's success in the world. As I have began to take higher level high school courses I have began to realize the amount of overlap that math has in the world. In fact, there is not one of my seven classes, that does not use math in them. Although I am taking mostly STEM related courses, math extends beyond even that. The world of business, economics, and finance use math all the time. Professionals in these fields sometimes have to work with equations that have ten variables or more! Beyond the real world applications, it is no secret that the skills necessary for understanding math translate to higher level thinking and problem solving. Through my years in math courses I have learned much more than a handful of formulas and numbers. I have gained knowledge for my future career, analytical skills, and perspective of the world around me. I know I am not alone in these realizations which is why I think that math is so important.
      Learner Calculus Scholarship
      Last school year I took calculus one and two and this school year I am taking calculus three. Before any of these classes I was of the mindset that calculus is nothing more than a requirement by the public school system. Through my experiences in calculus I have never been more wrong. One can go through most of life with only knowing simple computations, but mathematics in the STEM field is a whole different ball game. As I progressed through the calculus curriculum my eyes were opened to the real world applications that it provides. Calculus gives insight to valuable information about growth and decay models. The concept of derivatives and integrals are so crucial to any in depth understanding of most data sets. I was amazed to see how calculus could be applied to the world of business and finance. Even more than that I saw just how important calculus is to the world of physics. During my time in algebra based physics I was always left asking myself the question, "Is this really it"? It wasn't until calculus was combined with physics that I realized the two subjects surround us every day. While two dimensional calculus has great applications for analysis and computation, once we move to the three dimensional world the importance cannot be understated. Three dimensional calculus is so important for modeling and tracking complex data. Contrary to what early math classes may tell us, situations in life rarely depend on two variables. Three dimensional calculus allows us to expand all of our previous knowledge to the next level. This is so crucial in high level fields of physics, genetics, and of course engineering. Since the beginning of high school I have wanted to work in the field of pharmaceuticals as a chemical engineer. Beyond the fact that this is my passion, I have a true talent for math and science. As a result, I have loaded myself up with all of the STEM courses imaginable in high school. Along with this, of course, came calculus. Never in my life, has a subject been so enjoyable and came so naturally to me. My success in the study of calculus has solidified my belief in becoming a chemical engineer. Through taking other high level related courses, I have become aware of the importance of calculus not only to the field of mathematics, but to all of STEM.
      Bold Make Your Mark Scholarship
      If I have learned one thing from high school, it is that life is not about what you can get, but about what you can give. It is this idea that fuels the impact I want to leave on the world. Throughout high school I have been involved in several musical ensembles, youth group, tennis, and National Honor Society.  At the core of all of these is my true passion for life: my Christian faith.  I have used all of these as a platform to do God's work. I truly believe in caring for others, but belief without action really is not much. During high school I have done my best to give a helping hand wherever it has been needed. Whether it is on the court, on the marching band field, or in a church I am always looking for ways to extend care to others. My experiences in my activities have provided me with valuable skills in service and leadership. In the future, I am going to use these skills to impact others in more and more memorable ways.
      Bold Simple Pleasures Scholarship
      Ever since a young age I have had a love for sports and music. I started playing tennis at the age of ten. I began playing piano at the age of eight, as well as French horn and trumpet not long after that. Tennis is something I have always loved because it is such an individual sport. Whether you win or lose, it is all on you. The hard work, success, and sometimes defeat is all determined by yourself, which is an idea that I truly love. I cherish the concept that an achievement, memory, or lesson, belongs to me. In a similar way, music has always been something I have clung to individually. I certainly love playing in band and orchestra, however nothing compares to the music I create in an empty house. Playing my instruments allows me to calm down and refocus. Both tennis and band have been crucial for who I am as a person. They have given me friends, a community, life skills, and connections. To me, tennis and music are the simple pleasures that keep me going.
      Bold Giving Scholarship
      Throughout middle school I was not the most popular kid. Being in band and playing tennis was for some reason the perfect target for kids to pick on me. I always laughed it off, thinking it would go away. But looking back on it, I was just scared to do something about it. I know what it is like to be on the outside. It is for this reason that I strive to be selfless and give care to everyone I meet. For me, this is including others, standing up for those who don't have a voice, and encouraging others. During my time in high school I have held a few leadership positions in tennis and in band. It was my job to make these activities feel like home for other people. I have learned that giving does not have to be the traditional idea of materialistic products. While this is important, I have found that providing care and encouraging others are ways I can give back that have as big of an impact. Thinking back to middle school, I remember what it was like to be on the outside. As a result, whenever I see someone who is struggling, I give back by providing selfless care.
