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Eva Jas Garcia


Bold Points






Hi there, I'm Eva, and I'm on a journey fueled by determination, a passion for technology, and a deep love for creativity. My life is guided by core values: honesty, integrity, and kindness, which I hold dear in everything I do. I'm currently a sophomore at Fairleigh Dickinson University, studying Information Technology. I'm a big supporter of diversity in STEM fields and want to make a positive impact. For me, technology isn't just a career path; it's a creative outlet. Coding allows me to explore my passion and improve my skills. One of my main goals is to get a graduate degree in Computer Science and eventually start a company focused on cybersecurity. But life isn't just about personal and professional goals or creative outlets; it's about the people we share it with. Spending quality time with friends and loved ones is essential to me. These connections provide support, happiness, and a sense of belonging that enriches my journey. I'm grateful to the Bold Organization for giving me the chance to introduce myself to scholarship donors. As a student, this financial support is crucial, allowing me to focus on my studies and plan for my future. In essence, my life is a mix of determination, tech enthusiasm, creativity, and meaningful relationships.🌟 #CreativeVisionary


Fairleigh Dickinson University-Metropolitan Campus

Bachelor's degree program
2022 - 2026
  • Majors:
    • Systems Engineering
    • Computer Science
    • Security Science and Technology
  • Minors:
    • Computer Systems Networking and Telecommunications

Leonia High School

High School
2018 - 2022


  • Desired degree level:

    Master's degree program

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Computer Science
    • Marketing
    • Science, Technology and Society
    • Nanotechnology
    • Security Science and Technology
    • Computer Software and Media Applications
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Computer Networking

    • Dream career goals:

      Company founder

    • Volunteer

      Fairleigh Dickinson University- Volunteer
      2022 – 20231 year
    • null - Tutor

      2020 – 20222 years
    • Translator

      Leonia Township government
      2020 – 20211 year



    2022 - Present2 years


    Junior Varsity
    2013 - 20152 years


    2013 - Present11 years


    2016 - Present8 years


    Junior Varsity
    2019 - 20201 year

    Table Tennis

    Junior Varsity
    - Present

    Track and Field

    2015 - 20161 year


    • Social Work

      Leonia High School Researcher
      2020 – 2021


    • Private classes

      2014 – 2016
    • Bergen Comunity colledge dual enrrollment course

      Graphic Art
      2015 – Present
    • Cre8sArt School in Fort Lee NJ

      artwork at our "I'm An Artist" Art Show at the Ridgefield Public Library.,
      2019 – 2020
    • Performance Art Camp

      Performance Art
      Performance at PAC camp
      2018 – 2019

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Leonia TownshipI volunteered as a translator of the Covid-19 daily reports for the Hispanic community, during the pandemic
      2020 – 2021

