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Zyail Pritchett


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As an ambitious individual driven by a thirst for knowledge and a passion for making a positive impact, my life goals revolve around continuous growth, innovation, and contributing to the betterment of society. I believe that every challenge presents an opportunity for personal and professional development, and I am committed to utilizing my skills and abilities to create meaningful change in the world.


Michigan State University

Bachelor's degree program
2020 - 2024
  • Majors:
    • Health Professions and Related Clinical Sciences, Other
    • Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Other
    • Computer Science
  • Minors:
    • East Asian Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, General


  • Desired degree level:

    Master's degree program

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Health Professions and Related Clinical Sciences, Other
  • Planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Medical Practice

    • Dream career goals:


    • Researcher

      NHA & MSU
      2021 – 20232 years



    Junior Varsity
    2019 - 20201 year


    • Allied Health Diagnostic, Intervention, and Treatment Professions

      NHA AND MSUResearcher and Data collector
      2022 – 2023


    • Drawing
      2016 – Present

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      JDRFVolunteer and Fundraiser
      2018 – Present

    Future Interests






    Hearts on Sleeves, Minds in College Scholarship
    In my opinion, being vegan is a great diet choice. I think that many people choose vegan due to compassion, sustainability, and conscious decision-making. I think that being vegan shows a person's commitment to reducing their harm to animals, preserving the environment, and maintaining their well-being. I am not currently able to follow a vegan diet due to health reasons, my experience with being a vegan has shaped my views on nutrition and its relationship to health. During my time as a vegan, I was attracted to the large array of plant-based foods and their ability to support health. I looked into plant-based nutrition and discovered the power of whole, nutrient-rich foods in fueling the body. This experience redirected my interest in the intersection of being vegan, nutrition, and health technology. In health tech, I believe the impact that nutrition monitors and tracking devices can have a large impact on a person's health awareness. They offer real-time insights into nutrient intake, calorie tracking, and recommendations, which allows people to make informed choices about their nutrition. Incorporating such tech into a vegan lifestyle can provide vital support by ensuring nutrient intake and identifying areas for improvement. As I pursue my career in health tech, I am particularly excited about developing solutions that use the power of data analytics and wearable devices to bring about optimal plant-based nutrition. By integrating nutrition monitors and tracking technologies, individuals can find healthier alternatives to effectively monitor their nutrient intake, identify potential deficiencies, and make adjustments based on evidence to their diets. I am pushed by the belief that technology can bridge the gap between nutrition goals and personal health goals. Through the development of user-friendly platforms or mobile applications, I wish to create a seamless experience that combines nutrition tracking, personalized meal planning, and educational resources tailored to vegan lifestyles. By leveraging machine learning algorithms, these platforms can adapt to individual preferences, consider specific dietary requirements, and provide actionable insights to enhance the nutritional well-being of users. Moreover, I recognize the potential of health technology to address the challenges often associated with maintaining a vegan diet. By providing people with an in-depth database of plant-based recipes, ingredient substitutes, and nutritional information, these platforms can make the transition to being vegan easier and support individuals in achieving their health goals. Additionally, incorporating features such as community forums or support networks within these platforms can foster a sense of belonging, connect individuals with like-minded vegans, and facilitate knowledge-sharing and support. Overall, my love and dedication to being vegan, nutrition, and health technology come together in my career aspirations. I am determined to use the power of technology to enhance the experience of individuals pursuing a vegan lifestyle. By developing innovative solutions that integrate nutrition monitors, tracking technologies, and personalized recommendations, I want to empower vegans and others seeking alternatives to succeed in their nutritional journeys. Through these efforts, I aspire to contribute to the advancement of health technology, promote sustainable and compassionate choices, and bring about optimal health and well-being for everyone despite their dietary path.
    Emma Jean Ridley Memorial Scholarship
    Throughout my life, my unwavering passion for making a positive impact on the world has led me on a determined path toward a career as a healthcare professional. I firmly believe that healthcare is a fundamental human right, and it is my mission to contribute to the well-being and betterment of individuals and communities. The pursuit of a healthcare career has been a calling that stems from personal experiences, a deep sense of empathy, and a desire to alleviate suffering. My interest in the healthcare profession ignited during my formative years when I witnessed firsthand the transformative power of compassionate care. Growing up, I had a close family member who battled a chronic illness, and I observed the profound impact that healthcare professionals could have had on their life. I have a personal connection to the field as I battle a chronic illness. This experience has given me a unique perspective and a deep understanding of the challenges faced by individuals with chronic conditions. It has fueled my determination to make a difference and advocate for better healthcare experiences and outcomes for those who are navigating similar journeys. My