      Bold Acts of Service Scholarship
      Throughout middle school I was not the most popular kid. Being in band and playing tennis was for some reason the perfect target for kids to pick on me. I always laughed it off, thinking it would go away. But looking back on it, I was just scared to do something about it. It is for this reason that my act of service is striving to be selfless to everyone I meet. For me, this is including others, standing up for those who don't have a voice, and encouraging others. During my time in high school I have held a few leadership positions in tennis and in band. It was my job to make these activities feel like home for other people. I have learned that acting selflessly does not have to be the traditional idea of standing up for others. While this is important, I have found that providing care and encouraging others are acts of service that have as big of an impact. Thinking back to middle school, I remember what it was like to be on the outside. As a result, whenever I see someone who is struggling, I do my utmost to provide selfless care.
      Bold Passion Scholarship
      Ever since a young age I have had a passion for performance. I have focused this around two main areas: sports and music. I started playing tennis at the age of ten. I began playing piano at the age of eight, as well as French horn and trumpet not long after that. Tennis is something I have always loved because it is such an individual sport. Whether you win or lose, it is all on you. The hard work, success, and sometimes defeat is all determined by yourself, which is an idea that I truly love. I cherish the concept that an achievement, memory, or lesson, belongs to me. In a similar way, music has always been something I have clung to individually. I certainly love playing in band and orchestra, however nothing compares to the music I create in an empty house. Playing my instruments allows me to calm down and refocus. Both tennis and band have been crucial for who I am as a person. They have given me friends, a community, life skills, and connections. To me, tennis and music are more than hobbies, they are my passion for life.
      Bold Driven Scholarship
      Over the next four years I am going to be working on obtaining a degree in chemical engineering. In addition, I hope to participate in any undergraduate research, internships, and projects available. These will all help give me the knowledge to reach my career goals. After my time in college, my goal is to work in research and development for the improvement of healthcare. This career could involve anything with pharmaceuticals, vaccines, cancer research, tissue engineering, virology, or epidemiology. These career paths combine my two passions for life: helping others and my fascination with the human body. In any of these careers, I do not care if my name is shown in big lights, I just want my work to make a difference. It is my dream to have my day to day work be research that improves the quality of life for others. Similar to most, I have known many people whose lives have been affected or ended by disease. Seeing good people with good lives cut short does not sit right with me. My dream is to give people freedom to live the life they want without any hindrances from their health.
      Bold Persistence Scholarship
      During middle school I was becoming quite skilled at tennis and at the French horn. In fact I was at the top of my class at both activities in my school. This was quickly shut down when I sustained an injury to my clavicle. As a result of the injury I was forced into a year of physical therapy and no tennis. The road to recovery was long, painful, and hard. However, every time I thought about quitting, I reminded myself of the skill I once had in tennis. Through months of physical therapy followed by private lessons I came out faster, stronger, and more skilled at tennis than I ever was before. Around the time that I regained my tennis ability I had braces put on my teeth just like every other middle schooler. While this may seem like nothing, braces are detrimental to one's ability to play a brass instrument. The years following my braces being put on, playing the French horn was more difficult and painful than ever before. Similar to tennis it was disappointing to see something go downhill, that I was once so talented at. However, through my patience and persistence I made it to the other side. Once I had my braces taken off, I was better at French horn than I ever was. The years with my braces allowed me to gain technical skills that were far beyond my original skill level. Through these two hardships, I have learned valuable lessons. I have learned that persistence truly makes or breaks anyone's ability to overcome an obstacle. It is for this reason that any obstacle I now come across is met with an undying persistence.
      Bold Confidence Matters Scholarship
      I spent all of middle school and most of high school unsure of who I was. I just felt fake and undeserving of people. Around my sophomore year of high school I really began to take hold of my Christian faith. This gave me something I never had before: someone who believes in me endlessly, regardless of my circumstances. The way I view myself now compared to then is night and day. After I became intentional about my faith I learned what confidence truly was. To me, confidence is having a consistent, positive view about yourself, your skills, and what you have to offer, regardless of what other people say. As with everything in Christianity, one must not ever feel as if one has arrived. It is for this reason that I constantly remind myself of the value I have to this world and to other people. In addition, I remind myself that the person I have become through my experiences is someone I am proud of. These tokens of wisdom have allowed, and continue to allow me to be more confident.