    Future Interests





    Let Your Light Shine Scholarship
    Envisioning my future, I am deeply committed to establishing a legacy that not only leaves a positive impact on the world but also inspires others to pursue their passions and make a difference. My plan to achieve this centers around the creation of a cybersecurity business that not only meets the needs of clients but also sets new standards for excellence in the field. Central to my vision is the establishment of a cybersecurity business that is known for its innovation, integrity, and commitment to excellence. This means leveraging the latest advancements in technology, such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, to develop cutting-edge cybersecurity solutions that effectively protect clients from evolving cyber threats. Moreover, I plan to build a team of cybersecurity experts who are not only highly skilled but also deeply passionate about their work, ensuring that our clients receive the best possible service and support. Our company will prioritize continuous learning and improvement, staying abreast of the latest cybersecurity trends and technologies to provide proactive solutions that anticipate and mitigate potential threats. Beyond providing top-notch cybersecurity services, I also intend for my business to create a lasting impact through its philanthropic efforts. This includes offering pro bono cybersecurity services to non-profit organizations and community groups that may not have the resources to invest in robust cybersecurity measures. Additionally, I plan to establish partnerships with educational institutions to promote cybersecurity awareness and provide training opportunities for students interested in pursuing careers in cybersecurity. By investing in the next generation of cybersecurity professionals, my business will help build a more secure digital future for all. In conclusion, my vision for a cybersecurity business is not just about providing services but about creating a lasting legacy of positive impact. I aspire to build a company that sets new standards for excellence in cybersecurity, leveraging cutting-edge technology and a team of passionate experts to deliver top-notch solutions to our clients. By prioritizing innovation, integrity, and continuous learning, we aim to not only meet the needs of our clients but also exceed their expectations, setting a new benchmark for the industry. Furthermore, I believe that a business should be a force for good in society, which is why I am committed to using my cybersecurity business as a platform for philanthropy and social responsibility. Through partnerships with non-profit organizations and educational institutions, we will offer pro bono services and training opportunities to underserved communities, empowering them with the knowledge and resources to stay safe online. By investing in people and communities, we can create a more secure digital environment for all, leaving a legacy of impact that extends far beyond the realm of cybersecurity.
    CATALYSTS Scholarship
    In today's digital age, cybersecurity has become a critical issue affecting individuals, businesses, and governments worldwide. As an advocate for cybersecurity awareness and education, I am dedicated to making a positive impact by addressing this important social issue. My journey in cybersecurity advocacy began with a realization of the pervasive threats that exist in the digital landscape. I observed how cyber attacks, such as phishing, malware, and ransomware, can devastate individuals and organizations, leading to financial loss, reputational damage, and even threats to national security. This drove me to take action and work towards creating a safer online environment for everyone. One of the primary ways in which I contribute to cybersecurity advocacy is through education and awareness campaigns. I create and share resources, such as articles, infographics, and videos, that explain cybersecurity concepts in an accessible and easy-to-understand manner. These resources cover topics such as password security, secure online practices, and recognizing phishing attempts. By providing practical tips and guidance, I empower individuals to protect themselves against cyber threats. In addition to educating individuals, I also advocate for stronger cybersecurity policies and regulations. I engage with policymakers and industry leaders to highlight the importance of cybersecurity and push for legislation that enhances cybersecurity standards and practices. I believe that by advocating for stronger policies, we can create a more secure digital ecosystem for everyone. Furthermore, I am actively involved in community outreach programs that aim to increase cybersecurity awareness in underserved communities. I volunteer at local schools, community centers, and non-profit organizations to provide cybersecurity workshops and training sessions. These initiatives help bridge the digital divide and ensure that everyone, regardless of their background, has access to the knowledge and resources needed to stay safe online. In conclusion, cybersecurity is a multifaceted challenge that requires a comprehensive and collaborative approach to address effectively. Through education, advocacy, and community outreach, we can make a meaningful impact in enhancing cybersecurity awareness and resilience. Education is key to empowering individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to protect themselves online. By providing accessible and informative resources, we can help people navigate the digital landscape more safely and securely. Additionally, advocacy efforts aimed at influencing policy and regulation are essential in shaping a more secure digital environment. By engaging with policymakers and advocating for stronger cybersecurity standards, we can create a framework that promotes cybersecurity best practices and protects against emerging threats. Furthermore, community outreach initiatives are critical in ensuring that cybersecurity resources are accessible to all. By collaborating with local communities and organizations, we can bridge the digital divide and empower underserved populations with the tools and information needed to stay safe online. Together, these efforts can create a more inclusive and resilient digital society where everyone can benefit from the opportunities of the digital age.
    Ginny Biada Memorial Scholarship
    Throughout our lives, we encounter individuals whose influence shapes the very essence of our being. Among these, none hold a more profound impact than our mothers. My own mother stands as a beacon of unwavering strength, resilience, and perseverance. Her tireless dedication and unyielding spirit have not only sculpted my character but also guided me towards becoming the person I am today. From a young age, I witnessed firsthand the relentless work ethic that defines my mother. She is the epitome of a hard worker, tirelessly pouring her heart and soul into every task she undertakes. Whether it was managing household responsibilities, pursuing her career ambitions, or supporting our family through challenging times, she approached each endeavor with unwavering determination and dedication. Her example instilled within me the importance of diligence and commitment in the pursuit of one's goals. One of the most remarkable qualities my mother possesses is her ability to persevere in the face of adversity. Life's journey is fraught with obstacles and setbacks, yet my mother's unwavering resolve remains unshaken. I have watched her navigate through hardships with grace and fortitude, never allowing setbacks to deter her from her path. Instead, she transforms challenges into opportunities for growth, demonstrating resilience in the face of adversity. Her resilience has taught me the invaluable lesson that setbacks are not roadblocks but rather stepping stones towards personal growth and success. Furthermore, my mother's steadfast commitment to lifelong learning has been a source of inspiration for me. Despite facing numerous responsibilities and demands, she never ceased her pursuit of knowledge. Whether it was enrolling in courses to enhance her professional skills or dedicating her free time to self-improvement, my mother's thirst for knowledge knew no bounds. Her relentless pursuit of education taught me the importance of continuous learning and personal development. Through her example, I learned that education is not confined to the walls of a classroom but is a lifelong journey of growth and enlightenment. In countless ways, my mother has been instrumental in shaping the person I am today. Her unwavering work ethic, resilience in the face of adversity, and commitment to lifelong learning have left an indelible mark on my character. From her, I have learned the importance of perseverance, dedication, and resilience in overcoming life's challenges. Her guidance has equipped me with the tools necessary to navigate life's complexities with courage and conviction. As I reflect on the profound impact my mother has had on my life, I am filled with gratitude and admiration. She is not only my role model but also my guiding light, illuminating the path towards self-discovery and personal growth. Through her unwavering love and support, she has shaped me into the person I am today, instilling within me the values of hard work, perseverance, and lifelong learning. For this, I am eternally grateful, and I strive to honor her legacy by embodying these virtues in all aspects of my life.
    Reginald Kelley Scholarship
    Embarking on the journey of studying computer science and information technology, my passion is deeply rooted in the transformative power of technology to shape and revolutionize the world. This dynamic field not only fuels my curiosity but also represents an ever-evolving canvas where innovation and problem-solving converge. The boundless possibilities of creating, designing, and implementing solutions that can positively impact individuals and society as a whole inspire my commitment to this field. As technology continues to permeate every facet of our lives, I am driven by the desire to be a catalyst for positive change. Through my studies, I aim to acquire the skills and knowledge needed to tackle complex challenges and contribute to advancements that enhance efficiency, accessibility, and connectivity. Whether it's developing cutting-edge software, designing intuitive user interfaces, or exploring the realms of artificial intelligence, my goal is to be at the forefront of technological innovation. In envisioning my career path, I see myself not only as a proficient IT professional but also as a change agent dedicated to addressing societal needs. From leveraging technology for social impact initiatives to promoting inclusivity in the digital landscape, I aim to channel my skills toward projects that transcend individual success and contribute to the greater good. I believe in the democratization of technology, ensuring that its benefits are accessible to diverse communities and contribute to the betterment of humanity. Furthermore, my commitment extends beyond the technical realm. I am passionate about fostering a culture of collaboration, mentorship, and knowledge-sharing within the tech community. As I progress in my career, I aspire to inspire and empower the next generation of computer scientists, promoting diversity and inclusion in an industry that thrives on diverse perspectives. In essence, my passion for computer science and information technology is not merely about mastering a set of skills; it is a dedication to utilizing the power of technology as a force for positive transformation. Through continuous learning, innovation, and a commitment to ethical practices, I aspire to make a lasting difference in the world, shaping a future where technology serves as a tool for empowerment, equity, and progress. I am excited about the prospect of contributing to innovative solutions that transcend traditional boundaries and have a meaningful impact on diverse sectors. This holistic approach to problem-solving aligns with my belief that the integration of technology into different domains can lead to comprehensive and sustainable advancements. As I navigate the complexities of computer science, I am mindful of the ethical considerations that accompany technological innovations. With the power to shape societies, influence economies, and redefine communication, technology bears a profound responsibility. In my future endeavors, I am committed to approaching my work with a strong ethical framework, prioritizing privacy, security, and equity. By advocating for responsible and inclusive technology practices, I aim to be a conscientious contributor to an industry that plays a pivotal role in shaping the future. In conclusion, my passion for computer science extends beyond the boundaries of coding and programming. It is a commitment to leveraging technology as a tool for positive societal transformation, a dedication to interdisciplinary problem-solving, and a pledge to uphold ethical standards in the ever-evolving landscape of information technology. Through continuous learning, collaboration, and a focus on ethical practices, I aspire to forge a path that not only advances the field but also contributes to building a future where technology serves the collective welfare of humanity
    Kevin Boblenz Scholarship
    As a passionate advocate for sustainable agriculture and the cultivation of microgreens, my journey is rooted in a deep connection to the land and a commitment to making a positive impact on the world. Growing up on a farm where my grandpa cultivated a variety of crops for consumption, I discovered the profound impact of agriculture on communities and individuals, fostering not only nourishment but also a sense of environmental responsibility. My enthusiasm for growing microgreens at home is more than a hobby; it's a reflection of my dedication to promoting health and sustainability. Microgreens, with their nutrient-dense profile, epitomize the potential of agriculture to contribute to individual well-being. Through experimentation and hands-on experience, I've cultivated a diverse range of microgreens, recognizing their significance in providing accessible, fresh, and nutritious food options. Beyond the personal benefits, my involvement in agriculture has instilled in me a profound sense of environmental stewardship. Witnessing the lifecycle of plants, from seed to harvest, has heightened my awareness of the delicate balance between human activity and the natural world. This awareness extends to a broader commitment to advocate for sustainable farming practices that prioritize ecological health. Microgreens, with their miniature size and potent nutrient content, hold immense significance in the realm of sustainable agriculture and nutrition. These young and tender seedlings, harvested at an early stage of growth, pack a powerful punch of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Not only do they offer a concentrated burst of flavor to culinary creations, but their nutritional density exceeds that of their mature counterparts. The cultivation of microgreens embodies a commitment to health and well-being, providing a practical solution to enhance the nutritional value of meals. As I continue to explore the cultivation of diverse microgreens, I am not only cultivating a passion but also contributing to a broader movement that recognizes the vital role these tiny greens play in promoting individual health and sustainable food practices. Through education and advocacy, I aim to shed light on the importance of integrating microgreens into our diets, fostering a greater understanding of their role in supporting both personal and environmental health. Looking ahead, I plan to leverage my passion for agriculture to create a positive impact on the world. Eager to sow the seeds of change and contribute to a world where agriculture is not just a livelihood but a force for positive transformation, I aspire to engage with communities. Through workshops, educational programs, and community outreach, I aim to bridge the gap between urban living and agricultural practices, fostering a greater appreciation for the role of small-scale farming in building healthier communities. This scholarship represents more than financial support; it is an affirmation of my commitment to creating a positive impact through agriculture. With each seed planted, I see the potential for a healthier, more sustainable future. As I embark on my journey, I am excited to continue nurturing growth, both in my personal life and in the communities I aim to serve
    Alicea Sperstad Rural Writer Scholarship
    Writing, to me, is more than a mechanical act; it is a dance of self-expression, catharsis, and connection. In a cacophony of noise, writing becomes my sanctuary—a realm where thoughts find solace and emotions take shape. Its significance in my life is multifaceted, intricately woven into my personal growth, aspirations, and relationships. Beyond self-reflection, writing becomes a powerful tool for advocacy and change. As an advocate for social justice, I recognize the potency of words in shaping narratives and challenging perspectives. Through essays and articles, I aim to amplify marginalized voices and illuminate issues that demand collective attention. Writing empowers me to contribute to conversations that transcend boundaries, fostering a sense of community and shared understanding. In academia, writing serves as the bridge connecting knowledge and expression. It is not a mere means of fulfilling assignments but a gateway to intellectual exploration and the articulation of ideas. Through research papers and projects, I delve into subjects, refining my critical thinking and analytical skills. Growing up in a multicultural environment, I discovered the ability of language to bridge cultural divides and foster understanding. As a college student, I witnessed the transformative power of effective communication within my own family. My parents, immigrants navigating a new culture, instilled in me the importance of language as a tool for empowerment. This upbringing fueled my commitment to use writing as a means to amplify voices often unheard. Through personal essays, I share my family's journey and shed light on the immigrant experience, striving to contribute to a broader narrative of inclusivity and acceptance. In the realm of technology, my passion for coding is not merely a technical pursuit but an avenue for creative expression. From designing innovative solutions to participating in hackathons, I immerse myself in the dynamic intersection of technology and creativity. Writing code is akin to crafting a narrative, with each line contributing to the unfolding story of a software project. This blend of logical problem-solving and creative ingenuity has driven my ambition to pursue a graduate degree in Computer Science. I envision utilizing the power of code to address societal challenges, further emphasizing the intertwining of my love for technology and the written word in shaping a better future. Moreover, writing is the cornerstone of meaningful relationships. Letters to loved ones, heartfelt messages, and the act of jotting down shared memories create bonds that withstand time. Carefully chosen words possess the ability to evoke emotions, bridge gaps, and strengthen connections. This scholarship is more than financial support; it is a recognition of the transformative power of writing in my life. With each stroke of the pen, I am not merely crafting sentences; I am sculpting my narrative, embracing my voice, and leaving an indelible mark on the world. Writing is my compass, guiding me through the labyrinth of life, and this scholarship will fuel my journey to continue exploring the boundless possibilities that the written word unfolds.
    Ben Brock Memorial Scholarship
    Embarking on my academic journey at Fairleigh Dickinson University, my fascination with computer science burgeoned from a potent blend of curiosity, problem-solving enthusiasm, and an innate love for technology. My foray into the realm of computer science wasn't a mere choice; it was a natural evolution driven by a desire to understand the intricacies of the digital world. The seeds of my interest were sown during my early encounters with technology. From dismantling gadgets to understand their inner workings to spending countless hours exploring coding languages, I found myself captivated by the endless possibilities that computer science offered. Each line of code became a brushstroke, painting a canvas of innovation and creativity. As a sophomore pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Information Technology, my coursework became a playground for experimentation and discovery. Coding wasn't just about syntax and algorithms; it was a conduit for self-expression and problem-solving. The challenges presented by computer science transformed into opportunities to stretch my intellectual boundaries and cultivate resilience. Beyond the academic realm, my commitment to diversity within STEM fields has further fueled my passion for computer science. I am determined to break down barriers and contribute to a more inclusive tech landscape. Witnessing the transformative power of technology, I envision a future where innovation is a driving force for positive change. Looking ahead, my enduring objective is to pursue a graduate degree in Computer Science. This aspiration aligns with my vision of leveraging technology to address contemporary challenges, particularly in the realm of cybersecurity. I am driven by the belief that computer science isn't just a field of study; it's a dynamic force that shapes the future. I am immensely grateful for the opportunity to apply for this scholarship, as it represents more than just financial support. It symbolizes an investment in my passion, a recognition of my potential, and a belief in the positive impact I can make in the world of computer science. In essence, my journey into computer science is a testament to my unyielding curiosity, my love for technology, and my commitment to forging a path of innovation. As I navigate this ever-evolving landscape, I am not just pursuing a degree; I am cultivating a lifelong passion that will continue to drive my contributions to the world of computer science. The threads of my connection to the military are woven into the fabric of my upbringing. My grandfather, a decorated veteran, regaled me with tales of duty, honor, and camaraderie. His experiences instilled in me a sense of patriotism and an understanding of the profound impact that military service has on individuals and their families. As a proud supporter of our armed forces, I actively engage in community initiatives that honor and support veterans. Volunteering at local veterans' organizations and participating in events that celebrate their contributions has been a humbling and enriching experience. These interactions have allowed me to witness firsthand the resilience, discipline, and unwavering sense of duty that define those who have served. My commitment to veterans extends beyond mere admiration; it translates into a dedication to making a positive impact on their lives. Recognizing the unique challenges veterans face during and after their service, I have actively sought opportunities to contribute to initiatives that promote their well-being and successful integration into civilian life. This connection to the military has shaped not only my values but also my aspirations for the future. In my academic pursuits, I am driven by a desire to leverage my skills and knowledge to contribute meaningfully to the veteran community.
    RonranGlee Literary Scholarship
    "Next, said I, compare our nature in respect of education and its lack to such an experience as this. Picture men dwelling in a sort of subterranean cavern with a long entrance open to the light on its entire width. Conceive them as having their legs and necks fettered from childhood, so that they remain in the same spot, able to look forward only, and prevented by the fetters from turning their heads." In this passage, Plato introduces the Allegory of the Cave as a powerful metaphor for human perception, knowledge, and enlightenment. The central thesis of this allegory is a profound exploration of the nature of reality, human understanding, and the role of education in leading individuals towards enlightenment. Plato's allegory portrays the human condition as one of ignorance and confinement. The prisoners in the cave are chained, facing the wall, and their only reality is the shadows cast by objects behind them. This physical limitation represents the limitations of sensory perception and the common state of ignorance that characterizes many people's lives. The prisoners are unaware of the broader, brighter reality outside the cave, much like how individuals often remain ignorant of deeper truths due to their reliance on sensory experience alone. The flickering shadows on the cave wall symbolize the illusions and false perceptions that can dominate human existence when one is unaware of a higher truth. These illusions may include societal norms, cultural beliefs, and preconceived notions that cloud one's judgment and understanding. The prisoners' inability to turn their heads and see the source of the shadows signifies the resistance people often have to questioning their beliefs and seeking knowledge beyond their immediate experiences. The role of the philosopher, according to Plato, is akin to the freed prisoner who ventures out of the cave. This philosopher experiences the blinding light of the sun, representing the ultimate truth and enlightenment. The journey out of the cave symbolizes the philosopher's commitment to seeking knowledge and transcending the limitations of sensory perception. However, upon returning to the cave, the philosopher faces challenges in conveying the truth to those still chained inside. The prisoners, accustomed to their illusory reality, may resist or ridicule the philosopher's newfound wisdom, reflecting the difficulties faced by those who seek to enlighten others. Plato's Allegory of the Cave, found within the pages of his philosophical masterpiece "The Republic," stands as a timeless exploration of the human condition, knowledge, and the transformative potential of education. This allegory, like a beacon in the intellectual night, illuminates the path to enlightenment and challenges us to question the limitations of our perceptions and beliefs. As we delve into the depths of this allegorical cave and follow the journey of its imprisoned inhabitants, we uncover profound insights into the nature of reality, the power of philosophical inquiry, and the inherent human struggle to break free from the shackles of ignorance. In this essay, we shall embark on a journey of interpretation and understanding, plumbing the depths of Plato's allegory to reveal the profound wisdom it holds for those who dare to venture beyond the shadows of the ordinary into the blinding light of truth and enlightenment. In conclusion, Plato's Allegory of the Cave serves as a powerful commentary on the human condition and the pursuit of knowledge. It highlights the idea that most people are confined to a world of ignorance and illusions, trapped by their sensory perceptions and societal norms. The allegory emphasizes the transformative power of education and philosophy, which can lead individuals out of the cave of ignorance toward the light of truth and enlightenment. Plato's message is clear: the path to wisdom requires breaking free from the chains of ignorance and embracing the pursuit of knowledge and understanding, even if it means challenging the conventional wisdom of the society in which one lives.
    Barbie Dream House Scholarship