journey toward becoming a healthcare professional is driven by a profound sense of purpose. I am drawn to the opportunity to foster healing, provide compassionate care, and support individuals through their most vulnerable moments. The role of a healthcare professional goes beyond administering treatment; it involves being a trusted advocate, a source of comfort, and a provider of knowledge. I am motivated by the opportunity to empower individuals to take control of their health, make informed decisions, and lead fulfilling lives. While my passion for healthcare burns brightly, pursuing a career in this field requires extensive education and training. The financial burden of tuition fees, textbooks, and other educational expenses can be overwhelming. This is where the significance of scholarships becomes apparent. Receiving this scholarship would provide invaluable support in alleviating the financial strain, allowing me to focus wholeheartedly on my studies and professional growth. It would open doors of opportunity, granting me access to resources, mentorship, and experiences that will shape me into a well-rounded and competent healthcare professional. Moreover, this scholarship is not just financial aid but also an affirmation of my potential to make a positive impact on the world through my profession. It serves as a validation of my dedication, hard work, and commitment to serving others. With this support, I will be equipped with the necessary tools and resources to excel in my studies, broaden my horizons through research and internships, and develop the skills needed to address the evolving challenges in healthcare. In conclusion, my journey toward becoming a healthcare professional is driven by a deep-rooted desire to make a positive impact on the world. Personal experiences, a genuine sense of empathy, and a fascination with the science behind health and disease have led me to pursue this noble profession. The scholarship will not only ease the financial burden but also provide the support and encouragement needed to fulfill my aspirations. With unwavering dedication, a commitment to lifelong learning, and the support of this scholarship, I am confident in my ability to contribute meaningfully to the healthcare field and make a lasting difference in the lives of individuals and communities.
    E.R.I.C.A. Scholarship
    In a world defined by constant discovery and remarkable breakthroughs, my passion for science burns with an unwavering intensity. It is the driving force behind my relentless pursuit of knowledge and my unwavering commitment to the field of biotechnology and health devices. Science, with its innate curiosity and boundless potential, has captivated me since my early years, propelling me towards a career that integrates scientific research with technological innovation intending to transform healthcare and improve the lives of countless individuals through the seamless integration of cutting-edge science and groundbreaking technologies. The intersection of science and technology is where my passion truly thrives. I am inspired by the transformative power of integrating health treatments with computers and automated processes, envisioning a future where biotech advancements revolutionize healthcare. Witnessing the incredible strides made in this field, from genetic engineering to wearable health monitors, has fueled my desire to be part of the scientific and technological advancements shaping the healthcare landscape. What drives me is not just the fascination with scientific discoveries, but also the tangible impact they have on individuals' lives. Science has the potential to redefine the boundaries of human health, enabling us to unlock novel treatments, improve diagnostics, and enhance patient care. It is the prospect of being at the forefront of this progress, contributing to advancements that alleviate suffering and enhance well-being, that propels my passion for science. Collaboration and interdisciplinary approaches lie at the heart of scientific innovation. I am invigorated by the opportunity to work alongside experts from various fields, pooling our collective knowledge to tackle complex challenges. The synergy between scientists, engineers, and clinicians is what drives breakthroughs and drives the translation of scientific discoveries into practical solutions. Being part of this collaborative environment, where ideas are nurtured, tested, and refined, excites me and propels me forward in my pursuit of scientific excellence. In conclusion, my passion for science is characterized by a deep-rooted fascination with the boundless potential of scientific discovery. The integration of science and technology in the realm of biotechnology and health devices presents an opportunity to reshape healthcare and make a lasting impact on individuals' lives. Guided by this passion, I am committed to dedicating my career to advancing scientific knowledge, embracing interdisciplinary collaboration, and contributing to the relentless pursuit of innovation in the field of biotechnology and health technology, , making a lasting impact on human well-being and shaping a healthier future for all.
    Kevin R. Mabee Memorial Scholarship
    Throughout my life, I have been driven by a passion for health and well-being, which has influenced my career path in health technology as well as my dietary choices. While I am not vegan, I have chosen to incorporate healthier alternatives into my diet. From a young age, my parents have emphasized the importance of nutritious foods and balanced meals, which instilled in me a strong foundation of healthy eating habits. As I grew older, I further explored the science behind nutrition and its impact on overall health. I became increasingly aware of the benefits of incorporating more plant-based foods into my diet, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes. These choices have allowed me to prioritize my health and well-being while still enjoying a diverse range of foods. Books, documentaries, and educational resources have played a significant role in shaping my understanding of nutrition and inspiring me to make informed dietary choices. One main example of this is the What The Health Documentary which focused significantly on the impact of food. They have provided