      Community Service is Key Scholarship
      As a typical high schooler most of my summers were short, busy, and fun.  However, every time school rolled around I was left asking myself, "What did I accomplish over the summer?  What was the point?"  Before the 2020-2021 school year was over, I decided I wanted to make a difference.  Not too long after, a friend of mine presented an opportunity to do just that.  Our church youth group was going on a mission trip to Albuquerque, New Mexico during the last week of summer.  As soon as I heard about this trip, I was all in.  I was ready to do something meaningful. During our time in New Mexico, we did not serve any particular organizations, however we provided a variety of services throughout the community.  Over the 31 hours we served, we went out to low-income churches and performed physical and promotional jobs to help them get back on their feet. For example, we painted various parts of the facilities, did yardwork, and constructed signs for the appearance and promotion of the churches.   We also had the opportunity to go to the local Pueblan reservation.  While there, we helped them create adobe bricks to repair their houses which had been devasted by weather and lack of resources. Towards the end of the week, we traveled to a farm that provides support for mentally disabled children.  During our time there we performed day-to-day chores alongside the children. The benefit we provided the folks in Albuquerque was expressed with their utmost gratitude.  The Pueblans baked every one of us an entire loaf of Pueblan bread.  Bread may not seem like much, but in their culture it is nothing short of gold. On our last day in New Mexico, we received a call from one of the churches we helped out earlier in the week.  At that church we had noticed many of their tools and machines were not functioning well.  In an extension of God's love, we went out and purchased a mower and other tools so they would have the means to improve their church in the future.  The call we received was from the pastor of the church in utter tears, expressing his eternal thankfulness for our actions.  I still remember listening to that conversation with chills running down my body in awe of the impact we had. That week in Albuquerque allowed me to become fully alive.  It opened my eyes to what giving a little bit of love and service does.  The mission trip continues to inspire me to be a caring person to everyone I meet.  It has made me want to serve those wherever God calls me.
      Bold Hobbies Scholarship
      Ever since a young age I have had hobbies focused around two main areas: sports and music. I started playing tennis at the age of ten. I began playing piano at the age of eight, as well as French horn and trumpet not long after that. Tennis is something I have always loved because it is such an individual sport. Whether you win or lose, it is all on you. The hard work, success, and sometimes defeat is all determined by yourself, which is an idea that I truly love. I cherish the concept that an achievement, memory, or lesson, belongs to me. In a similar way, music has always been something I have clung to individually. I certainly love playing in band and orchestra, however nothing compares to the music I create in an empty house. Playing my instruments allows me to calm down and refocus. Both tennis and band have been crucial for who I am as a person. They have given me friends, a community, life skills, and connections. To me, tennis and music are more than hobbies, they are a part of my life.
      Bold Success Scholarship
      Over the course of my life, I have seen many family members pass away to cancer. I have also seen many more loved ones ailed by a plethora of diseases. I know that I am not alone in these experiences which drives me to help as many people as I can. As an engineering student, I am going to dive into as much undergraduate research as possible. Working alongside college faculty as well as taking part in a rigorous engineering program I am going to come out of my undergraduate years with the knowledge to help so many people. After my time in college I plan to use any research and internships I have received to pursue the career of my dreams. This could involve anything with cancer research, pharmaceuticals, tissue engineering, or epidemiology. If it improves the health of others, I am all in. I will take everything college has to offer and leap into bettering the lives of others.
      Bold Gratitude Scholarship
      I have grown up with a loving family, a great education, and wonderful friends. Sometimes it is easy to accept these as a part of my life and take them for granted. It frustrates me with myself when I get so caught up in the minutiae of life and forget what all I have been blessed with. It is for this reason that everyday I try to practice mindfulness and thanksgiving. I thank my friends, family, and God for everything I have been so graciously given in this world. While this has helped humble me, what truly has allowed me to live with gratitude was seeing the way the less fortunate live. This past summer, I went on a mission trip with my church. During our time on the trip, we traveled to low-income churches, Native American reservations, and farms. While there, we noticed the disappointing situation many of the folks were living in. These were memories that have still not faded. Remembering those people we helped on the mission trip makes me eternally grateful for everything I have been given.
