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Jacob Ferrer


Bold Points




An Engineering Student with excellent aptitude and initiative. I have a strong work ethic, critical thinking skills, and an assertive resolve to succeed by going above and beyond expectations. I approach every work or my studies with a good attitude and perspective.


Saint Cloud State University

Bachelor's degree program
2020 - 2024
  • Majors:
    • Electrical, Electronics, and Communications Engineering


  • Desired degree level:

    Master's degree program

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Electrical/Electronic Manufacturing

    • Dream career goals:

    • Technician

      US Navy
      2015 – 20205 years


    • Electrical and Computer Engineering

      Saint Cloud State UniversityResearcher
      2022 – Present


    • US Navy

      2016 – 2020

    Future Interests


    STEM Opportunity Scholarship
    Since I was a kid, I have always been curious about everything especially when it comes to science and technology. I remember that I have been asking my father about “how the world works?”, “why there is lightning?”, or “if there is a bathroom on the plane and how it works”? For us adults, those are silly questions. For me as a kid, those questions were very important because that was the start of my learning process, and it also triggered my passion for science and technology. I was also captivated by kids’ science books not because I wanted to read them but because of the amazing photos that they put in the book about science. I developed my passion for science and technology because of my curiosity as a kid. My parents valued my silly questions on any topic especially when it came to science, and they did not limit my learning experience as a kid, instead, they let me find those answers by exploring with guidance. Interest and curiosity in science started in early childhood. Young children are naturally inquisitive, full of questions about the world around them and have the drive to investigate how things work. we should take advantage of this innate curiosity and start channeling their enthusiasm for scientific discovery as early on as possible. I believe science learning begins with curiosity. Observations and questions can create a climate of discovery key to scientific learning. A lifelong interest in science and a desire for the intellectual challenge has been my goal ever since. It started with a silly question out of the curiosity of a kid and then followed by exploration to find answers. Children are programmed to explore and experiment. On the other hand, research indicates that by the age of seven, most children have formed either a positive or negative attitude toward science education that will persist. However, during the adolescent years, this natural interest can fade, and teenagers begin to perceive science as boring, confusing, or difficult. They are things that you can still encourage them to love science. Children are constantly asking questions. Encourage them to keep doing it as they grow older. Having a curious mind is not only important in science, but it is also a valuable trait to have in general. Support them as they grow older to think analytically, explain their reasoning, explore, and evaluate. Lastly, Given the importance of science and technology in every aspect of our lives, it is simple to connect science to something that they already enjoy. Discuss with them all of the different fields where science is used daily, from food science to marine biology, from fashion design to doctors degree, or from an engineering career to arts.
    Kyle Lam Hacker Scholarship
    Since I was in fourth grade, I have always been fascinated by how things work. I like to take them apart and put them back together again, just to see what happens. Despite being young, I have never been afraid to attempt new things or mend things, and most of the time, I broke things. But it didn't stop me from getting up and trying again. That is why I was able to develop tinkering skills. My dad taught me how to fix things properly and he also encouraged me as I persevered. It was an eye-opener for me when he said, "You won't be able to fix things unless you break them!". Although this was a great way for me to learn how things worked and how they could be fixed, it also meant that I broke a lot of stuff. One of my worst mishaps was when I was a kid, I broke the water filter in our house while trying to fix it. My Dad always wanted me to be a responsible kid and not care about the things that I broke, so he told me to pay for what I broke by taking it out from my allowance, which took me a year to pay it off. My ability to tinker improved as I aged. Making things work using my ability to tinker has always been something I enjoy doing especially when I started working. I have had a memorable experience where I was able to delight others with my tinkering skills. When I was in the navy, I worked as a Gas system mechanic, I dealt with the maintenance of hoover craft engines. There was a situation where I had to do overhauling all the engines of the hoover craft. There are four engines on the craft that needed to be replaced but the tricky part was, I need to finish the overhauling job in five days by myself because all the other technicians were not there to support me due to military training in preparation for our deployment in the middle east. The job was very challenging, and it was a very time constraint. I was able to finish the job successfully because of being a good planner at the same my tinkering skills saved the day. I was able to figure out an easy way to do four engines overhauling simultaneously. Sometimes tinkering skills and time management are all we need to solve a problem. As a result, I was awarded an achievement medal by my commanding officer, who was pleased that the task was completed successfully with no mishaps and on schedule. Looking back, I am extremely glad about my childhood experiences since I would not have been able to handle more significant responsibilities without my dad's proper guidance. His teachings have certainly aided me throughout my life. Sad to say, my dad did not see my accomplishments and what person I became through his training because he died when I was in Highschool.
    Filipino-American Scholarship
    My mother and I migrated to the United States nine years ago. We settled in a small town in Arizona where there were hardly any other Filipinos. The community ostracized us because of our appearance, accent, and culture. The fact is, however, that being Filipino-American involves more than simply being from another country; it involves coming from a culture that is distinct from American culture. Sometimes, it might be difficult for other Filipinos to adapt the life here because of the differences in our cultures, languages, and appearance. For instance, Americans are more individualistic, and Filipinos may find it difficult to adjust to the American lifestyle. Filipinos are more accustomed to living with family and community members. However, in America privacy is the most important category in the community, they are more secluded from other family relatives. On the other hand, some people may struggle to adjust if they have a darker complexion or an accent because they do not fit into the "typical" American appearance. Fortunately, racism isn't tolerated in America's constitution but there will always be people who feel discriminated against because of their culture, race, and skin color. As a Filipino-American myself, I can relate to their struggles since I have experienced what it's like to be an outsider. I've experienced the hurt of being marginalized and laughed at because of my accent and culture. But these experiences also made me stronger. It taught me how to stand up for my rights and molded me into the person I am today. Due to my experiences and my adjustment period to live in the United States, I have two goals in life: to encourage other Filipino immigrants who are having difficulty adjusting to American culture and to motivate other Filipino Americans who feel they don't fit in due to their skin color, language, accent, or physical appearance. These goals have inspired my life's purpose. Nowadays, I use my prior experiences to encourage others who are struggling with adjusting to American culture. We Filipino Americans must be encouraging one another by supporting each other to survive and thrive for success.