    As a child, I often found myself lost in a world of creativity and imagination, where anything was possible. Now, as I embark on my journey to pursue higher education, I am excited to indulge in that sense of wonder once again by designing my very own Barbie Dream House. This dream house is not only a physical structure but a representation of my aspirations and the boundless possibilities that await me. Located atop a lush, rolling hill, my Barbie Dream House stands as an enchanting oasis, surrounded by vibrant flora and breathtaking scenery. Nestled amidst a peaceful valley, it offers a serene escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life. This location symbolizes my desire for tranquility and serves as a constant reminder to find balance and harmony as I pursue my educational endeavors. The exterior of my dream house boasts a charming blend of classical and modern architecture. Its fairy-tale-like appearance features a soft, pastel color palette that complements the natural surroundings. A magnificent rose garden welcomes visitors, and a winding cobblestone path leads them to the grand entrance. Stepping inside, one is greeted by an interior that exudes elegance and sophistication. The open-concept layout creates a seamless flow between the rooms, fostering a sense of unity and connection. Large, floor-to-ceiling windows bathe the living spaces in natural light, emphasizing a harmonious connection to nature. The fabulous features of my Barbie Dream House are designed to reflect my passion for art, literature, and technology. A spacious library, filled with an extensive collection of classic and contemporary literature, occupies a prominent place. Comfortable reading nooks beckon guests to immerse themselves in the world of storytelling and knowledge. Adjacent to the library is an art studio, equipped with state-of-the-art materials and tools to inspire my creative expressions. This sanctuary allows me to explore my artistic talents, experiment with different mediums, and channel my emotions into masterpieces that tell stories of their own. At the heart of my dream house lies a technologically advanced home office. Here, I can embrace my love for innovation and problem-solving, ensuring I am well-equipped for my academic pursuits. The office is designed to foster productivity, with ergonomic furniture, cutting-edge equipment, and inspirational quotes adorning the walls. As an advocate for sustainability and environmental preservation, my dream house features a green rooftop garden that complements the surrounding landscape. This garden serves as a sanctuary for meditation and reflection, promoting a mindful approach to life and learning. The Barbie Dream House is not just a dwelling; it is a place of empowerment and inspiration. Its enchanting ambiance encourages me to embrace my passions, nurture my growth, and explore the world with curiosity and wonder. It stands as a testament to the potential within each of us to create our destinies and shape our futures. In conclusion, designing my very own Barbie Dream House has been a delightful journey of imagination and self-discovery. This dream house is more than just a physical structure; it embodies my aspirations, values, and dreams. From its serene location to its inspiring interior, every aspect of the house represents a facet of my personality and ambitions. As I embark on my academic journey, I will carry the spirit of my Barbie Dream House with me, reminding me that the possibilities are limitless, and the world is waiting to be explored with creativity and passion.
    Priscilla Shireen Luke Scholarship
    I consider myself a determined and passionate individual with a strong belief in honesty, integrity, and kindness. I firmly believe that every experience in life offers an opportunity for learning and growth, and I am committed to continually becoming the best version of myself. While my Cuban heritage holds significant importance in shaping my identity, I recognize that I am much more than just my cultural background. Embracing self-discovery, I eagerly anticipate the unfolding of life's journey. Currently, as a sophomore at Fairleigh Dickinson University, I am pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Information Technology. My aspirations in the technology field revolve around advocating for diversity in STEM and working towards obtaining a graduate degree in Computer Science. I am passionate about making a positive impact in the tech industry and envision establishing a company that will assist individuals in securing their presence in the ever-expanding cyber realm. I immerse myself in activities that nourish my creativity and passion for technology in my spare time. Coding, in particular, allows me to explore my interest in technology and enhances my computer programming skills. Engaging in drawing and other forms of visual art provides me with a unique perspective on design and aesthetics, enriching my understanding of the digital world. Moreover, I prioritize nurturing meaningful relationships with friends as I firmly believe that strong bonds are essential for both personal and professional growth. My journey is not solely about individual accomplishments; rather, I understand the importance of giving back to society and making a positive impact on the world. As I progress in my academic journey, I recognize the tremendous value of financial support in achieving my goals. The Bold Organization has provided me with an opportunity to connect with scholarship donors, and I am truly grateful for this assistance. With this support, I can concentrate on my studies and pave a clear path towards my future. Looking ahead, I am determined to positively impact the world by advocating for diversity in STEM fields, ensuring that underrepresented voices are heard and embraced. By promoting inclusivity and breaking barriers, I hope to inspire future generations of diverse and talented individuals to pursue their passions in technology. Additionally, my long-term goal of establishing a company dedicated to securing individuals' cyber presence aligns with my passion for safeguarding digital spaces. Through this venture, I aim to contribute to a safer online environment and empower people to confidently navigate the digital landscape. In conclusion, my journey of self-discovery, driven by determination and a passion for technology, has led me to pursue a path of giving back and positively impacting the world. With my academic pursuits in Information Technology and aspirations to advocate for diversity in STEM, I am determined to make a difference. I am immensely grateful for the support provided by the Bold Organization, enabling me to focus on my studies and take strides toward my future goals. As I continue to grow and learn, I look forward to the day when I can fulfill my vision of contributing to a more inclusive and secure cyber realm for all.
    Cybersecurity & The Latinx Community Scholarship
    I am writing this essay to express my gratitude for the opportunity to introduce myself and share my aspirations for pursuing a degree in cybersecurity. My name is Eva, and I am currently a sophomore at Fairleigh Dickinson University, majoring in Information Technology. Throughout my academic journey and personal experiences, I have discovered my passion for cybersecurity and the significant impact it has on individuals, organizations, and society as a whole. There were several factors that influenced my decision to pursue a degree in cybersecurity. Firstly, my fascination with technology started at a young age. Growing up in a digital era, I witnessed both the tremendous benefits and the potential risks associated with the internet and technology. This awareness sparked my curiosity about how cybersecurity measures can protect valuable information, secure privacy, and prevent malicious activities. As I delved deeper into the subject, I realized the critical need for professionals in this field to combat the escalating cyber threats that pose serious risks to individuals and businesses. Furthermore, my passion for cybersecurity is driven by my values of honesty, integrity, and kindness. I firmly believe that everyone deserves to have their privacy protected and their digital presence secured. Cybersecurity plays a vital role in ensuring the trustworthiness of online platforms and the safeguarding of sensitive information. By pursuing a degree in cybersecurity, I aim to contribute to the creation of a safer and more secure digital environment for individuals from all walks of life. Beyond my academic endeavors, I am committed to advocating for diversity in STEM. As a person of Cuban heritage, I understand the importance of promoting inclusivity and equal opportunities for underrepresented groups in the technology industry. By actively engaging in initiatives that encourage diversity and inclusion, I hope to inspire and empower individuals from diverse backgrounds to pursue careers in cybersecurity. Looking ahead, I envision myself taking my education post-graduation to new heights. While completing my undergraduate studies, I plan to gain hands-on experience through internships and research projects in cybersecurity. This practical exposure will provide me with valuable insights into real-world challenges and solutions in the field. In addition to my bachelor's degree, I intend to pursue a graduate degree in Computer Science to further deepen my knowledge and expertise. Ultimately, my long-term goal is to establish a company that focuses on aiding individuals in securing their presence in the cyber realm. I aspire to create innovative and user-friendly solutions that empower individuals to protect their digital identities, personal data, and online interactions. By combining my technical skills, leadership abilities, and entrepreneurial spirit, I aim to make a meaningful impact on the lives of people by enhancing their cybersecurity posture. In conclusion, I am deeply grateful to the Bold Organization for providing this scholarship opportunity and allowing me to share my passion for cybersecurity. This financial support would immensely help me in pursuing my academic and career goals while allowing me to focus on my studies and make a positive difference in the field of cybersecurity. With your support, I am confident that I can achieve my aspirations and contribute to a safer and more secure digital future. Thank you for considering my application
    Joshua’s Home Remodeling Scholarship
    As an aspiring professional in the field of technology, I am driven by a deep desire to build a better future for myself and make meaningful contributions to the STEM and/or Business community. Currently pursuing my studies in Information Technology at Fairleigh Dickinson University, I have developed a strong interest in various aspects of the field, including coding, cloud computing, edge computing, software development, big data management, and data analytics. With the goal of furthering my education and earning a Master's degree in Computer Science, I am eager to leverage my skills and knowledge to pursue a career in cyber security. The field of cyber security aligns perfectly with my passion for technology and problem-solving, offering an opportunity to protect critical databases, safeguard information, and make a positive impact in today's digital landscape. I possess a range of skills that are essential for success in the field of technology, particularly in the area of cyber security. These skills, combined with my passion for technology and problem-solving, make me well-equipped to excel in this field. First and foremost, I have a strong foundation in coding and programming. Through my studies in Information Technology, I have gained proficiency in languages such as Java, Python, and C++, which are widely used in the industry. This programming expertise enables me to understand the intricacies of software systems and identify vulnerabilities that could be exploited by potential threats. Additionally, my knowledge of cloud computing and edge computing provides me with a comprehensive understanding of the infrastructure and network security aspects that are crucial in the field of cyber security. I can analyze and assess the security measures implemented in cloud environments and ensure the protection of sensitive data and resources. Furthermore, my coursework in data analytics and big data management has honed my ability to analyze complex data sets and identify patterns, anomalies, and potential security risks. This skill is invaluable in detecting and mitigating cyber threats, as it allows me to proactively monitor and respond to any suspicious activities within a system. Moreover, I possess strong problem-solving and critical-thinking skills, which are essential for addressing the constantly evolving landscape of cyber threats. I am adept at analyzing complex situations, identifying potential vulnerabilities, and implementing effective solutions to protect against cyber attacks. The field of cyber security is of great interest to me due to its vital role in safeguarding information and ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of data. I am drawn to the challenge of staying one step ahead of cybercriminals, constantly learning and adapting to new technologies and techniques. The ever-evolving nature of the field excites me, as it offers endless opportunities for growth and innovation. Beyond my technical skills, I am also motivated by the opportunity to make a positive impact on individuals and organizations through my work in cyber security. I believe that in our increasingly digitized world, protecting sensitive information and maintaining online privacy is crucial. By utilizing my technological skill set, I can contribute to creating a safer digital environment for individuals and businesses alike. In conclusion, the combination of my technical skills in coding, cloud computing, data analytics, and problem-solving, along with my passion for technology and commitment to cyber security, position me well for success in this field. I am driven to build a better future through my contributions to the STEM and/or Business community, specifically in the realm of cyber security. With the support of this scholarship, I can further my education, deepen my knowledge, and make a lasting impact in the field.
    Beyond The C.L.O.U.D Scholarship
    As an aspiring professional in the field of technology, I am driven to build a better future for myself and make meaningful contributions to the STEM and/or Business community. Currently pursuing my studies in Information Technology at Fairleigh Dickinson University, I have developed a deep interest in various aspects of the field, including coding, cloud computing, edge computing, software development, big data management, and data analytics. My goal is to further my education and earn a Master's degree in Computer Science. I am particularly drawn to the field of cyber security, as it aligns perfectly with my passion for technology and problem-solving. Becoming a cyber security specialist would allow me to combine my skills and interests to protect critical databases and ensure the proper safeguarding of information. I am motivated by the opportunity to help people and make a positive impact by utilizing my technological skill set. In pursuit of my academic and professional goals, I am currently enrolled in the combined BS in Information Technology and MS in Computer Science program at Fairleigh Dickinson University. I am committed to balancing my creativity and innovative thinking with responsible financial planning. I am actively exploring strategies to minimize the accumulation of significant debt throughout my educational journey, ensuring long-term professional stability. Receiving this scholarship would greatly contribute to my educational aspirations and provide the necessary support to pursue my Master's degree in Computer Science. It would alleviate financial burdens, allowing me to focus more on my studies and professional growth. With the knowledge and skills gained from this advanced degree, I am confident that I can make significant contributions to the STEM and/or Business community. In the future, I envision myself actively participating in the development and implementation of cutting-edge technologies, with a specific focus on cyber security. By staying at the forefront of technological advancements and leveraging my expertise, I aim to protect individuals, businesses, and organizations from potential cyber threats. Additionally, I aspire to foster collaboration and knowledge-sharing within the industry, promoting best practices and helping others navigate the ever-evolving landscape of technology. In conclusion, my personal experiences, aspirations, and dedication to the field of technology make me a deserving candidate for this scholarship. With the support of this scholarship, I will continue to pursue my education, expand my knowledge, and ultimately contribute to the STEM and/or Business community by making a positive impact in the field of cyber security.
    WCEJ Thornton Foundation Music & Art Scholarship
    Art has always been an integral part of my life, a medium through which I can express my creativity and breathe life into my imagination. From the early stages of my artistic journey, I discovered a deep passion for storytelling and the creation of fictional characters. As my skills developed, I began to realize the profound impact that art can have on individuals and society. Inspired by this revelation, I am driven to utilize my artistic abilities to make a positive impact on the world. Art goes beyond aesthetics for me; it is a powerful tool to foster empathy and understanding. Through my artwork, I aim to create compelling characters and narratives that resonate with diverse audiences, bridging gaps and cultivating a deeper sense of empathy. By presenting different perspectives and experiences, art has the potential to encourage dialogue, promote inclusivity, and contribute to a more compassionate society. I am committed to addressing social issues through my art, believing in its power to shed light on societal concerns and inspire change. Through visual storytelling, I raise awareness about topics like social justice, environmental sustainability, mental health, and equality, aiming to emotionally engage viewers and prompt reflection and action. Additionally, I find fulfillment in creating art that inspires resilience, hope, and triumph, sharing stories that motivate viewers to overcome challenges and believe in their own potential for positive impact. Supporting education and mentorship is a fundamental aspect of my artistic journey. I am committed to contributing to educational initiatives and mentoring aspiring artists. Through sharing my knowledge and experiences, I hope to inspire and guide the next generation. By fostering a supportive community, I aim to equip artists with the skills and mindset to utilize their art for positive change. Art is not just self-expression; it is my calling to make a positive impact. Through storytelling and character creation, I am determined to inspire empathy, address social issues, uplift individuals, collaborate with others, and support education and mentorship. Art has the power to shape a compassionate and empowered society, and I am dedicated to contributing to this transformative journey one artwork at a time.
    Chris Jackson Computer Science Education Scholarship
    My fascination with computer science stems from a belief that this field holds great potential to positively impact society. I am particularly drawn to the critical and underserved areas of cybersecurity and identity protection. In this essay, I will explore my journey toward pursuing a computer science degree, discuss my goal of creating awareness of identity fraud, and explain why I am the ideal candidate for this scholarship opportunity. My interest in computer science was ignited by witnessing the increasingly vital role that technology plays in our lives. The fast-paced digital landscape and the vulnerabilities it presents fascinated me. I recognized the urgent need for professionals who can safeguard our digital ecosystems from cyber threats and protect individuals' identities. This realization propelled me to delve deeper into the field and pursue a degree in computer science. Upon completing my degree in computer science, my dream job is to specialize in cybersecurity and identity protection. I am passionate about combating identity fraud, a severe crime that can have far-reaching consequences for both individuals and society as a whole. I aspire to raise awareness about this issue, educating individuals on preventive measures and promoting the importance of robust cybersecurity practices. By helping people safeguard their identities, I aim to contribute to a safer digital world. I strongly believe that I am the best candidate for this scholarship due to my unwavering commitment, relevant academic pursuits, and future aspirations. My choice to pursue a career in the critical area of cybersecurity and identity protection demonstrates my dedication to addressing pressing issues in the field. Furthermore, my intent to pursue a master's degree in Inflow Digital Marketing showcases my desire to expand my knowledge and skills, enabling me to create a greater impact in raising awareness about identity fraud. Moreover, my academic achievements, coupled with my genuine passion for the subject, make me a standout candidate. I have consistently excelled in my computer science coursework, demonstrating both technical proficiency and a deep understanding of the field's challenges. Additionally, my involvement in relevant extracurricular activities and personal projects showcases my drive to continuously learn and apply my knowledge to real-world scenarios. Furthermore, I possess strong problem-solving abilities, a keen eye for detail, and the capacity to think critically, which are crucial attributes in the field of computer science and cybersecurity. I am also a highly motivated and dedicated individual, always eager to stay updated with the latest advancements and methodologies in the industry. Pursuing a computer science degree and specializing in cybersecurity and identity protection aligns with my aspirations to make a positive impact on society. By raising awareness about identity fraud and contributing to a safer digital landscape, I aim to protect individuals and promote a secure online environment. I firmly believe that my dedication, academic achievements, and passion for the field make me an ideal candidate for this scholarship. With the support of this scholarship, I can further my education, gain skills, and work towards my goal of creating a safer digital world.
    Christian ‘Myles’ Pratt Foundation Fine Arts Scholarship
    The biggest influence in my life stems from my passion for storytelling and creating fictional characters. This innate desire to bring my imagination to life has been a constant driving force, shaping my artistic journey. I have found inspiration in the world around me, drawing ideas from everyday occurrences to develop complex narratives. This influence has fostered creativity, resilience, and a deep appreciation for the power of imagination. When I approach graduation, I envision utilizing my artistic skills to innovate and make a difference. Art has the remarkable ability to transcend boundaries, provoke emotions, and challenge societal norms. I aim to leverage my artistic abilities to explore new mediums, experiment with diverse techniques, and push the boundaries of traditional art forms. Whether through digital illustrations, mixed media creations, or interactive installations, I aspire to infuse innovation and thought-provoking elements into my artwork. What sets my artistic gift apart is the seamless integration of storytelling and visual expression. Through my drawings, I not only capture the essence of the characters but also convey their narratives and emotions. Each stroke of the pencil breathes life into these creations, making them relatable and evoking a sense of connection with the viewers. The combination of storytelling and visual artistry creates a unique experience that draws people in and invites them to immerse themselves in the worlds I create. Furthermore, my ability to create characters that resonate with diverse audiences is a distinctive aspect of my artistic gift. By incorporating elements of diversity, inclusivity, and representation in my creations, I aim to break stereotypes, challenge biases, and foster empathy. I believe that art has the power to shape perceptions and create positive change, and I strive to use my artistic talent to promote understanding and celebrate the beauty of human diversity. I am deeply passionate about various creative fields, including game design, drawing, animation, graphic design, and illustration. These diverse disciplines captivate my imagination and allow me to explore different avenues of artistic expression. Each of these areas offers unique opportunities for storytelling, visual communication, and pushing the boundaries of creativity. Whether it's crafting immersive game worlds, bringing characters to life through animation, designing visually striking graphics, or creating captivating illustrations, I find immense joy in merging my artistic skills with these dynamic fields. The intersection of game design, drawing, animation, graphic design, and illustration is where I thrive, continuously seeking to expand my knowledge and expertise to contribute meaningfully to the creative industry. As I look ahead to life after graduation, I intend to employ my artistic skills in innovative ways, pushing the boundaries of traditional art forms and creating thought-provoking experiences. What sets my artistic gift apart is the seamless integration of storytelling and visual expression, as well as my commitment to diversity and inclusivity. Through my art, I aspire to inspire, challenge, and bring about positive change in the world, embracing the transformative power of creativity and imagination.
    Lauren Czebatul Scholarship
    The COVID-19 pandemic has brought unprecedented challenges, but it has also presented individuals with the opportunity to lend a helping hand to their communities. As an active volunteer, specifically as a translator for the Hispanic community in Leonia Township, I have witnessed firsthand the transformative power of community service during times of crisis. This experience served as a turning point in my life, as it allowed me to witness the impact that community service and disaster relief can have on people's lives. By connecting with the Hispanic community and providing them with vital information, I realized the power of volunteering in fostering a sense of unity, support, and resilience within society. Through my volunteer work, I was exposed to the diverse challenges faced by individuals and families in my community. I witnessed firsthand the struggles and hardships that many people endured due to the pandemic. This exposure broadened my perspective on the world and made me more empathetic and compassionate towards others. It highlighted the importance of reaching out to those in need, fostering a sense of social responsibility within me. Volunteering not only impacted my mindset but also facilitated personal growth and skill development. As a translator, I honed my language proficiency and communication skills. I learned to navigate cultural differences and adapt my approach to effectively convey information to diverse audiences. These experiences not only enhanced my linguistic abilities but also improved my interpersonal skills, such as empathy, active listening, and patience. During times of crisis, resilience becomes crucial. Volunteering exposed me to the resilience demonstrated by individuals facing adversity. Witnessing their ability to remain strong and hopeful despite challenging circumstances left a lasting impression on me. It instilled within me a determination to overcome obstacles and persevere, even in the face of adversity. While volunteering has undoubtedly transformed my mindset, I am in need of financial assistance through a scholarship for various reasons. Firstly, My family's immigration to this country a few years ago meant starting from scratch, leaving us unable to save money due to the challenges of establishing ourselves in a new land. As immigrants, my parents prioritized meeting our basic needs, making it difficult to fully support my education. Receiving a scholarship would alleviate the financial strain on my family and provide me with the opportunity to pursue higher education without compromising our well-being. It would empower me to focus on my studies, engage in extracurricular activities, and ultimately contribute positively to society. The scholarship would alleviate the financial burden, enabling me to focus more on my studies and personal growth. Secondly, it would provide me with the opportunity to further expand my skill set and pursue educational opportunities that would otherwise be beyond my reach. By investing in my education, the scholarship would enable me to give back to society more effectively in the future. Volunteering as a translator during the COVID-19 pandemic has been a life-changing experience for me. It has transformed my mindset, fostering a deeper sense of community, empathy, and resilience. Through witnessing the struggles and triumphs of those in need, I have grown as an individual and developed essential skills that will serve me well in the future. However, financial assistance through a scholarship is crucial to alleviate the burden caused by the pandemic and provide me with the means to further my education. With the support of a scholarship, I can continue to make a difference in my community and contribute positively to society.
    AI Innovators Undergraduate Scholarship