      Bold Selfless Acts Scholarship
      Throughout middle school I was not the most popular kid. Being in band and playing tennis was for some reason the perfect target for kids to pick on me. I always laughed it off, thinking it would go away. But looking back on it, I was just scared to do something about it. It is for this reason that I strive to be selfless to everyone I meet. For me, this is including others, standing up for those who don't have a voice, and encouraging others. During my time in high school I have held a few leadership positions in tennis and in band. It was my job to make these activities feel like home for other people. I have learned that acting selflessly does not have to be the traditional idea of standing up for others. While this is important, I have found that providing care and encouraging others are selfless acts that have as big of an impact. Thinking back to middle school, I remember what it was like to be on the outside. As a result, whenever I see someone who is struggling, I do my utmost to provide selfless care.
      Bold Meaning of Life Scholarship
      For me the meaning of life has never been about myself. I have lived all of my high school years being others focused. This stems from what I deem to be the most important part about my life: my Christian faith. To me, Christianity is more than something I participate in on Sunday morning. Having faith and a relationship with God is something I live out everyday and provides a very clear meaning of life for me. When I feel strong in my faith, I feel the call to help others, which is what gives my life meaning. Helping others to me is not a check box to be addressed once a day. It is a constant mindset of compassion for others. This mindset involves extending empathy, grace, and care to everyone, regardless of who it is or what they have done. Through this mindset I have seen the wonders it has done for other people and my own personal mission. Achieving my meaning of life has allowed me to become a light for struggling people and has given me motivation in my faith.
      Bold Reflection Scholarship
      My life so far has been beyond valuable for me and my confidence in the future. I can honestly say that I would not change anything about my life. That is not to say that I have not made mistakes along the way. But these mistakes have taught me priceless lessons and shaped me into the person I am today. People often look at mistakes and try to avoid them at all cost. While I am not throwing caution to the wind, I do embrace mistakes and I welcome the learning opportunities that come from them. College is a whole new world and I am excited to see what all I will learn. Beyond the emotional lessons I have received, my life so far has been very successful. I have been the first chair French horn in the all state band, I have won the state title for tennis in doubles, and I have excelled in the classroom. While I am proud of all of these accomplishments, I am not holding onto them and never looking forward. On the contrary, these accomplishments have shown me what I can do when I give something my all. This inspires me and gives me confidence to chase after my life goals day after day.
      Bold Speak Your Mind Scholarship
      Before high school began, I was always a quiet individual who rarely said much. However, throughout high school I came to many realizations that helped me to be more open about my thoughts and opinions. A primary realization I came to was, if you are confident in who you are and what you believe there is no downside to speaking your mind. There may be backlash from others, but if you know who you are, then other people's thoughts should have no effect on you. I have also discovered that what people think about others is determined by a lifetime of actions, not a few thoughts on a particular subject. Reputation is built by one's character, day after day. I have found that if people choose to ignore this and form their opinions based off of someone else's opinions then they are quite shallow. We live in a world filled with confirmation bias and division. I think if this problem is ever going to be solved we need people to stay committed to speaking their mind. But more importantly, we need people to listen to others while they do the same.
      Bold Encouraging Others Scholarship
      Throughout high school I have held a few leadership positions in my activities of band and tennis. Along with these have come the big responsibility of the encouragement of others. The success my teammates and I received in these activities was largely in part of the care we showed for each other. The biggest key to encouraging others is being proactive about it. Of course it is helpful to show one's support when someone is feeling down, however there is little one can truly do to help. It is for this reason that I have spent all of my time in leadership practicing consistent positive reinforcement. Giving out a simple compliment or an acknowledgement of progress are just a few examples of what I have done to encourage others. Not only has this facilitated growth between my teammates and I, but it has also better prepared them to individually handle hardship. Lending a helping hand to others in the mountains is equally as important as in the valleys.