valuable insights into the benefits of incorporating healthier alternatives and plant-based options into my meals. By exploring these resources, I have gained a deeper appreciation for the impact that our food choices can have on our well-being and the environment. Choosing healthier alternatives and embracing a more plant-centric diet has been a transformative experience for me. I have discovered new flavors, experimented with creative recipes, and found joy in nourishing my body with wholesome foods. This journey has not only improved my overall health but has also allowed me to explore the interconnectedness between personal well-being and sustainable living. In my career, I am dedicated to promoting and advocating for a balanced and healthy lifestyle. I believe that small changes in our dietary choices can have a significant impact on our overall well-being. By incorporating healthier alternatives and encouraging others to do the same, I strive to inspire individuals to prioritize their health and make informed decisions that contribute to a sustainable and thriving future. While I am not vegan, my commitment to incorporating healthier alternatives into my diet reflects my belief in the power of nutrition to support optimal health. I am passionate about sharing my knowledge and experiences to inspire others to make positive changes in their own lives. Through education, awareness, and personal example, I aim to empower individuals to embrace healthier alternatives and nourish their bodies in a way that aligns with their own unique needs and values.
    Andrea M Taylor Future Doctors Scholarship
    I aspire to become a Medical Doctor because I have a genuine passion for healthcare and a strong desire to make a positive impact on people's lives. The field of medicine offers a unique opportunity to combine my scientific curiosity, empathy for others, and desire to serve the community in a meaningful way. I am passionate about becoming a Medical Doctor because I believe in the inherent value and dignity of every individual. I am driven by the belief that everyone deserves access to quality healthcare, regardless of their background or socioeconomic status. I want to be part of a profession that works towards addressing health disparities, promoting health equity, and providing compassionate care to all. In terms of the books I have read, I have delved into works that shed light on medical inequities and the experiences of marginalized populations. "The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks" by Rebecca Skloot is one such book that has had a profound impact on me. It explores the story of Henrietta Lacks, an African American woman whose cells were unknowingly used for medical research without her consent. This book highlighted the ethical issues surrounding medical research, the importance of informed consent, and the historical injustices faced by black patients in the healthcare system. It has deepened my understanding of the need for advocacy and the importance of cultural competence in medical practice. Alongside my academic pursuits, I have actively engaged in social and charitable activities that have shaped the person I am today. I have volunteered at local clinics, homeless shelters, and community health programs, where I had the opportunity to interact with individuals from diverse backgrounds and witness the impact of healthcare disparities firsthand. These experiences have solidified my commitment to addressing these inequities and have reinforced my determination to pursue a career in medicine. Additionally, I have participated in initiatives aimed at promoting health education and awareness in underserved communities. Through workshops, seminars, and health campaigns, I have collaborated with organizations to empower individuals with knowledge about preventive care, healthy lifestyle choices, and disease management. These activities have highlighted the importance of community engagement, patient education, and the role of healthcare professionals in empowering individuals to take control of their health. Overall, my aspiration to become a Medical Doctor stems from my passion for healthcare, my commitment to addressing healthcare disparities, and my belief in the power of medicine to improve lives. Through my readings, social engagements, and charitable activities, I have gained valuable insights into the challenges faced by marginalized populations, the importance of patient advocacy, and the need for equitable healthcare. These experiences have shaped my perspective, strengthened my resolve, and fueled my determination to pursue a career dedicated to making a difference in the lives of others.
    Dynamic Edge Women in STEM Scholarship
    My favorite tech invention of the last 10 years is the Apple Watch, primarily because of its extensive range of health features and potential impact on healthcare. The Apple Watch has truly transformed the way we approach personal health and wellness. The Apple Watch's ability to monitor heart rate, track physical activity, and analyze sleep patterns provides users with valuable insights into their overall health. These features not only promote a proactive approach to personal well-being but also have the potential to detect and alert individuals to potential health issues. For example, irregular heart rate notifications can serve as early warnings for conditions like atrial fibrillation, allowing users to seek timely medical attention. Another aspect of the Apple Watch that makes it a favorite of mine is its connectivity to insulin pumps and sensors. For individuals living with diabetes, this feature allows for continuous monitoring of glucose levels and the ability to administer insulin as needed. This seamless integration of technology into the management of chronic conditions can greatly enhance the quality of life and improve health outcomes. Through my studies and pending career in medicine, I hope to contribute to the world by leveraging technology and promoting the integration of innovative healthcare solutions. Inspired by the capabilities of the Apple Watch, I aim to explore the intersection of medicine and technology, seeking ways to harness the potential of digital health to improve patient care and outcomes. Specifically, I aspire to contribute