    Ever since I was young, I have been fascinated by the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) to transform our world. Witnessing the rapid advancements in AI technology and its impact across various fields, I developed a deep curiosity and passion for understanding its intricacies and harnessing its power. This led me to pursue a career in AI, where I have actively engaged in both academic and practical experiences to deepen my knowledge and skills in this rapidly evolving field. During my undergraduate studies in computer science, I had the opportunity to delve into AI through courses such as machine learning, data mining, and natural language processing. These courses laid a strong foundation for me to understand the fundamental concepts and algorithms that underpin AI. Additionally, I participated in various research projects where I explored the application of AI techniques in solving real-world problems. These experiences further solidified my interest in AI and its potential to revolutionize industries and improve people's lives. Outside of the academic realm, I sought opportunities to apply my AI knowledge in practical settings. I collaborated with a team of developers to create an AI-driven chatbot for a local healthcare organization. The chatbot utilized natural language processing and machine learning algorithms to provide personalized medical information and assist users in diagnosing common ailments. Witnessing the impact of this project on improving access to healthcare and empowering individuals to make informed decisions strengthened my conviction in the transformative power of AI. Looking ahead, my post-graduation aspirations revolve around pursuing advanced studies in AI and contributing to cutting-edge research and development in the field. I aim to deepen my understanding of AI methodologies and explore novel applications that address complex societal challenges. In summary, my journey in AI has been driven by a profound interest in its potential and a desire to contribute to its advancement. My academic and practical experiences have equipped me with a strong foundation in AI technologies and an understanding of their practical implications. As I embark on the next chapter of my educational journey and beyond, I am excited to continue exploring the frontiers of AI and leveraging its power to create a more inclusive and sustainable future. I worked on an AI-related technology project focused on enhancing cybersecurity measures for online financial transactions. The project aimed to develop an AI-powered system capable of detecting and preventing fraudulent activities during financial transactions. We utilized machine learning algorithms, specifically anomaly detection techniques, to identify patterns of fraudulent behavior. The project involved collecting a dataset of historical transaction records, including legitimate and fraudulent transactions, and preprocessing the data for accurate training of the AI model. The development process included feature engineering to extract meaningful attributes from the transaction data and building a predictive model using supervised learning algorithms. We trained the model using a portion of the labeled dataset and evaluated its performance using various metrics. The outcome of the project was a robust AI-powered system capable of accurately detecting and preventing fraudulent transactions in real time. By integrating this system into existing financial platforms, we significantly mitigated the risks associated with online financial transactions and safeguarded the financial interests of individuals and organizations. The impact of the project was two-fold: it ensured secure and reliable transactions while reducing financial losses and reputational damage caused by fraudulent activities. Overall, this project exemplified my commitment to leveraging AI to address real-world challenges and showcased the potential of AI in enhancing cybersecurity measures for online financial transactions.
    Elevate Women in Technology Scholarship
    As a technology enthusiast, I am inspired by the potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to make the world a better place. AI has already made significant strides in improving our lives, from personalized recommendations on streaming services to the automation of routine tasks in industries such as manufacturing and logistics. However, what truly inspires me about AI is its potential to address some of the most pressing global challenges we face, from climate change to healthcare. One of the areas where AI is already making an impact is in healthcare. With the increasing availability of large data sets and advancements in machine learning algorithms, AI has the potential to transform the way we approach disease diagnosis and treatment. For example, AI-powered systems can help identify patterns in medical data that can be used to predict and prevent the onset of diseases, as well as improve the accuracy of diagnoses. Another area where AI is inspiring is in the fight against climate change. AI-powered systems can help to optimize energy consumption and reduce waste in industries such as transportation, agriculture, and manufacturing. In addition, AI can help to identify patterns in environmental data that can be used to predict and mitigate the impact of natural disasters such as floods and wildfires. What inspires me about AI is its potential to improve our lives in ways that were previously unimaginable. With advancements in (NLP), AI can now better understand and generate human-like language. In addition, AI-powered systems can help to make our cities smarter and more efficient. Furthermore, the ethical considerations surrounding AI make it a fascinating field to work in. As we develop increasingly complex and powerful AI systems, we must carefully consider their impact on society and ensure that they are aligned with our values and principles. This includes issues such as bias and transparency, as well as the implications of autonomous decision-making systems. In conclusion, Its potential to address some of the most pressing global challenges we face, from healthcare to climate change, is truly inspiring. The ethical considerations surrounding AI also make it a fascinating and important field to work in. I am excited to be a part of this field and to contribute to the development of AI-powered solutions that can improve the lives of people around the world.
    Maggie's Way- International Woman’s Scholarship
    As an immigrant female student who has moved to the United States for education, I can attest to the unique challenges that come with navigating a new country, culture, and language. However, these challenges have also opened up new opportunities and areas of interest that I might not have explored otherwise. One area of interest that has been particularly exciting to me is engineering. I have always been interested in math and science, and the American education system has allowed me to explore different fields of engineering that I find fascinating. In particular, I am drawn to the fields of artificial intelligence (AI), cybersecurity, and computer graphics and visualization. The field of AI has the potential to revolutionize the way we live and work. I am intrigued by the possibilities that machine learning algorithms and intelligent systems present in improving healthcare, transportation, and communication. As the technology advances, it is becoming increasingly clear that AI will play a significant role in shaping the future of society, and I am eager to be a part of that. Cybersecurity is another area of engineering that I find exciting. The interconnectedness of the modern world means that our digital infrastructure is constantly under threat, and the need for robust cybersecurity measures is paramount. I am interested in learning about the latest techniques for detecting and preventing cyber-attacks and in developing new technologies that can help to protect our digital systems. Finally, I am also drawn to the field of computer graphics and visualization. I am fascinated by the ways in which data and information can be transformed into visual representations that can help people to better understand complex concepts. The development of virtual and augmented reality technologies has opened up a new frontier in this field, and I am eager to contribute to the design of these technologies. As a female student in the engineering field, I recognize that there are still barriers and biases that I may face. However, I am determined to break through these barriers and make a meaningful contribution to the field. I believe that by pursuing my passion for technology and engineering, I can help to shape the future in positive ways that benefit all of society. In conclusion, as a female student who has moved to the United States for education, I have been exposed to new areas of engineering that I find exciting and full of potential. The fields of AI, cybersecurity, and computer graphics and visualization hold great promise for solving important problems and improving people's lives, and I am eager to contribute to their development through my education and future career. Though the road may not always be easy, I am determined to make the most of the opportunities that have been given to me and to make a difference in the world through engineering.
    Dema Dimbaya Humanitarianism and Disaster Relief Scholarship
    The COVID-19 pandemic has undoubtedly been a challenging time for everyone, but it has also been an opportunity for individuals to step up and help their communities. For me, volunteering as a translator of the mayor's daily COVID-19 reports for the Hispanic community in Leonia Township was an experience that changed my life. This experience showed me the importance of community service and disaster relief, and how individuals can make a difference in times of crisis. Growing up, I have always been interested in community service, and I have always found fulfillment in helping others. However, it wasn't until the COVID-19 pandemic that I realized the extent to which disasters and crises can impact communities. When I saw that many members of the Hispanic community in Leonia Township were struggling to understand the mayor's daily COVID-19 reports, I knew I had to do something to help. As a fluent Spanish speaker, I volunteered to translate the mayor's reports into Spanish so that the Hispanic community could stay informed and take appropriate measures to protect themselves and their families. This experience gave me a sense of purpose, and I felt that I was making a tangible difference in the lives of those around me. It also made me realize that I wanted to do more to contribute to disaster relief efforts and support my community in times of need. Moving forward, I plan to contribute more to disaster relief and community service efforts in various ways. One of my goals is to participate in disaster relief missions, both domestically and internationally. I believe that experiencing first-hand the impact of natural disasters on communities will help me understand the needs of affected communities better and enable me to provide more effective and efficient assistance. I also plan to continue volunteering in my local community and supporting various organizations and initiatives that promote disaster preparedness, relief, and recovery efforts. I believe that volunteering in my community is an essential way to give back, and it allows me to make a direct impact on the lives of those around me. In conclusion, my experience as a translator during the COVID-19 pandemic has brought me to community service and disaster relief. I have realized the importance of these fields and how individuals can make a significant impact on their communities in times of crisis. Moving forward, I plan to contribute more to disaster relief and community service efforts by participating in missions, volunteering in my community, pursuing a career in this field, and continuously developing my skills and knowledge. I am committed to making a difference and supporting those in need, and I look forward to the journey ahead.
    Pablo M. Ortiz Memorial Scholarship
    Academic Liberty & Free Speech Scholarship
    Free speech is a cornerstone of American democracy and is particularly crucial in higher education institutions, where students are exposed to diverse viewpoints and engage in critical thinking. Unfortunately, some colleges and universities have implemented policies that restrict free speech, citing concerns about safety, civility, and inclusivity. These restrictions can limit intellectual and personal growth by preventing students from exploring and discussing controversial topics, engaging in meaningful debates, and challenging their own beliefs and biases. It is vital to challenge these restrictions and advocate for free speech on college campuses. By doing so, students can express themselves freely and engage in constructive dialogue with their peers and professors. Furthermore, promoting free speech can help advance diversity of thought and critical thinking, as students are exposed to a wide range of perspectives and ideas. This can lead to a more inclusive and tolerant campus community that values intellectual curiosity and respectful discourse. As a student in the field of computer science, I understand the importance of free speech on college campuses. In my field of study, critical thinking and problem-solving skills are essential. These skills are developed through the exploration of diverse perspectives and the ability to express oneself freely. When free speech is restricted, it hinders the intellectual and personal growth of students. As future technology leaders, we have a responsibility to advocate for and preserve the fundamental right to free speech on campus. We must challenge restrictions on speech and expression to ensure that our academic environment is inclusive and fosters the exchange of ideas. Through extracurricular activities such as coding clubs and hackathons, we can advance diversity of thought by creating a space for students from diverse backgrounds to come together and share their ideas. This type of environment fosters creativity, innovation, and ultimately leads to a better understanding of the world around us. Furthermore, it is important to acknowledge that with free speech comes the responsibility to engage in respectful and productive discourse. While it is important to allow for differing opinions and ideas, it is also important to maintain a level of civility and respect towards others. This can be achieved through promoting open and honest communication, as well as encouraging the use of constructive language and avoiding personal attacks. In addition, extracurricular activities such as debate teams and student-led discussions can also play a role in preserving free speech on campus and fostering an environment that values diverse perspectives. It is crucial that we continue to uphold the importance of free speech in higher education and work towards creating a campus culture that promotes intellectual growth, personal development, and open dialogue.
    Alma J. Grubbs Education Scholarship
    I am passionate about education because I believe that it is not only essential for personal growth, but also a way to make a positive impact on society. My love for education is evident in the way I approach teaching and learning, and in the way, I inspire and motivate others to pursue their own educational goals. My beliefs, relationships, and career aspirations have been greatly impacted by the teachers I have had throughout my life. I have been fortunate to have had teachers who have encouraged and challenged me to pursue my dreams, and who have helped me develop the skills and knowledge necessary to achieve them. My teachers have also inspired me to be an advocate for diversity and inclusion in STEM. I strongly believe that everyone, regardless of their background, should have access to the opportunities that STEM fields provide. My experiences have taught me that diversity is a key ingredient for success and that by working together, we can achieve great things. In addition to advocating for diversity and inclusion in STEM, I also plan to use my skills and experiences to create solutions for social issues. I recognize that technology can be a powerful tool for positive change, and I hope to develop innovative solutions that can address some of the most pressing issues facing our society today. One of my long-term goals is to establish a company that will provide individuals with the tools and resources they need to secure their online presence. As we become increasingly reliant on technology, cyber threats, and privacy concerns are becoming more prevalent. I believe that my company can help individuals protect their personal information and maintain their privacy online. However, I also recognize the importance of giving back to my community. I plan to volunteer my time and resources to local organizations and use my skills to make a positive impact on the lives of those around me. Whether it's teaching coding workshops to underprivileged youth, providing graphic design services to local organizations, or donating my time to charitable causes, I am committed to making a difference in my community. Through my efforts, I hope to inspire others to give back and make a positive impact on their community as well. In conclusion, my passion for education, my commitment to diversity and inclusion in STEM, my desire to create solutions for social issues, and my dedication to giving back to my community are all fundamental parts of my personal and professional goals. I am committed to using my skills and experiences to make a difference and contribute to the betterment of society.
    Maverick Grill and Saloon Scholarship
    As I begin my journey in the field of technology, I recognize the importance of giving back to my community. Growing up, I was taught that helping others is not only a responsibility but a privilege. This mentality has shaped me into a determined, passionate person who values honesty, integrity, and kindness. One of the ways I plan to give back to my community is by advocating for diversity in STEM. As a Cuban-American woman pursuing a degree in Information Technology, I understand firsthand the lack of representation and diversity in the tech industry. Through my involvement in organizations such as Women in Technology and the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers, I hope to empower underrepresented groups and inspire them to pursue careers in STEM. Another way I plan to give back to my community is by using my skills in technology to create solutions for social issues. For example, I hope to establish a company that will aid individuals in securing their presence in the cyber realm. With the increase in cyber threats and the importance of online presence in today's world, I believe this service will be beneficial to many individuals and organizations. Moreover, I plan to give back to my community by volunteering my time and skills to local organizations. For instance, I plan to engage in coding workshops for underprivileged youth, providing them with the opportunity to learn and explore their interests in technology. Additionally, I hope to use my skills in graphic design to create promotional material for local organizations and events. My unique attributes and experiences make me well-equipped to give back to my community. As a Cuban-American woman, I understand the value of diversity and representation in the tech industry. My passion for technology, coupled with my artistic skills, provides me with a unique perspective on design and aesthetics. Finally, my strong relationships with my friends and family have taught me the importance of community and the impact that we can make when we work together. In conclusion, giving back to the community is a fundamental part of my personal and professional goals. Through my efforts to advocate for diversity and inclusion in STEM, develop solutions for social issues, and volunteer my time and resources to local organizations, I hope to inspire others to make a positive impact on their community as well. I am committed to using my skills and experiences to make a difference and contribute to the betterment of society.
    Taylor Swift ‘1989’ Fan Scholarship
    The song "Shake It Off" by Taylor Swift has been one of my favorite songs for years. The upbeat tempo and catchy melody instantly grab my attention and make me want to dance. But beyond just the music, the lyrics of the song have always resonated with me. The message of "Shake It Off" is all about not letting other people's negative opinions bring you down. Swift sings about how she's learned to let go of the haters and not take their criticisms to heart. This is a message that I think everyone can benefit from hearing. It's easy to get caught up in what other people think of you, but at the end of the day, you have to live your life for yourself and not worry about pleasing others. The song's production is also worth mentioning. The saxophone line is a fun and unexpected addition to the otherwise electronic-based track. It gives the song a unique sound that sets it apart from other pop songs of the time. The music video is also a highlight of the song for me. Watching Swift dance around and have fun despite her lack of coordination is both entertaining and relatable. Despite some criticisms of the song's lyrics, I believe that "Shake It Off" is a strong and empowering anthem that encourages self-confidence and self-love. It's a song that I can listen to when I'm feeling down and need a reminder to not let others' opinions affect me. I appreciate how the song helped Swift transition from a country sound to pop and it remains a favorite of mine from her entire discography. n addition to the song's message and production, the song also has a universal appeal that transcends age and gender. Whether you're a teenager struggling with self-doubt or an adult navigating a difficult situation, "Shake It Off" can serve as a reminder to let go of the negative opinions of others and focus on your own happiness. Furthermore, the song's success and popularity over the years is a testament to its enduring appeal. It has been covered by countless artists and used in various media, from movies to commercials. It has become a cultural touchstone and a beloved song that continues to inspire and uplift people around the world. In conclusion, "Shake It Off" is a song that has made a significant impact on me and many others. Its message of self-love and confidence, combined with its infectious beat and unique production, make it a timeless anthem that will continue to inspire and empower people for years to come. Regenerate response
    Chadwick D. McNab Memorial Scholarship
    As a digital artist, I have always been fascinated by the ability of technology to bring my artistic vision to life. One of my most notable projects was a digital animation that I worked on during my senior year of high school. The project allowed me to combine my love of art with my interest in technology, resulting in an experience that fueled my passion for both. The animation was inspired by my love of nature, and I spent countless hours perfecting every detail to create a visually stunning representation of the beauty that surrounds us. Throughout the process, I relied heavily on digital tools and software, which not only made the project more efficient but also allowed me to bring my artistic vision to life in ways that would have been impossible otherwise. During the production of my digital animation project, I faced several challenges that required me to think critically and creatively. For instance, creating realistic textures for the foliage and water bodies proved to be a daunting task. To overcome this, I had to conduct extensive research, experiment with different tools and techniques, and seek feedback from peers and mentors. This experience taught me the value of persistence and the importance of seeking help when necessary. Moreover, the project helped me realize that technology is a constantly evolving field, and staying up to date with the latest trends and advancements is essential for success. To this end, I have been actively seeking opportunities to learn and grow my skills, such as taking online courses and participating in hackathons and coding competitions. These experiences have given me a deeper appreciation for the power of technology and have shown me the vast potential it holds for transforming our world. Working on this project has inspired me to pursue a career in technology. I have come to realize that technology is not just a tool but a medium through which I can express my creativity and bring my ideas to life. The ability to use technology to create something beautiful, impactful, and meaningful is what truly excites me about the field. I believe that pursuing a career in technology will allow me to continue to grow as an artist and as a person. I am excited about the opportunities to work with cutting-edge tools and techniques and to collaborate with like-minded individuals who share my passion for creativity and innovation. In conclusion, my experience working on a digital animation project has been a defining moment in my life. It has shown me the power of technology to bring my artistic vision to life and has inspired me to pursue a career in the field. I believe that with the help of this scholarship, I will be able to continue my education in the field of technology, develop my skills, and ultimately contribute to the industry in a meaningful way
    McDuffie Software Engineering Scholarship
    Software engineering is a rapidly growing field that continues to expand as technology advances. As a woman who is excited to pursue a career in software engineering post-graduation, I am encouraged by the opportunities that are available to me in this field. Despite the fact that women are underrepresented in the technology industry, I am confident that I can find success in my career and bring innovation to the field of software engineering. One area of software engineering that I am particularly excited to pursue is artificial intelligence (AI). AI is a rapidly evolving field that has the potential to transform many aspects of our lives, from healthcare to transportation to entertainment. As an aspiring software engineer, I am excited about the possibilities that AI presents and the impact it can have on society. One reason I am encouraged as a woman pursuing a career in software engineering is that many companies are actively seeking to increase the diversity of their workforce. This means that there are more opportunities for women to enter the field and succeed in their careers. Furthermore, there are many organizations that offer support and resources for women in technology, such as mentorship programs and networking events. These resources can help women navigate the challenges of entering a male-dominated field and provide them with the support they need to thrive. Another reason I am excited about pursuing a career in software engineering is the potential for innovation. Software engineering is a field that is constantly evolving, with new technologies and techniques being developed all the time. This means that there is always room for innovation and creativity, which is something that appeals to me as someone who is passionate about technology. Finally, I am excited about the potential for software engineering to make a positive impact on the world. Whether it's developing new medical technologies, improving transportation infrastructure, or creating new forms of entertainment, software engineering has the potential to make a difference in people's lives. As a woman pursuing a career in this field, I am eager to contribute to these efforts and help make the world a better place. In conclusion, as a woman who is excited to pursue a career in software engineering post-graduation, I am encouraged by the opportunities that are available to me in this field. I believe that I can find success in my career and bring innovation to the field of software engineering. With the support of organizations and companies that are committed to increasing diversity in technology, I am confident that I can make a positive impact in the world through my work in software engineering.
    Eco-Warrior Scholarship
    Living sustainably has become an increasingly important goal for many people in recent years. With growing concerns about the impact of human activities on the environment, it has become clear that we all need to take responsibility for our actions and make intentional choices to reduce our carbon footprint. In this essay, I will discuss the intentional choices I make to live sustainably in my daily life and explain why I believe it is important to do so. One of the most important choices I make to live sustainably is to eat healthy. I prioritize whole foods, like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and avoid processed and packaged foods that tend to be high in artificial ingredients and often require significant energy to produce and transport. Eating a healthy diet not only supports my physical health, but it also helps to reduce my carbon footprint by minimizing my consumption of energy-intensive foods. Another intentional choice I make is to sleep well. Getting enough rest each night is essential for my overall health and well-being, but it also plays a role in sustainability. When I prioritize sleep, I am less likely to consume energy drinks or other stimulants that require significant energy to produce and often come in single-use packaging. Intermittent fasting is another sustainable choice that I make. By limiting my food consumption to a specific window of time each day, I am able to reduce the amount of food that I consume overall, which has a positive impact on my health and on the environment. When I eat less, I am less likely to waste food, which in turn reduces the demand for energy-intensive food production. Regular exercise is another choice that I make to live sustainably. By prioritizing physical activity, I am able to maintain my overall health and reduce my reliance on transportation. When I walk or bike to work, for example, I am able to reduce my carbon footprint by minimizing my use of fossil fuels. Finally, I make a conscious effort to think positively about life. By focusing on the good things in life, I am able to stay motivated and inspired to make sustainable choices. I believe that a positive attitude is essential for achieving long-term sustainability goals. In conclusion, there are many intentional choices that I make to live sustainably in my daily life. From eating healthy and getting enough sleep to practicing intermittent fasting and exercising regularly, I am committed to reducing my carbon footprint and minimizing my impact on the environment. I believe that sustainability is important because it allows us to preserve our planet for future generations, and it helps us to create a healthier and more equitable world for all. By making intentional choices to live sustainably, we can all play a role in creating a more sustainable and prosperous future for ourselves and for the planet.