      Bold Empathy Scholarship
      One of the most amazing stories I ever heard was told at my church. Our pastor recalled a story he heard about a woman who gave some food and a note to a homeless man out of the goodness in her heart. The next day she stopped by and noticed the same man. This time the man stopped her and thanked her for what she had done and told her that the previous day he was planning on committing suicide until he received her act of kindness. This story has left me in awe ever since I heard it. It provided me with a token of wisdom I will remember for the rest of my life: we simply do not know what other people are going through. If someone cuts me off on the road, acts rudely towards me, or makes poor life decisions I do not respond with anger or judgement. For all I know, these people could be just as caring as me, but the circumstances were just not on their side that day. It is for this reason, that if I receive the opportunity to talk to anyone about anything they go through I show empathy first. Majority of the time, people do not want to hear your opinion, they just want to be heard. Using all of this knowledge, I do my best to extend a little bit of grace and empathy each and every day.
      Bold Fuel Your Life Scholarship
      Over the course of my life, I have never made something about myself. I have participated in band, tennis, youth group, and science. None of these have been about what I can accomplish, but rather the entertainment and enjoyment I can provide others. Giving back to others is what fuels my life. Whenever I am on stage at a concert or on the tennis court I am primarily concerned with performing well for others. In my mind, the people that watch me have given their time to me, so it is only fair if I make it worth their while. Even when no one was in the crowd watching my matches, I still owed it to my doubles partner to make the experience enjoyable. When I think about the next steps in my life, it is my goal to help others by improving their health. My dream career is one in the areas of pharmaceuticals and vaccines. As fascinating as the human body is to me, it is not my primary reason for chasing after this career. My fuel for wanting this career is my desire to help others live healthy lives.
      Bold Relaxation Scholarship
      Throughout all of high school I have lived a life that is constantly on the move. I have bounced from one activity to the next, followed by schoolwork in the evening. In order to function, let alone perform well in these areas I have always had to set aside time for myself. The primary way I take care of my mental health is through Christianity. Every day, before and after school, I read a chapter of the Bible followed by a heart-felt prayer. This allows me to calm my mind, and center it on what really matters in this life. Praying helps me to refocus and gives me confidence. Similarly, I attend a church-related group twice a week. Going to church puts me around a community of like-minded believers. This community has a calming presence. In addition, the conversation that takes place at church allows us all to go into the world feeling refreshed. Other than my faith, I find that setting aside time for playing my instruments and playing tennis is very beneficial to me. These are activities I have done since a very young age. I have reached a point with these activities where they are pure enjoyment to me. There is nothing more relaxing than effortlessly participating in an activity that has required much hard work in the past. Despite my busy schedule, by consistently playing tennis, my instruments, and being involved in the church, I can go into the world feeling relaxed and refreshed.
      Bold Career Goals Scholarship
      Over the next four years I am going to be working on obtaining a degree in chemical engineering. In addition, I hope to participate in any undergraduate research, internships, and projects available. These will all help give me the knowledge to reach my career goals. After my time in college, my goal is to work in research and development for the improvement of healthcare. This career could involve anything with pharmaceuticals, vaccines, cancer research, tissue engineering, virology, or epidemiology. These career paths combine my two passions for life: helping others and my fascination with the human body. In any of these careers, I do not care if my name is shown in big lights, I just want my work to make a difference. It is my dream to have my day to day work be research that improves the quality of life for others. Similar to most, I have known many people whose lives have been affected or ended by disease. Seeing good people with good lives cut short does not sit right with me. My dream is to give people freedom to live the life they want without any hindrances from their health.
      Bold Nature Matters Scholarship
      In my eyes, nature is the purest form of God's creation. It represents the raw beauty that exists in this world. But it also represents responsibility on our part to keep it that way. Whenever I have the privilege of traveling to a secluded nature scene I feel totally at peace. I get to appreciate the world in its truest form. Over the years I have traveled to places anywhere between Albuquerque and the east coast. I have seen the beautiful forest covered Appalachian mountains and the captivating sunrises over the Atlantic Ocean. I have been on top of the world in New Mexico on the Sandia Mountains. Whenever I visit a places like this I free myself from all distractions and appreciate the work of art made by God's hands. In addition, I also feel inspired to go into the world and do my part to help the environment. Day to day I like to reduce energy usage, recycle, purchase reusable products, and support clean energy in any way I can. To me, this is my way of giving back to nature for all the peace and awe it has given me.