to the development and implementation of digital health solutions that cater to the needs of diverse populations, including minority communities. By leveraging wearable technologies, mobile applications, and remote monitoring systems, I aim to enhance access to healthcare, promote preventive care, and empower individuals to actively participate in managing their health. Furthermore, I believe in the power of data-driven healthcare. Through my studies and research, I hope to explore the application of artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms to analyze large datasets and identify patterns that can inform clinical decision-making. By integrating technology and data analytics into healthcare practice, I aspire to improve diagnostic accuracy, personalize treatment plans, and optimize patient outcomes. Additionally, I am passionate about health education and health literacy. I aim to leverage technology to develop user-friendly educational resources and platforms that empower individuals to make informed decisions about their health. By disseminating accurate and accessible health information, I hope to contribute to the prevention of diseases, promotion of healthy lifestyles, and reduction of healthcare disparities. In summary, my favorite tech invention of the last 10 years is the Apple Watch due to its wide range of health features and potential to revolutionize healthcare. Through my studies and pending career, I hope to contribute to the world by embracing digital health solutions, leveraging technology for improved patient care, promoting data-driven healthcare practices, and enhancing health education and literacy. By embracing innovation and advocating for the integration of technology in medicine, I aspire to make a positive impact on the health and well-being of individuals and communities.
    Charity's Alumnus Erudition Award
    As a college student aspiring to make a positive impact on the health of minorities through my pursuit of medicine, I am driven by the desire to contribute in meaningful ways that can improve the well-being of others. Having experienced firsthand the disheartening aspects of the healthcare industry, both as a provider and a patient, I am determined to address the existing disparities and work towards a more equitable and inclusive healthcare system. One of the contributions I can make to improve the health of others is by advocating for equitable access to quality healthcare. I understand that access to healthcare services remains a significant challenge for many minority communities, resulting in delayed or inadequate care. I will strive to raise awareness about these disparities, engage in community outreach programs, and collaborate with organizations focused on healthcare advocacy. By actively promoting equal access to healthcare, I hope to help bridge the gap and ensure that every individual, regardless of their background, has the opportunity to receive timely and appropriate medical care. In addition to advocacy, conducting impactful research is another avenue through which I can contribute to improving healthcare for minorities. By engaging in research that specifically addresses the unique health concerns and needs of marginalized communities, I can help identify effective strategies and interventions. This research can shed light on the underlying factors contributing to health disparities, enabling policymakers, healthcare providers, and communities to develop targeted solutions. By actively participating in research initiatives, I aim to generate evidence-based knowledge that can inform healthcare practices, policies, and interventions, ultimately leading to better health outcomes for minority populations. Recognizing the importance of culturally sensitive care, I will strive to provide compassionate and patient-centered medical services. Having experienced the frustration and disappointment that can arise from feeling misunderstood or unheard in a healthcare setting, I am committed to ensuring that every patient I encounter feels valued and respected. I will actively seek to understand the cultural beliefs, values, and preferences of my patients, incorporating this knowledge into my practice to deliver personalized care. By fostering an environment of trust and empathy, I hope to enhance patient satisfaction, compliance, and overall health outcomes among minority populations. Furthermore, I believe in the power of education and community engagement to improve health. I intend to actively engage with minority communities through health education programs, workshops, and initiatives that promote preventive care, healthy lifestyle choices, and disease management. By empowering individuals with knowledge and tools to take control of their health, I aim to reduce healthcare disparities and foster a culture of proactive and informed healthcare decision-making. Lastly, I recognize the importance of addressing the systemic issues within the healthcare industry itself. Through my experiences as both a provider and a patient, I have witnessed the challenges posed by administrative complexities, lack of diversity in healthcare leadership, and a need for greater cultural competence. I aspire to be an advocate for change within the healthcare system by working towards policy reforms, supporting initiatives that promote diversity and inclusion in healthcare professions, and striving for more patient-centered care models. Overall, by advocating for equitable access to quality healthcare, conducting impactful research, providing culturally sensitive care, engaging in community education, and addressing systemic issues within the healthcare industry, I hope to contribute meaningfully to the improvement of health outcomes for marginalized communities. Through these efforts, I aspire to create a more inclusive and equitable healthcare system where every individual, regardless of their background, receives the care they both need and deserve.
    I Can Do Anything Scholarship
    The dream version of my future self is a compassionate and dedicated medical professional who actively works towards eliminating healthcare disparities among minority populations by advocating for equitable access to quality healthcare, conducting impactful research, and providing culturally sensitive care.