    Anastasiya Y. Hardie Women in Engineering Memorial Scholarship
    As an immigrant to the United States, I have faced numerous challenges in adapting to a new country, culture, and language. Despite these obstacles, I have persevered and am proud of my accomplishments thus far. My parents sacrificed a great deal to bring me to this country and give me opportunities for a better future, and I am determined to make the most of these opportunities. One of the ways in which coming to America has impacted my career goals is by opening up new areas of engineering that I find exciting. I have always been interested in math and science, but my exposure to the American education system has allowed me to explore fields I'm quite interested in such as robotics. Certainly! As someone in the computer field, there are several areas of engineering that particularly excite me. One of these is artificial intelligence (AI), which has the potential to revolutionize the way we live and work. I am fascinated by the ways in which AI can be used to improve healthcare, transportation, and communication, among other fields. I am particularly interested in the development of machine learning algorithms and in designing intelligent systems that can learn and adapt to new situations. Another area of engineering that excites me is cybersecurity. As our world becomes more connected, the need for robust cybersecurity measures has become increasingly urgent. I am interested in learning about the latest techniques for detecting and preventing cyber-attacks and in developing new technologies that can help to protect our digital infrastructure. In addition, I am also interested in the field of computer graphics and visualization. I enjoy creating visual representations of data and information that can help people to better understand complex concepts. I am fascinated by the ways in which computer graphics can be used to create virtual and augmented reality experiences, and I am eager to contribute to the development of these technologies. Overall, I am passionate about using technology to solve problems and improve people's lives. As someone in the computer field, I believe that there are many exciting areas of engineering that hold the potential for transformative impact, and I am eager to explore these fields further through my education and future career. However, I am also aware of the financial burden that pursuing higher education can place on my family. Despite their sacrifices, my parents have not been able to save enough to cover the costs of university tuition. This is why I am actively seeking out scholarship opportunities to help finance my education. Winning a scholarship would not only relieve the financial pressure on my family but would also give me the opportunity to focus on my studies and pursue my passion for engineering without worrying about the cost. In conclusion, my experience as an immigrant to the United States has given me a unique perspective on the challenges and opportunities that this country offers. I am excited about the possibilities that the field of engineering holds and am determined to make the most of my opportunities to pursue this passion. Winning a scholarship would not only be a financial relief but also a recognition of my hard work and dedication to achieving my goals.
    @normandiealise National Scholarship Month TikTok Scholarship
    Eleven Scholarship
    One of the most significant challenges I have faced in my life was adjusting to life as an immigrant in the United States. At the age of 11, I moved from Havana, Cuba to the United States and was faced with the daunting task of learning a new language, adapting to a new culture, and building a new life in an unfamiliar country. The process of acclimating to a new culture and language presented significant challenges, such as difficulty in communicating with others and understanding cultural customs and norms. However, with the support of my family and friends, I was able to navigate these difficulties and overcome the obstacles that arose. My family and friends helped me to learn the language, understand the culture and customs, and feel more comfortable in this new environment. Being an immigrant also presented financial challenges, as my parents came to the United States without much money and were not able to save for my university education. Despite this setback, I have made a commitment to myself to not let this obstacle hold me back from achieving my goals. I have been determined to find ways to pay for my education without accumulating excessive debt, such as looking for scholarships, and part-time jobs, and exploring different financial options. I have also developed a keen interest in financial literacy, and I have been actively seeking ways to manage my finances effectively. I am a freshman at Fairleigh Dickinson University, pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Information Technology. My aspirations in the field of technology include advocating for diversity in STEM and obtaining a graduate degree in Computer Science. I am passionate about technology and I believe that diversity in STEM is crucial for innovation and progress in the field. Additionally, I am committed to achieving a graduate degree in Computer Science as I want to be able to contribute to the field with my knowledge and skills. Furthermore, one of my long-term goals is to establish a company that will aid individuals in securing their presence in the cyber realm. Cybersecurity is a crucial field and I want to be able to help people and organizations keep their information safe. Through this experience, I have learned that obstacles and setbacks can serve as valuable lessons that can ultimately lead to success. I have learned to be resourceful and resilient in the face of adversity, and I have grown as a person as a result. I have learned to adapt to new environments, find solutions to problems, and work hard to achieve my goals. I am determined to continue to work hard to achieve my goals and make the most of the opportunities presented to me. This experience has also taught me the importance of having a clear plan and a vision for the future, and I am more motivated than ever to make my vision a reality.
    Jack “Fluxare” Hytner Memorial Scholarship
    To me, influence refers to the power or ability to shape or change the thoughts, beliefs, or actions of others. It can be exercised in many different ways and can have a wide range of effects, from subtle shifts in perspective to significant changes in behavior or circumstances. Influence can be wielded by individuals or groups, and it can be exerted through various channels such as leadership, communication, persuasion, or example. It can be used for good or for ill, and it can be a powerful force for positive change or for perpetuating injustice or inequality. To influence others effectively, it is important to be authentic, credible, and respectful. At the same time, it is also important to recognize the limits of one's own influence and the potential consequences of exercising it. I try to influence those around me in a positive way by being a good role model and setting an example of integrity, compassion, and fairness. I believe that actions speak louder than words, and I try to model the values and behaviors that I hope to see in others. I believe that everyone has the right to be heard and respected. I also try to be open to learning from others, as I believe that we can all benefit from the experiences of those around us. In addition, I also try to use my skills and experiences to contribute to the common good. One time that I overcame adversity was when I was in high school and I had to switch schools due to a family move. It was a difficult transition, as I had to leave behind my friends and familiar environment and adjust to a new school and community. However, I was determined to make the most of this opportunity and I worked hard to make new friends, get involved in extracurricular activities, and excel academically. As a result, I was able to thrive in my new school and even ended up being elected as class president. I am currently studying information technology, with a focus on cybersecurity. I chose this field because I am interested in the intersection of technology and society, and I want to use my skills and knowledge to help protect people and organizations from cyber threats. My goal is to create a company when I finish college that helps people and businesses defend against identity fraud and other forms of cybercrime. I believe that this is an important and growing problem that requires innovative solutions, and I want to be part of the effort to address it. Receiving this scholarship would mean a great deal to me, as it would not only recognize my achievements and potential but also provide me with the financial support and opportunities to pursue my goals and make a positive impact in my field. It would be a significant step towards achieving my dream of starting a company that helps people and businesses protect themselves against identity fraud and other forms of cybercrime
    Inflow Digital Marketing Scholarship
    I have chosen to pursue a career in the field because I believe it is a crucial and underserved area that has the potential to make a significant positive impact on society. I have chosen to pursue a career in the field of cybersecurity and identity protection but when I finished I plan to do a master's degree in Inflow Digital Marketing because I believe it is a crucial and underserved area that has the potential to make a significant positive impact on society. My main goal is to create awareness on Identity fraud is a serious crime that can have serious consequences for both individuals and society as a whole. It occurs when someone obtains and uses your personal information, such as your name, Social Security number, or bank account information, without your knowledge or consent. This can be done through various means, including phishing scams, data breaches, or physical theft of mail or documents. As a college student, I have already begun to take steps to raise awareness about the issue of identity fraud and empower others to protect themselves. I have joined a club or organization focused on cybersecurity and identity protection, and have participated in campus events and activities focused on these issues. I have also used my online presence to share information about identity fraud and how to prevent it, and have written articles and blog posts about the topic. In the future, my ideal role would be as the owner and operator of my own cybersecurity company and Digital Marketing. I envision a company that is dedicated to helping individuals and organizations protect themselves against identity fraud and other cyber threats. This company would offer a range of services, including identity protection education, software and tools to prevent identity fraud, and assistance to individuals and businesses that have been victims of identity fraud. Identity fraud is a serious crime that can have serious consequences for both individuals and society as a whole. It occurs when someone obtains and uses your personal information, such as your name, Social Security number, or bank account information, without your knowledge or consent. This can be done through various means, including phishing scams, data breaches, or physical theft of mail or documents. In conclusion, identity fraud is a serious problem that can have far-reaching and long-lasting impacts. It is important to be aware of the risks and take steps to protect your personal information in order to safeguard yourself and your future. As a college student with a passion for cybersecurity and identity protection, I have already taken steps to raise awareness about this issue and empower others to protect themselves. In the future, I hope to continue this work as the owner and operator of my own cybersecurity company, where I can offer a range of services to help individuals and organizations protect themselves against identity fraud and other cyber threats. By creating awareness about identity fraud and empowering others to protect themselves, we can work together to reduce the incidence of this crime and create a safer and more secure society for all.
    Jeannine Schroeder Women in Public Service Memorial Scholarship
    Identity fraud, also known as identity theft, is a serious crime that can have serious consequences for both individuals and society as a whole. It occurs when someone obtains and uses your personal information, such as your name, Social Security number, or bank account information, without your knowledge or consent. This can be done through various means, including phishing scams, data breaches, or physical theft of mail or documents. The effects of identity fraud can be severe and long-lasting. It can take a significant amount of time and money to resolve the issues that arise as a result of someone stealing your identity. For example, you may have to spend hours on the phone with banks and credit agencies trying to straighten out your accounts and restore your credit. In addition, identity fraud can ruin your reputation by leaving a trail of financial problems and other issues in your name. This can make it difficult to secure loans, rent an apartment, or even get a job in the future. One of my main goals in addressing the issue of identity fraud is to increase awareness about the problem and its impacts. Many people are unaware of the risks of identity theft or do not understand how to protect themselves against it. By educating others about the dangers of identity fraud and how to avoid falling victim to it, I hope to empower individuals to take control of their personal information and safeguard themselves and their families. college student, you can get involved in a club or organization that works to raise awareness about the issue of identity fraud and educate others about how to protect themselves. To create awareness about identity fraud I share information about identity fraud on social media and other online platforms. I use my online presence to share articles, blog posts, and other resources about identity fraud and how to prevent it any time I interact with people or I leave a comment. I write blog posts about the issue. I'm considering contributing with my own perspective on identity fraud to my college newspaper. I participate in campus events and activities focused on identity fraud and cybersecurity. I'm always looking for opportunities to learn more about these issues and get involved in efforts to raise awareness on my campus. I plan to advocate for stronger laws and policies to protect against identity fraud by reaching out to my elected representatives and also joining advocacy groups to support measures that will help reduce the incidence of identity fraud. Once I finish college I plan to start my own cybersecurity company. I also plan to take several actions, like volunteering with organizations that provide information and resources about identity protection, such as the Federal Trade Commission or the Identity Theft Resource Center. In addition, I plan to speak at schools in my community to raise awareness about identity fraud and how to prevent it. By taking these and other actions, I hope to help create a more informed and vigilant society that is better equipped to protect itself against identity thieves. In conclusion, identity fraud is a serious social issue that can have far-reaching and long-lasting impacts. It is important to be aware of the risks and take steps to protect your personal information in order to safeguard yourself and your future. By creating awareness about identity fraud and empowering others to protect themselves, we can work together to reduce the incidence of this crime and create a safer and more secure society for all.
    Cybersecurity & The Latinx Community Scholarship
    I am currently pursuing a degree in information technology at Fairleigh Dickinson University and am interested in earning a Master's degree in computer science. My passion for technology and problem-solving abilities make me a good fit for a career in cybersecurity. I am motivated to use my technical skills and critical thinking abilities to protect people from digital threats and find it rewarding to use my expertise to ensure the security of databases. In the long term, I hope to start my own technology company and become a respected leader in the industry. As a woman in a male-dominated field, I have had to overcome challenges such as gender discrimination and a lack of representation. I believe it is important to increase the representation of women in STEM fields and provide equal opportunities for career advancement and pay. Through my own hard work and success, I hope to inspire other young women to pursue their own dreams in the field and show that gender should not be a barrier to success. I also have valuable life experience as an immigrant, having moved to the United States at the age of 11 and had to adapt to a new culture, language, and social circle. This experience taught me resilience and the ability to persevere in the face of obstacles, skills that have helped me in my academic and personal life. One specific example of my problem-solving abilities is a project I worked on in my Introduction to Computer Science course. The assignment was to design and build a simple computer game using the Python programming language. I was excited about the challenge and spent several hours each day working on the project. I encountered a number of difficulties along the way, including debugging code and finding creative solutions to problems. In the end, I was able to complete the project successfully and received a high grade for my work. This experience not only helped me improve my programming skills but also demonstrated my ability to persevere and think critically in order to solve problems. Another example of my passion for technology is my involvement in a club or organization related to technology. This experience has allowed me to deepen my knowledge in the field and has helped me develop skills in areas such as programming, electronics, and teamwork. In conclusion, my experiences in computer science coursework and my personal qualities of passion for technology and problem-solving abilities make me a strong candidate for this scholarship. I am excited to continue my education and pursue my dreams of becoming a respected leader in the technology industry and using my knowledge and skills to make a positive impact on the world. In conclusion, my experiences in computer science coursework and my personal qualities of passion for technology and problem-solving abilities make me a strong candidate for this scholarship. My most important goals after graduation are to create a cybersecurity company in the future to help people and to use my skills in this field to make a positive impact on the world. With my knowledge and expertise, I hope to develop innovative solutions to protect individuals and organizations from digital threats and to use my business acumen to build a successful company. I am excited to continue my education and pursue my dreams of becoming a respected leader in the technology industry and using my knowledge and skills to make a difference in the world.
    Chris Jackson Computer Science Education Scholarship
    As a student of information technology at Fairleigh Dickinson University, I am driven to build a better future for myself and to pursue my education further by earning a Master's degree in computer science. I am deeply interested in technology, and I am particularly drawn to learning more about coding, cloud computing, edge computing, software development, big data management, and data analytics. My long-term goal is to start a technology company that has a significant impact on the industry and to become a respected leader in the field. One of the things that most appeals to me about computer science is the problem-solving aspect. I am highly motivated by finding solutions to challenges, and I believe that this quality, combined with my passion for technology, makes me well-suited to a career as a cyber security specialist. In this role, I would be able to use my technical skills and my ability to think critically to protect people from digital security threats. Helping others is something that brings me a great deal of satisfaction, and the idea of using my expertise to ensure that databases are secure is very appealing to me. I am also motivated to become a role model for the next generation of girls who are interested in pursuing careers in STEM fields. As a woman in a male-dominated field, I have had to overcome a number of challenges, including gender discrimination and the lack of representation of women in the industry. I believe that it is important to increase the representation of women in STEM fields and to provide them with equal opportunities for career advancement and pay. By working hard to succeed in my own studies and career, I hope to inspire other young women to pursue their own dreams in the field and to demonstrate that gender should not be a barrier to success. My experiences as an immigrant have also prepared me to be a strong candidate for this scholarship. When I was 11 years old, I moved to the United States from a different country, and I had to learn a new language, adapt to a new culture, and make new friends. This was a challenging experience, but it also taught me how to be resilient and how to persevere in the face of obstacles. These skills have been invaluable to me in my academic and personal life, and I believe that they will serve me well as I continue my studies in computer science. Overall, I am confident that my passion for technology, my problem-solving skills, my determination, and my experiences as an immigrant and a woman in a male-dominated field make me the best candidate for this scholarship. I am excited to continue my journey of learning and to use my knowledge and skills to make a positive impact on the world of technology.
    Marilyn J. Palmer Memorial
    Being American means to me, having the opportunity to be free. The United States is known for its freedom of speech, religion, and the press, as well as its opportunities for education and economic mobility. These rights and opportunities have personally benefited me in many ways. For example, as an American citizen, I am able to express my opinions freely without fear of persecution. I am also able to practice my religion without interference from the government. Additionally, the opportunities for education and economic mobility in the United States have allowed me to pursue my goals and achieve success. The diversity of the American population is another aspect of being an American that I value. The United States is a nation of immigrants, and this diversity is one of its greatest strengths. This diversity has enriched my life in countless ways. For instance, growing up in a diverse community exposed me to a wide range of cultures and perspectives, which has broadened my understanding of the world. Additionally, the American values of acceptance and inclusion have allowed me to feel welcomed and accepted regardless of my background. The American ideals of democracy and equality are also important to me as an American. The United States is a democratic nation that values the equality of all its citizens. These ideals have influenced my life in many ways. For example, living in a democracy has taught me the importance of participating in the political process and using my voice to advocate for change. Additionally, the value of equality has shaped my beliefs and actions, and I strive to treat everyone with respect and fairness. Being an American citizen also carries certain responsibilities, such as participating in the democratic process and working to make the country a better place for all its citizens. I see myself fulfilling these responsibilities in a number of ways. For instance, I make sure to stay informed about current events and issues, and I make an effort to vote in elections and be active in my community. I also believe that it is important to stand up for justice and equality and to work towards creating a more inclusive and fair society for all Americans. Being an American means being part of a rich cultural and historical heritage. I feel connected to this heritage and how it has shaped my identity as an American. For example, learning about American history has given me a greater appreciation for the struggles and triumphs of my country, and has helped me to understand my place within the larger narrative of American life. Additionally, being part of American culture has allowed me to celebrate my traditions and values, and to share them with others. In conclusion, being an American means having the freedom and opportunity to pursue my dreams, being part of a diverse and inclusive society, and upholding the democratic values of equality and fairness. These rights and responsibilities are integral to my identity as an American, and I am proud to be part of a nation that has shaped so much of the world's history and culture. As I reflect on what being an American means to me, I am grateful for the blessings of liberty and the chance to contribute to a better future for all Americans.
    Your Dream Music Scholarship
    I feel like Rag'n'Bone Man's song "Human" has the most significant message. He talks about his mortality in this song. Since his physical body is temporal, this is not done in a physically meaningful way. He actually means to say something along the lines of admitting his shortcomings and inability to solve some problems. He accomplishes this in the first verse by alluding to his lack of omniscience. That is to say, he frequently engages in acts of vanity when attempting to understand the truth and deeper significance of certain issues. The second verse is about self-deception. The idea that people frequently favor a peaceful lie over the uncomfortable truth is the focus of the final verse. Or perhaps the human tendency to want others' opinions to agree with their own is a better way to put it. As a result, some people can become extremely upset if someone does something as simple as disagreeing with them on certain issues. He also makes the suggestion that "some people think" he can help them with their difficult problems. Being a common man, however, he suggests that these people "go looking somewhere higher," perhaps in a more exceptional individual who fits this description. What appears to be the conclusive evidence is that, therefore, people should not put the blame on him when problems arise in their lives. I like the lyrics of this song, the voice of the singer, and the music. And I can say that music has evolved from a minor aspect of my life to a passion. The first reason that comes to mind when I consider why I love music and songs like this is that I find them to be calming. It transports me to a brand-new realm with no worries, tasks, or due dates.
    Young Women in STEM Scholarship