      Bold Talent Scholarship
      My three main talents are playing tennis, French horn, and the piano. I have been doing all three of these since elementary school. First of all I have found if you don't love something then you will never be great at it. Everything takes some level of commitment and if there's no interest in the activity, the motivation will quickly wane. For French horn and piano I have been taking private lessons since I started. This is really the key to becoming proficient at an activity. One on one time with an experienced adult allows one to make leaps and bounds in anything. To supplement the private lessons I practice both French horn and piano once a day for around twenty minutes a piece. It does not take hours upon hours of rigorous practice to be skilled. A simple consistent schedule benefits just the same. Finally, in order to master an art there needs to be a performance aspect as well. I have been involved in many different bands and ensembles over the years, including playing music at my church. All of these methods of practice have allowed me to become talented at the French horn and piano. In fact this past year I was first chair French horn in the Nebraska All State Band. Similar to music, I take tennis private lessons once a week as well as participating in hitting sessions with friends two or three times a week. This combined with the experience high school tennis provides allowed me to become proficient in tennis as well. My junior year I placed second in the Nebraska high school state tennis tournament and first place my senior year. An argument can be made for my natural talent in these areas but I owe it all to my practice.
      Bold Bucket List Scholarship
      My bucket list reflects a life that is bold, adventurous, and fulfilling. The thought of a bland life makes me shudder. I want my life to involve a career, family, and faith that leave an impact on the world. So far I have had three major accomplishments I am proud of. I won the Nebraska state tennis tournament for doubles and I got first chair French horn in the Nebraska All State Band. But more importantly than those two is I went on a mission trip to New Mexico. During my time in New Mexico I was able to help local churches, Native American tribes, and the homeless. I was able to discover what a servant's heart really is. My three bucket list items are to take an extended international mission trip, start a nonprofit organization, and cure a disease. The first thing anyone should know about me is my level of devotion to God. I have made Him my whole life and I want that to be reflected in my bucket list. I think there is no greater gift than to give back to the less fortunate. Not for money or fame, but out of the goodness in one's heart. The idea of starting a nonprofit organization and doing God's work around the world is one that excites and fulfills me. Another main part of my life is my love of STEM. I plan on going into chemical engineering and becoming a pharmaceutical scientist. It has been a life goal of mine to help people by bettering healthcare. What better way is there to show God's love than by giving people a life they are excited about living? That is what my bucket list is all about.
      Bold Goals Scholarship
      Over the course of my life, I have seen many family members pass away to cancer. I have also seen many more loved ones ailed by a plethora of diseases. I know that I am not alone in these experiences which drives me to help as many people as I can. I have always been fascinated by medicinal science and I am going to continue to fuel this passion in my undergraduate work. As a chemical engineering student I am going to obtain as much knowledge and experience as I can. In college, I plan to use any research, internships, or connections I have received to pursue the career of my dreams. This could involve anything with cancer research, pharmaceuticals, tissue engineering, or epidemiology. One goal I have had for as long as I can remember is to cure cancer. While this seems like a long shot I once heard "if people don't laugh at your goals, it means they're not big enough". Whether it's curing cancer, developing vaccines, or researching diseases, I will do my utmost to achieve my goals. If it improves the health of others, I am all in. I will take everything I have learned and leap into bettering the lives of others.
      Bold Study Strategies Scholarship
      In my more rigorous classes the tests usually come every two or three weeks which I will refer to as "the test cycle". Before I even set foot in the classroom on day one of the test cycle (i.e. note days) I familiarize myself with the content the night before. This allows me to understand the teaching better and ask questions more proactively. Throughout the first week in the test cycle I read through the textbook and do any applicable practice problems to supplement the classroom learning. Approximately half way through the test cycle I make a set of flashcards (usually on Quizlet) which I then study the following nights. On the days leading up to the test I find a few practice tests on the internet with related content to complete. On the night before the test, contrary to most, I do not look at any material. I find that any studying I would do that night has already been done and tends to psyche me out. I believe in very proactive study habits and I avoid cramming material at all costs. These various strategies I have found to be very beneficial and have allowed me to achieve great success in the classroom.
      Austin Kramer Music Scholarship
      "I Have This Hope" By Tenth Avenue North God is my life. Everything I do, I do for the progression of his kingdom. The song I chose is about the struggles we all feel, Christian or non-Christian. In the struggles we may feel alone but that song constantly reminds me that God has never left my side. My playlist supplements that message. It contains songs about praising Him, confiding in Him, leaning on Him, and renewing strength in Him. Every song in that playlist has changed my life and reminds me of who I am in God.