    I'm driven to build a better future for myself. My current program of study at Fairleigh Dickinson University is information technology. My goal is to be able to pursue my education further and earn a Master's degree in computer science. I like technology, so I'm interested in learning more about coding, cloud computing, edge computing, software development, big data management, and data analytics. I'd love to work as a cyber security specialist of some kind. That seems like it would be ideal for me, as I am highly motivated by problem-solving and have a deep interest in technology. As a cyber security specialist, I could combine my passion for technology with my problem-solving skills to help protect people from digital security threats. I enjoy assisting others, and it would be a dream come true for me to be able to use my technical skills to ensure that certain databases are properly protected. Despite the fact that I still have a lot to learn, I believe that my passion for information technology will lead me on the right path. My long-term goal is to launch a technology company I'd really like to work as some kind of cyber security specialist. Given my passion for technology and my strong motivation to solve problems, that seems like the perfect situation for me. As a cyber security specialist, I would be able to combine my interest in technology with my problem-solving abilities to assist in protecting people from digital security threats. I love helping people, so being able to use my technical expertise to guarantee that specific databases are properly protected would be a dream come true for me. I still have a lot to learn, and I'm looking forward to continuing my journey of learning, but I have faith that my love for technology will guide me in the right direction and keep me motivated to reach my goals. My long-term goal is to start a technology company that has a significant impact on the world of technology and to become a respected leader in the industry To that end, I am working hard to expand my knowledge and stay up-to-date on the latest developments in the field of cyber security. Python programming language has been introduced to me by my father, who is an inspiration to me. He is a computer programmer with a Ph.D. in system science, and he has taught me how to use it. To learn a little bit more about it, though, I also enrolled in a course. I've been learning how to use Adobe software. I've learned how to edit photos and videos using Adobe software like Photoshop and Premiere. I can now also do some 3d animations using Adobe and 3D design. I aspire someday to expand my understanding of these and other coding languages. I also want to be a role model for the future generation of girls who are significantly underrepresented in IT majors. Any STEM field has many roadblocks that one must overcome in order to excel, but those for women are more significant due to the disproportionate amount of gender-based prejudice that still exists. Despite these challenges, women in STEM continue to make important strides and are challenging long-held beliefs about gender roles in these fields. While the progress made by women in STEM fields is noteworthy, there is still much work to be done to ensure that gender discrimination no longer serves as a barrier to entry for women and that they are treated equally and respected for their contributions to the scientific and technological communities Going forward, it is important to increase the representation of women in STEM fields, provide them with equal opportunities for career advancement and pay, and create a culture that is conducive to their success. I intend to continue my efforts in order to make a difference in society. I've always had to overcome obstacles in order to get to where I am now. Learning the language, integrating into the culture, and making new friends were some challenges I faced as an immigrant when I was 11 years old. I'm sure I'll run into plenty of others along the way, but I'm confident I'll keep a positive outlook and keep going. In addition, I am sure I can continue to think creatively and innovatively while still handling my finances. I'm currently looking for strategies to reduce significant debt near the end of my career so that I can keep a steady job. In order to boost my motivation to excel in my studies, I would also like to win this scholarship.
    Financial Hygiene Scholarship
    Being an immigrant has been a big challenge for me, a different language, a different country, a different everything, yet it's something I have been able to surpass so far. I was lucky to be able to come to this country, so I have been working hard to make the most of this opportunity. My parents came here 5 years ago without much money, with the aim of moving forward and carving a path for me. They have not been able to save for my university. I am aware things have been at a disadvantage for me, but that won't hold me back from succeeding where I can, so I have to find a way not to get totally in debt once I finish college. I have learned much from my time in this country, which has helped me grow. I want to go to university because I want to keep improving myself as much as I can. I believe I can do it, although I also know the challenges that I have to face and one of them is the debt that accumulates. I am determined to do my best to get rid of that burden that lasts for decades to be paid off. I have a plan and it is to apply to universities that do not have such expensive tuition. I'm going to submit my FAFSA and look for grants. I am going to apply for school and private scholarships as well. I will try to negotiate my financial aid package. I will look for a way to do a part-time job to increase my income, if possible. I will take steps to reduce my living expenses, stick to a budget, and live like a student even after leaving school, as a way to avoid student loans by paying them down as fast as possible. I believe I can do this, and I will make an effort to make myself grow more. I'm passionate about designing new things and creating new concepts and I seek to fulfill my dreams, studying a career in graphic design, without being involved in the nightmare of student debt. Life is a lane full of rocky roadblocks, but I will drive my car to the other side to reach my goal. So if you can support me with this scholarship, it will greatly help me finish my degree without student debt.
    Share Your Poetry Scholarship
    Title: A trick of the mind I'm looking for someone who can help me, On the threshold of my thoughts, who inspires me and guides me, to conquer the world and to challenge my current life. If I were Harry Potter, or the legendary Aladdin with his lamp If I possessed a powerful spell If I were a wizard, I'm seeking inspiration. a light to my path in this world, something that moves every hurdle, and gives me strength If I were an adventurer, If I were Indiana Jones, If I were a superhero If I were James Bond If I could have any superpowers, what would they be? But the more I search, the weaker I get, often fatigued and frustrated, with no answers to questions, no songs to sing, and no poems to recite. What is the secret to living a happy life? Is it necessary for me to be any of those things? Is it necessary for me to conquer the entire world? Is it necessary for me to think at a higher level all of the time? Or is it all a trick of the mind, designed to make me unhappy? I will search no more I will patiently wait steadily I will be myself I will live each day I will say my poem with a normal tone, with a simple verse
    Science Fiction Becomes Science Fact Scholarship
    I've always been fascinated by people's social interactions over the internet. Given that practically all of the interactions that the ordinary adolescent experiences are imposed on him by the context of school and other activities, some of my earliest personal relationships formed on my own initiative can be traced back to online games like Age of Empires. Chatting with someone via the Internet is a freeing, exhilarating, and in many ways dangerous experience for someone who is used to fixed social environments with clearly defined rules of interaction. With this in mind, I listened to various discussions about the alleged hazards of the Internet and online games. Chatting with someone via the Internet is a freeing, exhilarating, and in some ways dangerous experience for someone who is used to fixed social environments with clearly defined rules of interaction. With this in mind, I usually notice the countless disputes over the alleged dangers of Internet access and online gaming. There is a misunderstanding about the sociability of online gaming. That is one of the reasons for the many misunderstandings in such debates. What must be done then? It must be understood that the Internet is not an isolated or socially unique location. It's just another example of computer-mediated communication between humans. There are positive relationships and interactions and terrible relationships, precisely like the lives, people are accustomed to living.
    Omniwomyn Empowerment Scholarship
    I consider myself a philomath; I believe that numbers help me understand the world, and Math helps us understand numbers. Mathematics has numerous real-world applications. We are surrounded by numbers, equations, and algorithms, particularly in this age of data science, with massive data sets that can only be comprehended through statistical models and analysis. Since I was a child I liked puzzle solving, logic games, and comparing things to one another, and my parents told me that those were signs of good math skills, through the years of my childhood I continued to sharpen my interests in Math and it became a hobby. In my opinion, good college courses will prepare me for the difficulties I will encounter in daily life. For example, I think that thinking critically about what I learn and must accomplish in college will also help to make smaller tasks at work or home easier to complete. The most exciting aspect of college for me is how it will increase my level of independence. I'll take control of my own schedule and keep improving my time management skills. Now is the time for me to decide how I want to live as a growing young adult. I am committed to studying and getting ready because I know I can overcome obstacles and be successful in any career path I choose. I enjoy technology and I am excited to learn about coding, cloud computing, edge computing, software development, big data management, and data analytics. I would love to be a cyber security specialist of some sort. I feel as if that would be perfect for me. I love helping people and if I could use my skill set in technology to ensure that certain databases are being properly protected it would be a dream come true. I know that I still have a lot to learn but I believe that my passion for Information Technology will take me on the right path. My long-term ambition is to start a tech company that makes an impact in the world of technology that helps people be secure in the cyber world. I also want to be a role model for the future generation of girls who are significantly underrepresented in IT majors. Girls have fewer role models to inspire their interest in these fields, seeing limited examples of female scientists and engineers in books, media, and popular culture. Although specifically, the fields of computer science and technology exhibit the greatest gender disparities among current students, graduates, and workers. I intend to continue my efforts in order to make a difference in society. To get to where I am now, I've always had to overcome challenges. The hurdles I had as an immigrant when I was 11 years old included learning the language, assimilating into the culture, and making new friends. I will encounter many others along the path, but I am convinced that I will maintain a positive attitude and persevere. Besides, I am confident that I can maintain my innovative and creative mindset while still managing my finances. I'm currently looking for ways to avoid major debt near the conclusion of my career so that I may maintain professional stability. I would like to win this scholarship as well in order to gain further motivation to thrive in my studies.
    Lotus Scholarship
    I was born in Cuba, a country where everyone is poor, and it is very difficult to obtain essential things, so non-essential things are often unrealizable dreams. From a very young age, my parents taught me to feel happy and grateful for the little I had. I remember that they managed to buy me a Nintendo DS console with some friends who lived in Mexico, and that was a dream come true because I really liked digital games. I took great care of it not to fall and break. When I lent it to my friends, I kept an eye on them because they, like me, would take care of it. Upon arriving in this country, I was shocked to learn that everyone here lived in a consumer society and had more than they needed, and many times it was not valued, I felt distraught. Despite the fact that I began to have other possibilities, I only buy what I need and I try by all means not to have a consumption mentality. I plan to use my life experience to make a positive impact in my community and the world, helping to create awareness about the problems presented by consumer society. The main consequences to highlight are the excessive use of natural resources and the enormous generation of waste. I was shocked to discover upon my arrival in this country that everyone here lived in a consumer society, had more than they needed, and frequently did not value it. Despite the fact that I had other options now, I only purchase what I absolutely need and make every effort to avoid having a consumption mentality. My goal is to use my life experience to better my community and the world by raising awareness of the issues generated by consumer society. The main effects that should be highlighted are the overuse of natural resources and the massive production of waste. Indeed, consumerism is primarily to blame for global pollution, because the environmental impact is quite negative, as we continue to dump more garbage into nature, which directly affects living beings in various locations, resulting in a significant loss of biodiversity.
    #Back2SchoolBold Scholarship
    Simply start small! The accomplishment of great things usually involves a number of small actions combined. For example, If you have a major task coming up, such as a research project, keep yourself motivated by finishing a bit of it every few days. Each night, write one paragraph. Alternatively, complete 5 algebra questions from your problem set at a time and then take a break.
    Learner Education Women in Mathematics Scholarship
    I consider myself a philomath; I believe that numbers help me understand the world, and Math helps us understand numbers. Mathematics has numerous real-world applications. We are surrounded by numbers, equations, and algorithms, particularly in this age of data science, with massive data sets that can only be comprehended through statistical models and analysis. Since I was a child I liked puzzle solving, logic games, and comparing things to one another, and my parents told me that those were signs of good math skills, through the years of my childhood I continued to sharpen my interests in Math and it became a hobby. This beauty of Math is seen in the harmony, patterns, and structures of numbers and forms, but also in classical ideals of balance and symmetry. The formulas and ideas I learn in math are very useful, but even if I never use them again, learning math develops critical thinking and problem-solving skills; Math helps me think analytically and to have better reasoning abilities. Analytical thinking refers to the ability to think critically about the world around us. Reasoning is our ability to think logically about a situation; that's why I'm sure that Math makes me wiser.
    Mind, Body, & Soul Scholarship
    The most exciting aspect of college for me is how it will increase my level of independence. I'll take control of my own schedule and keep improving my time management skills. Now is the time for me to decide how I want to live as a growing young adult. Good college courses, in my opinion, will prepare me for the difficulties I will encounter in daily life. For example, I think that thinking critically about what I learn and must accomplish in college will also help to make smaller tasks at work or home easier to complete. As I begin to settle into college, I've taken the time to develop a healthy self-care routine. It is said that college students frequently feel as if there aren't enough hours in the day to do everything they want, whether that's going to class, studying, socializing, working, playing sports, or participating in extracurriculars. Sleep is usually the first thing to go in this fast-paced environment. Getting enough sleep is critical to my health and well-being, not to mention my grades. At college, I intend to continue living a healthy lifestyle, so before anything else, I need to consider what my body needs and what I'm doing to take the best possible care of it. Sleeping will be a regular part of my self-care routine. I intend to work out every day to maintain my physical and mental health, because being healthy allows me to maintain my well-being, take care of my health, and accomplish my goals, including studying for exams and getting to class on time. I intend to continue watching what I eat as I commute to college. One of the most important things I do for my health is to eat healthily. It gives me more energy in my daily life and helps me maintain a healthy weight and mental health. People frequently associate healthy eating with dieting, but this is not accurate. Eating healthy is about feeling better physically and mentally, not just losing weight. Eating properly means that my body is getting all or most of the nutrients it requires to perform properly. One thing I keep track of every day is drinking a lot of water. This is essential for me to maintain a healthy lifestyle. It is critical for my health that I drink enough water every day. I stay hydrated by drinking water. Because water contains no calories, it can also help me maintain my body weight and reduce my calorie intake. On a daily basis, I intend to balance my screen time with more nourishing activities such as spending time in nature, connecting with friends and family, reading, and creating. To improve my sleep, I always "unplug" one hour before bed, and I plan to continue doing so in college. Living healthily is a journey, not a final destination. I'll take my time and gradually incorporate new routines and techniques as I go.
    Your Health Journey Scholarship
    When I was a child I liked to eat a lot of soda, I loved fast food and pizza was my favorite, but growing up and learning about healthier lifestyles I decided to avoid all that as much as possible. Keeping a healthy lifestyle is important to me because I feel good about myself, I feel more focused on what I need to do for the day, and also it makes me happy. To maintain a healthy life, first, I think of myself, and what my body needs, and I do the best I can to stay healthy. I Make sleep part of my self-care routine. I exercise daily as part of my self-care routine. One of the most important things I do for my health is to eat healthily. It gives me more energy in my daily life and helps me maintain a healthy weight and mental health. People frequently associate healthy eating with dieting, but this is not accurate, eating healthy is about feeling better physically and mentally, not just losing weight. Eating properly means that my body is getting all or most of the nutrients it requires to perform properly. It also increases blood flow to the brain, which aids in the prevention of Alzheimer's and dementia. People say "You are what you eat." And I agree with that, I feel better and more energized with a balanced diet. One thing I keep track of every day is to drink a lot of water this is essential for me to keep a healthy lifestyle. It is critical for my health that I drink enough water every day. I stay hydrated by drinking water. Because water contains no calories, it can also help me in maintaining my body weight and reducing my calorie intake. I enjoy spending time outside and feeling the warm sun on my skin. I jog five days a week. I believe that spending time in nature may heal and purify the mind, body, and soul. I get lighter and declutter on a regular basis by donating everything I no longer need to those in need. I've reduced the number of products I use on my body, including cosmetics, body lotion, soap, and body wash. I've tried to keep my beauty routine as simple as possible. I balance my screen time with more nourishing activities on a daily basis, such as spending time in nature, connecting with friends and family, reading, and creating. I always "unplug" one hour before bed to improve my sleep. A healthy lifestyle is a journey, not a destination. I will take time to slowly add new habits and practices along the way.
    Robert F. Lawson Fund for Careers that Care
    Data is the pollution problem of the information age, and protecting privacy is the environmental challenge. Bruce Schneier. My name is Eva Jas Garcia, I'm studying IT at Fairleigh Dickinson University, and that quote is a perfect example of how cybersecurity importance is increasing nowadays. Fundamentally, our society is more reliant on technology than it has ever been, and there are no signs that this trend will reverse. Data leaks that could lead to identity theft are now being made public via social media accounts. Social security numbers, credit card information, and bank account information are now stored in cloud storage services such as Google Drive. Every day, individuals, small businesses, and large multinational corporations depend more on technology. When this is combined with the rise of cloud services, inadequate cloud service security, smartphones, and the Internet of Things (IoT), we have a vast array of potential security vulnerabilities that did not exist a few decades ago. Cyberattacks are becoming increasingly common, and they can result in financial loss or the theft of private information, including financial and medical records. These attacks can endanger a person's safety and reputation. As a result of cybersecurity breaches, hackers may gain access to social media accounts, medical records, bank accounts, and other information. They might reveal confidential information, fill out prescriptions on their victims' behalf, steal money from personal accounts, or even demand payment in exchange for not committing any of the previously mentioned crimes. Even though a cyber attack does not directly harm a person, the harm it causes to their life can be extreme. Since I was a young child, my parents have always told me that I have good math skills because I enjoy logic games, puzzles, and comparing things to one another. My interest in computer programming grew throughout my childhood, and it eventually became a hobby for me. I am interested in learning about coding, cloud computing, edge computing, software development, big data management, and data analytics. I'd like to work as a cyber security specialist of some kind. That seems like it would be ideal for me. I enjoy assisting others, and it would be a dream come true if I could use my skills to ensure that databases are properly protected. I'm committed to my studies, and I want to use all of my skills to make society a safer place. I want to do more to help people. This scholarship is significant to students like me, who are seeking ways to have a clear road ahead rather than having to worry about upcoming financial burdens. Thanks for this opportunity.
    Health & Wellness Scholarship
    Keeping a healthy lifestyle is important to me because I feel good about myself, I feel more focused on what I need to do for the day, and also it makes me happy. To maintain a healthy life, first, I think of myself, and what my body needs, and I do the best I can to stay healthy. I Make sleep part of my self-care routine. I exercise daily as part of my self-care routine. One of the most important things I do for my health is to eat healthily. It gives me more energy in my daily life and helps me maintain a healthy weight and mental health. People frequently associate healthy eating with dieting, but this is not accurate, eating healthy is about feeling better physically and mentally, not just losing weight. Eating properly means that my body is getting all or most of the nutrients it requires to perform properly. It also increases blood flow to the brain, which aids in the prevention of Alzheimer's and dementia. People say "You are what you eat." And I agree with that, I feel better and more energized with a balanced diet. One thing I keep track of every day is to drink a lot of water this is essential for me to keep a healthy lifestyle. It is critical for my health that I drink enough water every day. I stay hydrated by drinking water. Because water contains no calories, it can also help me in maintaining my body weight and reducing my calorie intake. I enjoy spending time outside and feeling the warm sun on my skin. I jog five days a week. I believe that spending time in nature may heal and purify the mind, body, and soul. I get lighter and declutter on a regular basis by donating everything I no longer need to those in need. I've reduced the number of products I use on my body, including cosmetics, body lotion, soap, and body wash. I've tried to keep my beauty routine as simple as possible. I balance my screen time with more nourishing activities on a daily basis, such as spending time in nature, connecting with friends and family, reading, and creating. I always "unplug" one hour before bed to improve my sleep. A healthy lifestyle is a journey, not a destination. I will take time to slowly add new habits and practices along the way.
    Learner Higher Education Scholarship
    Going to college will allow me to learn about what most interests me, which is technology, as well as help me realize my potential and achieve my goals. Aside from that, higher education is important to me because it will broaden my cultural awareness, open up more career opportunities, and allow me to earn a higher salary. A more balanced and healthy lifestyle can also be achieved through higher education. Obtaining a higher education, according to studies, increases the lifespan by empowering the persons to make better life choices, and healthier choices, and have better access to healthcare, economic stability, and financial security. According to one source, higher education "instills in students the deepest understanding, rather than the relatively superficial grasp that may be acceptable elsewhere in the system." "Nothing in higher education can be taken on trust, and students must think for themselves in order to stand on their own intellectually." By obtaining my degree, I will gain the knowledge, skills, and experience required to achieve my professional goals in life, which will benefit me both in my career and in my life in general. Furthermore, learning new problem-solving techniques will boost my confidence and increase my effectiveness on a job.
    Science Appreciation Scholarship
    I'm pursuing Information Technology. Science is quite important to society and it has an impact on our everyday lives; it influences the many decisions we make every day. From taking care of our health and well-being or even deciding to buy paper or plastic in the grocery store. Scientific research is the key to innovation and the advancement of mankind. We once believed that the earth was flat. Science enables us to understand and connect with the world around us, helping us to comprehend everything from gravity to the spherical shape of the Earth, to climate change. We gain more insight into how we can solve problems in our world as we progress from understanding the basic laws of physics to realizing that even the basic laws are far more complex than we had ever imagined. Many of the recent advances in technology are related to information, and they are all rooted in the growth of a new branch of science called data science. It’s vital that the world continues to improve the state of science, be it developing new treatments for other illnesses or exploring the universe. Modern technology and science are a vital part of our lives and, in order to maintain their ongoing development and improve the state of science in the future, we need to ensure that these opportunities are expanded. For example, with the advent of teletherapy, doctors can now diagnose and treat illnesses across the world at a much lower cost, allowing more people to have access to the best treatment available, instead of having to travel to their nearest and sometimes highly inconvenient hospital.
    Ms. Susy’s Disney Character Scholarship
    Stitch is my favorite Disney character. He's a lovely Disney character from the Lilo and Stitch series that came to life thanks to science. The 626th experiment Jumba had ever conducted was him. Stitch was initially designed to cause harm to people, but after meeting Lilo, he discovered how to be kind. Stitch became friends with Lilo and protected her from harm, defending her against villains and the other experiments with his superhuman strength and high levels of computer intelligence. Stitch has the ability to transform, shifting from the cute creature, Lilo mistaken for a puppy when they first met, to the form he originally had, which features an additional pair of arms and antennae. Although many fans find both of his appearances adorable, he is far cuter when he is with his family than when he is fighting. Stitch is emotionally vulnerable and has a childlike personality underneath his "monster" appearance. Lilo thinks that one of the reasons he initially tried to self-destruct was that he was emotionally scarred. Furthermore, Stitch demonstrates patience and kindness in his interactions with Lilo, not just towards her but also with her sister Nani. I love this character and I even have some graphic tees with him cause I found him so cute.
    Mental Health Importance Scholarship
    For me the state of my mental health determines how I handle stress, how I relate to others, and how I make healthy choices. As such, mental health affects all aspects of daily living, relationships, and physical health. One of the most important things I can do for my mental health is to eat healthily. It gives me more energy in my daily life and helps me maintain a healthy weight and mental health. People frequently associate healthy eating with dieting, but this is not accurate, eating healthy is about feeling better physically and mentally, not just losing weight. Eating properly means that my body is getting all or most of the nutrients it requires to perform properly. It also increases blood flow to the brain, which aids in the prevention of Alzheimer's and dementia. People say "You are what you eat." And I agree with that, I feel better and more energized with a balanced diet. One thing I keep track of every day is to drink a lot of water this is essential for me to keep a healthy lifestyle. It is critical for my health that I drink enough water every day. I stay hydrated by drinking water. Because water contains no calories, it can also help me in maintaining my body weight and reducing my calorie intake. I enjoy spending time outside and feeling the warm sun on my skin. I jog five days a week. I believe that spending time in nature may heal and purify the mind, body, and soul. I get lighter and declutter on a regular basis by donating everything I no longer need to those in need. I've reduced the number of products I use on my body, including cosmetics, body lotion, soap, and body wash. I've tried to keep my beauty routine as simple as possible. I balance my screen time with more nourishing activities on a daily basis, such as spending time in nature, connecting with friends and family, reading, and creating. I always "unplug" one hour before bed to improve my sleep. My mental health is linked to everything I do. I try to mitigate stress by organinzing my days as much as posible.
    KT Scholarship for Individuals Coming From or Going to Cybersecurity
    I'm studying Information Technology, and I have a keen interest in cybersecurity. Every role in IT has a cybersecurity component. I plan to choose security as my primary role, and I know it will open up a world of possibilities for me. Roles in cybersecurity are numerous, ranging from security operations to risk assessments, to application security and many other options. With an ever-expanding scope, cybersecurity offers unparalleled opportunities for advancement. Cybersecurity is now an essential component of any modern business. As breach after breach makes headlines, everyone recognizes that organizations require more cybersecurity specialists. I enjoy this field and am aware that learning never stops, and it will provide me with numerous opportunities to stay engaged and challenged. One of my hobbies is puzzle solving, and in this line of work, each situation is a new puzzle and a new opportunity to rise to the challenge. I am committed to studying and getting ready to achieve them. One of my long-term goals is to establish a company that will help people be more secure in the cyber world.
    Freddie L Brown Sr. Scholarship
    A drawing I made of my DND character Rose
    International Student Scholarship
    Hello! my name is Eva Jas Garcia, I'm Cuban and I've been for more than 5 years in the country. Being an immigrant has been a big challenge for me, a different language, a different country, a different everything, yet it's something I have been able to surpass so far. I was lucky to be able to come to this country, so I have been working hard to make the most of this opportunity. My parents came here 5 years ago without much money, with the aim of moving forward and carving a path for me. They have not been able to save for my university. I am aware things have been at a disadvantage for me, but that won't hold me back from succeeding where I can, so I have to find a way not to get totally in debt once I finish college. I have learned much from my time in this country, which has helped me grow as a person. I want to go to university because I want to keep improving myself as much as I can. I believe I can do it, although I also know the challenges that I have to face and one of them is the debt that accumulates. I am a freshman at Fairleigh Dickinson University pursuing a bachelor's degree in IT. My dreams are focused on technology and advocating for diversity in STEM. I am committed to studying and getting ready to achieve them. One of my long-term goals is to establish a company that will help people be more secure in the cyber world.
    Female Empowerment Scholarship
    When I was 11 years old, I moved from Cuba to the United States. Learning the language and adjusting to a new culture were difficult challenges, but with the support of my friends and family, I was able to get through them. I am a freshman at Fairleigh Dickinson University pursuing a BS in Information Technology. I am committed to studying and getting ready because I know I can overcome obstacles and be successful in any career path I choose. I enjoy technology and I am excited to learn about coding, cloud computing, edge computing, software development, big data management, and data analytics. I would love to be a cyber security specialist of some sort. I feel as if that would be perfect for me. I love helping people and if I could use my skill set in technology to ensure that certain databases are being properly protected it would be a dream come true. I know that I still have a lot to learn but I believe that my passion for Information Technology will take me on the right path. My long-term ambition is to start a tech company that makes an impact in the world of technology that helps people be secure in the cyber world. I've been learning how to use Adobe software. I've learned how to edit photos and videos using Adobe software like Photoshop and Premiere. I can now also do some 3d animations I also want to be a role model for the future generation of girls who are significantly underrepresented in IT majors. Girls have fewer role models to inspire their interest in these fields, seeing limited examples of female scientists and engineers in books, media, and popular culture. Although specifically, the fields of computer science and technology exhibit the greatest gender disparities among current students, graduates, and workers. I intend to continue my efforts in order to make a difference in society.
    Act Locally Scholarship
    What change do you want to see in your community, the country, and the world, and how do you act locally to help make a difference? I would like to see more awareness of what people eat. I would like to see more vegetarian restaurants in my community, or at least fewer fast food restaurants. Even though I'm young, I think about my heart health, especially since 92.1 million Americans have some form of cardiovascular disease. I'm aware that healthy eating habits can boost my heart health and help me avoid heart disease. It all helps me maintain strong teeth and bones now and in the future, preventing tooth decay and osteoporosis. People say, "You are what you eat." And I agree with that. I feel better and more energized with a balanced diet. Furthermore, eating properly means that my body is getting all or most of the nutrients it requires to perform properly. It also increases blood flow to the brain, which aids in the prevention of brain diseases such as Alzheimer's, dementia, and cognitive decline. One of the best strategies to promote a heart-healthy lifestyle is to change your diet to include fresh, nutrient-dense foods. What I'm doing is growing microgreens at home; they are my favorite superfoods of this year. I eat them almost every day, and I also share them with my neighbors and friends. These tiny, flavorful, and nutritious greens quickly caught my attention and are part of my daily diet. I love to eat many varieties; they pack a healthy punch with up to 40 times the vital nutrients of their fully grown counterparts. They can be harvested an average of a week after germination. Since microgreens are so easy to grow and require much less water than conventional vegetables, I would say that they are part of the future of sustainable food and everyone like me could be growing them in their homes. I think that what I'm doing can help others to create awareness of how we eat and what we put on our tables.
    Alexis Potts Passion Project Scholarship
    I've always enjoyed making up my own stories, complete with fictional characters that I've made up along the way. Anything that happened around me would inspire me to create new ones. As my stories became more complex, I began to draw small figures of the characters to help me remember them all. I discovered that I really enjoyed drawing, so I carried a pencil and a notebook with me at all times and drew whenever I could. Later in life, I wanted to take courses to improve my artistic skills so that I could draw my characters as well as possible. I started doing it in public because my friends liked my art, and it also became a way for me to connect with people. During the pandemic, I started to hang out with my friends in the Zoom meetings, sharing the screen and drawing together. That's when I explored the digital art world, and I'm fascinated with it because it's brought a lot of new ways to express myself. My goal is to improve my graphic design skills. Last year, I took a college-level art class that included painting and digital art. I can say that my love of drawing has helped me grow and overcome many obstacles, such as meeting new people, understanding a new culture, and adjusting to a new reality.
    Learner Math Lover Scholarship
    I consider myself a philomath; I believe that numbers help me understand the world, and Math helps us understand numbers. Mathematics has numerous real-world applications. We are surrounded by numbers, equations, and algorithms, particularly in this age of data science, with massive data sets that can only be comprehended through statistical models and analysis. Since I was a child I like puzzle solving, logic games, and comparing things one to another, and my parents told me that those were signs of good math skills, through the years of my childhood I continued to sharpen my interests in Math and it became a hobby. This beauty of Math is seen in the harmony, patterns, and structures of numbers and forms, but also in classical ideals of balance and symmetry. The formulas and ideas I learn in math are very useful, but even if I never use them again, learning math develops critical thinking and problem-solving skills; Math helps me think analytically and to have better reasoning abilities. Analytical thinking refers to the ability to think critically about the world around us. The reasoning is our ability to think logically about a situation; that's why I'm sure that Math makes me smarter.
    Holistic Health Scholarship
    One of the most important things I can do for my health is to eat healthily. It gives me more energy in my daily life and helps me maintain a healthy weight and mental health. People frequently associate healthy eating with dieting, but this is not accurate, eating healthy is about feeling better physically and mentally, not just losing weight. Eating properly means that my body is getting all or most of the nutrients it requires to perform properly. It also increases blood flow to the brain, which aids in the prevention of Alzheimer's and dementia. People say "You are what you eat." And I agree with that, I feel better and more energized with a balanced diet. One thing I keep track of every day is to drink a lot of water this is essential for me to keep a healthy lifestyle. It is critical for my health that I drink enough water every day. I stay hydrated by drinking water. Because water contains no calories, it can also help me in maintaining my body weight and reducing my calorie intake. I enjoy spending time outside and feeling the warm sun on my skin. I jog five days a week. I believe that spending time in nature may heal and purify the mind, body, and soul. I get lighter and declutter on a regular basis by donating everything I no longer need to those in need. I've reduced the number of products I use on my body, including cosmetics, body lotion, soap, and body wash. I've tried to keep my beauty routine as simple as possible. I balance my screen time with more nourishing activities on a daily basis, such as spending time in nature, connecting with friends and family, reading, and creating. I always "unplug" one hour before bed to improve my sleep. A clean living lifestyle is a journey, not a destination. I will take time to slowly add new habits and practices to keep holistic health.
    Olivia Woods Memorial Scholarship
    A book that has transformed my way of seeing life and made a great impact on me was "The Great Gatsby." In this book, Fitzgerald gave a clear picture of consumerism and indirectly demonstrated its effect on people's daily lives at the time. In this book, the author paints a picture of the luxuries of the time and gives a description of how young people of that time lived. He seeks to awaken his contemporaries from the decade's misery. As depicted in F. Scott Fitzgerald's novel The Great Gatsby, consumption is a powerful force that has shifted the American Dream far from its original place. The American people are proud of their nation and their way of life. When the country was fighting for independence, when its people were striving for a better life on a new continent, this aspiration pushed them to keep going. However, the American Dream was doomed to fail during the Jazz Age, and this tragedy of failure occurred to a considerable extent in a consumer culture. When they believe that wealth is a measure of happiness, the dream becomes a burden.  After Gatsby makes his fortune, his pursuit of the American Dream begins to be the pursuit of consumerism; clothes, residences, and cars play significant roles in the protagonists' lives as consumption signs. The purpose of the purchase is to show off the wealth, social status, and identity one possesses. After realizing his financial success, he doesn't abide by the virtues of "temperance, order, resolution, frugality, industry," etc. Instead, he follows Fitzgerald's lifestyle and participates in the "Roaring Twenties" consumerist activities. The author wants people to understand that pursuing their desires through excessive material consumption is now the American nightmare rather than the old American Dream. He also revealed that the American consumer civilization of the 1920s is to blame for the spiritual crisis facing humanity. The American Dream would unavoidably fall short because the youth of that era associated material possessions with the pursuit of the spirit, measured their success by the amount of material wealth, and used any means necessary to acquire material comforts. Fitzgerald portrayed a morally corrupt society. This book has inspired me to pursue my happiness spiritually rather than materially and has helped me see some of the issues that even today's people face. After all, it is true that "consumption is not the only way to improve our economy or achieve our lives' ambitions".
    Sean Carroll's Mindscape Big Picture Scholarship
    "Who knows what the vast majority of the cosmos is?" The universe encompasses all of space and time, as well as its contents, which include planets, stars, galaxies, and all other forms of matter and energy. However, what we see today accounts for only 4% of the universe. The remaining 96 percent is formed of a material that astronomers cannot see, detect, or even comprehend. These enigmatic substances are known as dark energy and dark matter. Astronomers deduce their existence based on their gravitational influence on what little portions of the universe can be seen, but dark matter and energy remain undiscovered. It is important that we work to better understand the nature of our universe. We can understand where we came from, where we are going, and how physics works in conditions that are impossible to replicate on Earth by studying the cosmos beyond our own planet. I'm very curious about it and I read books about Einsteins' studies of it. Einstein was the first to apply his theories of space and time flexibility to the entire universe. In 1919, he proposed a model for the entire universe: a static, spherical, perfectly symmetric cosmos with matter dispersed uniformly throughout, representing a combination of Platonic perfection and Ockham's Razor. with my studies of mathematics and Technologie, I will get work to better understand the Universe that surrounds me, and perhaps I can contribute to solving the mysteries.
    Femi Chebaís Scholarship
    To maintain good physical and mental health while balancing work and life. To maximize my career potential, regardless of what have to do. Personal growth, both financially and emotionally.
    Healthy Eating Scholarship
    One of the most important things I can do for my health is to eat healthily. It gives me more energy in my daily life and helps me maintain a healthy weight and mental health. People frequently associate healthy eating with dieting. This is not accurate. Eating healthy is about feeling better physically and mentally, not just losing weight. For me eating healthy is about striking a balance and ensuring that my body receives the nutrients it requires to function properly. To practice healthy eating habits I consume fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fats, proteins, and starches. I'm always mindful not only of what I eat and drink but also of how I prepare it. I avoid fried or processed foods, as well as foods high in added sugars and salts. Even though I'm young, I think about my heart health, especially since 92.1 million Americans have some form of cardiovascular disease. I'm aware that healthy eating habits can boost my heart health and helps me avoid heart disease. It all helps me maintain strong teeth and bones now and in the future, preventing tooth decay and osteoporosis. People say "You are what you eat." And I agree with that, I  feel better and more energized with a balanced diet. Furthermore, eating properly means that my body is getting all or most of the nutrients it requires to perform properly. It also increases blood flow to the brain, which aids in the prevention of brain diseases such as Alzheimer's, dementia, and cognitive decline. This isn't to say I don't treat myself every now and then and go to a restaurant with my friends. I have learned to listen to my body and give it what it requires. The occasional pizza, chocolate, or soda is acceptable as long as I keep track of what I eat each day. One thing I keep track of every day is to drink a lot of water this is essential for me to keep a healthy lifestyle. It is critical for my health that I drink enough water every day. I stay hydrated by drinking water. Because water contains no calories, it can also help me in maintaining my body weight and reducing my calorie intake.
    Lifelong Learning Scholarship
    Learning is very important to me. I enjoy constantly learning new things and being prepared by acquiring new skills, knowledge, understanding, and values. I have an insatiable curiosity. I'm constantly testing and experimenting, and I'm not hesitant to seek clarification. I'm inquisitive, and even though I occasionally experience challenges, there are always those who will assist and encourage me on my quest. Continuous learning encourages me to pursue my goals for professional and personal growth, and the accomplishments I make along the road are often a significant source of joy for me. Another way it makes me happier is by helping me avoid getting bored. Learning about topics that interest me gives me joy, at least for the time being, as does spending time refining hobbies that I enjoy, which is also an act of lifelong learning. Lifelong learning will enable me in adapting to unexpected changes, such as the possibility of losing my job. I know that the more I learn, the better I will become at seeing multiple perspectives on the same situation. It will also assist me in coming up with creative solutions to challenges. This could help me earn more money. With educational support, learning can happen more efficiently. Education is also how we collect and share all the skills and knowledge we learn individually. They transmit the values, attitudes, and behaviors, we have decided to share as well as what we have learned from our parents and teachers. I spend time journaling, meditating, or thinking about new ideas. I generally accomplish this best in the early morning hours, before my mind is preoccupied with the responsibilities of the day. One of the things I do to continue learning throughout my life is to read books. Reading allows me to build knowledge, expand my imagination, and develop compassion for individuals who are different from me. I always try to have a book that I'm reading and bring it with me so that I may read it when I have time. I keep a "To-Learn" list where I write down new topics to explore. If I'm constantly studying, I'll continue to improve and advance in my career. Learning new skills will enable me to discover creative solutions to challenges. I have a desire to improve my life quality and to maintain my physical and mental health. I plan to keep having self-directed education centered on my personal growth once I finish my career. This could be accomplished through official or informal schooling.
    Show your Mettle - Women in STEM Scholarship
    I am motivated to make a better future for myself. I am currently studying Information Technology at Fairleigh Dickinson University. My objective is to be able to continue my education and get a Master's degree in computer science. I enjoy technology and I am excited to learn about coding, cloud computing, edge computing, software development, big data management, and data analytics. I would love to be a cyber security specialist of some sort. I feel as if that would be perfect for me. I love helping people and if I could use my skill set in technology to ensure that certain databases are being properly protected it would be a dream come true. I know that I still have a lot to learn but I believe that my passion for Information Technology will take me on the right path. My long-term ambition is to start a tech company that makes an impact in the world of technology. My father is an inspiration to me, he is a computer programmer with a Ph.D. in system science and he has taught me about the Python programming language, but I also took a course and learned a little more about it. I've been learning how to use Adobe software. I've learned how to edit photos and videos using Adobe software like Photoshop and Premiere. I can now also do some 3d animations using Adobe After Effects and Maya software for 3d modeling and 3D design. I aspire someday to expand my understanding of these and other coding languages. I also want to be a role model for the future generation of girls who are significantly underrepresented in IT majors. Girls have fewer role models to inspire their interest in these fields, seeing limited examples of female scientists and engineers in books, media, and popular culture. Although specifically, the fields of computer science and technology exhibit the greatest gender disparities among current students, graduates, and workers. I intend to continue my efforts in order to make a difference in society. To get to where I am now, I've always had to overcome challenges. The hurdles I had as an immigrant when I was 11 years old included learning the language, assimilating into the culture, and making new friends. I will encounter many others along the path, but I am convinced that I will maintain a positive attitude and persevere. Besides, I am confident that I can maintain my innovative and creative mindset while still managing my finances. I'm currently looking for ways to avoid major debt near the conclusion of my career so that I may maintain professional stability. I would like to win this scholarship as well in order to gain further motivation to thrive in my studies.
    Living Well Scholarship
    Some well-known health benefits of clean living include higher immunity and energy levels, reduced allergens, lower cholesterol, balanced blood sugar, better sleep, general mood, and a greater sense of overall wellbeing. I keep my body healthy by drinking enough water. I also add a few drops of doTERRA citrus oils like Lemon, Wild Orange, Slim & Sassy, or Ginger to my water, juice, or smoothies to help with internal cleansing. I exclusively drink Poland spring water. Cooking is part of that lifestyle since it allows me to control what goes into my diet. I'd like to know how much sodium I put in my meals and what kind of oil I cook with, among other things. Purchasing high-quality food is crucial. CrossFit and Pilates are two exercises I perform several times each week. My favorite advantage of maintaining a clean lifestyle! I have a lot more energy while I'm practicing healthy living. My mind also feels good when my body does! I am more optimistic and have a more positive attitude about life. I enjoy spending time outside and feeling the warm sun on my skin. I believe that spending time in nature may heal and purify the mind, body, and soul. I get lighter and declutter on a regular basis by donating everything I no longer need to those in need. I've reduced the number of products I use on my body, including cosmetics, body lotion, soap, and body wash. I've tried to keep my beauty routine as simple as possible. I balance my screen time with more nourishing activities on a daily basis, such as spending time in nature, connecting with friends and family, reading, and creating. I always "unplug" one hour before bed to improve my sleep. A clean living lifestyle is a journey, not a destination. I will take time to slowly add new habits and practices of clean living to my daily life.
    Healthy Living Scholarship
    Well, I think of myself, and what my body needs, and I do the best I can to stay healthy. I Make sleep part of my self-care routine. I take care of myself by taking care of my gut. I exercise daily as part of my self-care routine. I eat right. I love superfoods because they provide a variety of nutrients in a very practical way. My favorite superfoods of this year are microgreens. These tiny, flavorful and nutritious greens quickly caught on my attention and are part of my daily diet. I love to eat many varieties and I also grow them at home; they pack a healthy punch with up to 40 times the vital nutrients of their fully grown counterparts. I say no to others and say yes to myself when necessary. I like to walk in the park. I Drink water a lot. I have a cup of tea every other day. I sit in the sunlight. I enjoy taking showers or bubble baths. Keeping a healthy lifestyle is important to me because I feel good about myself, I feel more focused on what I need to do for the day, and also it makes me happy.
    Pet Lover Scholarship
    My first pet was a cockatiel, I had him when I was in third grade and I took care of him with affection. I let him fly inside the house and one day he flew away through a half-open window and never returned which made me very sad. I thought I was done with pets but a couple from church had two cockatiels they could not keep anymore and I wanted to adopt them. They brought me joy again and the desire to have company. As soon as the spring came that year they hatched 3 eggs and they had three children. In the beginning, I thought they could not survive but it was amazing to see how they took care of the little ones. They feed them every two hours, The other was warming them at night and the mother during the day. They changed my heart and how I see them because they cared so much for their children. Now have a family of five cockatiels. The father's name is Sava, the mother is Madre, and the sons are Nino, Manchi, and Loki. Every day I talk with them, they communicate whenever they need more water or new food, or simply they want to socialize and sing with me. I love pets, they give pure love and joy to my live.
    Chris Jackson Computer Science Education Scholarship
    My father is an inspiration to me, he is a computer programmer with a Ph.D. in system science and he has taught me about the Python programming language, but I also took a course and learned a little more about it. I aspire someday to expand my understanding of these and other coding languages. I am currently studying Information Technology at Fairleigh Dickinson University. My objective is to be able to continue my education and get a Master's degree in computer science. I want to work in the video game industry or pursue a profession in software engineering in the future. My long-term ambition is to start a tech company. I want to be a role model for the future generation of girls who are significantly underrepresented in Computer Science majors. Girls have fewer role models to inspire their interest in these fields, seeing limited examples of female scientists and engineers in books, media, and popular culture. Although specifically, the fields of computer science and technology exhibit the greatest gender disparities among current students, graduates, and workers. I intend to continue my efforts in order to make a difference in society. I would like to win this scholarship in order to get the additional motivation to pursue and excel in my career, and I am confident that I will contribute to reducing the gender gap of women in Computer Science that exists in our society. I've always had to overcome obstacles to get to where I am now. My experience as an immigrant student has been a challenge for me to achieve because it comes with its own set of challenges, such as learning the language, and culture, and meeting new people. I'm currently seeking ways to prevent accumulating a significant debt toward the conclusion of my career so I may have professional stability, and for that, I need your assistance.
    Superfood Lover Scholarship
    Health advocates use their knowledge and imagination to discover new superfoods every year, which can vary depending on the season, the consumer's location, and their budget. Superfoods offer some extra protection for your health and when included in a nutritious, balanced diet, will result in more energy and a general sense of wellbeing. I love superfoods because they provide a variety of nutrients in a very practical way. My favorite superfoods of this year are microgreens. These tiny, flavorful and nutritious greens quickly caught on my attention and are part of my daily diet. I love to eat many varieties and I also grow them at home; they pack a healthy punch with up to 40 times the vital nutrients of their fully grown counterparts. They have harvested an average of a week after germination. Since microgreens are so easy to grow and require much less water than conventional vegetables, I would level that they are part of the future of sustainable food. Radish microgreens are very tasty and a great addition to every salad or for toppings in sandwiches and pizzas. Radish microgreens are a bold and nutritious source of nutrients; an Outstanding Supplement to Any Healthy Diet. They are high in protein, essential amino acids, vitamins, polyunsaturated fats, fiber, minerals, and antioxidants. Even the most basic avocado toast may be taken to a new level of gourmet pleasure thanks to their concentrated flavor and delicate texture. I also like to consume arugula microgreens that are low in sugar, calories, carbs, and fat while being abundant in fiber and phytochemicals. They are high in vital amino acids, vitamins A, B, C, and E, calcium, iron, magnesium, niacin, phosphorus, and potassium, and contain up to 25% protein. In addition to being nutrient-dense, microgreens also require little to no preparation before eating. Most are sent in pre-washed salad boxes, so you don't have to worry about peeling, cleaning, or slicing them before you can enjoy your little vegetables. Microgreens were first difficult to come by and were mostly employed in commercial kitchens where chefs would garnish dishes with them. The majority of farmer's markets and specialty grocery stores now carry them as their popularity has grown. Since heart disease is the biggest cause of mortality in the US, I always consider that is extremely important to focus on heart health. One of the best strategies to promote a heart-healthy lifestyle, according to the majority of doctors and experts, is to change your diet to include fresh, nutrient-dense foods, that's why eating microgreens is a very good choice in my opinion.
    American Dream Scholarship
    Many people feel that the American Dream is all about success and money. It is the ideal that every US citizen has an equal opportunity to attain success and prosperity through hard effort, persistence, and initiative. The phrase "American dream" was coined by James Truslow Adams in 1931, and it now plays a key role in American culture and legacy. He said, “Life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement regardless of social class or circumstances of birth.” Every year, many immigrants from all over the world come to the United States in search of the American Dream, which is a national ethos of the country. It is one of the main reasons that people come to America. The phrase "American Dream" is used in many different contexts, but at its core, it refers to a set of beliefs that suggest that anyone in the USA may achieve success with determination. For some, it represents monetary gain, while for others, it represents freedom of speech. It's a complicated idea that gives immigrants hope for a better life. The American Dream for me is the desire to succeed. Hopefully, prosperity and riches will go along with one another. It is empowering to believe that you have a chance at success, regardless of your background. I also think that if I work hard, America's limitless options will help me succeed. The American Dream is the ideal of joy, liberty, wealth, and security. It is a key component of who we are, what we do, and why we do it. It is more than just an ideology. For underrepresented groups like immigrants, the poor, and racial minorities, the American Dream is still attainable, but it is much more challenging. Some do not believe this since they have not yet achieved their American dream. Every immigrant, like myself, who has ever ventured to leave his nation in search of a better life should first understand how it all works; once you understand it, you have all the possibilities at your fingertips. I really think that, despite the fact that getting where you want may be challenging and take some time if you persevere, you will eventually succeed. The American dream is kept alive because everyone can identify with it. Since the beginning of the nation, it has inspired hope in its people. All of their aspirations are directed at improving their lives. This dream is shared by both Americans and foreigners, making it a worldwide ideal.
    Learner Statistics Scholarship
    My name is Eva Jas Garcia, and I live in Englewood, New Jersey. I am currently studying Information Technology at Fairleigh Dickinson University. My objective is to be able to continue my education in the STEM field. I want to work in the video game industry or pursue a profession in software engineering in the future. My long-term ambition is to start a tech company. My father is an inspiration to me, he is a computer programmer with a Ph.D. in system science and he has taught me about the Python programming language, but I also took a course and learned a little more about it. I aspire someday to expand my understanding of these and other coding languages. I want to be a role model for the future generation of girls who are significantly underrepresented in STEM majors. Girls have fewer role models to inspire their interest in these fields, seeing limited examples of female scientists and engineers in books, media, and popular culture. Although specifically, the fields of computer science, engineering, and technology exhibit the greatest gender disparities among current students, graduates, and workers. I intend to continue my efforts in order to make a difference in society. I would like to win this scholarship in order to get the additional motivation to pursue and excel in my career, and I am confident that I will contribute to reducing the gender gap of women in STEM that exists in our society. I've always had to overcome obstacles to get to where I am now. My experience as an immigrant student has been a challenge for me to achieve because it comes with its own set of challenges, such as learning the language, and culture, and meeting new people. I'm currently seeking for ways to prevent accumulating a significant debt toward the conclusion of my career so I may have professional stability, and for that, I need your assistance.
    Rho Brooks Women in STEM Scholarship
    My name is Eva Jas Garcia, and I live in Englewood, New Jersey. I am currently studying Information Technology at Fairleigh Dickinson University. I've always had to overcome obstacles to get to where I am now. My experience as an immigrant student has been a challenge for me to achieve because it comes with its own set of challenges, such as learning the language, and culture, meeting new people, and being able to aid my family. My objective is to be able to continue my education in the STEM field. I want to work in the video game industry or pursue a profession in software engineering in the future. My long-term ambition is to start a tech company. My father is an inspiration to me, he is a computer programmer with a Ph.D. in system science and he has taught me about the Python programming language, but I also took a course and learned a little more about it. I aspire someday to expand my understanding of these and other coding languages. I want to be a role model for the future generation of girls who are significantly underrepresented in STEM majors. Girls have fewer role models to inspire their interest in these fields, seeing limited examples of female scientists and engineers in books, media, and popular culture. I would like to win this scholarship in order to get the additional motivation to pursue and excel in my career, and I am confident that I will contribute to reducing the gender gap of women in STEM that exists in our society.
    Sikora Drake STEM Scholarship
      When I was 11 years old, my family relocated from Cuba, and I quickly picked up the local language and way of life. I want to improve my future, and attending college is the greatest way to do so. I love technology, and programming excites me. At Fairleigh Dickinson University, I'm pursuing a combined BS in Information Technology and MS in Computer Science degree. I'm certain that I can continue to be inventive and creative while still handling my finances. I'm currently searching for methods to prevent accruing a significant debt near the end of my career in order to maintain my professional stability. Although specifically, the fields of computer science, engineering, and technology exhibit the greatest gender disparities among current students, graduates, and workers. I intend to continue my efforts in order to make a difference in society. I'm currently seeking for ways to prevent accumulating a significant debt toward the conclusion of my career so I may have professional stability, and for that I need your assistance.
    Bold New Beginnings TikTok Scholarship
    Bold Reflection Scholarship
    Since I was little I always had a great imagination and I liked to create my own stories, with fictional characters. As the stories I created became more complex, I began to draw small figures of the characters to remember them all. I discovered that I really liked drawing and started doing it without stopping. But I realized that I lacked certain skills that I needed to develop, so I wanted to take courses to improve my artistic skills and be able to draw my characters in the best way. I made my first picture book with one of my favorite characters, for a project in my English class and my friends liked it a lot. I started doing art with friends and even it became a way for me to connect with others in the school. Life has all these challenges that are bigger for some and smaller for others, but what you do is what life is all about. During the pandemic, my friends and I could not see each other in person, so we began to spend time in the zoom meetings sharing the screen and drawing together, we helped each other a lot to improve our skills. In this way, I was able to explore the world of digital art and it fascinates me because it brought many new ways of expressing myself.
    New Year, New Opportunity Scholarship
    I've always liked creating my own stories, with fictional characters that I do on the way. Anything that happens around me will give me more ideas on how to develop them. As the stories I created became more and more complex, I began to draw small figures of the characters so that I could remember them all. I discovered that I really enjoyed drawing, I always carried a pencil and a notebook with me and I drew every time I could. I started doing it in public, my friends liked my art and even it became a way for me to connect with others in the school.
    Bold Self-Care Scholarship
    Well I think of myself, what my body needs and I do the best I can to stay healthy. I Make sleep part of my self-care routine. I take care of myself by taking care of my gut. I exercise daily as part of my self-care routine. I eat right. I say no to others, and say yes to your myself when necessary. I like to walk in the park. I Drink water a lot. I have a cup of tea every other day. I sit in the sunlight. I enjoy taking showers or bubble baths. I has impacted my life in a positive way because I feel good with myself, I feel more focused on what I need to do for the day and also it makes me happy. I also talk about this with my friends and we share the same goals and routines for our self care.
    JoLynn Blanton Memorial Scholarship
    I have a lot of passion for designing and art. Since I was a kid; I used to draw houses and design characters. I remember having fun putting random gears and bolts together and transforming them into citizens of a town, I made up out of other supplies I found. I would spend hours alone coming up with every detail about it, everything to be accounted for. When I started in elementary school, there was a teacher who saw my predilection for art and choose me within a selected group from the school to develop our artistic skills, it was like an art club after school. I believe that these early experiences, which developed my imagination a lot and that I enjoyed, would later foster my interest in art and design. Ever since middle school, I have enjoyed drawing characters from stories that I used to create, in my spare time. I liked doing it because I could decide to make them look the way I envisioned them. I really enjoyed making the characters, designing their clothes, the composition of the background alongside them, as well as their facial and body expressions, in a way that they conveyed a message. Essentially making them look pleasing to the eye. The encouragement I received from my friends about my art further fueled my passion and it became a way for me to connect with new people at my school. When I entered high school was the time I started to take courses more focused on the arts. I was fortunate enough to have great teachers that would steer me in the right direction. I learned the fundamentals of drawing color theory, the value of shadow and light, among many other things. I felt like I thrived in those classes, enjoying the different things they would tell me to make. I took photography and learned about composition and editing, to make the photos look good. But it was in my graphic design class that I really found the approach I wanted. I learned how to create visual content to communicate messages, it gave me a range of new opportunities for visual expression where "form follows a specific function". I still have a lot to learn in relation to graphic design, but I am willing to continue in my endeavor to improve myself and learn as much as I can. I consider it my greatest passion.
    Graduate Debt-Free Scholarship
    Being an immigrant has been a big challenge for me, a different language, a different country, a different everything, yet it's something I have been able to surpass so far. I was lucky to be able to come to this country, so I have been working hard to make the most of this opportunity. My parents came here 5 years ago without much money, with the aim of moving forward and carving a path for me. They have not been able to save for my university. I am aware things have been at a disadvantage for me, but that won't hold me back from succeeding where I can, so I have to find a way not to get totally in debt once I finish college. I have learned much from my time in this country, which has helped me grow as a person. I want to go to university because I want to keep improving myself as much as I can. I believe I can do it, although I also know the challenges that I have to face and one of them is the debt that accumulates. I am determined to do my best to get rid of that burden that lasts for decades to be paid off. I have a plan and it is to apply to universities that do not have such expensive tuitions. I'm going to submit my FAFSA and look for grants. I am going to apply for school and private scholarships as well. I will try to negotiate my financial aid package. I will look for a way to do a part-time job to increase my income, if possible. I will take steps to reduce my living expenses, stick to a budget, and live like a student even after leaving school, as a way to avoid student loans by paying them down as fast as possible. I believe I can do this, and I will make the effort to make myself grow more. I'm passionate about designing new things, creating new concepts and I seek to fulfill my dreams, studying a career in graphic design, without being involved in the nightmare of student debt. Life is a lane full of rocky roadblocks, but I will drive my car to the other side to reach my goal. So if you can support me with this scholarship it will be of great help for my plan to finish my degree without student debt.
    3Wishes Women’s Empowerment Scholarship
    When we speak of empowerment we refer to the greater autonomy of women, their recognition, and the visibility of their contributions. Women's access to and control of economic and financial resources is critical to achieving gender equality. Society should facilitate that women have their own decision-making power; that they have access to information and resources to make appropriate decisions and that they also have a range of options to choose from. Women should have the ability to learn and to improve their own personal or group power. They should have the possibility to improve their self-image, overcome stigma and participate in a self-initiated process of continuous growth and change. There is no better way to increase self-confidence than through training, as it allows women to reinforce their strengths and minimize their weaknesses. The fact of acquiring new skills will allow them to feel prepared to face new professional stages and redesign their limits. That said, betting on lifelong learning or continuous learning is a great option that society should provide women to ensure they will be empowered.
    Bold Growth Mindset Scholarship
    Since I was little I always had a great imagination and I liked to create my own stories, with fictional characters. As the stories I created became more complex, I began to draw small figures of the characters to remember them all. I discovered that I really liked drawing and started doing it without stopping. But I realized that I lacked certain skills that I needed to develop, so I wanted to take courses to improve my artistic skills and be able to draw my characters in the best way. I made my first picture book with one of my favorite characters, for a project in my English class and my friends liked it a lot. I started doing art with friends and even it became a way for me to connect with others in the school. Life has all these challenges that are bigger for some and smaller for others, but what you do is what life is all about. During the pandemic, my friends and I could not see each other in person, so we began to spend time in the zoom meetings sharing the screen and drawing together, we helped each other a lot to improve our skills. In this way, I was able to explore the world of digital art and it fascinates me because it brought many new ways of expressing myself. I still have a lot to learn, but I know that with perseverance and hard work I will reach my goal. I wish to continue growing in my artistic skills and to be able to pursue a career in graphic design.
    SkipSchool Scholarship
    My favorite artist is Michelangelo, an Italian Renaissance architect, sculptor, poet, and painter. One of his most outstanding works was the ceiling frescoes in the Sistine Chapel, which he painted between 1508 and 1512. This is considered a triumph of the Mannerist style, where the artist combines the idealization of the human form with unnaturalistic use of colors. His work changed the course of Western art.
    Bold Friendship Matters Scholarship
    For me, finding a friend is like finding a treasure. My friends mean a lot to me, not only because I have their friendship but because I'm able to offer them mine as well. It is a mutual benefit. They help me improve my self-confidence and self-esteem. With my friends, I am very open and I trust them completely. We share joys, insecurities, we encourage each other, and above all, we have fun together. My friends boost my happiness. I am the best version of myself, with them. I don't feel judged and I don't judge them either. They know me well and accept me, just as I do with them; although when necessary, we are honest and help each other to make changes in our lives for the better. I treasure every moment I spend with them, even if we just get together to hang out in the park or at a coffee shop. I always try to let them know I care for them, with simple things like listening to their rants, being there when they need it, or celebrating their accomplishments. I believe that having friends is true fulfillment in life, someone could not be complete without it. My greatest wish is that my friendships last in time, that we grow together, and that we could help each other in any situation we may face.
    Bold Patience Matters Scholarship
    I consider that I have been learning to be a patient person, although it is a work in progress. This is one of the personality traits that I need to constantly cultivate to be successful, amid many challenges. When I was 11 years old, I came to this country, without knowing the language and with a different culture. I immediately immersed myself in a social environment, where I had to face the fact of making mistakes, before learning how to do things according to the standards. Many people, with whom I interacted, did not accept me when they saw me making errors, others were very patient and taught me. I've been learning to feel good about myself at all times and to maintain my inner peace, knowing that it is a matter of endurance, not speed and that I'm growing as a person. I believe that not letting anything or anyone bother you, under any circumstances, is the main characteristic of someone who is patient and the second is being empathetic. I keep working on both.
    Pettable Pet Lovers Scholarship
    My first pet was a cockatiel, I had him when I was in third grade and I took care of him with affection. I let him fly inside the house and one day he flew away and never returned which made me very sad. I thought I was done with pets but a couple from church had two cockatiels they could not keep anymore and I wanted to adopt them. They had three children and I now have a family of five cockatiels. The father's name is Sava, the mother is Madre, the sons are Nino, Manchi, and Loki. (@sava.384)
    Terry Crews "Creative Courage" Scholarship
    I've always liked creating my own stories, with fictional characters that I do on the way. Anything that happens around me will give me more ideas on how to develop them. As the stories I created became more and more complex, I began to draw small figures of the characters so that I could remember them all. I discovered that I really enjoyed drawing, I always carried a pencil and a notebook with me and I drew every time I could. Later in my life, I wanted to take courses to improve my artistic skills to draw my characters in the best way. I started doing it in public, my friends liked my art and even it became a way for me to connect with others in the school. Life has all these challenges that are bigger for some and smaller for others, but what you make of it is what life is all about. School for one is one of those challenges that has been put me, due to the fact all the classes were taught by English teachers, I had to learn both what they were saying and what they were trying to teach at the same time. I knew little to nobody as I had left my friends behind in Cuba, so that also made it hard to adjust. Even though I had to sacrifice a lot of my free time the fact my family was there for me made it easier. During the pandemic, I started to hang out with my friends in the zoom meetings sharing the screen and drawing together, that's when I explored the digital art world and I'm fascinated with it because it brought a lot of new ways to express myself. My goal is to pursue a career in graphic design.
    Travel with a Purpose Scholarship
    Bold Best Skills Scholarship
    I've always liked creating my own stories, with fictional characters that I do on the way. Anything that happens around me will give me more ideas on how to develop them. As the stories I created became more and more complex, I began to draw small figures of the characters so that I could remember them all. When I was in fourth grade I read my first comic and I was amazed at how they could fit an entire story within these images and pages. I began to draw pictures of the characters that I liked and even made my own side stories. I discovered that I really enjoyed drawing, I always carried a pencil and a notebook with me and I drew every time I could. Later in my life, I wanted to take courses to improve my artistic skills. I read anatomy books and took art classes, to draw my characters in the best way. I wanted them to express feelings, but I was also interested in them adjusting to the epoch they lived in and wearing the appropriate costumes. There was a time that I specialized myself in drawing knights and I studied everything about the clothes and the epoch. I started doing it in public, my friends liked my art and even it became a way for me to connect with others in school. During the pandemic, we could not see each other but we could hang out for hours in the zoom meetings sharing the screen and drawing anything, that's when I explored the digital art world and I'm fascinated with it because it brought a lot of new ways to express myself. I am interested in learning how to design anything from the reality that surrounds me and from my imagination that's my goal.
    Devin Chase Vancil Art and Music Scholarship
    I'm passionate about designing new things, creating new artistic concepts and I know that this field is the way to the future. Society develops and exists through art, it allows people from different cultures and different times to communicate with each other via images, sounds, and stories. During my early years as an artist, I managed to create original works, and I believe that originality is very important in all fields of art, especially in graphic design where new images are needed to capture people's attention. Fortunately, my focus as a child and adolescent on creating small structures translates well to being a graphic designer. The creation of art can be expressed in many ways, and I have only been developing my graphic design skills for the last few years, but in the past, I explored various creative expressions. I learned how to play the piano, how to sing and I also went to an art school where I learned how to draw scketches and paint. Life has all these challenges that are bigger for some and smaller for others, but what you make of it is what life is all about. School for one is one of those challenges that has been put me, due to the fact all the classes were taught by English teachers, I had to learn both what they were saying and what they were trying to teach at the same time. I knew little to nobody as I had left my friends behind in Cuba, so that also made it hard to adjust. Even though I had to sacrifice a lot of my free time the fact my family was there for me made it easier. When things went hard I could trust them to help me through it, which helped me a lot. As things went on though it got easier on me, it was still a rocky path for me to go through. I am grateful for my teachers for guiding me up until this point and There are still things I don't know. But like I adjusted before I can adjust again, I know with the help of them I will be able to shine no matter what life throws at me. I won't forget my heritage just like my ancestors worked hard to make a place of their own in Cuba, it's still a very important part of me. I have learned much from my time in this country which has helped me grow as a person. I believe I can do this, and I will make the effort to make myself grow more as an artist. The future is a lane full of rocky roadblocks, that we need to face but I will drive my car through them all to reach my goal.
    Theresa Lord Future Leader Scholarship
    Being an immigrant has been a big challenge for me, a different language, a different country, a different everything, yet it's something I have been able to surpass. I was lucky to be able to come to this country, so I have been working hard to make the most of this opportunity. However, there were roadblocks along the way, The language barrier for one was difficult to get past I had to take multiple courses to start to understand it, things were unfamiliar I was never used to this .it was hard to adjust to the time I had to wake up so I would be late, so I adjusted. I am aware things have been at a disadvantage for me, but that won't hold me back from succeeding where I can. Life has all these challenges that are bigger for some and smaller for others, but what you make of it is what life is all about. I knew little to nobody as I had left my friends behind in Cuba, so that also made it hard to adjust. Even though I had to sacrifice a lot of my free time the fact my family was there for me made it easier. When things went hard I could trust them to help me through it, which helped me a lot. As things went on though it got easier on me, it was still a rocky path for me to go through. I am grateful for my teachers for guiding me up until this point and There are still things I don't know. But like I adjusted before I can adjust again, I know with the help of them I will be able to shine no matter what life throws at me. I won't forget my heritage just like my ancestors worked hard to make a place of their own in Cuba, it's still a very important part of me. I have learned much from my time in this country which has helped me grow as a person. I believe I can do this, and I will make the effort to make myself grow more. I'm passionate about designing new things, creating new concepts and I know that this field is the way of the future. I believe I can do this, and I will make the effort to make myself grow more. Life is a lane full of rocky roadblocks, but I will drive my car to the other side to reach my goal.